Heating Houses/Ovens Materials List(Explore It!) LOCAL MATERIALS PURCHASE 15-20 STUDENTS (5 TEAMS) Download the most up to date version of this list at http://npass2.edc.org/curriculum Approximate Cost (local purchase) Cost including Optional items 1 10 ~10 3-5 10 6 5 6 6 1 5 1 1 pk 4-6 5 25 3 ~1 lb 2 5 1 roll 5 ITEM Curriculum Guide Book Cardboard Boxes (in tact) ~ 9 x 12 x 12* Extra Cardboard boxes (for insulation) Thermometers, Dial, Candy (100 400°F)* Thermometers, Alcohol (-10 +120°F)* Bulb Holders, two prongs (Cooper 738V)* Extension Cord – 6 feet long Light bulbs, Incandescent, 100-Watt Light bulbs, Incandescent 40 Watt Aluminum Foil rolls @ 75 Sq Ft* Aluminum Pans (~ 6 x 9)* Cookie Dough (~16 oz)* BBQ Skewers (12” or longer)* Oven Mitts or Thick Cloths* Glue – craft Cup, Styrofoam or paper – 6oz or 8oz Masking Tape Ice cubes Plastic juice carafe* 12” Ruler Paper Towels Scissors STORE Kelvin.com/Ovens Recycle Recycle Grocery Specialty Hardware Hardware Hardware Hardware Grocery Grocery Grocery Grocery Grocery Craft Grocery Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Prices and availability of items may vary from region to region Copyright EDC 2014 $112 ~$140 COST $8.95 0.00 0.00 $12.00 $18.50 $9.00 $15.00 $8.00 $8.00 $5.00 $9.00 $3.00 2.50 $6.75 $3.50 $1.75 Heating Houses/Ovens Materials List(Explore It!) LOCAL PURCHASE MATERIALS LIST CONTINUED… Classroom items are assumed to be part of normal program equipment OPTIONAL ITEMS 3 1 1 1 ITEM 1 hacksaw blades* Duct Tape (Program leader) Power Strip* Utility Knife (Program Leader) Twin Light socket Newspaper STORE Hardware Hardware Hardware Hardware Hardware Recycle ~$27 COST $2.75 $7.00 $11.00 $3.00 $2.50 NOTES: Two Prong Bulb Holders, found in the electrical supply section of most hardware stores. Look for Cooper 738V. Notice that it has a flared end (see picture) so that it will hold firmly in the side of the cardboard box. Alternatively, you could purchase a socket with wires and a plug attached, avoiding the need for an extension cord. If you buy an alternative model. The flared edge is still important. Light Bulbs: 40W and 100W. You must purchase old-style INCADESCENT bulbs – because they give off plenty of heat to warm the house and bake the cookies. Watch out that you do NOT buy the new energy-efficient bulbs by mistake. If you can’t find 100W incadescents, buy 60W or 75 and use two bulbs together for Exploration #5 using the splitter below Use a Twin Light Socket with old-style (inefficient) 60W or 75W bulbs if you can’t find 100W’s. Screw this twin socket into the twoprong holder above. Place a 40W on one side and a 60W or 75W on the other. Aluminum pan is used in Exploration #5 as a baking sheet. Hefty EZ Foil (6” x 9”) Fudge Pans work well for this exploration. Power Strip is an optional item. These are used if outlets are limited in the program’s space. Prices and availability of items may vary from region to region Copyright EDC 2014 Heating Houses/Ovens Materials List(Explore It!) Hacksaw Blades may be used to cut cardboard. The finer the teeth, the easier and safer it will be for the children to use. Break each blade in half and wind some duct tape around one end. See page XVI in the guide book for further details. Dial thermometer (candy) with a temperature range of 100-400°F. Make sure you purchase the kind with a long prong as shown here. Don’t buy the similar thermometer that only goes up to 220°F. Remove the clip before inserting the prong into the oven lid or wall. Alcohol Thermometers with a temperature range of -10 +120°F are used in explorations 1 through 4. Buy individually or as a pack of 10. Test them in ice water before the session to make sure they are all calibrated the same. The temp at the surface of a cup of ice water should be 32°F o Aluminum Foil is often cheaper to purchase from your local grocery store. Online rolls tend to be 500 feet. Only use the online source if you have no other option. o Cardboard box, e.g. wine boxes or any boxes about 9”x10”x12”. Boxes of varying sizes allow students to compare how heat retention is related to the size of the box. Try double boxing for better insulation. o Cookie Dough is used in exploration #5. Purchase readymade cookie dough (wet or dry) at any grocery store or make up your own recipe. Most dry cookie mixes also need you to add an egg and oil. Consider nut-free dough as many students have allergies. o Corrugated cardboard: Please follow the directions below for each exploration. Exploration #2 – You need extra cardboard to create a lid/roof for each house. Follow the directions on pages 19 – 21 of the guidebook for creating the lids. Exploration #3 – You could use as many as 30 additional sheets of about 12” x 12” covered in foil (or not) to line the insides of the ovens. Exploration #5 – Use leftover cardboard as additional insulation. o Felt is suggested in the guidebook as an insulator. This is no longer recommended. o Ice Cubes. For Expls #1 and #4 use any ice cubes from your refrigerator or from a store. o Oven Mitts or Heavy Cloths: to protect students when handling hot light bulbs or removing hot food trays from their ovens. Remind students of the safety rules on p xii of the guide. Children should never handle hot light bulbs with their bare fingers. o Plastic Juice carafes are used to hold ice and water in Exploration #1 o Skewers, 12” or longer: used in Expl #5 to support the baking tray should not touch or be placed within two inches of the light bulb. Make a baking pan support of at least 3 doubled up skewers in each oven plus extras in case of breakage. Prices and availability of items may vary from region to region Copyright EDC 2014 NPASS2 Materials List Heating a House/Oven (Explore It!) Heating Houses and Ovens:Explore It! Bulk Online Purchasing: Click Chart to Open in Microsoft Excel Change the 1 to 0 in column C to exclude an item from the calculation Total Cost $4,617.69 Number of Kits Needed 50 Cost/kit #Packs to Cost/pack Order $92 Item Vendor/Part # Curriculum Guide Kelvin.com #652282 1 1 1 50 50 $8.95 $447.50 Ace Hardware 998081968 1 1 2 100 100 $5.70 $570.00 MyBrands 1 2 6 300 150 $2.06 $309.00 Hardware & Tools 4186375 1 1 6 300 300 $1.20 $360.00 Twin-Light-Socketu688716.html 0 1 6 300 300 $2.20 $0.00 Cookie Mix, Dry Pillsbury® 12-Pack FZP012 1 12 1 50 5 $32.00 $160.00 Cups, Styrofoam Webstaurant Store 9996J6 1 25 10 500 20 $0.89 $17.80 Extension Cord 6 ft Hardware & Tools 4461687 1 1 5 250 250 $1.40 $350.00 Discount School Supply 8WWEWSGSET 0 12 5 250 21 $7.49 $0.00 McMaster Carr 2747K14 1 4 6 300 75 $5.25 $393.75 Mcmaster Carr 2747K11 1 4 6 300 75 $5.19 $389.25 Oven Mitts Webstaurant Store 167801SG15 1 2 2 100 50 $3.04 $152.00 Skewers 100 Pk Webstaurantstore 48512SKEW 1 30 1 50 2 $25.50 $51.00 Thermometer, Alcohol (-10 - 120°F) SciKit Pack of 10 1 10 10 500 50 $14.95 $747.50 Aluminum Foil @75 Sq Ft Aluminum Tray, EZ Foil Fudge (~6x9) Bulb Holder with two prongs Twin Light socket Glue, Craft Light Bulb 100W Light Bulb 40W Y/N # in pack #/Kit Total # needed Prices and availability of items may vary from region to region Copyright EDC 2011 Total Other vendors 601211 Optional IN0145 235317 Science Kit WW28975M 00