Poster Presentation Proposal Information

Call for Poster Presentations
VASP Fall Convention
September 24, 2015
Kingsmill Marriott
Williamsburg, VA
Coordinated by the Virginia Academy of Academic Psychologists
Submission Deadline – September 15, 2015
Submit to:
Barbara H. Banze, Ed. S.
VASP Convention Committee
8441 Arthur Drive
Suffolk, VA 23438
(757) 393-8766
The Virginia Academy of School Psychologists (VASP) is accepting proposals for poster presentations to be delivered on
Thursday, September 24, 2015 from 5pm to 7 pm at the VASP annual social. All undergraduate and graduate students are
eligible to submit proposals relevant to any area of psychology, however student proposals must be sponsored by a
faculty member who is a current member of VASP, and students who are selected to present must register for the
conference. Proposals will be accepted or rejected based on quality of the proposal -- including clarity, relevance, and
completeness. A proposal must include an application form or a copy (see next page), and a formal abstract of no more
than 50 words. Authors may provide a content summary of no more than three pages including the abstract to help with
the selection process. Formatting should follow current APA guidelines. E-mail submissions are welcomed and
encouraged. Only submissions received by September 15th will be considered for the program.
Posters provide a written or graphic overview of research or programs, and typically include a brief abstract and graphics
(tables, figures, or pictures). Poster presenters will be provided with an easel to accommodate one 32 by 40 inch poster
board. Presenters must be available for questions during the poster session. Presenters must bring their own materials to
tack or tape their poster to the poster board.
Application Form
Presentation Title:
Submitted by:
Faculty Sponsor (Must be a current VASP member):
printed name:
Submission Information:
Please list all contributors and their institutional affiliations:
Special accommodations needed for presenter(s):
Attach a formal abstract of no more than 50 words. You may also include a content summary of no more than three
pages, including the abstract. Proposals must be received by September 15, 2015.