
Grove Web Content Form Version 5
This Web Content Form is used to Submit Content, Edit Content and Publish Content. Each
role (Author, Editor and Publisher) has a section to fill out in the rows below.
If you are the Author and have content to submit for the Grove Web Page, please fill out all the sections in the PURPLE column and send the
completed form with any associated photos to
If you are the Editor, review what the Author and submitted, indicating OK in the Editor columns, or note your recommended changes. Send
the form and any associated photos to
If you are the Publisher, review what the Editor has provided and publish the content. Save this form in the Google Doc directory under the
PAGES or POSTS folder where this was published. Send a note to the Author that this has been published.
Your Name
Date submitted / reviewed / published
Your Email (For follow up if needed)
Sponsoring Group at Grove (Missions, UMW,
Youth, etc.)
Name of Event or Topic
Date & Time of Event
Who Is Invited?
Location of Event
Contact Name for the Event and Contact Info
Note: You are still responsible for contacting the Church Office to get this event
officially on the Grove Detail Calendar (maintained by the office team) and rooms
reserved as needed. This should be done before you submit this form. The
information in this form and the information on the Grove Detail Calendar will give the
web team what is needed to post your event on the Grove Highlight Calendar on the
web page.
Editor, is this event on the
Grove Detail Calendar with
time and place? Yes or No
Publisher, if the Editor says
this is on the detail Google
calendar, determine if it
should be published on the
Grove Highlights Calendar.
Enter OK if you agree with
the Author's information.
Enter OK if you agree with
t he Editor's information.
Alternative Source (If there is anything you
did not personally create in the Content, list
the source or tell us where it is.)
Have you gotten approval or permission to
use any content that you did not write?
CATEGORY (This is the area on the web
page where this information should
ABOUT US (Staff, Missionary, Admin
Enter Yes for the ONE area this content
should be associated with on the web page.
WORSHIP (Worship and Music Ministry)
OUTREACH (Church & Society, GROW,
Community Dinner, Clothing and Toy
Ministry, Aids/HIV...)
CARING & SUPPORT (Baptisms, Weddings,
Funerals, Counseling, Nurture Team, Prayer
Shawl, Prayer Chain, Christ Servant
Sports, Round Robin)
LEARNING (Sunday School, VBS, Bible
Study, Adult Forum)
NEWS & EVENTS (Church Calendar,
interested in this information?)
Regular Grove Attendees
Those Seeking a New Church
Those Who Are Newly Relocated
Unassociated Seeking Christian Fellowship
Those Interested in Outreach & Volunteering
Families with Preschool Priorities
Teens, Young Adults
headline for your content, make it catchy and
Enter Yes for all that apply.
Enter OK or Yes if needed.
Enter OK or Yes if
Enter Headline here
Enter changes if needed.
Enter changes if needed.
Actual Content to be Published. Please
provide the full writeup for the content that
you wish to have published on the web.
[Enter Actual Content Here]
If it is an announcement, include the who,
what, when where and why in the body of the
content as well as any key contact info.
If it is more of a promotion for an event, add
information (in addition to the 5 W's) that will
generate interest in the event for the
audience you are trying to reach.
Other things to include are: will babysitting be
available; what is the cost; do attendees
need to bring anything, etc.
Notes/Special Instructions:
5 W’s Are Included in the Actual Content
(Who, What, When, Where and Why).
Remember, this is web content, not limited
by the space available in the paper bulletins,
please include all the details.
Enter Yes and/or the Details Requested.
Enter OK or changes.
Follow-up with Author as
Enter OK or changes.
Enter the Details Requested.
Review photos and
confirm information
provided by the author is
accurate. Make sure they
are in a jpeg format.
Review photos, confirm
they can be published.
Spell Check has been completed on the
Actual Content. Grammar check completed.
Certify that you have gotten Copyright
approval from the source, if needed, for any
content that has been copied from an
existing web page or other resource. Attach
approval notes to the email with this form.
Keep in mind that this is a serious concern,
we cannot be lifting other content and
publishing it as our own. Please keep Grove
safe from this, make it your own words if
If Photos are being submitted: 1) List the
filename of the photo image(s) that you will
be attaching as well as the names of any
children who are in the photo(s). Adult
names are very helpful as well. 2) Indicate if
permission has been obtained to publish the
photo(s) for each Child in any of the photos.
3) Attach the photo(s) to the email you send
with this form.
If there are children in the picture and
permissions are not known, please reach out
to Kathy Parker ( to
check what is on file re permissions.
1) Good Works Image 6534.jpeg
In this picture is:
I do (or do not) know if we have permission
to publish this photo with the child.
2) Good Works Image 6535.jpeg
In this picture is:
I do (or do not) know if we have permission
to publish this photo with the child.
Please submit photos in a .jpeg format.
Enter Links go be published with this content.
Test the links, confirm they
are good.
Test the links, confirm
they are still good.
Recommended Links to be published with
this content:
If you are the Author (Submitter) of
this information, you can STOP here!
Email this form and any associated
photos to
If you are the Editor
of this information,
you can STOP here!
Email this form and
any associated
photos to
As the Publisher, there are some additional steps you to do to take the content submitted and post it on the web page, as well as pictures
sent. Make sure we are good with approvals for pictures to publish, if you have any doubt, do not publish the picture. It is up to the Author
and/or Editor team to make sure we have approval to publish, but if that is not there, DO NOT PUBLISH. Also, any Copyright concerns, DO
Photos being submitted - Make sure each file name of the photo attached is
listed and the names of the children (and adults if possible) are included in the
email. If there are children in the picture and permissions are not known,
please reach out to Kathy Parker ( to check what is on
file re permissions. If you fell that the permission has been obtained, enter
Editor Questions and Concerns have been resolved.
Headline is active and descriptive.
Unnecessary Line Breaks eliminated.
Subheads bolded
Bulleted Lists styled
Block quotes styled as needed
Hyperlinks included
Category defined
Media uploaded or added
New page/post previewed
Published on the Grove Highlight Calendar?
Move this document to the appropriate Google Docs folder.
If you are the Publisher of this information and have completed your publication, please save this
document on Google Drive in the Posts section to which this is applicable. And then you are done!