
The Boy Jesus in the Temple
Luke 2:41-52
Characters: Narrator, Joseph, Mary, Jesus
Jesus’ family had travelled to Jerusalem every year for the Festival of the
Passover. When Jesus was twelve, his family repeated this tradition,
travelling with their extended family to the temple in Jerusalem to
celebrate the Passover. At the end of the festival, Jesus’ family began to
pack up their belongings to return home to Nazareth.
Well, the camel is all loaded. Everyone here and accounted for?
I’m ready to get home. I haven’t seen Jesus in a while, but I believe that
he is at the front of the caravan with our other relatives. We’ll meet up
with him later tonight.
But Jesus wasn’t in the caravan—he had stayed behind in Jerusalem. The
next day, Joseph and Mary became concerned when they still couldn’t
find him.
Have you seen Jesus? I’ve been looking for him throughout the caravan,
but haven’t seen him.
I was just about to ask you that—I too have been searching for him!
Where could he be?
Oh no… did he get lost along the way?
Mary and Joseph turned their camel around, and headed back to
Jerusalem. They continued to search for him along the way, but
eventually found him in Jerusalem itself. They found him sitting amongst
a crowd in the temple courtyard, teaching the teachers of the law and
asking them questions. The crowd listening to Jesus was amazed at his
teaching and understanding of scripture. Mary went up to Jesus, and
asked him:
Son, why have you treated us like this? Your father and I have been
anxiously searching for you for the last three days!
Why were you searching for me? Didn’t you know I had to be in my
Father’s house?
But Mary and Joseph didn’t understand what Jesus had meant. Jesus
stopped teaching, listened to his parents, and returned with them to
Nazareth. Mary treasured all these things in her heart, and Jesus grew in
wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.