Click here to view my essay on data mining

Omar Mohamed
Data Mining
What is data mining? Data mining is a tool that is mainly used to analyze data and
translate it into useful information. After turning data into useful information, the process of
data mining arranges the data in any order the user wishes and compare the data with each
other. Data is any type of information that includes numbers, letters in texts, and facts. But
data mining is mostly used to deal with cost, prices, companies that deal with consuming
products and business activity. Data mining is the extraction of information from any data
resources that any organization uses and is used to increase efficiency and productivity of work.
Data mining is a branch in computer science and has many uses in everyday life.
One use of data mining is anomaly detection, which is a process that is used to identify
unusual data or information records that are needed to be overlooked and studied. Another
use of data mining is regression, which is a process used to find data with least error. Data
mining works by processing 5 elements, which are 1) the extraction of information from the
large data, transforming it to useful information needed and loading the information on the
system. 2) Storing the information in a multidimensional system. 3) Providing the information
to the IT specialists and the businessmen. 4) Analyze the information by running it on
applications. 5) Present the information in a graphs or tables.
Data mining is also used in engineering, genetics and sciences. In genetics, a task called
multifactor dimensionality reduction is used to determine the changes of DNA in order to know
how does the person gets affected by diseases, how to treat the diseases or how to prevent the
person from even acquiring the disease. In computer science, data mining is used to detect
intrusions and theft. Data mining can also be used in supermarkets to determine what type of
products are being sold the most, what are sold the least, how many items were sold and
detecting what buyers are willing to pay for.
In conclusion, I believe that data mining resulted in many achievements for
businessmen, engineers, scientists and even workers in the supermarkets and companies
because of the efficiency it gave and how it increased the productivity. Data mining was used in
the supermarkets to determine which products are being sold and how many of them were
sold. With this information, the workers can get the products that are bought the most and sell
more of them to get more money. It is also used to extract a particular amount of information
needed from a large group of data, and present that information in a useful manner. I hope that
data mining will have a better future not just in all the companies, but for normal people at
home to use as well.
(Data Mining: What is Data Mining?)
(Example research paper on Data Mining, 2011)