Centennial Scholarships – Winners 2010

Centennial Scholarships – Winners 2010
Congratulations to the following individuals and organisations on their achievement.
Mr Christopher Adams
University of Liverpool
EADS Technology Masters Award for MSc Aeronautical Engineering and Mechanical
Systems followed by a work placement within EADS.
Mr Muhammad Ali
Imperial College London
Tuition fee support for MSc in Computational Methods for Aeronautics, Flow Management
and Fluid Structure Interaction.
Ms Nada Al-Musawi
University of Liverpool
Tuition fee support for MSc Simulation in Aerospace Engineering.
Mr Stephen Ambrose
University of Liverpool
EADS Technology Masters award providing tuition fee support for MSc in Simulation in
Aerospace Engineering followed by a work placement within EADS.
Mr Christian Archer
Cranfield University
Tuition fee support for MSc in Air Transport Management.
Mr Peter Ashworth
Cranfield University
Tuition fee support for MSc Astronautics and Space Engineering.
Mr Jordi Barrera Ars
Cranfield University
Tuition fee support for MSc Astronautics and Space Engineering.
Mr Oliver Buxton
Imperial College London
Tuition fee support for PhD in Fine Scales of turbulence in free shear layers.
Mr Costantino Chacole
Cranfield University
Tuition fee support for MSc Aerospace Vehicle Design.
Mr Andrew Gardner
University of the West of England, Bristol
Tuition fee support for final year of MEng Aerospace Systems Engineering. MESSIERDOWTY AWARD.
Mr Liakat Hossain
Coventry University
Tuition fees for BEng Aerospace System Engineering.
Mr Clement Howard
Cranfield University
EADS Technology Masters Award for MSc Aerospace Vehicle Design followed by a work
placement within EADS.
Mr Upol Islam
University of Salford
Tuition fee support for MSc Aerospace Engineering.
Mr Alexander Kinnaird
University of Southampton
Tuition fee support for final year of MEng Space Systems Engineering.
Mr Benjamin Kirollos
Oxford University
Support towards a research placement at the University of New South Wales, Australia to
carry out hypersonics research.
Mr Kailash Luckkana
City University, London
Tuition fee support for final year of MEng Aeronautical Engineering.
Ms Ashwina Mauree
University of Manchester
Seeking funding for tuition fees for final year of MEng (Hons) Aeronautical Engineering.
Mr Kevin McManamon
Cranfield University
EADS Technology Masters Award for MSc Astronautics and Space Engineering followed by
a work placement within EADS.
Mr David Moriarty
Cranfield University
Tuition fee support for MSc Human Factors and Safety Assessment in Aeronautics. ALAN
Ms Kavyashree Narenatreyas
University of Liverpool
EADS Technology Masters award for an MSc in Simulation in Aerospace Engineering
followed by a work placement within EADS.
Mr Roman Nikitin
University of the West of England, Bristol
Tuition fee support for final year MEng Aerospace Systems Engineering.
Mr Karan Patra
Cranfield University
Tuition fee support for MSc Thermal Power (gas turbine technology, aerospace propulsion).
Ms Arthy Ravichandran
City University, London
Tuition fee support for final year of MEng Aeronautical Engineering.
Mr Davindraj Seesurn
University of Sheffield
Tuition fee support for final year MEng Aerospace Engineering (with Pilot Studies and Year
in Industry).
Mr Joseph Wheeler
McGill University, Institute of Air and Space Law,
Tuition fee support for Graduate certificate in Air and Space Law.
Mr James Stuart Wright
Cranfield University
EADS Technology Masters award MSc in Aerospace Dynamics followed by a work
placement within EADS.
Mr Rob Jonkers
Aeronautical Society of South Africa
Continuation to support the Society’s programme to develop remote controlled model flying
at grass root level in schools with the aim of encouraging young people's interest in aviation.
Ms Georgina Hare
Arkwright Scholarships Trust
Support for ones Awkwright Scholarships specifically aimed at students interested in
aerospace engineering studies. (Scheme is to encourage high-ability 16 year-olds to take up
eng or design technology careers.)
Mr Andrew Perkins
British Gliding Association
Continuation of RAeS-funded scholarships to assist 10 young people learning to glide.
Ms Joan Whitehouse
Engineering Education Scheme (West Midlands)
Continued funding for the EES scheme in the West Midlands which uses real-life industry
projects that Year 12 students have to solve in teams, including interactive workshops which
the students take part in each year.
Mr Christopher Hadlow
Support for one 'fly2help' scholarship aimed at 16-21 year-olds to achieve first solo flight ground tuition and 15 hrs' flying. Fly2help is a charity with educational programmes including
Cape Town Challenge initiative, scholarships and beneficiary work with disadvantaged
Ms Estelle Rowe
Seeking support for 10 Headstart bursaries for Year 13 pupils who cannot pay the usual fee
and/or need travel support to attend the organisation’s university summer school taster
weeks in university engineering departments.
Ms Susan Scurlock
Primary Engineer
Support towards a specific, bespoke educational programme with primary schools to help
encourage STEM teaching and learning using aeronautical-themed subjects and links to
other aspects of Primary Engineer’s work such as the Leader Awards.
Mr David Bills
Royal Aero Club Trust
Continuation of a RAeS-funded flying and flight sim bursary scheme in 2010.