Tic-Tac-Toe Quarter 1 Name:______________________ Date:_______________________ Directions: Choose 3 activities to create a line. Cross out the activity you have chosen. Do the activities on separate paper. Always underline the spelling/vocab word you are using. Turn in your Tic-Tac-Toe Board with your 3 activities on Friday! Write all 20 spelling words neatly 4 times each. Write ten (10) sentences. Use 10 spelling words. Use a thesaurus Write down all the synonyms for 10 of the spelling words. Use a dictionary. Pick eight (8) spelling words you don’t know and write their definition. Write all 20 of your spelling words in alphabetical order (ABC order). Use colored pencils. Alternate the color you use for each letter of the 20 spelling words. EX: said Choose 10 spelling words and use them to write super sentences. Use a computer to type a story using AT LEAST 10 spelling words. Using your computer go to puzzlemaker.com Create a word search by typing in the 20 spelling words. DO THE WORD SEARCH, TOO.