PROJECT PLAN TITLE GHG Project Plan Prepared according to the requirements of the BC Emission Offsets Regulation Prepared on behalf of: Prepared by: <insert month and year> Project Plan Executive Summary To be completed when the rest of this document is finalized Project Plan Page 2 of 21 Project Plan Contents 2.0 General Requirements ........................................................................................................................................................... 6 2.1 Project Eligibility Criteria .............................................................................................................................................. 6 2.2 Relevant Protocols ....................................................................................................................................................... 6 3.0 Project Description ................................................................................................................................................................. 6 3.1 Project Title .................................................................................................................................................................. 6 3.2 Purposes and Objectives .............................................................................................................................................. 6 3.3 Type of GHG Project ..................................................................................................................................................... 6 3.4 Project Location ........................................................................................................................................................... 6 3.5 Conditions Prior to Project Initiation ........................................................................................................................... 7 3.6 GHG Emissions Reduction Strategy .............................................................................................................................. 7 3.7 Detailed Project Description ........................................................................................................................................ 7 3.8 Estimated GHG Emission Reductions and Removal Enhancements ............................................................................ 7 3.9 Risk Assessment ........................................................................................................................................................... 8 3.10 Contact Information ..................................................................................................................................................... 9 3.11 Relevant Policies, Schemes and/or Legislation ............................................................................................................ 9 3.12 Environmental Impacts ................................................................................................................................................ 9 3.13 Stakeholder Consultations ........................................................................................................................................... 9 3.14 Additional Benefits ..................................................................................................................................................... 10 3.15 Project Activities and Timelines ................................................................................................................................. 10 4.0 Identification of Relevent GHG Sources, Sinks and Reservoirs ............................................................................................ 10 4.1 Identification of Project SSRs ..................................................................................................................................... 10 4.1.1 Description of the Project SSRs ........................................................................................................................ 11 4.1.2 Explanation of SSR Categorization ................................................................................................................... 11 4.2 Determining the Baseline Scenario ............................................................................................................................ 11 4.2.1 Identification of Potential Baselines Scenarios ................................................................................................ 11 4.2.2 Evaluation of Baseline Alternatives and Selection of Baseline Scenario .......................................................... 12 4.2.3 Justification and Assumptions of Selected Baseline ........................................................................................ 12 4.2.4 Temporal Applicability of Selected Baseline .................................................................................................... 12 4.2.5 Project Additionality ........................................................................................................................................ 13 4.2.6 Additionality Supporting Documents ............................................................................................................... 13 4.3 Baseline SSRs .............................................................................................................................................................. 13 4.3.1 Description of the Baseline SSRs ...................................................................................................................... 14 4.3.2 Explanation of SSR Categorization ................................................................................................................... 14 4.4 Comparison of Project and Baseline SSRs and Selection of Relevant SSRs for Monitoring or Estimation ................. 15 4.5 Quantification of Project and Baseline Emissions ...................................................................................................... 16 4.5.1 Quantification Methodologies ......................................................................................................................... 16 Project Plan Page 3 of 21 Project Plan 4.5.2 Summary of Equations ..................................................................................................................................... 16 5.0 Monitoring Plan ................................................................................................................................................................... 16 5.1 Purpose of Monitoring ............................................................................................................................................... 16 5.2 Monitoring Roles and Responsibilities ....................................................................................................................... 17 5.3 GHG Information Management System (IMS) ........................................................................................................... 17 5.4 Data Monitoring – Primary Procedures ..................................................................................................................... 18 5.5 Data Monitoring – Contingency Procedures .............................................................................................................. 19 6.0 Data Quality Management Plan ........................................................................................................................................... 20 6.1 Data Quality Management Plan Objective ................................................................................................................. 20 6.2 Responsible Personnel, Qualifications and Training .................................................................................................. 20 6.3 Quality Assurance and Quality Control Procedures ................................................................................................... 20 6.4 Data Controls ............................................................................................................................................................. 20 6.5 Data Chain of Custody and Security ........................................................................................................................... 20 6.6 Record Back-Up and Archiving ................................................................................................................................... 20 6.7 Periodic Quality Assurance Review ............................................................................................................................ 20 6.8 Uncertainty Assessment ............................................................................................................................................ 20 7.0 Summary of GHG Assertions ................................................................................................................................................ 20 7.1 Baseline Results in Conservative GHG Estimate ........................................................................................................ 20 7.2 Project Additionality .................................................................................................................................................. 21 7.3 Accurate and Conservative Estimate of GHGs ........................................................................................................... 21 7.4 Ownership .................................................................................................................................................................. 21 7.5 Conformance with Emission Offsets Regulation ........................................................................................................ 21 7.7 Conformance with ISO 14064-2 ................................................................................................................................. 21 8.0 References and Supporting Documents............................................................................................................................... 21 Project Plan Page 4 of 21 Project Plan List of Tables Table 1: Project Risks ............................................................................................................................................................. 8 Table 2: Project Sources, Sinks and Reservoirs Descriptions ............................................................................................... 11 Table 3: Potential Baseline Evaluation ................................................................................................................................. 12 Table 4: Baseline Sources, Sinks and Reservoirs Descriptions ............................................................................................. 14 Table 5. Identification of “relevant” SSRs ............................................................................................................................ 15 Table 6: Data Monitoring – Primary Procedures.................................................................................................................. 18 Table 7: Data Monitoring – Contingency Procedures .......................................................................................................... 19 List of Figures Figure 1: Location Map .......................................................................................................................................................... 6 Project Plan Page 5 of 21 Project Plan 1.0 General Requirements Please note: To facilitate validation / verification, reference to clauses within the BC Emission Offsets Regulation and ISO 14064-2 are made throughout this GHG project plan to indicate where specific requirements of the Regulation / ISO 14064-2 are met. 1.1 Project Eligibility Criteria (BC-EOR: Section 3, subsection 2o & 2l) Location: Enter (Project must be located in British Columbia) Start date: Enter (Must be after November 29, 2007) 1.2 Relevant Protocols (BC-EOR: Section 3, subsection 2h) Identify the protocol to be used, and justification for using the protocol and any adjustments made to the protocol. 2.0 Project Description 2.1 Project Title (ISO-14064-2: clause 5.2 a, BC-EOR: Section 3, subsection 2a) Enter Title: <format: Project Type, Proponent Name, Location> 2.2 Purposes and Objectives (ISO-14064-2: clause 5.2 a, BC-EOR: Section 3, subsection 2a) Enter the general purposes and objectives that the GHG project is to achieve. 2.3 Type of GHG Project (ISO-14064-2: clause 5.2 b,f) Enter Summary. Note to reader: Please see section 2.7 of this template for further project details. 2.4 Project Location (ISO-14064-2: clause 5.2 c, BC-EOR: Section 3, subsection 2f) Enter location description, address (if applicable), GPS Coordinates, and a location map. Figure 1: Location Map Project Plan Page 6 of 21 Project Plan 2.5 Conditions Prior to Project Initiation (ISO-14064-2: clause 5.2 d, BC-EOR: Section 3, subsection 2i (i) & (ii)) Highlight how project functions were historically provided. Useful in assessing the appropriateness of a historically based baseline and the likelihood that historical activities would continue in the absence of the project. 2.6 GHG Emissions Reduction Strategy (ISO-14064-2: clause 5.2 e, BC-EOR: Section 3, subsection 2e) Highlight how carrying out the project will achieve a greenhouse gas reduction. 2.7 Detailed Project Description (ISO-14064-2: clause 5.2 f, BC-EOR: Section 3, subsection 2e.) Enter a technical description including details, figures, schematics, etc. 2.8 Estimated GHG Emission Reductions and Removal Enhancements (ISO-14064-2: clause 5.2 g, BC-EOR: Section 3, subsection 2p) Document the estimated project reduction for each year of the project during the validation period (10 years, with the exception of forestry projects, which have a validation period of 25 years). Detailed calculations used in making the estimations shall be presented in section 4.5.2. Project Plan Page 7 of 21 Project Plan 2.9 Risk Assessment (ISO-14064-2: clause 5.2 h) Technical, financial, and other risks that may cause the project to not perform as planned and/or that may substantially affect the GHG emission reductions or removal enhancements achieved by the project were considered and documented in Table 1. Table 1: Project Risks Risk Identification Project Plan Page 8 of 21 Level of Risk Mitigation / Management Strategy Technical Risks Financial Risks Other Project Plan 2.10 Contact Information (ISO-14064-2: clause 5.2 i, BC-EOR: Section 3, subsections 2 b, c, and d) Enter the name and contact information of the proponent and of any other person responsible for carrying out the project, and a description of the roles and responsibilities of all persons responsible for carrying out the project. Project Stakeholders Organization (add organizations and individuals as appropriate) Brief description of Organization Contact Name and Title Company Roles and Responsibilities Address Telephone Fax E-mail Enter contact information for person who can provide information regarding any government programs providing financial or other assistance for carrying out the project. 2.11 Relevant Policies, Schemes and/or Legislation (ISO-14064-2: clause 5.2 j) Relevant policies, schemes and/or legislation, applicable for this project, are listed below as identified in the Protocol and drawing on project-specific details: List as appropriate Note that specific project funding sources to be detailed in section 4.2.4 for this template. 2.12 Environmental Impacts (ISO-14064-2: clause 5.2 k, BC-EOR: Section 3, subsection 2 u) Describe the analysis undertaken to determine the environmental effect of carrying out the project. 2.13 Stakeholder Consultations (ISO-14064-2: clause 5.2 l, BC-EOR: Section 3, subsection 2 v) Describe any consultations undertaken respecting the project and a summary of the results of the consultations. Project Plan Page 9 of 21 Project Plan 2.14 Additional Benefits Please describe in detail: 1. Additional environmental benefits, beyond greenhouse gas reductions, that occur as a result of the project; 2. Additional economic benefits, including overall project costs, that occur as a result of the project; and 3. Additional social benefits that occur as a result of the project. 3.15 Project Activities and Timelines (ISO-14064-2: clause 5.2 m, BC-EOR: Section 3, subsection 2 g) Provide a chronological timeline for the project, including the anticipated or actual project start date. 3.0 Identification of Relevent GHG Sources, Sinks and Reservoirs 3.1 Identification of Project SSRs (ISO-14064-2: Clause 5.3; BC-EOR: Section 3, subsection 2m) Project SSRs were identified using the Protocol, which is the most relevant and current good practice guidance for this project. To assist with confirming potential SSRs for the project, a project-specific activity and materials and energy flow diagram was prepared and is provided as Table 2 below. This diagram does not include any activities occurring before or after the project, for simplicity. Based on this diagram, it was confirmed that the list of potentially relevant SSRs identified in the Protocol was an appropriate starting point for determining project-specific relevant SSRs, and did not exclude any potentially relevant SSRs. Potentially relevant project SSRs are summarized in Figure 5 and described in (taken directly from the Protocol). A final list of relevant SSRs is determined in Section 4.4. Project Plan Page 10 of 21 Project Plan 3.1.1 Description of the Project SSRs Description of projects SSRs is provided as shown in the following table, taken directly from the Protocol. Table 2: Project Sources, Sinks and Reservoirs Descriptions Number Source, sink or reservoir (SSR) Description Controlled (C), related (R) or affected (A) Upstream SSRs before project operation Upstream SSRs during project operation On-site SSRs during project operation Downstream SSRs during project operation Downstream after project operation 3.1.2 Explanation of SSR Categorization All SSRs are categorized as controlled, related or affected (C/R/A) based on their relation to the Proponent, where the Proponent is assumed to control all on-site SSRs, whereas upstream and downstream SSRs are assumed to be controlled by others, and thus are related to the project. 3.2 Determining the Baseline Scenario (ISO-14064-2: Clause 5.4, BC-EOR: Section 3, subsection 2i) In order to calculate the amount of GHG emission reductions that have resulted from a particular undertaking, it is necessary to first estimate the quantity of GHG emissions that would have occurred had the project not been implemented (i.e. ‘business as usual’). This ‘baseline’ takes into consideration the economic, political, and technological conditions within which the implementing entity would have operated into the future. 3.2.1 Identification of Potential Baselines Scenarios (ISO-14064-2: Clause 5.4, BC-EOR: Section 3, subsection 2i (i)) Provide a description of each potential baseline scenario considered when selecting the project’s baseline scenario. Project Plan Page 11 of 21 Project Plan 3.2.2 Evaluation of Baseline Alternatives and Selection of Baselin e Scenario (ISO-14064-2: Clause 5.4, BC-EOR: Section 3, subsection 2i (ii)) The potential baseline candidates and evaluation criteria summarized in Table 3 were used to select the most appropriate baseline scenario for the project. Table 3: Potential Baseline Evaluation Baseline Approach Discussion of Suitability and Assumptions Describe the justification for selecting the baseline scenario. Guide for Identification of Baseline Candidates 1. Define the product or service provided by the project activity 2. Identify possible types of baseline candidates. 3. Define and justify the geographic area and the temporal range used to identify baseline candidates. Define and justify any other criteria used to identify baseline candidates. 4. Identify a final list of baseline candidates. 5. Identify baseline candidates that are representative of common practice (for the project-specific baseline procedure). Guide for Baseline Barriers Test Comparative Assessment of Barriers 1. Identify Barriers to the Project Activity and Baseline Candidates. 2. Identify Barriers to the Continuation of Current Activities. 3. Assess the Relative Importance of the Identified Barriers. 3.2.3 Justification and Assumptions of Selected Baseline 3.2.4 Temporal Applicability of S elected Baseline (ISO-14064-2: Clause 5.4, BC-EOR: Section 3, subsection 2i (iii)) Provide a statement of the period of time for which the baseline scenarios will be applicable. Project Plan Page 12 of 21 Project Plan 3.2.5 Project Additionality (ISO-14064-2: Clause 5.4; BC-EOR: Section 3, subsection 2k, l) Present evidence, argumentation, and/or figures that support the following statement: Therefore, the project satisfies the BC Emission Offsets Regulation requirement “that there are financial, technological or other obstacles to carrying out the project.” Present evidence, argumentation, and/or figures that support the following statement: Therefore, the obstacles identified “are overcome or partially overcome by the incentive of having a greenhouse gas reduction recognized as an emission offset under the Act.” Provide the capital investment costs and ongoing operational costs of the project. 3.2.6 Additionality Supporting Documents (ISO-14064-2: Clause 5.4; BC-EOR: Section 3, subsection 2k, l) List of documents, models, or other material presented to the Validator as supporting evidence for the additionality case of the project, along with descriptions of the documents. 3.3 Baseline SSRs (ISO-14064-2: Clause 5.5) Project Plan Page 13 of 21 Project Plan 3.3.1 Description of the Baseline SSRs (ISO-14064-2: Clause 5.5, BC-EOR: Section 3, subsection 2i (i)) Description of the baseline SSRs is provided as shown in the following table, taken directly from the Protocol. Table 4: Baseline Sources, Sinks and Reservoirs Descriptions Number Source, sink or reservoir (SSR) Description Controlled (C), related (R) or affected (A) Upstream SSRs before baseline operation Upstream SSRs during baseline operation On-site SSRs during baseline operation Downstream SSRs during baseline operation Downstream after baseline operation 3.3.2 Explanation of SSR Categorization All SSRs were categorized as controlled, related or affected (C/R/A) based on their relation to the project and equivalent project SSRs, where the Proponent is assumed to control all on-site SSRs, whereas upstream and downstream SSRs are assumed to be controlled by others, and thus are related to the project. Project Plan Page 14 of 21 Project Plan 3.4 Comparison of Project and Baseline SSRs and Selection of Relevant SSRs for Monitoring or Estimation (ISO-14064-2: Clause 5.5 c, 5.6, BC-EOR: Section 3, subsection 2n (i)) Identification of relevant SSRs for monitoring or estimation taken from the Protocol was customized for project-specific circumstances in order to identify the final list of relevant SSRs for the project and baseline. Results are presented in Table 5. Table 5. Identification of “Relevant” SSRs Controlled (C), related (R) or affected (A) SSR Baseline Project Relevant? Monitored or Estimated Justification Upstream Before Operation Upstream SSRs During Operation On-site SSRs During Operation Downstream SSRs During Operation Downstream After Operation Project Plan Page 15 of 21 Project Plan 3.5 Quantification of Project and Baseline Emissions 3.5.1 Quantification Methodologies Quantification methods to be used to calculate GHG emissions for the project and baseline are detailed for each relevant SSR, below. These methods are based on those methods provided in the Protocol. Where options are presented in the Protocol, the project-specific choice is described and justified below. Otherwise, methodologies are simply summarized without restating the justifications provided in the Protocol. Equation XX: Where: Add equations as needed. 3.5.2 Summary of Equations (ISO-14064-2: Clause 5.8, BC-EOR: Section 3, subsection 2p) Detailed emissions estimates for the project and baseline, and estimated net emission reductions and removal enhancements should be presented here. Emissions are to be expressed separately for each SSR and GHG, for the project and baseline separately, and then net emission reductions are to be calculated as the difference between project and baseline emissions. Emissions of individual GHGs, expressed in tonnes, are also to be expressed in units of tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e). Input total project emissions are calculated as shown in Equation XX and total baseline emissions are calculated by using Equation XX (be sure to include the calculations used for actual project and baseline emissions). Total emission reductions due to a project are then calculated using the equation: Equation: Emission Reductions = Baseline Emissions – Project Emissions 4.0 Monitoring Plan (ISO-14064-2: Clause 5.10, BC-EOR: Section 3, subsection 2n (i) (B)) 4.1 Purpose of Monitoring Insert a brief statement of the purposes and objectives of project monitoring, to help make this plan a stand-alone document. The monitoring plan is intended to guide proponent GHG data monitoring activities for both project and baseline such that high quality, accurate data are collected in a manner sufficient to calculate post-project emission quantification. Project Plan Page 16 of 21 Project Plan 4.2 Monitoring Roles and Responsibilities Each staff position related to data monitoring needs to be identified and described in this table, along with any requisite qualifications, training requirements, and the specific names of assigned personnel. Documentation indicating how each assigned staff member meets the requisite qualification and training requirements does not need to be included in the plan, but needs to be available should it be requested by validators / verifiers. Position Description Requisite Qualifications Training Requirements Names of Assigned Personnel Records regarding staff qualifications and training are stored in < identify location> and available for review as required. 4.3 GHG Information Management System (IMS) A description of the GHG information management system, covering all aspects of data monitoring, from initial data acquisition to central storage and processing in a project database, to the location of final storage/archiving is to be provided. A schematic diagram of the system and associated data flows is often the easiest way to document this information. Discussions around data quality aspects of the GHG IMS should be left for the data quality management plan. Project Plan Page 17 of 21 Project Plan 4.4 Data Monitoring – Primary Procedures (BC-EOR: Section 3, subsection 2n (i), (ii), (iii)). Table 6: Data Monitoring – Primary Procedures Project / Parameter Units of Measure Baseline SSR Upstream SSRs During Operation Project Plan Page 18 of 21 Measured / Estimated Method Frequency of Measure Justification of method and monitoring frequency Project Plan 4.5 Data Monitoring – Contingency Procedures Taken directly from the Protocol, with justification provided for any project-specific decisions made. Table 7: Data Monitoring – Contingency Procedures Project / Baseline SSR Parameter Project Plan Page 19 of 21 Units of Measure Measured / Estimated Method Frequency of Measure Additional justification of method and monitoring frequency Project Plan 5.0 Data Quality Management Plan (ISO-14064-2: Clause 5.9) 5.1 Data Quality Management Plan Objective 5.2 Responsible Personnel, Qualifications and Training 5.3 Quality Assurance and Quality Control Procedures 5.4 Data Controls 5.5 Data Chain of Custody and Security 5.6 Record Back-Up and Archiving 5.7 Periodic Quality Assurance Review 5.8 Uncertainty Assessment (ISO-14064-2: Clause 5.9) The results of an uncertainty assessment on the quantification should be presented in this section. 6.0 Summary of GHG Assertions 6.1 Baseline Results in Conservative GHG Estimate (BC-EOR: Section 3, subsection 2j) The Proponent asserts that the baseline scenario selected in this GHG project plan will result in a conservative estimate of the greenhouse gas reduction to be achieved by the project, considering Existing or proposed regulatory requirements relevant to any aspect of the baseline scenario, Provincial or federal incentives relevant to any aspect of the baseline scenario, including tax incentives or grants that may be available, The financial implications of carrying out a course of action referred to in the baseline scenario, and Any other factor relevant to justify the claim that the baseline scenario is reasonably likely to occur if the project is not carried out. Please see Section 3.2.2, Evaluation of Baseline Alternatives and Selection of Baseline Scenario for supporting information. Project Plan Page 20 of 21 Project Plan 6.2 Project Additionality (BC-EOR: Section 3, subsection 2k) The Proponent asserts that there are financial, technological or other obstacles to carrying out the project that are overcome or partially overcome by the incentive of having a greenhouse gas reduction recognized as an emission offset under the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Targets Act. Please see Section 3.2.4, Project Additionality, for supporting information. 6.3 Accurate and Conservative Estimate of GHGs (BC_Reg: Section 3, subsection 2o) The Proponent asserts that the selected baseline, SSRs and quantification methods, and quality control procedures and provisions will ensure that the total of the emission reduction and the removals enhancement is an accurate and a conservative estimation of the greenhouse gas reduction, with respect to which the Proponent has ownership, that is to be achieved during the validation period from controlled SSRs in British Columbia, taking into account increases in emissions or reductions in removals, as compared to the baseline scenario, from SSRs other than controlled SSRs. 6.4 Ownership (BC-EOR: Section 3, subsection 2q) The Proponent asserts that with respect to the greenhouse gas reduction to be achieved by carrying out the project, they have a superior claim of ownership of the reduction to that of any other person. (Reference supporting information provided elsewhere in the plan (e.g. schedule), and provide additional supporting information here or in appendix as appropriate.) 6.5 Conformance with Emission Offsets Regulation (BC-EOR: Section 3, subsection 2w) The Proponent asserts that this GHG project plan meets the requirements of the Emission Offsets Regulation. 6.7 Conformance with ISO 14064-2 The Proponent asserts that this GHG project plan meets the requirements of ISO 14064-2:2006. 7.0 References and Supporting Documents All documentary or other data reference sources cited in this project plan will be provided here. Project Plan Page 21 of 21