Trust Locum Enrolment Form Please ensure you tick or mark X in one of the boxes below: ENROL with NHS Professionals as a Trust Locum to work additional shifts at the Trust. Please note whilst working additional shifts via NHSP:Online you are still an employee of the Trust. Please complete ALL personal details below. CHANGE information that is already held by NHS Professionals. Please include Name & GMC details below. ADD additional assignment code(s) to a Trust Locum profile – please note areas of work and assignment types on pages 2 - 4. Include Name & GMC details below. Once all forms have been fully completed & signed by a senior clinician please send to: or by post to: Laura Bick, Human Resources, Carillion Building, John Radcliffe Hospital. Personal Details Trust Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust Full Name (please print) Gender Date of Birth NI Number GMC Number GMC Renewal Date Contract End Date Contracted Hours Contact Number Email Address Declaration: I understand that from the date that my substantive contract with OUH comes to an end I will no longer be able to work as a Trust locum through NHS Professionals. I understand that if I wish to work as a NHS Professionals’ locum at OUH after the end of my substantive contract I will be required to complete the NHS Professionals’ full registration process which will include compliance and recruitment checks carried out by NHS Professionals in line with National Standards. Signed: ______________________________________ Date: _____________________ Trust Use Only - Senior Clinician Approval Name (printed): ________________________ Job title: _________________________ Signed: ______________________________ Date: ___________________________ HR Sign Off I confirm that the above named doctor is currently employed by the Trust: And is under contract until ________________ 1 Yes / No ESR no: _________________________ Assignment Description CON Mark ‘X’ for ALL assignments applicable Assignment Description Consultant STA ST1 (SHO) AST Associate Specialist STB ST2 (SHO) SGR Staff Grade STC ST3(SHO) SPD Specialty Doctor STD ST4 (SpR) FYA Foundation Year 1 STE ST5 (SpR) FYB Foundation Year 2 STF ST6 (SpR) CLA Clinical Attachment STG ST7 (SpR) Field of Practice A&E General Acute and Internal Medicine Mark ‘X’ for ALL assignments applicable Description Area of Work Code Paediatric A&E 63 General Accident & Emergency 04 General Acute Care 00 Coronary Care 05 General Internal Medicine 500 Genito-Urinary Medicine 19 Intensive Care 08 Oncology 24 Endocrinology & Diabetes Medicine 503 Gastroenterology 505 Geriatric Medicine & Elderly Care 17 Neurology 23 Haematology 509 Rehabilitation Medicine 510 Renal Medicine & Dialysis 29 Respiratory Medicine 512 Rheumatology 513 Cardiology 13 Dermatology 516 Endoscopy 16 Acute Medicine 519 Hepatology 06 Allergy 09 Genetics 10 Immunology 11 Infectious Diseases 12 Occupational Medicine/Health 93 Musculoskeletal 96 Research 97 Pain Management 14 Palliative Care Medicine 15 Sleep Medicine 18 Sports and Exercise Medicine 20 Stroke Unit 536 2 Mark ‘X’ for ALL codes applicable Field of Practice Surgery Psychiatry, Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Paediatrics Community Description Area of Work Code General Surgery 520 Day Surgery 43 Cardiothoracic Surgery 521 Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery 522 Neurosurgery 48 Ophthalmology 49 ENT 44 Plastic Surgery 526 Trauma & Orthopaedic Surgery 54 Urology 56 Vascular 529 Breast 209 Bariatric 210 Cardiac 223 Colorectal 211 General Mental Health and Psychiatry 03 Acute Adult Mental Health and Psychiatry 70 Forensic Mental Health and Psychiatry 76 Forensic Child and Adolescent Mental Health & Psychiatry 75 Child & Adolescent Mental Health and Psychiatry 73 Learning Disabilities Mental Health and Psychiatry 77 Old Age Mental Health and Psychiatry 79 Substance Misuse Mental Health and Psychiatry 74 Paediatrics 60 Paediatric Intensive Care 61 Neonates 62 Paediatric Cardiology 541 Community Child Health 100 Paediatric Neurology 543 Paediatric Surgery 544 Paediatric Audiology 546 Paediatric Gastroenterology 547 Paediatric Endocrinology 548 Paediatric ENT 549 Paediatric Oncology 65 Paediatric Orthopaedics 67 Paediatric Respiratory 69 General Community 102 3 Mark ‘X’ for ALL codes applicable Description Area of Work Code Maternity 66 Materno -Foetal Medicine 550 Gynaecologic Oncology 551 Urogynaecology 556 Community Gynaecology 553 Reproductive Medicine 554 General Obstetrics and Gynaecology 45 Sexual Health 95 General Anaesthetics 40 Intensive Care Anaesthetics 561 Anaesthetics Maternity 562 Histopathology 514 Microbiology 218 Chemical Pathology 219 Radiology 220 Interventional Radiology 517 Dentistry 221 Orthodontics 222 Field of Practice Obstetrics and Gynaecology Theatre and Anaesthetics Pathology Radiology Dentistry Mark ‘X’ for ALL codes applicable Process for Trust Locum Enrolment Form Ref Step Description Notes Dept / Org 1 Either the Medical Locum or an Please note – One form is to be completed per division for each doctor Trust authorised person within Division needing additional assignment types and areas of work. If a code 2 3 completes Trust Enrolment needs to be added for a different Division then the appropriate Division Form. needs to complete and authorise a form. Form is signed off by a Clinical Please note – Clinical member of staff can only sign off assignment member of staff from Division. code to be used in their Division. Form is sent to the Trust HR If emailing please send to: Trust Trust department – this can either be done electronically or via internal Internal post to: Laura Bick, HR Dept, Carillion Building, John Radcliffe post. Hospital. Please ensure that you keep a copy of the form for your records 4 HR logs receipt and checks If No, HR will return to Division to gain required information. Enrolment form is accurate and complete, adds ESR number and signs form. 4 HR Team 5 HR forwards approved If emailing please send to: HR Team Enrolment form to NHSP Client and copy Relations Team, either via email 6 or delivered to Doctors Post Or deliver to: Doctors Post Tray, NHSP, Carillion Building, John Tray. Radcliffe Hospital. NHSP CRT logs receipt and If No, form returned to HR to follow step 4. CRT check forms for completeness. 7A NHSP CRT sends new NHSP Forward Enrolment form to: NHSP CRT Enrolment forms to NHSP Doctors Recruitment Team for action. 7B NHSP CRT actions change Ensure additional information or new assignment codes are added to NHSP forms or additional assignment system. CRT NHSP Doctors Recruitment For Doctors Recruitment Auditing. Ensure ESR number, NI number, NHSP Team uploads information to Contract End Date and Assignment Codes are added. Doctors code requests. 8 NHSP:Online and updates Recruitm Enrolment spread sheet with ent Team Locum details. 9 NHSP Doctors Recruitment Confirmation task is complete. NHSP Team emails CRT confirming Doctors Enrolment is complete. Recruitm ent Team 10 NHSP CRT emails Trust Notifies Trust requester that the Medical Locum can be booked via NHSP requestor to confirm Enrolment/ NHSP:Online CRT additional assignment code has been completed. 5