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Nitrogen is an important component of DNA and proteins, which are essential
for the life processes that take place inside cells
- Nitrogen is essential for muscle function in animals and for growth in
Where nitrogen is stored
The largest store of nitrogen is the ______________________,
where it exists as nitrogen gas (N2)
- Other major stores include ____________________an
organic matter in _______________
- Living organisms, __________ and _________________
also store nitrogen (but in smaller amounts)
How nitrogen is cycled through ecosystems
78% of Earth’s atmosphere is nitrogen gas, but most organisms cannot use this form of nitrogen
- Much of the nitrogen cycle involves processes that make nitrogen available to plants and
eventually to animals
_________________________________ = the process in which nitrogen gas (N2) is converted into
compounds that contain nitrate (NO3-) or ammonium (NH4+)
Nitrogen fixation occurs in three ways:
Atmospheric nitrogen fixation = occurs when ____________________
This nitrate and other nitrogen-containing compounds enter
terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems through the ____________
Nitrogen fixation in the soil occurs when ___________________________________ that lives in
the root nodules of legumes and other plants convert ____________________________________
The plants supply the bacteria with food (_______________) and the bacteria supply the
host with ________________ needed for growth
Nitrogen fixation in water bodies: Certain species of ____________________ (blue-green bacteria
that manufacture their own food during photosynthesis) fix __________ into _____________.
- Nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria make ammonium available to plants in the surface waters of
the oceans, wetlands, and lakes
Nitrification and uptake
Nitrification = the process when
_____________ is converted into
This process occurs in two steps:
1. Certain species of
2. Different species of
nitrifying bacteria in the
soil then convert the
_________ into ________
Once nitrates are made available they can enter __________________________ and eventually be
incorporated into plant ______________________
How nitrogen is returned to the atmosphere
_____________________________= the process of how nitrogen is returned to the atmosphere;
 In a series of chemical reactions, ______________________________ convert nitrate (NO3)
back into _______________________
 Nitrogen is also returned to the atmosphere as ammonia (NH3) in _____________________
and nitrogen oxide gases such as nitrogen oxide and nitrogen dioxide
How nitrogen is removed from
Excess nitrate and ammonium that
are not taken up by plants mix with
______________________ and are
washed from the soil into
 This unused nitrogen may
settle to ocean, lake or river bottoms
in sediments
 Eventually these sediments
will form _____________ and the
nitrogen will not be available
Human Activities and the Nitrogen Cycle
Human activities have ______________ the amount of nitrogen in the biosphere in the past 50
 Millions of tonnes of nitrogen are added to the atmosphere annually in the form of
nitrogen oxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) as a result of ________________________
________________________________________________________________ also releases
trapped nitrogen into the atmosphere
o These compounds eventually return to the terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems as
_________________________________________ that fix N2 into nitrogen compounds that
crops can use are used in agriculture
o Excess nitrogen (ammonium and nitrate) that is not used can escape back into the
_____________________ or can be leached (leak out of) from the soil and end up in
o This increased amounts of dissolved nitrogen causes _________________________
which deprives other aquatic plants of sunlight and of oxygen as the algae
undergoes cellular respiration
o This deprives aquatic animals of _____________________ and can lead to the death
of all fish in a lake