ENG 102 Course Outline- M5Revisions2

ENG 102
Course Outline: Module 5
Literary Analysis Essay
INSTRUCTIONS for using this Outline Template:
Please use Arial font, color black and size 11.
Keep this as the Master Outline Template. Rename and call each by its Module (1, 2, etc.)
Fill in the Activities boxes with the name of assignment, point value, etc.
In the Module Outline, you may copy items, and delete items that you are not using.
Example: maybe you aren’t using “Blog” in Module 2, so delete that from the Outline.
Please write any notes to your coach in red font, using their name first.
Example: Karen- please look in textbook on page 321 for the illustration example.
Upload to your drop box, the coordinating module Objectives Worksheet with the Module Outline.
NOTE: If you have Lessons within your module, you should have an introduction introducing
what the lesson (topic) will be covering. You may also include images if you like; just make
certain that you include the website (resource) where you found the image.
Our first major essay will be a literary analysis. In this module we will discuss the elements and format of
a literary analysis and we will plan and outline the essay. Then the essay itself will be due in the following
I know the term “Literary Analysis” can make you feel overwhelmed! Don’t worry- we are going to walk
through the process step by step together.
Learning Objectives
NOTE: You will be turning in the Objectives Worksheet with each Module Outline.
After completing this module, you will be able to:
1. Identify the elements that make up a literary analysis essay
2. Organize information to create a literary analysis essay
Due This Week
<assignment name>
<discussion board, blog, etc>
10 pts.
Chapter 16 sections 9-10
Reading Questions
Complete interactive lecture
Interactive lecture
Read story or poem
Complete a journal
Complete a graphic organizer
©2012 Gateway Community College
Watch videos
Read Outline handout
Submit Literary Analysis Outline
*Use this table to fill out the course calendar. Be sure to add dates in the course calendar.
Learning Activities
The learning activities section is a way for you to sequence your students learning. Consider this as
your way of guiding them to understanding and scaffolding their learning. Be creative, use the right
tool for the right objectives and whenever possible integrate knowledge checks with feedback and/or
reflection. Be sure to provide an overview of each activity in the sequence and how it will help the
learner achieve the learning objectives. Add learning activities as necessary.
This is where you would insert lessons if you choose to use them: Lesson 1, Lesson 2, etc. See the
example below.
Be sure to delete from this template, any activities that you do not plan to use in this module. For
example, if you will not use a “Interactive Case Study”, then delete the entire activity on Interactive
Case Study.
Lesson 1: Elements of a Literary Analysis Essay
In this lesson, you will:
1. Read from your eBook
2. Answer Reading Questions
3. View an Interactive Lecture
4. Read a story or poem
5. Write in a journal
6. Submit a graphic organizer
(You would copy/paste Reading header, and type in the assignment; copy/paste Interactive
Lecture header, type assignment; copy/paste Discussion Board header, type assignment.)
Read chapter 16, sections 9-10 from your eBook
Chapter 16 discusses how to write about literature. Now that you’ve learned how to analyze literature
(previous module), it’s time to apply this knowledge. Sections 9-10 will give you some guidelines on
writing about literature.
This chapter meets learning objectives 5.1
©2012 Gateway Community College
Assignment Name
Graded Assignment
Points Possible
Reading Questions for Chapter 16 (9-10)
“Reading Questions for Chapter 16 (9-10)
After reading the chapter in your eBook or textbook, please answer the following questions.
This chapter meets learning objectives 5.1
Grading and Feedback (If applicable)
Questions will be automatically graded upon submission. Check “My Grades” for your grade and
Interactive Lecture
NOTE: ALL pictures or media clips must include the resource from where it came. Should you
need assistance with finding “Free” resources, please contact your coach.
“Literary Analysis”
This interactive lecture discusses the parts of a literary analysis essay and how to begin planning it. It will
help you come up with a topic for your essay as well. (Karen, lecture is titled “Literary Analysis”- there is
also a word document that needs to be posted after this lecture. It is titled “Literary Analysis
The interactive lecture meets learning objectives 5.1
Read a poem or story of your choice:
(Karen, this is where we will include 2 stories and 2 poems: “Boys and Girls,” “The Yellow
Wallpaper,” “Richard Cory,” and “The Farmer’s Wife”)
You may choose any of the following stories or poems to write your essay about. I suggest that you print
out the story/poem and annotate it as you learned in Module 4. I also suggest you read through more
than one, or even all, of the selections before deciding on one to write about. Provide a description of the
reading, its relevance, and how it will support their success throughout this module and how it relates to
the objective.
Journal (will need a grading rubric)
Assignment Name
Graded Assignment
Points Possible
Privacy Settings
©2012 Gateway Community College
Brainstorming Journal
Brainstorming Journal
1.Rewatch the interactive lecture “Literary Analysis”
2. Answer all of the questions from steps 1-2 (six questions total).
3. Your answers should be 2-3 sentences each.
Grading and Feedback
You must follow all directions for credit on this assignment. Standard Journal rubric will apply.
You can expect this assignment to be graded within 7-10 days of your submission. Check “My Grades”
for your grade and feedback.
Activity (May need a grading rubric)
Assignment Name
Graded Assignment
Points Possible
Literary Graphic Organizer
“Literary Graphic Organizer”
Using graphic organizers is a great way to brainstorm ideas for a topic. Attached are two graphic
organizers- One for stories and one for poems. You may also do a search for a different graphic organizer
if you like (for example, if you know you are going to write about theme, you can Google “theme graphic
organizers” and find one you like.)
(attach graphic organizers: “Graphic Organizers for Short Stories” and “Graphic Organizers for Poems”)
1. Find the graphic organizer you are going to use (either one of the above, or one you found on your
2. Keep in mind, if you choose one that is a pdf file, you will not be able to type in it, so you will need to
print it off. If you use a Word document, you may be able to type directly in it.
3. Fill it in with evidence and ideas from your story or poem (by hand or typed if you are able).
4. Save (or scan and save) and submit.
Grading and Feedback (If applicable)
Explain the parameters of the assignment. Click Here to view the rubric.
You can expect this assignment to be graded within 7-10 days of your submission. Check “My Grades”
for your grade and feedback.
Lesson 2: Creating a Literary Analysis Outline
In this lesson, you will:
1. Watch videos
2. Read a handout
2. Create and submit an outline
©2012 Gateway Community College
This video discusses how to create formal outlines for essays. Please watch it to learn what should go
into your outlines.
This video will show you how to create an outline in Microsoft Word using automatic numbering. Please
watch this if you are unfamiliar with typing outlines in correct format.
Read the following handouts on outlines
(attach “essay_outline_worksheet” and Outline Directions”)
These handouts are for your reference and to provide you with more information about outlines if needed.
This chapter meets learning objectives 5.2
Activity (May need a grading rubric)
Assignment Name
Graded Assignment
Points Possible
Literary Analysis Outline
“Literary Analysis Outline”
You need to create an outline for your literary analysis essay (due next module). Your outline should be
typed and should follow the guidelines from both videos and handouts.
You have chosen a story or poem to write about, brainstormed possible topics, and learned about literary
analysis essays in this module. Now you need to decide on your topic, your thesis, and all the
evidence/support you are going to use in your essay and organize that information into this formal outline.
You will use this outline to write an essay that will be due next module. Here are the guidelines for that
 Needs to follow the basic essay structure discusses in Module 1
 Needs to be in MLA format. This includes font, spacing, etc.
 Should be between 700-1200 words (This ends up between 2-3 pages in MLA format. Your word
count shows in Microsoft Word on the bottom left of the screen).
 You do not need to do any outside research, but if you do include any, you will need to list the
sources in a Works Cited Page. https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/05/
Please review how to avoid plagiarism:
Grading and Feedback (If applicable)
You need to follow all directions of this assignment for credit. Click Here to view the rubric.
You can expect this assignment to be graded within 7-10 days of your submission. Check “My Grades”
for your grade and feedback.
©2012 Gateway Community College
©2012 Gateway Community College