How do the current plug-ins rip values? How does the user track which values are to be ripped? Select Single Value Plug-in Generation Select Multi-Value Plug-in Generation Select Multi-Key Plugin Special Cases SYSTEM\CCS Enumerate all values in Key For this key, output name, LWT, all 1-level subkeys (including LWT) and all of their value names/data o Group by subkeyname/LWT Order by value name For this key, output name, LWT, and all value names and data o Order by value name For this key, output name, LWT, and specific value name and data Overall o Output last write time uses gmtime o Start with logmsg, new Win32Registry object, getrootkey, specify initial path o For a given key, we might want Output Key name & time Output Key write time Foreach subkey Output subkey name & time Foreach value, store name and data Sort on valuename and output value/data Specific Subkey o Acmru o o o o For a set of values Specific value data (sorted on value name) All value data (sorted on value name) Hive: NTUSER Path: Software\\Microsoft\\Search Assistant\\ACMru Output last write time Foreach subkey Output name [Last write time] For each value Store %hash{valuename}=valuedata Output valuedata sorted by valuename Adoberdr o Hive: NTUSER o If version 6.0, 7.0 or 8.0 at Software\\Adobe\\Acrobat Reader\\____\\AVGeneral\\cRecentFiles Define path as that o Path: Path: Software\\Adobe\\Acrobat Reader\\8.0\\AVGeneral\\cRecentFiles o Output keypath o Output last write time o Foreach subkey %hash{subkey-name}{subkey-lastwrite} and %hash{subkey-name}{sDI-data} Store name (like ‘c1’) and format (remove ‘c’) Store specific value: sDI Output lastwrite & data sorted by name (path to a recent file) AIM o Hive: NTUSER o Path: Software\\America Online\\AOL Instant Messenger (TM)\\CurrentVersion\\Users o Output package o Output keypath o Foreach subkey Output keyname & timestamp For each subkey If subkey name contains “Login” o Output Password1 data if exists If subkey name is recent o Output subkey name o Foreach value Store in %hash{valuename}=valuedata o Output valuename and valuedata sorted by valuename AppInitDLLs o Hive: SOFTWARE o Path: Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Windows o Output package o Output keypath o Output last write time o Foreach value If valuename is APPInit_DLLs Output name and data Applets o Hive: NTUSER o Path: Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Applets o Output package o Output keypath o Output last write time o If paint recent file list subkey (Paint\\Recent File List) Output keypath Output last write time Foreach value %hash{#fromvaluename}=data o Store # from name o Value data is path to recently opened file Output hash contents sorted on valuename# o If registry last key (Regedit) Output keypath Output last-write time For 1 value (LastKey Output value name and data Services o Hive: System o Path: CCS\\Services o Rip Foreach subkey Get last write time Get data for these specific values o Type o DisplayName o ImagePath o Start o Group Push value data as join(“;”) to @{$hash{timestamp}} o Report Sort %hash, newest timestamp first Foreach timestamp Output value data