MYP Year 1 English Language Arts 6 Trait Rubric

MYP Year 1 English Language Arts 6 Trait Rubric – Narrative
Criterion A –
-Compose pieces that apply ageappropriate literary and/or nonliterary features to serve the
context and intention.
0 The student does not reach a
standard described by any of
the descriptors listed below.
1-2 The work has little to no
detail, development, or support.
3-4 The narrative contains little
detail, development, or support.
It shows little imagination.
5-6 The narrative shows some
imagination. The work shows
some detail, development, and
7-8 The narrative shows detail,
development, and support. It
shows imagination.
9-10 The narrative piece shows
very good detail, development,
and support. It shows
outstanding imagination.
Worth 50%
Criterion B – Organization
-Create work that employs
organizational structures and
language-specific conventions
throughout a variety of text types.
-Organize ideas and arguments in a
coherent and logical manner.
0 The student does not reach a
standard described by any of the
descriptors listed below.
1-2 The work is very disorganized
and confusing. There is no
identifiable beginning, body,
and/or ending. There sequence of
events is confusing or awkward
and there is a lack of transitions.
3-4 The work is mostly
disorganized and confusing: there
is a missing or mostly undeveloped
beginning, body, and/or ending.
There may be some sequencing,
but the order or relationship
among ideas is mostly unclear.
Paragraphs are muddled or not
indicated clearly. There is a lack of
effective transitions or the same
transition is used repeatedly.
5-6 The work shows some
organization. There is an attempt
at a beginning, middle, and end
that is somewhat effective. The
sequencing is basically clear and
the student shows some
understanding of paragraphs.
There are transitions that work
sometimes. The same few
transitional devices may be
7-8 Often well organized, with a
beginning and an end. Sequencing
and paragraphing is often clear.
Transitions are usually used and
9-10 Well organized, with a
recognizable, developed beginning,
clear sequencing and
paragraphing, and developed
conclusion. Appropriate transitions
are used.
Worth 40%
Criterion C –Style and
Language: Conventions
-Use correct grammar and
-Use correct spelling/writing
-Use language accurately
0 The student does not reach a
standard described by any of
the descriptors listed below.
1-2 There are very frequent
errors in capitalization,
punctuation, grammar, and/or
spelling that do not allow the
message to be clear.
3-4 There are regular errors in
capitalization, punctuation,
grammar, and/or spelling that
do not allow the message to be
5-6 There are some mistakes
in capitalization, punctuation,
grammar, and/or spelling.
These errors sometimes effect
7-8 There may be a few errors
in capitalization, punctuation,
grammar, and/or spelling, but
they rarely effect
9-10 There is almost no need
for additional editing. Any
occasional errors in
capitalization, punctuation,
grammar, and/or spelling, do
not effect communication.
Worth 10%
MYP Year 1 English Language Arts 6 Trait Rubric – Narrative
Criterion C –Style and
Language: Sentence
Criterion C – Style and
Language: Word Choice
Criterion C – Style and
Language: Voice
-Use language accurately
-Use language to narrate,
describe, explain, argue,
persuade, inform, entertain and
express feelings
0 The student does not reach a
standard described by any of
the descriptors below.
1-2 The vocabulary used is
poorly chosen and/or very
limited. Enough words are
misused that the communicated
in hindered.
3-4 The vocabulary used is
often poorly chosen and/or
very limited. Many words may
be used incorrectly or the word
choice may be repetitive.
0 The student does not reach a
standard described by any of
the descriptors below.
1-2 No attention is paid to the
audience. There are no hints of
personality in the writing.
5-6 The use of vocabulary is
usually appropriate and
somewhat varied. Words are
generally, but not always, used
correctly. They may lack
specificity or be somewhat
7-8 The use of vocabulary is
mostly appropriate and varied.
The words used enhance the
meaning and there are
moments of particularly precise
or vibrant word usage.
5-6 There is some awareness of
audience and individuality in
the writing. There are some
hints of the writer behind the
9-10 The use of vocabulary is
always appropriate and varied.
Effective and creative nouns
and verbs. The word choice is
specific, precise, and vibrant,
and helps the reader
experience the story. Figurative
language is used accurately.
9-10 The student shows a good
awareness of the audience. The
reader can glimpse the writer
behind the words and even feel
a sense of interaction. The
writer’s individuality shines
through. The writing is sincere,
confident, and lively when
*Not included in grade
*Not included in grade
-Use appropriate and varied
sentence structure
0 The student does not reach a
standard described by any of
the descriptors below.
1-2 The sentences are choppy,
rambling, or incomplete. It is
difficult to read the paper
aloud, even for the author.
3-4 There is little variety in
sentence length. Most
sentences begin the same way.
Mostly simple sentence
structure is used. It is difficult
for others to read the paper
5-6 The is generally a mix of
long and short sentences and
sentence beginnings. However,
a number of sentences may
begin the same way. Many
sentences may have a simple
7-8 Overall, there is a good
variety to the structure of the
sentences. Many sentences
begin in different ways, and
there are a number of
compound and/or complex
sentences. It is easy to read the
paper aloud and it sounds nice.
9-10 The structure and flow of
the sentences is very strong.
The sentence structure and the
way they flow help
communicate the ideas and its
rhythm encourages oral
reading. Sentence beginnings
are varied. There is a natural
and effective mix of sentence
lengths and construction.
*Not included in grade
Final score_______________________
3-4 There is little awareness of
the audience and little
personality in the writing.
7-8 The student shows an
awareness of the audience.
Much of the narrative reveals
the writer’s personality and
unique perspective.