Jesus Made Land and Plants

Big Idea: CARING
This lesson focuses on the third day of creation as told in the Bible. The main emphasis is that God the Son created
everything because He loves us and He has asked us to care for His creations.
Learning Objectives:
To help the young children understand that our God made the earth and plants for us; that Jesus is the Creator.
1.1.3 God
1.2 The Bible
1.3 Creation
1.6 Christian Living
Begins to exercise faith.
Begins to understand that God speaks to people through the Bible.
Begins to understand events of creation, the nature of man and his relationship with God.
Begins to develop an appreciation of creation and an interest in studying nature.
Begins to respond to nature by showing sympathy, compassion and a caring spirit.
Begins to recognize the joy in Christian living.
Begins to respect the body as the temple of God.
Bible Treasures: Genesis 1:9, Isaiah 58:11, Jeremiah 29:5, Deuteronomy 11:10
I have brought some things to show you. I have some seeds, I have a little container with dirt, and I have a cup
with water. If I plant these seeds in this dirt and put some water on it and if I set it here by the window, what do you
think will happen? Yes, they will grow into plants! I helped the plant grow by planting my seed in the dirt and watering
it and putting it by the sun. But who made the seed? Who made the dirt? Who made the water? Who made the sun... so
that my plant could grow? Did I make the seeds? No, God made the seeds and He has asked us to take care of the plants
so they’ll be healthy and grow strong. Sing God Made Roses Grow In My Garden (Little Voices Praise Him, #166) and
God Made Everything (Little Voices Praise Him, #162).
Practical Application
Have the children plant seeds, preferably outside in a prepared and designated area. If not outside, then have
them plant bean seeds in plastic baggies (for materials and details, see Resources below for web links). To speed things
up a bit, sprout seeds (see and then include the sprouted seeds with snack or lunch. This can become a
project in caring for plants and the environment as the seeds begin to grow and mature, as well as healthy food choices.
Sing Don’t Mess It Up, (Little Voices Praise Him, #282).
Spiritual Application
(Materials needed: Bowl or baking dish, small pitcher of water, bag of potting soil, plastic plants, and a few
rocks.) Have children listen for the sound of water and then slowly and quietly pour the water into the bowl/dish. Quote,
retell or read Genesis 1:9-13. Allow one or two of the children to “divide the water”, first by speaking to the water (but
not yelling), then by using their hands. Point out that we don’t have the ability to make the water obey us. Only God has
the power to make water obey Him. As the reading continues, begin to spoon potting soil into the dish with water. What
begins to happen? Once there is enough soil in the dish, continue the reading and insert a plastic plant into the soil.
Allow each child to place a plastic plant into the soil. Be mindful to ensure the children learn that it was Jesus, the Son
of God the Father that created the land and plants. Sing “And God Said” (Little Voices Praise Him, #66) and use this
song to introduce other things that God has made. After this activity, the dish of soil and plastic plants can be placed in a
learning center for further exploration, feeling and rearranging of plants. As the lessons about the week of creation
continue, other items can be added to the scene such as plastic animals and people, maybe even a small bowl of water to
act as a “pond” with a few plastic fish.
Plan a Natural Foods Party where the children each bring their favorite fruit or vegetable from home and share it with all
of their friends. Be sure to include any sprouted seeds that the class has grown! (This could be a fun parent involvement
activity/program...) Note how many of the foods the children can indentify.
Age Level: Preschool/Pre-K