Supplemental Material on Ni-Mn-Ga Shape Memory Nanoactuation M. Kohl,1,a) M. Schmitt,1 A. Backen, 2,b) L. Schultz, 2 B. Krevet1, and S. Fähler,2,3 1 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, IMT, P.O. Box 3640, 76021 Karlsruhe, Germany 2 IFW Dresden, P.O. Box 270116, 01171 Dresden, Germany 3 Technische Universität Chemnitz, Institute of Physics, 09107 Chemnitz, Germany 1. FABRICATION TECHNOLOGY A single crystalline MgO (100) substrate is used for DC magnetron sputtering of epitaxial NiMn-Ga films. MgO is, however, a chemically inert material that makes the release from the substrate almost impossible. In order to fabricate free-standing Ni-Mn-Ga nanostructures, first an intermediate epitaxial Cr layer is sputtered that is used as a sacrificial layer.[15] It has been demonstrated that the epitaxial Cr layer allows for deposition of the epitaxial Ni-Mn-Ga layer. Epitaxial layer growth occurs for substrate temperatures between 300 and 400°C. The working pressure is 8*10-3 mbar and the sputtering power is 70 W. These sputter conditions result in thin films with thermal shape memory behavior and pronounced magnetic properties. Further heat treatment is unnecessary since the deposition temperatures are sufficient to provide chemical order and epitaxial growth of the Ni-Mn-Ga film. Prior nanofabrication, the Ni-Mn-Ga / MgO samples are cleaned in an ultrasonic bath using isopropyl alcohol. For electron beam lithography (EBL), a resist layer of PMMA (polymethylmethacrylate) of 400 nm thickness is deposited and prebaked at 110 °C for 7 min. EBL is performed at 100 kV using a Vistec VB6 UHR EWF tool. A 1:3 solution of a) Corresponding author: Electronic mail: Current address: Institut Néel (CNRS & UJF), 25 Rue des Martyrs, BP166, 38042 Grenoble Cedex 9, France. b) 1 methylisobutylketone and isopropyl alcohol is used in a spray developer for 75 s to develop the resist structures. The resist structures are transferred into the Ni-Mn-Ga layer by ion beam etching (IBE) (Ionfab 300, Oxford Instruments). The beam energy is 200 V and the current density is determined to be 1.13 mA/cm2. To reduce sidewall depositions of sputtered Ni-MnGa on the resist structures, a two-step procedure is established which changes the angle of incidence from 30° to 70°. An ultrasonic bath with acetone is used to strip residual PMMA resist structures and eventual sidewall depositions. A commercially available Cr etchant is used to remove the Cr sacrificial layer. A time dependent etch stop is applied to allow for sufficient structure release while keeping the bigger anchor structures intact. A freeze drying process with cyclohexane is executed to minimize the stiction effect caused by capillary forces of evaporating liquids. 2. ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE OF THE EPITAXIAL NI-MN-GA THIN FILM The temperatures of martensitic phase transformation of the epitaxial Ni-Mn-Ga films are determined by four-wire electrical resistance measurements in a thermostat under vacuum conditions to prevent film oxidation. The temperature is first increased and subsequently decreased step-wise, while the electrical resistance is recorded after sufficient waiting time to allow for quasi-stationary conditions. Figure S1 shows electrical resistance characteristics in the phase transformation regime upon heating and cooling for an epitaxial Ni-Mn-Ga film of 250 nm thickness. The specimen size is about 10 x 10 mm². The measurements show a broad transformation regime spanning the range from 90 to about 250 °C. Previous investigations indicate that the epitaxial Ni-Mn-Ga films undergo a multistep martensitic transition.[16] 2 Fig. S1. Electrical resistance characteristics of a reference Ni-Mn-Ga film specimen. The different relative resistance changes in the phase transformation regime upon heating and cooling are indicated by and , respectively. 3. VIDEO OF SHAPE RECOVERY A SEM video of shape recovery of nanoactuator #1 has been recorded. After initial deformation by a nanomanipulator, the double beam stays quasi-plastically deformed with a corresponding tip deflection of about 1.4 µm. By electrical heating, an almost complete shape recovery by more than 90 % occurs. 3 Fig. S2. Still image taken from the video showing the shape recovery of nanoactuator #1. 4. COUPLED FINITE ELEMENT SIMULATION A continuum model is considered for simulation of the electrical and thermal properties of the Ni-Mn-Ga nanobeam structures without taking into account any material anisotropy or size-dependent effects. The shape memory effect is described by a phenomenological Tanaka-type model that has been extended to SMA structures of arbitrary 3D shape.[17] Thermal coupling to the environment is taken into account by a heat transfer model for heat conduction and convection. The simulation parameters are listed in Table S1. The electrical resistivity and phase transformation temperatures are determined from own experiments on the Ni-Mn-Ga films, see Figure S1. As some of the thermal parameters are determined from different experiments reported in literature on macroscale specimens, however, interpretation of the simulation results has to be considered with care. 4 Table S1. Simulation parameters Parameter Value Unit 2 * 10-5 Wµm-1K-1 Electrical resistivity (Martensite) 0.9102 + 0.0008993 * T(°C) Ωµm Electrical resistivity (Austenite) 0.75053 + 0.0005526 * T(°C) Ωµm Thermal expansion coefficientb) 1.5 * 10-5 K-1 Heat transfer coefficientc) 8.0 * 10-12 Wµm-2 K-1 Integral latent heat 4500 Jkg-1 Martensite start temperature Ms 165 °C Martensite finish temperature Mf 85 °C Austenite start temperature As 105 °C Austenite finish temperature Af 180 °C Environmental temperature 25 °C Thermal conductivitya) a) O. Söderberg, I. Aaltio, Y. Ge, O. Heczko, S.P. Hannula, Materials Science and Engineering A 481, 80 (2008); V.A. Chernenko, M. Kohl, M. Ohtsuka, T. Takagi, V.A. L’vov, V.M. Kniazkyi, Materials Science and Engineering A 438, 944 (2006); b) c) A low heat transfer coefficient has been assumed for the vacuum conditions in the SEM. The simulation procedure consists of two steps that are iterated several times in order to obtain self-consistent results. In a first electrical simulation step, the local electrical current profile and corresponding heating power distribution are simulated based on the experimentally determined electrical resistance temperature characteristics of the epitaxial Ni-Mn-Ga films in martensitic and austenitic condition provided in the supplemental information. In the phase transformation regime, a rule of mixture is assumed for the phase fraction-dependent contributions of the electrical resistances in austenite and martensite. A von Neumann boundary is assumed for the electrical potential at the beam onset. 5 In a second thermal simulation step, the competing effects of local heat generation given by the electrical current profile and heat losses due to heat conduction and convection are considered. Heat conduction is enabled by the link between beam structures and bond pads used for electrical interconnection to the measurement setup. Convective heat exchange with the environment can be neglected within the SEM. Furthermore radiative heat losses are expected to become important only at large temperatures (>1000°C), but are neglected here. The time dependence of heat transfer is simulated using a Crank Nicolson scheme. Quasistationary conditions are obtained by taking into account sufficient time for heat exchange. Thus, for each electrical current value, a temperature profile is obtained that is used to calculate a corresponding thermally averaged value of electrical resistance. 5. REFERENCE NI-MN-GA ACTUATOR WITH LARGE BEAM WIDTH In order to elucidate possible size-dependent effects resulting from the large surface-tovolume ratio of the Ni-Mn-Ga nanoactuators, we compare the drop of electrical resistance of the Ni-Mn-Ga nanobeam structures with corresponding results of Ni-Mn-Ga actuators having a much larger beam width of 1 µm. Figure S3 shows electrical current dependence of beam deflection and corresponding electrical resistance for a Ni-Mn-Ga double beam actuator having a beam length, width and thickness of 40 µm, 1 µm and 250 nm, respectively (reference actuator). In this case, the resistance drop is about 7 %, which in line with the result of the simulation model and the observed resistance change in the Ni-Mn-Ga film reference sample taking into account that the temperature profile in the beam structures gives rise to averaged electrical resistance values. 6 FIG. S3. Deflection of beam tip during an electrical heating cycle and corresponding normalized electrical resistance of a Ni-Mn-Ga double beam actuator (reference actuator) having a length, width and thickness of each nanobeam of 40 µm, 1 µm and 250 nm, respectively. 6. EFFECT OF CONTACT RESISTANCES AND LEAKAGE CURRENTS The electrical resistance of the Ni-Mn-Ga double beam actuators may be estimated in the framework of a continuum model taking into account their geometrical dimensions and electrical conductivity. Our measurements on the Ni-Mn-Ga reference actuator with beam length, width and thickness of 40 µm, 1 µm and 250 nm, respectively, reveal an electrical resistivity of 0.93 µm at room temperature, which is smaller compared to Ni-Mn-Ga bulk values reported in the literature.[S1] If we assume this value of electrical resistivity for estimation of electrical resistance of the Ni-Mn-Ga beam nanoactuators, we obtain in each case an electrical resistance of about 300 as the effects of different geometries cancel out each other. This value corresponds well to the experimental result on the reference actuator. For the Ni-Mn-Ga beam nanoactuator of 200 nm beam width (nanoactuator #1) the observed electrical resistance is by about 13% higher, which could be explained by fabrication 7 tolerances of beam widths in the order of 30 nm. This result also indicates that the contribution of leakage currents cannot be higher than this uncertainty in electrical resistance, because any leakage current would result in a decrease of electrical resistance rather than an increase. For the smallest Ni-Mn-Ga nanoactuator #2, experimental values of electrical resistance differ by almost 100 % as the fabrication tolerances have a much higher impact. In this case, a rigorous evaluation of electrical resistance change is no longer possible. Further estimates on the effect of possible temperature-dependent effects on the electrical resistance have been made on the basis of an electrical circuit model taking into account the series resistance of the measurement setup and contact resistances. The series resistance of the measurement setup between the electrical interconnection tips, including all connection cables and the nanomanipulators is determined to be below 10 . The contact resistances are estimated to be less than 20 . A possible temperature-dependent change of contact resistances of 20 results in a rather small change of the overall electrical resistance of about 0.5% and, thus, can be ruled out as an explanation for the observed change of electrical resistance drop in the nanoactuators. [S1] V.K. Srivastava, R. Chatterjeea and R.C. O’Handley, Appl. Phys. Lett. 2006, 89, 222107. 8