Independent Audit Report * Qualified or Qualified

Clothing and Household Textile
(Building Innovative Capability) scheme
Independent Audit Report –
Qualified or
Qualified (Limitation on Scope)
Audit templates have been prepared for external registered auditors to use when preparing special purpose
audit opinions for the BIC scheme. All Applications for Claim/Determination must be accompanied by a
special purpose audit relating to relevant claims for:
innovation expenditure
Total Eligible Revenue (TER) and / or Eligible Start-up Investment Amount (ESIA).
The auditor must be an independent auditor registered under the Corporations Act 2001. The registered
auditor number is required in the Application for Claim/Determination form.
Please note that audits (on auditor's letterhead) must be submitted with an Application for
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<<Insert registered auditor letterhead>>
To the Directors of [insert entity name]
We have audited the attached Application for Claim/Determination of [insert entity name] under the Clothing
and Household Textile (Building Innovative Capability) scheme for the period ended [insert date]. The [insert
directors/trustees] of [insert entity name] are responsible for the preparation of the information provided and
the Application for Claim/Determination.
We have conducted an independent audit of the Application for Claim/Determination in order to express an
opinion on it to the Department of Industry, Innovation and Science and the Directors of [insert entity name].
The records of the expenditure have been prepared to satisfy the requirements of the Clothing and
Household Textile (Building Innovative Capability) scheme. The expenditure has been determined in
accordance with the accruals basis of accounting. We disclaim any assumption of responsibility for any
reliance on this report or on the claim/determination to which it relates, to any party other than the
Department of Industry, Innovation and Science and the Directors of [insert entity name], or for any purpose
other than that for which it was prepared.
Our audit has been conducted in accordance with Australian Auditing Standards. Our procedures included
examination, on a test basis, of evidence supporting the amounts of claimed expenditure and Total Eligible
Revenue in the Application for Claim/Determination.
These procedures have been undertaken to form an opinion as to whether, in all material respects, the
Application for Claim/Determination is presented fairly in accordance with the requirements of the Clothing
and Household Textile (Building Innovative Capability) scheme. The audit did not seek to clarify the
interpretation by [insert entity name] of terms defined under the scheme.
The audit opinion expressed in this report has been formed on the above basis.
[Provide Details]
Audit Opinion (Select appropriate clauses)
In our opinion, [except for the effect on the claim/determination of the matter referred to in the qualification
paragraph,] the expenditure for the claim/determination totalling [insert $ balance] [presents / does not
present] fairly the claimed expenditure under innovation grants of [insert entity name] for the period ended
[insert date], in accordance with the books and records of [insert entity name] and the Clothing and
Household Textile (Building Innovative Capability) scheme.
In our opinion, [except for the effect on the claim/determination of the matter referred to in the qualification
paragraph,] the stated Total Eligible Revenue of [insert $ balance] [presents / does not present] fairly the
Total Eligible Revenue of [insert entity name] for the period ended [insert date], in accordance with the books
and records of [insert entity name] and the Clothing and Household Textile (Building Innovative Capability)
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<<Insert registered auditor letterhead>>
INDEPENDENT AUDIT REPORT - Qualified (Limitation on
To the Directors of [entity name]
We have audited the attached Application for Claim/Determination of [insert entity name] under the Clothing
and Household Textile (Building Innovative Capability) scheme for the period ended [insert date]. The [insert
directors/trustees] of [insert entity name] are responsible for the preparation of the information provided and
the Application for Claim/Determination.
We have conducted an independent audit of the Application for Claim/Determination in order to express an
opinion on it to the Department of Industry, Innovation and Science and the Directors of [insert entity name].
The records of the expenditure have been prepared to satisfy the requirements of the Clothing and
Household Textile (Building Innovative Capability) scheme. The expenditure has been determined in
accordance with the accruals basis of accounting. We disclaim any assumption of responsibility for any
reliance on this report or on the claim/determination to which it relates, to any party other than the
Department of Industry, Innovation and Science and the Directors of [insert entity name], or for any purpose
other than that for which it was prepared.
Our audit has been conducted in accordance with Australian Auditing Standards. Our procedures included
examination, on a test basis, of evidence supporting the amounts of claimed expenditure and Total Eligible
Revenue in the Application for Claim/Determination.
These procedures have been undertaken to form an opinion as to whether, in all material respects, the
Application for Claim/Determination is presented fairly in accordance with the requirements of the Clothing
and Household Textile (Building Innovative Capability) scheme. The audit did not seek to clarify the
interpretation by [insert entity name] of terms defined under the scheme.
The audit opinion expressed in this report has been formed on the above basis.
Documents necessary for the performance of the audit were not made available. As the remaining
accounting records were not adequate to permit the application of necessary auditing procedures, we are
unable to obtain all of the information and explanations we require in order to form an opinion.
Audit Opinion
In our opinion, because of the existence of the limitation on the scope of our work as described in the
qualification paragraph, and the effects of such adjustments, if any, as might have been determined to be
necessary had the limitation not existed, we are unable to and do not express an opinion as to whether the
Application for Claim/Determination is presented fairly in accordance with the Clothing and Household
Textile (Building Innovative Capability) scheme.
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