Parish Goals for 2015 - St Ann Catholic Church

St. Ann Catholic Church
Fayetteville, NC
State of the Parish
July 2014 – June 2015
Dear Parishioners,
As I complete my second year as your pastor, I can announce that
the state of the parish is Very Good! I continue to be grateful for
the generous spirit that is the hallmark of St. Ann Parish.
In October of 2014, we began our 75th Anniversary Year with the
Eucharist, celebrated by Bishop Michael Burbidge and many
former pastors. Following Mass, our community gathered for a
spectacular parish picnic. In December we celebrated the youth of
our parish at the production of the “3 ½ Stories of Christmas!” We
also hosted Fr. Giles Conwill who spoke on the significance of
Catholics in the civil rights movement during the first Dr. Martin
Luther King Lecture. Fr. James Greenfield, O.S.F.S. joined us for
our Parish Lenten Retreat in February and we resurrected the
bygone tradition of the annual Easter Egg Hunt held in April.
In the coming months as we continue our 75th Anniversary
celebrations, we plan to introduce two endowments to help ensure
the future of our church and school. In October we will gather to
celebrate the Eucharist during 40 Hours of Eucharistic Adoration.
In November we will come together to learn about our Catholic
heritage here in Fayetteville and we will conclude our anniversary
year on Christmas Eve with the commemoration of the dedication
of the original Church.
This report provides a snapshot of our parish life during the past
year. It is an overview of major the major activities of our parish
over the past year and lists our parish goals for the year to come.
My prayer is that we will continue to grow together as a
community of faith and love in which our members express their
gratitude to God by living out a life of stewardship and service.
In the Christ,
Fr. Steve
St. Ann Mission Statement
We are God's people who have chosen to identify ourselves
officially as a parish family. We are united by our common faith,
shared and mutual charity. Our mission is to lead our members to a
fuller knowledge and love of God and neighbor and to proclaim
the gospel message through word, sacrament and service to all of
God's people, both within and outside of our parish.
Proposed New Mission Statement:
St. Ann Catholic Parish is dedicated to living and handing-on the
Gospel of Jesus Christ through Word, Sacrament and Service.
This proposed Mission Statement is a first draft written by a
Pastoral Council sub-committee. A final draft will be presented to
the parish at Christmas 2015 when we will conclude our 75th
Anniversary Year.
Spirituality of St. Francis de Sales
Salesian Spirituality is a practical everyday spirituality for living in
the modern world as learned, lived and shared by St. Francis de
Sales (1567-1622) and St. Jane de Chantal (1572-1641), spiritual
friends. Salesian spirituality gives expression to a way to journey
in the spiritual life as we embrace the duties of our state in
response to the universal call to holiness - in the words of St.
Francis de Sales to "bloom where you are planted." It is a
"spirituality of the heart," as relevant today as in the time of St.
Francis de Sales himself, an all-embracing, down-to-earth
spirituality for everyone.
The essence of the spirituality can be found in the Introduction to
the Devout Life, a book written by St. Francis de Sales at the
beginning of the 17th century. The book, often referred to as a
spiritual classic, contains the collective wisdom of the first sixteen
centuries of the Christian experience. Salesian Spirituality can best
be summed up in the motto of St. Francis de Sales, “Live Jesus.”
Direction of Intention
My God give me the grace to perform this action with you and
through love for you. In advance I offer to you all the good that I
will do and accept all the difficulty I may meet therein.
Parish Demographics
Total number of active Parishioners
Total number of Active Households
1135 (+14)
Children (to 18)
Adults (18 - 20):
Adults (21 - 64):
Seniors (65 & Over):
Total Families w/ children:
Total Families w/out children:
Average Age 55.32
Median Age is 48
Where we live:
Fort Bragg
Hope Mills
Spring Lake
Parish Office Reports
Report on St. Ann Catholic School
Principal: Rene’ Corders
St. Ann Catholic School is in its 59th year of providing a quality
Catholic education for those boys and girls whose parents are
totally committed to the propagation of the faith. The 2014-15
enrollment of 142 students is a 16% increase over the enrollment
of the previous academic year. The contributions of St. Ann
parishioners coupled with tuition have helped us maintain fiscal
The school community is a close one, and the number of parents
who volunteer is legion. The year is distinguished by the
additional enrichment opportunities offered to students, such as
violin lessons, STEM activities and camps designed to broaden
their learning horizons. St. Ann continues to improve upon a
formula for success by assessing families' needs and interests and
expanding the curriculum to accommodate those needs and
The School Advisory Committee convenes 5 times per year. This
group, comprised of parents, staff, parishioners and community
representatives provides counsel to the principal. A stable faculty
and staff are dedicated to the school's mission -" serving the entire
community by promoting spiritual, academic, physical and moral
excellence in a safe, structured environment." The boys and girls
of St. Ann "enter to learn and depart to serve."
Report on Faith Formation
Director of Faith Formation:
Grade School
Children’s Liturgy of the Word (11 am Mass)
Nursery (1-3 year olds - during 11 am Mass)
Vacation Bible School (VBS)
Grade 1
First Reconciliation/First Communion
Grades 3 & 4
Grades 5 & 6
Grades 7 & 8
High School
Confirmation Preparation
RCIA Adapted for Children
Children/Youth in Faith Formation & RCIA
Adult Faith Formation (approximate)
Faith Matters (Meets Tuesday and Thursday)
Conversion: Following the Call of Christ Study
Diocesan Triduum Workshop
Salesian Book Study Group
TYM Second Sunday Adult Formation Sessions
Baptism Preparation Workshops
First Reconciliation Parent Meetings
First Communion Parent Meetings
Confirmation Meeting - Parents
Confirmation Meeting – Sponsors
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)
Total 156
Financial Report
Pok-Hui Folsom: Parish Book Keeper
Brian Manning: Finance Council Chair
Revenues Fiscal Year (July 2014- June 2015)
Offertory (Money Collected on weekends and Holy Days)
Special Collections (Second Collections)
BAA/Cathedral Campaign Rebates
Fees (TYM Retreats & Faith Formation)
Committees (Altar Rosary Society, AAMEN, & 75th)
Transfers From Savings ( Capital Improvement)
Diocesan/National Collections
Building/Debt Reduction
Total Revenues
Expenses Fiscal Year (July 2014-June 2015)
Word/Evangelization (Youth/Adult Edu. &RCIA)
Worship (Sacraments & Music)
Committees (Altar Rosary Society, AAMEN, & 75th)
Outreach (Catholic Charities/Urban Ministries & Care Clinic)
Plant (Utilities & Maintenance of Facilities)
Capital Improvement
School/Diocesan/Deanery Support
Transfers to Savings
Diocesan/National Collections
Payroll Related Items
Loan Repayment (Mortgage & Church/School Roof)
Total Expenses
$ 90,234.20
Total Revenues
Total Expenses
Debt owed to the Diocese for 2002 Building Project
Total Debt as 06/30/2015 $395,348.00
Debt Collection
Loan Payment
Balance Shortfall
$ 121,579.27
Monthly Loan Repayment $11,405.16
Annual Scheduled Payment July 2015-June 2016 $136,861.92
Debt Reduction Shortfall 2014 - 2015 (-14,283.38)
Total Balance as June 2015 $14,283.06
The Financial State of our parish is good. We fall short on our
monthly debt collection. Because of this, money is then
transferred from our first collection to make up the difference
each month. If we could increase our monthly debt collection by
$1200.00, we would not have to transfer money from other
projects. ($3.00 per household per month would erradicate the
debt reduction shortfall)
Parish Goals for 2014 - 2015
Proposed by Pastoral Council
75th Anniversary of Parish Goals
• Organize and execute anniversary activities each month during
Anniversary year – In Progress
• Unveil set of commemorative Christmas ornaments for sale to
defray anniversary year expenditures. - Accomplished
• Write a history of the parish - Accomplished
Spiritual Improvement Goals
• Foster devotion to Blessed Sacrament – In Progress
• Establish 40 Hours Eucharistic Devotion in conjunction with Parish
Mission – In Progress
• Foster growth of Salesian Spirituality by offering enrichment
sessions and scheduling Salesian speakers – Ongoing
Faith Formation Improvement Goals
• Complete implementation of the various components of the new
Diocesan Confirmation Norms Accomplished
• Provide adult formation opportunities to help empower parishioners
to participate more effectively in the “new evangelization.” On Going
• Form a faith formation committee to explore ways in which the
program could be improved or expanded. On Going
Financial Improvement Goals
• Revise and update school endowment Accomplished
• Establish a parish capital repair endowment Accomplished
• Implement on-line giving option for contributions Accomplished
Capital Improvement Goals
• Establish and launch new parish website Accomplished
• Establish a Building and Capital Improvement Committee to
Examine the long term needs of the parish Accomplished
• Formulate a 5 year plan to prioritize the capital needs of the parish. In
• Formulate a plan for the renovation of the Parish Hall. In Progress
Parish Goals for 2015 - 2016
Proposed to the Parish Council
Spiritual Improvement Goals
• Foster devotion to Blessed Sacrament through Eucharistic Adoration
on Wednesdays and an annual 40 Hours Eucharistic Adoration
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• Foster growth of Salesian Spirituality by offering enrichment
sessions and scheduling Salesian speakers.
Faith Formation Improvement Goals
• Implement new strategies to foster a vibrant Youth Ministry
• Continue to provide adult formation opportunities
• Form a faith formation committee to explore ways in which the
program could be improved or expanded.
Financial Improvement Goals
• Enroll 30 new families to participate in the on-line giving option
• Increase the School and Church Endowment by 5%
Capital Improvement Goals
• Remodel the Parish Hall Restrooms
• Paint of the interior of Middle School and school offices
• Renovate parish hall restrooms.
• Paint Gathering Space
• Begin feasibility study of new school building
Community Goals
To make the last Sunday of July the annual celebration of our
parish feast by hosting a picnic or pot-luck
To continue with the annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Lecture
series in January
Introduce the parish community to the goals set forth in the book
Capital Improvements Completed between 2014
and 2015
exterior of church cleaned and painted Summer 2014
exterior of school painted – Summer 2014
school bathrooms painted – Summer 2014
parish hall lighting updated – Summer 2014
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parish Office interior painted and repairs made – Summer 2014
repairs made to ceiling of original Church – March 2015
Mary’s Grotto landscaped and structure repaired – March 2015
new signage added on property – April 2015
parish hall kitchen – New ceiling and painted – Summer 2015
new lighting installed in elementary school – Summer 2015
hallways painted in elementary school – Summer 2015
new windows installed in Rectory – Summer 2015
new insulation added to rectory – Summer 2015
new utility shed constructed – Summer 2015
new shrubbery planted around church entrance and parish office
– In progress
Major portions of these projects were paid for through your
generous donations to the Bishops Annual Appeal.
Reports from Parish Organizations
President: Rene’ Corders
The St. Ann Chapter of AAMEN currently has 37 members. Its
purpose is to support the mission of the Roman Catholic Church
and specifically that of the Diocesan Office of African Ancestry
Ministry and Evangelization which operates under the direction of
the Very Reverend Marcos Leon-Angulo, Vicar for African
Ancestry. The activities of the organization are designed to create
an atmosphere in which members can maintain their identity,
heighten their visibility and enhance their lives as Catholics
through evangelization efforts.
The chapter sponsored a DVD series discussion of "The New
Evangelization," represented the parish at the annual MLK liturgy
in Raleigh and the African heritage liturgy in Durham, hosted a
Diocesan quarterly AAMEN meeting, provided a Christmas
luncheon for senior citizens of all faiths, hosted its annual Spring
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Gala and receptions for the Diocesan Gospel Choir and a guest
speaker focused on the role of Catholics in the civil rights
movement. Membership in the chapter is open to everyone.
Legion of Mary
The Legion of Mary is a worldwide organization of lay apostolate in which
Catholic men and women sanctify themselves through prayer and spiritual
work in union with Our Blessed Mother.
Legion of Mary: Queen of Heaven Presidium (Morning)
President: Carol Philpott
Total Active Members
St Ann's parishioners 7
Other Parishes
Auxiliaries (Praying Support Group)
Over the course of the past year we visited 8 nursing homes on a
weekly basis and made 187 visits to patients. Group prayer was
conducted and Holy Communion was brought when requested.
We participated in devotions to the Pilgrim Virgin and many
different Faith Formation events in the parish and diocese. We
also prayed at Planned Parenthood.
Legion of Mary: The Queen of Peace Presidium (Evening)
President: Betty Houghtaling
Total Active Members
8 2 probationary members
Auxiliary (Praying support group)
53 members
Weekly Activities included: Pilgrim of Mary Statue Rotation;
Attendance at Eucharistic Adoration on Wednesdays,
Evangelization by example, praying for fallen Catholics and
inspiring others to become Catholics; Recruiting workers to help
form other presidiums in our area (mainly St. Patrick Church and
San Isidro Church) Yearly activities: phone contacts for the
Bishop’s Annual Appeal Summer Bible school for children,
Support the Knights of Columbus with their various activities.
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Junior Presidium of Legion of Mary
Coordinator: Tina Marsh
There are 12 active members from St. Ann School. Children
participated in weekly prayer gathering, lead Rosary before school
Mass, participated in May Crowning, attended Chosen by Christ
retreat, attended diocesan ordination, volunteered at Vacation
Bible School, helped tutor in the NYC.
The Altar and Rosary Society
President: Mary Ann Peeples
Membership: 33 active and members 5 members who are shut-ins
Activities engaged in over the past year: cleaned altar linens;
prepared and served funeral luncheons; prepared and served food
for over 100 homeless people at the Salvation Army; Pray “Rosary
after Mass during October and May; sponsored a sale of religious
and other articles in November; hosted a free concert by the
HASM group in February; sponsored a "Spring Fling" in April;
provided gifts and hosted a reception for St. Ann Church
Members' graduating seniors and their families in June; We
sponsor a prayer line, monthly members visited sick and shut-in
members, as part of our outreach, we reach out and visit the
homebound of our parish an remember them during holidays and
The Knights of Columbus: Father William P. Ryan Council
Grand Knight: George Quigley
The Knights of Columbus is the world's largest Catholic fraternal
service organization. Founded in 1882 by the Venerable Father
Michael J. McGivney, and originally serving as a mutual benefit
society to low-income immigrant Catholics, it developed into a
fraternal benefit society dedicated to providing charitable services,
promoting Catholic education and actively defending Catholicism in
various nations. There are currently 83 active members of the
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Knights in our parish. Seven new Knights were inducted this year.
We have contributed over $7000.00 in goods, services and
finances to various needs in the community. Among these are St
Ann School, Catholic Charities and the Neighborhood Youth
Report from Neighborhood Youth Center
Director: Deacon Gary Stemple
St Ann Neighborhood Youth Center provides economically
disadvantaged students with academic support, fosters the
enhancement of their life skills and engages them in enrichment
experiences that expand their vision of the world. This is achieved
through innovative programs facilitated by dedicated volunteers
who are supported by active community partnerships.
•In 2014 – 2015 the NYC Served 37 children in grades 2 – 5 with
tutoring, recreation, and meals on Tuesdays and Thursdays from
October through May. Community volunteers and middle school
students from St Ann Catholic School gave of themselves in many
ways; Reached out to families through the Thanksgiving Dinner
plus food baskets, the Angel Tree project and the Soup and Salad
Luncheon; Held a Summer Camp for 29 children, including some
with hearing challenges or hearing loss. Our theme was Renewable
Energy and received a $13,750.00 grant from the Diocesan
Endowment for the Poor that was noted in the June edition of NC
Catholics magazine.
St. Ann Catholic Church Fayetteville, NC on Facebook
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