Warm-up - Greenwood County School District 52

**SSR journals will be collected on Friday You should have 15 entries between the dates of
September 30th and October 18th.**
Monday, October 14th - Review for quiz over Charlotte Doyle, "An
Important Warning" - Chapter 5
Warm-up: Dwight David Eisenhower, the 34th President, was born on
this day in 1890. If you were asked to redesign the one dollar coin, who
would you put on the coin and why?
In-class assignment: Quiz study guide
Homework: Study for quiz! Answers are under the Documents tab. Blog 4
response due tomorrow; book report 2 due Wednesday
Tuesday, October 15th - Quiz over Charlotte Doyle "An Important
Warning" - Chapter 5
Warm-up: Today is "National Grouch Day." If someone around you is
being a grouch, what are some ways that you could cheer them up and
help them be in a better mood?
In-class assignment: Quiz
Homework: Blog 4; book report 2
Wednesday, October 16th - Book reports due today; read chapters 6
and 7 of Charlotte Doyle; introduce new vocabulary words; discuss and
work with similes
Warm-up: Today is National Dictionary Day. Explain to a classmate, in
writing, how to look up the word “dictionary” in the dictionary.
In-class assignment: Similes exercise
Homework: Complete vocabulary squares for eleven new words in your
glossary (grotesque, tranquility, congenial, naive, servility, surmise, pallor,
sarcasm, putrid, ruffian, marooned). Due Friday.
Thursday, October 17th - Introduce and begin food menu project; begin
reading Chapter 8 of Charlotte Doyle
Warm-up: The Star Spangled Banner was first sung on this day in
1814. This song, which is our National Anthem, is sung at a number of
different events. Explain why it’s important to carry on the tradition of
singing this song.
In-class assignment: Food menu project
Homework: Complete vocabulary squares for eleven new words in your
glossary (grotesque, tranquility, congenial, naive, servility, surmise, pallor,
sarcasm, putrid, ruffian, marooned). Due tomorrow.
Friday, October 18th - Finish reading Chapter 8 of Charlotte Doyle; add
to foreshadowing logs; finish and turn in food menu project; turn in DGP
(week 8) and SSR journals
Warm-up: On this day in 1767, the Mason-Dixon Line was
established. This line was very symbolic in the minds of the people of a
young nation struggling over slavery. List everything you know about
slavery and this time period.
In-class assignment: Food menu project
Homework: None
Monday, October 21st - Review So B. It for test tomorrow; read Chapter
9 of Charlotte Doyle
Warm-up: On this day in 1959, the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum of
Modern and Contemporary Art opened in New York City. Describe a time
that you have been to a museum. If you haven’t been to a museum,
explain why you would like to visit one.
In-class assignment: So B. It review
Homework: None
Tuesday, October 22nd - So B. It test and extra credit quiz; introduce
mini-research project (effects on the human body of being at sea for
several months - guidelines available under Documents).
Warm-up: Write a summary of your favorite chapter or scene so far in
The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle. Also write any questions you may
have about the story.
In-class assignments: So B. It test/quiz; begin taking notes from
Internet research
Homework: Final research project (Power Point or pamphlet/brochure)
due Monday, October 28th.
Wednesday, October 23rd - Continue researching effects on the human
body of being at sea for several months
Warm-up: Brazilian soccer player, Edison Pele, was born on this day in
1940. In order to become such an incredible soccer player, Pele had to
practice. What is something that you would like to become better
at? Explain what you will need to do in order to improve your skills. (This
doesn’t have to be a sport.)
In-class assignment: Internet research
Homework: Final research project (Power Point or pamphlet/brochure)
due Monday, October 28th.
Thursday, October 24th - Continue researching effects on the human
body of being at sea for several months
Warm-up: Pablo Picasso, the famous artist, was born in Spain on October
25 in 1881. In your journal, draw a picture of your favorite place. This
may be a place that you have visited, or just a place you visit in your
mind. After you have drawn your place, write a paragraph describing this
location and why it is special to you.
In-class assignment: Internet research
Homework: Final research project (Power Point or pamphlet/brochure)
due Tuesday, October 29th (changed from Monday).
Friday, October 25th - No school for students