Lesson Plans - Week of February 3rd

Mrs. Moore
1st Period
2nd Period
3rd Period
5th Period
7th Grade Reading
Lesson Plans – Monday, February 3, 2014
ELACC7RI10: By the end of the year, read and comprehend literary nonfiction in
the grades 6-8 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the
high end of the range.
ELACC7RL4: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a
text, including figurative and connotative meanings
ELACC7RL15: Analyze the structure an author uses to organize a text, including
how the major sections contribute to the whole and to the development of the ideas.
Why do we record facts after reading each chapter in our biography?
How can you use context clues and word parts to help you determine the meaning
of unknown words?
How does the way an author organizes the text help you to understand it?
Agenda, biography and reading log, WWWSAT List 4 definition worksheet and
flipchart, WWW List 4 Quia Hangman and Rags to Riches practice
Students read self-selected biographies based on their interests and Lexile levels.
Students with an IEP/504 will receive a modified version of the biography block
Students who showed mastery of the WWW List 4 words on the pretest are working
on SAT words as enrichment
Promethean Board, Projector, WWW List 4 definition flipchart, WWW List 4 Quia
Hangman and Rags to Riches practice
Informal Assessment: WWW/SAT List 4 “My Definitions” will assess students’
understanding of using context clues and word parts to figure out the meaning of
unknown words.
Informal Assessment: WWW/SAT List 4 Quia Hangman and Rags to Riches will
assess students’ understanding of List 4 words
(*** Lesson plans are based on suggested skills per STAR Reading test results.)
Parallel Teaching (Moore-Teams 1-3/Hubert Teams 4-6)
 Fill out agenda and have biography/reading log out on desk. Read quietly
while waiting for agenda to be signed.
 Make sure every student has completed “My Definitions” for WWW/SAT
List 4 words and collect.
 Make sure “Actual Definitions” for WWW/SAT List 4 words are copied from
flipchart and put in green folder.
 Read biography while waiting for everyone on your team to finish
 Practice WWW/SAT List 4 Definitions using Quia Rags to Riches and
 Pass back papers and have students file them while practicing List 4 words
Homework: Bring biography to class EVERYDAY!!!! Biography Checkpoint #3 –
February 5th
Parallel Teaching (Moore-Teams 1-3/Hubert Teams 4-6)
 Fill out agenda and have biography/reading log out on desk. Read quietly
while waiting for agenda to be signed.
 Make sure every student has completed “My Definitions” for WWW/SAT
List 4 words and collect.
 Make sure “Actual Definitions” for WWW/SAT List 4 words are copied from
flipchart and put in green folder.
6th Period
7th Period
8th Period
Read biography while waiting for everyone on your team to finish
Practice WWW/SAT List 4 Definitions using Quia Rags to Riches and
 Pass back papers and have students file them while practicing List 4 words
Homework: Bring biography to class EVERYDAY!!!! Biography Checkpoint #3 –
February 5th
Team Teaching (Moore/Ray both lead)
 Fill out agenda and have biography/reading log out on desk. Read quietly
while waiting for agenda to be signed.
Parallel Teaching (Moore-Teams 1-3/Ray Teams 4-6)
 Complete “My Definitions” for WWW/SAT List 4 words
 Read biography while waiting for everyone on your team to finish
 Copy “Actual Definitions” for WWW/SAT List 4 words from flipchart
 Practice WWW/SAT List 4 Definitions using Quia Rags to Riches and
Hangman as time allows
Homework: Bring biography to class EVERYDAY!!!! Biography Checkpoint #3 –
February 5th
Fill out agenda and have biography/reading log out on desk. Read quietly
while waiting for agenda to be signed.
 Complete “My Definitions” for WWW/SAT List 4 words
 Read biography while waiting for everyone on your team to finish
 Copy “Actual Definitions” for WWW/SAT List 4 words from flipchart
 Practice WWW/SAT List 4 Definitions using Quia Rags to Riches and
Hangman as time allows
Homework: Bring biography to class EVERYDAY!!!! Biography Checkpoint #3 –
February 5th
Mrs. Moore
1st Period
2nd Period
3rd Period
7th Grade Reading
Lesson Plans – Tuesday, February 4, 2014
ELACC7RI10: By the end of the year, read and comprehend literary nonfiction in the grades
6-8 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range.
ELACC7RL4: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text,
including figurative and connotative meanings
ELACC7RL15: Analyze the structure an author uses to organize a text, including how the
major sections contribute to the whole and to the development of the ideas.
Why do we record facts after reading each chapter in our biography?
How can you use context clues and word parts to help you determine the meaning of
unknown words?
How does the way an author organizes the text help you to understand it?
Agenda, biography and reading log, WWW List 4 definition worksheet and definition practice
flipchart, WWW/SAT List 4 Quizlet practice, Text Structure bald eagle paragraphs and labels,
response questions and notes worksheet
Students read self-selected biographies based on their interests and Lexile levels.
Students with an IEP/504 will receive a modified version of the biography block project
Students who showed mastery of the WWW List 4 words on the pretest are working on SAT
words as enrichment
Students were placed in WWW List 4 practice groups based on pretest scores
Promethean Board, Projector, WWW List 4 definition practice flipchart, WWW/SAT
List 4 Quizlet practice
Informal Assessment: WWW/SAT List 4 definition practice will assess students’
knowledge of List 4 words
Informal Assessment: Text structure bald eagle activity will assess students’
background knowledge of text structures
(*** Lesson plans are based on suggested skills per STAR Reading test results.)
 Review Six Types of Syllables and handout laminated examples
 Go over #1-10 on Six Types of Syllables worksheet using flipchart
 Finish Six Types of Syllables worksheet
 Finish incomplete work in folder
Team Teaching (Moore/Hubert both lead)
 Fill out agenda and have biography/reading log out on desk. Read quietly
while waiting for agenda to be signed and reading log to be collected.
 Go to media center and renew books.
Alternative Teaching (Moore - Whole Group/Hubert - Small Group)
 Warm-Up: WWW/SAT List 4 Quizlet and ActivExpression Day 1 definition
practice in groups. (See flipchart for a list of groups.)
One Teach/One Assist (Moore Lead/Hubert Assist)
 Hook: Give each team the text structure example paragraphs on bald
eagles. Have them tell how the paragraphs are alike and different on
their “Ticket-Out-the-Door”. Discuss the likenesses and differences as
a team and post them on Linoit.
Give each team the text structure labels and have them match the
correct label to the example paragraph. Discuss answers and label
paragraphs and add to yellow folder.
One Teach/One Assist (Moore Lead/Hubert Assist)
 Complete Text Structure notes together using flipchart and handout
and add to yellow folder.
Homework: Bring biography to class EVERYDAY!!!! Biography Checkpoint #3 –
February 5th (tomorrow)
5th Period
Team Teaching (Moore/Hubert both lead)
 Fill out agenda and have biography/reading log out on desk. Read quietly
while waiting for agenda to be signed and reading log to be collected.
 Go to media center and renew books.
Alternative Teaching (Moore - Whole Group/Hubert - Small Group)
 Warm-Up: WWW/SAT List 4 Quizlet and ActivExpression Day 1 definition
practice in groups. (See flipchart for a list of groups.)
One Teach/One Assist (Moore Lead/Hubert Assist)
 Hook: Give each team the text structure example paragraphs on bald
eagles. Have them tell how the paragraphs are alike and different on
their “Ticket-Out-the-Door”. Discuss the likenesses and differences as
a team and post them on Linoit.
Give each team the text structure labels and have them match the
correct label to the example paragraph. Discuss answers and label
paragraphs and add to yellow folder.
One Teach/One Assist (Moore Lead/Hubert Assist)
 Complete Text Structure notes together using flipchart and handout
and add to yellow folder.
6th Period
Homework: Bring biography to class EVERYDAY!!!! Biography Checkpoint #3 –
February 5th (tomorrow)
Team Teaching (Moore/Ray both lead)
 Fill out agenda and have biography/reading log out on desk. Read quietly
while waiting for agenda to be signed and reading log to be collected.
 Go to media center and renew books.
Alternative Teaching (Moore - Whole Group/Ray - Small Group)
 Warm-Up: WWW/SAT List 4 Quizlet and ActivExpression Day 1 definition
practice in groups. (See flipchart for a list of groups.)
One Teach/One Assist (Moore Lead/Ray Assist)
 Hook: Give each team the text structure example paragraphs on bald
eagles. Have them tell how the paragraphs are alike and different on
their “Ticket-Out-the-Door”. Discuss the likenesses and differences as
a team and post them on Linoit.
Give each team the text structure labels and have them match the
correct label to the example paragraph. Discuss answers and label
paragraphs and add to yellow folder.
One Teach/One Assist (Ray Lead/Moore Assist)
 Complete Text Structure notes together using flipchart and handout
and add to yellow folder.
7th Period
8th Period
Homework: Bring biography to class EVERYDAY!!!! Biography Checkpoint #3 –
February 5th (tomorrow)
Fill out agenda and have biography/reading log out on desk. Read quietly
while waiting for agenda to be signed and reading log to be collected.
Go to media center and renew books.
Warm-Up: WWW/SAT List 4 Quizlet and ActivExpression Day 1 definition
practice in groups. (See flipchart for a list of groups.)
Hook: Give each team the text structure example paragraphs on bald
eagles. Have them tell how the paragraphs are alike and different on
their “Ticket-Out-the-Door”. Discuss the likenesses and differences as
a team and post them on Linoit.
Give each team the text structure labels and have them match the
correct label to the example paragraph. Discuss answers and label
paragraphs and add to yellow folder.
Complete Text Structure notes together using flipchart and handout
and add to yellow folder.
Homework: Bring biography to class EVERYDAY!!!! Biography Checkpoint #3 –
February 5th (tomorrow)
Mrs. Moore
1st Period
2nd Period
3rd Period
7th Grade Reading
Lesson Plans – Wednesday, February 5, 2014
ELACC7RI10: By the end of the year, read and comprehend literary nonfiction in
the grades 6-8 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the
high end of the range.
ELACC7RL4: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a
text, including figurative and connotative meanings
ELACC7RL15: Analyze the structure an author uses to organize a text, including
how the major sections contribute to the whole and to the development of the ideas.
Why do we record facts after reading each chapter in our biography?
How can you use context clues and word parts to help you determine the meaning
of unknown words?
How does the way an author organizes the text help you to understand it?
Agenda, biography and reading log, WWW List 4 definition worksheet and
definition practice flipchart, WWW/SAT List 4 Quizlet practice, Simple Text
Structure ActivExpression Practice, Text Structure flipchart simple paragraph
Students read self-selected biographies based on their interests and Lexile levels.
Students with an IEP/504 will receive a modified version of the biography block
Students who showed mastery of the WWW List 4 words on the pretest are working
on SAT words as enrichment
Students were placed in WWW List 4 practice groups based on pretest scores
Promethean Board, Projector, WWW List 4 definition practice flipchart, WWW/SAT
List 4 Quizlet practice, Simple Text Structure ActivExpression Practice, Text
Structure flipchart simple paragraph practice
Informal Assessment: WWW/SAT List 4 definition practice will assess students’
knowledge of List 4 words
Informal Assessment: Text Structure flipcharts will assess students understanding
of the different types of text structures
(*** Lesson plans are based on suggested skills per STAR Reading test results.)
 Review “What Good Readers Do” Checklist and discuss the difference
between reading fiction and nonfiction
 Complete “Amazing Brine Shrimp” p 56 & 57 comprehension worksheet
using “What Good Readers Do” Checklist together
Team Teaching (Moore/Hubert both lead)
 Fill out agenda and have biography/reading log out on desk. Read quietly
while waiting for agenda to be signed and reading log to be collected.
 Go to media center to renew books
Alternative Teaching (Moore - Whole Group/Ray - Small Group)
 Warm-Up: WWW/SAT List 4 Quizlet and ActivExpression Day 2 definition
practice in groups. (See flipchart for a list of groups.)
One Teach/One Assist (Hubert Lead/Moore Assist)
 Hook: Simple Text Structure ActivExpression Practice
Parallel Teaching (Moore-Teams 1-3/Hubert Teams 4-6)
 Text Structure flipchart simple paragraph practice in teams. Each person
records answers on their own and then the team works together to place
labels on paragraphs and then checks answers.
Homework: Bring biography to class EVERYDAY!!!! Biography Checkpoint #4 –
February 12th
5th Period
6th Period
7th Period
8th Period
Team Teaching (Moore/Hubert both lead)
 Fill out agenda and have biography/reading log out on desk. Read quietly
while waiting for agenda to be signed and reading log to be collected.
 Go to media center to renew books
Alternative Teaching (Moore - Whole Group/Ray - Small Group)
 Warm-Up: WWW/SAT List 4 Quizlet and ActivExpression Day 2 definition
practice in groups. (See flipchart for a list of groups.)
One Teach/One Assist (Hubert Lead/Moore Assist)
 Hook: Simple Text Structure ActivExpression Practice
Parallel Teaching (Moore-Teams 1-3/Hubert Teams 4-6)
 Text Structure flipchart simple paragraph practice in teams. Each person
records answers on their own and then the team works together to place
labels on paragraphs and then checks answers.
Homework: Bring biography to class EVERYDAY!!!! Biography Checkpoint #4 –
February 12th.
Team Teaching (Moore/Ray both lead)
 Fill out agenda and have biography/reading log out on desk. Read quietly
while waiting for agenda to be signed and reading log to be collected.
 Go to media center to renew books
Alternative Teaching (Ray - Whole Group/Moore-Small Group)
 Warm-Up: WWW/SAT List 4 Quizlet and ActivExpression Day 2 definition
practice in groups. (See flipchart for a list of groups.)
One Teach/One Assist (Ray Lead/Moore Assist)
 Hook: Simple Text Structure ActivExpression Practice
Parallel Teaching (Moore-Teams 1-3/Ray Teams 4-6)
 Text Structure flipchart simple paragraph practice in teams. Each person
records answers on their own and then the team works together to place
labels on paragraphs and then checks answers.
Homework: Bring biography to class EVERYDAY!!!! Biography Checkpoint #4 –
February 12th.
Fill out agenda and have biography/reading log out on desk. Read quietly
while waiting for agenda to be signed and reading log to be collected.
Go to media center to renew books
Warm-Up: WWW/SAT List 4 Quizlet and ActivExpression Day 2 definition
practice in groups. (See flipchart for a list of groups.)
 Hook: Simple Text Structure ActivExpression Practice
 Text Structure flipchart simple paragraph practice in teams. Each person
records answers on their own and then the team works together to place
labels on paragraphs and then checks answers.
Homework: Bring biography to class EVERYDAY!!!! Biography Checkpoint #4 –
February 12th.
Mrs. Moore
1st Period
2nd Period
3rd Period
7th Grade Reading
Lesson Plans – Thursday, February 6, 2014
ELACC7RI10: By the end of the year, read and comprehend literary nonfiction in the grades
6-8 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range.
ELACC7RL4: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text,
including figurative and connotative meanings
ELACC7RL15: Analyze the structure an author uses to organize a text, including how the
major sections contribute to the whole and to the development of the ideas .
Why do we record facts after reading each chapter in our biography?
How can you use context clues and word parts to help you determine the meaning
of unknown words?
How does the way an author organizes the text help you to understand it?
Agenda, biography and reading log, WWW List 4 definition worksheet and
definition practice flipchart, WWW/SAT List 4 Quizlet practice, Text Structure
paragraph warm-up (laminated cards), Text Structure practice #1
Students read self-selected biographies based on their interests and Lexile levels.
Students with an IEP/504 will receive a modified version of the biography block
Students who showed mastery of the WWW List 4 words on the pretest are working
on SAT words as enrichment
Students were placed in WWW List 4 practice groups based on pretest scores
Promethean Board, Projector, WWW List 4 definition practice flipchart, WWW/SAT
List 4 Quizlet practice
Informal Assessment: WWW/SAT List 4 definition practice will assess students’
knowledge of List 4 words
Informal Assessment: Text Structure warm-up (laminated cards) and practice #1
will assess student’s understanding of text structures
(*** Lesson plans are based on suggested skills per STAR Reading test results.)
 Review “Stop, Think, Look, and Listen” strategy
 Practice “Stop, Think, Look, and Listen” using Guess the Covered Word –
“The Magic School Bus: Inside the Human Body”
 Teach and practice inferences using flipchart
 Read Scholastic Action Magazine article “Kennedy Can’t Walk” online.
Answer questions and cite evidence
Team Teaching (Moore/Hubert both lead)
 Fill out agenda and have biography/reading log out on desk. Read quietly
while waiting for agenda to be signed.
Alternative Teaching (Moore - Whole Group/Ray - Small Group)
 Warm-Up: WWW/SAT List 4 Quizlet and ActivExpression Day 3 definition
practice in groups. (See flipchart for a list of groups.)
One Teach/One Assist (Hubert Lead/Moore Assist)
 Hook: Text Structure Warm-Up (laminated cards). Teams will look at the
paragraph they are given and decide which text structure it is an example.
They should record the answer on their “Ticket-Out-the-Door” and be ready
to record the text structure and key words or phrases on Linoit.
Alternative Teaching (Moore - Whole Group/Hubert - Small Group)
 Complete Text Structure Practice #1 independently. Underline key words
that helped you to determine the text structure.
 Read biography until class ends
Homework: Bring biography to class EVERYDAY!!!! Biography Checkpoint #4 –
February 12th.
5th Period
Team Teaching (Moore/Hubert both lead)
 Fill out agenda and have biography/reading log out on desk. Read quietly
while waiting for agenda to be signed.
Alternative Teaching (Moore - Whole Group/Hubert - Small Group)
 Warm-Up: WWW/SAT List 4 Quizlet and ActivExpression Day 3 definition
practice in groups. (See flipchart for a list of groups.)
One Teach/One Assist (Hubert Lead/Moore Assist)
 Hook: Text Structure Warm-Up (laminated cards). Teams will look at the
paragraph they are given and decide which text structure it is an example.
They should record the answer on their “Ticket-Out-the-Door” and be ready
to record the text structure and key words or phrases on Linoit.
Alternative Teaching (Moore - Whole Group/Hubert - Small Group)
 Complete Text Structure Practice #1 independently. Underline key words
that helped you to determine the text structure
 Read biography until class ends
Homework: Bring biography to class EVERYDAY!!!! Biography Checkpoint #4 –
February 12th.
6th Period
7th Period
8th Period
Team Teaching (Moore/Ray both lead)
 Fill out agenda and have biography/reading log out on desk. Read quietly
while waiting for agenda to be signed.
Alternative Teaching (Moore - Whole Group/Ray - Small Group)
 Warm-Up: WWW/SAT List 4 Quizlet and ActivExpression Day 3 definition
practice in groups. (See flipchart for a list of groups.)
One Teach/One Assist (Moore Lead/Ray Assist)
 Hook: Text Structure Warm-Up (laminated cards). Teams will look at the
paragraph they are given and decide which text structure it is an example.
They should record the answer on their “Ticket-Out-the-Door” and be ready
to record the text structure and key words or phrases on Linoit.
Alternative Teaching (Moore - Whole Group/Ray - Small Group)
 Complete Text Structure Practice #1 independently. Underline key words
that helped you to determine the text structure.
 Read biography until class ends
Homework: Bring biography to class EVERYDAY!!!! Biography Checkpoint #4 –
February 12th.
Fill out agenda and have biography/reading log out on desk. Read quietly
while waiting for agenda to be signed.
Warm-Up: WWW/SAT List 4 Quizlet and ActivExpression Day 3 definition
practice in groups. (See flipchart for a list of groups.)
 Hook: Text Structure Warm-Up (laminated cards). Teams will look at the
paragraph they are given and decide which text structure it is an example.
They should record the answer on their “Ticket-Out-the-Door” and be ready
to record the text structure and key words or phrases on Linoit.
 Complete Text Structure Practice #1 independently. Underline key words
that helped you to determine the text structure.
 Read biography until class ends
Homework: Bring biography to class EVERYDAY!!!! Biography Checkpoint #4 –
February 12th.
Mrs. Moore
1st Period
2nd Period
3rd Period
7th Grade Reading
Lesson Plans – Friday, February 7, 2014
ELACC7RI10: By the end of the year, read and comprehend literary nonfiction in
the grades 6-8 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the
high end of the range.
ELACC7RL4: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a
text, including figurative and connotative meanings
ELACC7RL15: Analyze the structure an author uses to organize a text, including
how the major sections contribute to the whole and to the development of the ideas.
Why do we record facts after reading each chapter in our biography?
How can you use context clues and word parts to help you determine the meaning
of unknown words?
How does the way an author organizes the text help you to understand it?
Agenda, biography and reading log, WWW List 4 definition worksheet and
sentence practice flipchart, WWW/SAT List 4 Quizlet practice, Text Structure
paragraph warm-up (laminated cards), Text Structure practice #1 flipchart and Text
Structure practice #2
Students read self-selected biographies based on their interests and Lexile levels.
Students with an IEP/504 will receive a modified version of the biography block
Students who showed mastery of the WWW List 4 words on the pretest are working
on SAT words as enrichment
Students were placed in WWW List 4 practice groups based on pretest scores
Promethean Board, Projector, WWW List 4 sentence practice flipchart, WWW/SAT
List 4 Quizlet practice, Text Structure practice #1 flipchart
Informal Assessment: WWW/SAT List 4 sentence practice will assess students’
knowledge of List 4 words
Informal Assessment: Text Structure practice #2 will assess student’s
understanding of text structures
(*** Lesson plans are based on suggested skills per STAR Reading test results.)
 Pass back Six types of syllables, inferences, and comprehension papers
and go over answers
 Review six types of syllables, inferences, and comprehension strategies
 Take weekly quiz over six types of syllables, inferences, and
 Work on Tween Tribune Daily Quiz as time allows
Team Teaching (Moore/Hubert both lead)
 Fill out agenda and have biography/reading log out on desk. Read quietly
while waiting for agenda to be signed.
Alternative Teaching (Moore - Whole Group/Ray - Small Group)
 Warm-Up: WWW/SAT List 4 Quizlet and ActivExpression Day 4 sentence
practice in groups. (See flipchart for a list of groups.)
One Teach/One Assist (Hubert Lead/Moore Assist)
 Hook: Go over Text Structure Practice #1 answers. Have students share
answers using ActivExpressions and come to boards to highlight key
Alternative Teaching (Moore - Whole Group/Hubert - Small Group)
 Complete Text Structure Practice #2 independently
 Read biography until class ends
Homework: Bring biography to class EVERYDAY!!!! Biography Checkpoint #4 –
February 12th.
5th Period
6th Period
7th Period
8th Period
Team Teaching (Moore/Hubert both lead)
 Fill out agenda and have biography/reading log out on desk. Read quietly
while waiting for agenda to be signed.
Alternative Teaching (Moore - Whole Group/Ray - Small Group)
 Warm-Up: WWW/SAT List 4 Quizlet and ActivExpression Day 4 sentence
practice in groups. (See flipchart for a list of groups.)
One Teach/One Assist (Hubert Lead/Moore Assist)
 Hook: Go over Text Structure Practice #1 answers. Have students share
answers using ActivExpressions and come to boards to highlight key
Alternative Teaching (Moore - Whole Group/Hubert - Small Group)
 Complete Text Structure Practice #2 independently
 Read biography until class ends
Homework: Bring biography to class EVERYDAY!!!! Biography Checkpoint #4 –
February 12th.
Team Teaching (Moore/Ray both lead)
 Fill out agenda and have biography/reading log out on desk. Read quietly
while waiting for agenda to be signed.
Alternative Teaching (Moore - Whole Group/Ray - Small Group)
 Warm-Up: WWW/SAT List 4 Quizlet and ActivExpression Day 4 sentence
practice in groups. (See flipchart for a list of groups.)
One Teach/One Assist (Moore Lead/Ray Assist)
 Hook: Go over Text Structure Practice #1 answers. Have students share
answers using ActivExpressions and come to boards to highlight key
Alternative Teaching (Moore - Whole Group/Ray - Small Group)
 Complete Text Structure Practice #2 independently
 Read biography until class ends
Homework: Bring biography to class EVERYDAY!!!! Biography Checkpoint #4 –
February 12th.
Fill out agenda and have biography/reading log out on desk. Read quietly
while waiting for agenda to be signed.
Warm-Up: WWW/SAT List 4 Quizlet and ActivExpression Day 4 sentence
practice in groups. (See flipchart for a list of groups.)
Hook: Go over Text Structure Practice #1 answers. Have students share
answers using ActivExpressions and come to boards to highlight key
 Complete Text Structure Practice #2 independently
 Read biography until class ends
Homework: Bring biography to class EVERYDAY!!!! Biography Checkpoint #4 –
February 12th.