Professor Campbell`s CV

January 2016
William Bruce CAMPBELL
Index to CV.
Medical education
Degrees and qualifications
Awards and Prizes
Learned societies, memberships and fellowships
Committees and working parties: national, regional, district
Editorial appoinments, reviewing
Meetings initiated and organised
Invited Chair. Invited teacher + Examining.
Research grants
Presentations to Learned Societies and other national/international meetings
Invited presentations for NICE
Thesis. Books. Monographs.
Articles and reviews in journals
Regular artcles for NICE in Ann R Coll Surg Engl
Chapters in books
Educational videos. Patient information material
Selected publications as member of a group or contributor
Medical College of St Bartholomew's
Hospital, University of London
University and Royal College:
MB, BS Honours and Distinction in Surgery
FRCS (England)
MS (London)
FRCP (London)
Treasurer's prize in Practical Anatomy
First Junior Scholarship in Anatomy and Physiology.
Harvey Prize in Practical Physiology
Prize in Pharmacology
First Senior Scholarship in Anatomy, Physiology and Biochemistry.
Bentley Prize (Surgical Cases)
Knott Surgical Prize
Matthews Duncan Prize in Obstetric Medicine and Gold Medal.
Brackenbury Scholarship in Surgery
Brackenbury Scholarship in Medicine
Sir George Burrows Prize in Pathology
Walsham Prize in Surgical Pathology
Hallett Prize for Primary FRCS (England)
Hunterian Professor, Royal College of Surgeons of England
Golden Stethoscope Award from the Medical Students of Oxford
University for the best Clinical Teacher
Peninsula Medical School award for the Outstanding Foundation
Educational Supervisor in Exeter
Kinmonth Medal, Royal College of Surgeons of England
Lifetime Achievement Award, Vascular Society of GB and Ireland
Other qualifications:
ATLS (Advanced Trauma Life Support)
ATLS Instructor (reverified 1998)
Consultant Vascular Surgeon at Exeter Medical and at the Exeter Nuffield Hospital
Honorary Consultant Surgeon at the Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust
Honorary Professor, University of Exeter Medical School
Non-Executive Director:
Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA)
April 1986 – December 2015 Consultant in General Surgery with a special interest
in peripheral vascular surgery, Royal Devon and Exeter Healthcare Trust.
Jan 1975 - June 1975
July 1975 - Dec 1975
Jan 1976 - June 1976
July 1976 - Dec 1976
Jan 1977 - June 1977
HP Medicine, Luton and Dunstable Hospital.
HS Surgery, Professorial Surgical Unit, St Bartholomew's
Primary FRCS course, RCS London
General Practice (London)
SHO Accident and Orthopaedics, Luton and Dunstable
SHO General Surgery, St Peter's Hospital, Chertsey
Southampton Registrar Rotation
July 1977 - Dec 1977
General and Vascular Surgery
Jan 1978 - Dec 1978
Neurosurgery, Wessex Neurological Unit.
July 1978 - Dec 1978
General Surgery and Urology
Jan 1979 - June 1979
Bristol linked appointments
Sept 1979 - Sept 1980
General Surgery and Gastroenterology, Frenchay
Hospital, Bristol.
Oct 1980 - Sept 1981
Vascular and General Surgery, University Department of
Surgery, Bristol Royal Infirmary and Bristol Royal Hospital
for Sick Children.
Oct 1981 - June 1983
Research Fellow in Vascular Surgery, University
Department of Surgery, Bristol Royal Infirmary.
Honorary Senior Registrar, Bristol and Weston Health
Tutor in Surgery, University of Bristol
Senior Registrar Rotation, John Radcliffe Hospital , Oxford.
Clinical Lecturer in Surgery, University of Oxford
Honorary Senior Registrar, Oxford Regional Health
July 1983 - Oct 1983
Nov 1983 - Oct 1984
Nov 1984 - Oct 1985
Nov 1985 - April 1986
General Surgery (and emergency vascular surgery).
Vascular Surgery
General Surgery and Gastroenterology
General and Vascular Surgery
1992 – 2005
Lector (1992-2000) then Academic Consultant (20002005) to the Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium.
Honorary Professor:
School of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Exeter.
Peninsula Medical School, then Peninsula College of Medicine and
University of Exeter Medical School.
Surgical Tutor to the Exeter District for the Royal College of Surgeons
of England.
Offices held:
1989-97 Honorary Secretary of the South West Vascular Surgeons.
Vascular Surgical Society of Great Britain and Ireland (from 2004 The Vascular
Society of Great Britain and Ireland):
1994 – 8
Member of Council: (as Secretary Elect 1997-8).
1994 – 2000 Member of Vascular Advisory Committee.
1995 – 02
Member of the Audit Committee.
1997 – 01
Member of the Finance Committee.
1998 – 2002 Honorary Secretary.
2001 - 2
Member of the Executive.
2000 – 1
Liaison Group of VSSGBI and Royal College of Radiology – Member
2000-1. Chairman 2001-2.
Chairman – Working Group on Emergency Vascular Surgical
Chairman – Professional Standards Committee.
Other Memberships and Fellowships:
Member of the South West Vascular Surgeons.
Member of the Devon and Exeter Medical Society.
Fellow of the Association of Surgeons of Great
Britain and Ireland.
1982 – 98
Member of the Surgical Research Society.
Member of the European Society for Vascular Surgery.
Member of the Joint Vascular Research Group.
Honorary Fellow of the New Zealand Society of
Vascular Surgery.
1999- 2004 Member of the European Society for Cardio-vascular
Member of the Institute of Learning and Teaching: transferred in 2004
to membership of the Higher Education Academy.
Member of Health Technology Assessment International.
NATIONAL (see above for Vascular Society of Great Britain and Ireland)
Specialist surgical group for the National Confidential Enquiry into
Perioperative Deaths.
Vascular Surgical Group for the National Confidential Enquiry into
Perioperative Deaths.
Regional Training Committee of the Royal College of Surgeons of
Clinical Audit and Quality Control Committee of the Royal College of
Surgeons of England.
Member of the Royal College of Surgeons Working Party on Surgical
Waiting Lists.
Member of Royal College of Surgeons Discussion Group on Guidelines
for the Management of hernias.
Member of the Specialty Assurance Team for Vascular Surgery:
Clinical Terms Project.
Member of Working Group on "Regulation of the market in the National
Health Service: competition and the common good". Royal College of
Physicians, London.
Lead Clinician – national audit of acute limb ischaemia
Leader: HRG Refinement Group for Vascular Surgery.
Member: Editorial Board of the British Journal of Surgery.
1999 -
Member: Editorial Board of the Annals of the Royal College of
Surgeons of England.
Member: Steering Committee of the Venous Forum of the Royal
Society of Medicine.
Member: Education Committee of the Association of Surgeons of
Great Britain and Ireland (representing VSSGBI).
Member: Council of the Association of Surgeons of Great Britain and
Ireland (representing VSSGBI).
Member: Data Monitoring Committee of EVAR (Endovascular
Aneurysm Repair trial – MRC funded).
NICE Protocol Advisory Group on Varicose Veins.
2000-4; 2005-8 Chairman: Therapeutic Procedures Panel of the HTA (prioritising
all non-phamacological interventions for possible research funding)
Leader: Clinical Working Group for Vascular Surgery (for the NHS
Information Strategy re-HRGs)
Member: Technology Appraisal Committee of the
National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE).
Member: NHS Working Group on Medicolegal Claims.
2001 – 2
Member: Specialised Vascular Services Working Group.
2002-5; 2005-8; 2008-11; 2011-15 Chairman: NICE Interventional Procedures
Advisory Committee.
Chairman: NICE CJD SubCommittee (established at the request of
the CMO, to produce NICE guidance on disposable instruments and
vCJD risk throughout surgical practice)
Member of NSCAG (National Specialist Commissioning Advisory
Group) External Review Group.
2006 - 7
Chairman: NICE Clinical Data Collection Advisory Group.
Chairman: NICE Patient Safety Advisory Committee
Member: HTAi (Health Technology Assessment International) SubGroup on Conditional Coverage and Evidence Development for
Promising Technologies.
Member of the Strategy Group for the National Patient Safety
Member MHRA Medical Device Technology Forum and its Topic
Selection Panel.
2009- 11; 2011-(15) Chairman: NICE Medical Technologies Advisory Committee.
Chairman – NICE Working Group on Outputs from the new Evaluation
Royal College of Surgeons working group on Surgical Research.
Member – Royal College of Physicians Future Hospital Commission.
2013 -
Member - Advisory Committee of the FDA (USA) MDEpinet initiative
2013 -
Member - Data Monitoring and Ethical Committee: Endovascular
Aneurysm Repair Trials
Member - Independent Review Group on expert advice for devices for
the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Authority (MHRA).
Chairman: Data Monitoring Committee ETTAA Trial (Effective
Treatments for Thoracic Aortic Aneurysms)
2015 -
Member – International Committee of the FDA (USA) MDEpinet
2015 -
Chairman: Steering Group of the National Varicose Veins Intervention
General Surgical Sub-committee of the Regional Hospital Medical
Advisory Committee.
General Surgical Training sub-committee of the Regional Training
Surgical Audit Working Group of the South Western Regional Health
Career Registrar Sub-committee of the Regional Surgical Training
1989-about 1996 Deputy Member for the Exeter District on the Regional
Manpower Committee.
Regional Research and Development Scientific Committee.
N.B. Change from South Western Region to South and West:
1994 – 8
Responsive Research committee for Research and Development.
CHAIRMAN: Committee of Local Hospital Audit Committee Chairmen.
Development and Evaluation Committee (DEC):
1996 - 7
Member of Committee
1998 – 9
Vice Chairman and Chairman Elect.
1999 - 2000 CHAIRMAN of DEC for South West and South East Regions
2002 - 3
Member South West Regional Awards Committee.
2003 – 2004 Member South West Advisory Committee for Clinical Excellence
Junior Hospital Medical Staff Working Party of the MEC.
Postgraduate Medical Education Committee.
MEC Working Party on the CEPOD Report.
District Working Party on Medical Staffing.
MEC Working Party on Intensive Care.
Major Trauma Working Party of the MEC.
CHAIRMAN District Medical Audit Committee (DMAC);
subsequently District Clinical Audit Committee; subsequently
Trust Clinical Audit Committee (reappointed two yearly).
Chairman of DMAC Subcommittee on Community Hospitals.
Chairman of DMAC Working Party on Terminal Care.
Member of the Library Development Group.
1993-about 1997 Working Group on Undergraduate Medical Education:
subsequently the Medical Undergraduate Teaching Committee.
Research and Development Working Group: subsequently the Medical
Education, Research and Development Committee.
Working Group on Trust Strategy for Academic Medicine.
Steering Committee for the Exeter Research and Development Support
Risk Management subcommittee of the Operational Executive. Overall
responsibility for Patient Information Strategy.
CHAIRMAN: Working Group for written patient information.
Clinical Outcomes Working Group.
Working Group on Quality: Trust Strategic Planning Project.
Trust Academic Committee.
Clinical Effectiveness Committee.
Working Group on Venous Thromboembolism.
Working Party on Graduated Patient Care.
Member Medical Education and Training Committee.
2000 -
Member Research and Development Committee.
Member of the Clinical Governance Committee.
[2003 – led Trust move to procedure specific consent forms, including rewriting of
patient information booklets, designing customised forms and promoting this initiative
among clinicians and managers].
Chairman of Working Party on central venous access.
Member of Evidence Based Practice Group.
Member of Trust Working Group on Venous Thromboembolism
Member of Trust Working Group on Healthcare Records.
Member of Trust Working Group on Medicines Reconciliation.
2009 -
Chairman Working Group on Policy for Prophylaxis of Venous
Chair, Steering Group for the Surgical Health Services Research Unit
Note: other recent Trust work
- led/chaired/written protocols for proposed vascular emergency
networks with other hospitals (2001-4).
- Written proposal for AAA screening (2004)
Member of other adhoc working groups.
Member: Editorial Board of the British Journal of Surgery.
Member: Editorial Board of the Annals of the Royal College of
Surgeons of England.
Editor of the Technical Section/Assistant Editor - Annals of the
Royal College of Surgeons of England.
British Journal of Surgery.
British Medical Journal.
Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England.
Past reviewer including:
European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery.
Cardiovascular Surgery.
Journal of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh.
Irish Medical Journal.
Clinical Microbiology and Infection
Surgery for morbid obesity. HTA Assessment Report.
Health Care Needs Assessment: update of first series. Varicose Veins.
PRODIGY guidelines for General Practitioners. Thrombophlebitis.
NHS Clinical Knowledge Summaries: Varicose veins; Venous eczema
and lipodermatosclerosis; Compression stockings. (Review and
Map of Medicine: Varicose veins (Review and editing).
HTA Report 96 05 01 (BASIL study)- Reviewer
Which medical audit system? Exeter 1987. (Regional).
South West Vascular Surgeons.
All annual meetings 1989-1998.
Assessment and care for patients undergoing abdominal aortic surgery. Exeter
1990. (National).
Organiser and Chairman. Audit Conference for Registrars and Senior Registrars.
Royal College of Surgeons of England. June 1993.
Difficult issues in vascular surgery. Torbay 1994 (National).
Practical modern management of varicose veins. Exeter 1994. (National).
Symposium: Medical controversies for the vascular surgeon.
At the Annual Meeting of the Vascular Surgical Society of Surgeons of Great Britain
and Ireland. Brighton. 2001.
Symposium: Medical management for vascular surgeons.
At the Annual Meeting of the Vascular Surgical Society of Surgeons of Great Britain
and Ireland. Belfast. 2002.
Co-Chairman: Session on Vascular Surgery.
Association of Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland.
Glasgow. May 1996.
Chairman: Session on Venous Ulceration and Lymphoedema.
19th. Charing Cross International Vascular Symposium.
London. April 1997.
Chairman: Reporting back the results of R & D (Regional Symposium). Bristol.
November 1997.
Vascular Surgical Society of Great Britain and Ireland.
Chairman of scientific sessions 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002.
Royal College of Surgeons of England:
2000 Millenium Masterclass: the complex aneurysm (Chairman).
Chairman: Session on Venous Disease.
Birmingham Vascular and Endovascular Masterclass. January 2002.
Co-Chairman: Six of the best VSSGBI papers.
Association of Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland. Dublin. May 2002.
Chairman: Implementation of research.
10 years of HTA in the NHS:Health Technology Assessment conference. London.
October 2003.
Chairman: Improving patient safety and encouraging innovation.
Clinical Excellence 2004. Birmingham. December 2004.
Chairman and presenter: HTA 2005: Setting priorities for the future.
London. September 2005.
Chair for NIHR project Panel: Evaluation of alternative vascular service models in
the UK NHS – vascular expert consensus panel. Bristol. May 2011.
National Services Documents.
Chairman of Working Party and principal author:
Provision of Emergency Vascular Services.
Vascular Surgical Society of Great Britain and Ireland. London. 2001.
Chairman of Working Party:
Provision of vascular radiology services.
The Royal College of Rdaiologists and the Vascular Surgical Society of Great Britain
and Ireland. London. 2003.
Bristol Final (Part 2) FRCS Course. 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994,
1995, 1996, 1997, 1998. MRCS Course 2001.
Principles and Practice of Vascular Surgery/ Vascular Surgical Course for Vascular
Specialist Registrars. Lecture each year (see presentations) plus chairing case
presentations, and some skills teaching. St. Thomas' Hospital, London. 1989, 1990,
1991, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005,
2006, 2007.
Vascular Surgery Revision Course. Gloucester. 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997,
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2006.
Leeds Vascular Surgical Course. 1997.
Practical Training Course in Vascular Surgery. Bath. 1998, 1999, 2001, 2002.
Practical Surgery Courses. Plymouth. 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995.
Basic surgical skills course. Plymouth. 1995, 1996, 1998.
MRCS/FRCS course. Plymouth. 1997, 1999.
Royal College of Surgeons of England:
2000 Venous Management Course.
Telestep (satellite television programme for the MRCS) May 2001. Four talks:
Chronic ishaemia,acute ischaemia, aneurysms, carotid surgery; discussion and case
Clinical governance. Venous Management Masterclass.
Royal College of Surgeons of England. June 2001.
Clinical Mangement of carotid disease. Workshop of the Society for Vascular
Technology. Exeter. April 2002.
Amputation in Exeter. Meeting of Prosthetists and Mobility Centre Managers.
Exeter. April 2002.
Consent – legal implications.
Meeting for staff of Charing Cross Hospital, London. September 2003.
NICE and related matters. Imperial College BSc Course in Surgery and
Anaesthesia. Charing Cross Hospital, London. January 2003.
NICE: what will it mean for vascular specialists. Birmingham Vascular Masterclass.
January 2003.
Educational Masterclass. Vascular Society of GB & I. Manchester. November
Accreditation for members of the Society of Vascular Technology of Great Britain
and Ireland. 1995.
HTA Project 95/05/06. Awarded by the Health Technology Assessment Programme
of the NHS.
Assessment of cost-effectiveness of the treatment of varicose veins
Michaels JA, Campbell WB, Brazier JE, Beard JD.
Value - £476,259
Duration 1998 – 2005. Publication – 2006.
ISRCTN 72485131. Awarded by the Health Technology Assessment Programme of
the NHS.
Randomised controlled trial and economic modelling to evaluate the place of
antimicrobial agents in the management of venous leg ulcers.
Michaels JA, Campbell WB, Brazier JE, King B, Palfreyman S.
value £514,497.
Duration 2004-2008. Publication – 2009.
ISRCTN 51995477. HTA 06/45/02
Randomised controlled trial comparing foam sclerotherapy, alone or in combination
with intravenous laser therapy, with conventional surgery, as a treatment for varicose
veins. Brittenden J, Gough MJ, Cassar K, Bachoo P, Scott J, Norrie J, McCollum P,
Chetter I, Vale LD, Ramsay CR, Ramsay CK, Francis J, Earnshaw J, Campbell B.
Total value £1,039,681.
Duration 2008-12.
Study reference 080310C (Campbell, Blazeby, Donovan)
National Institute of Health Research Flexibility and Sustainability small grant
through Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust.
A qualitative study to explore patient preferences about recruitment into the CLASS
trial (Comparison of LAser, Surgery and foam Sclerotherapy for varicose veins).
Total value £5,852. Used to guide RCT recruitment. Publication – submitted 2013..
(These exclude invited presentations at local courses).
A case of arterial irradiation fibrosis
Wessex Surgeons, Southampton 1977.
Transaxillary sympathectomy at Bristol Royal Infirmary 1970-80.
South West Vascular Surgeons. Plymouth 1981.
Right iliac fossa pain in splenic rupture.
Royal society of Medicine (clinical section) London 1982.
Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty.
South West Vascular Surgeons. Poole 1982.
Gruntzig dilatation of the iliac and femoral arteries.
South West Surgeons. Taunton 1982.
Long term effects of vasectomy on the distensibility of the arteries of the lower limbs.
17th Meeting European Society for Surgical Research.
Stresa, Italy 1982.
Co-Chairman: Session on Doppler ultrasound in the peripheral vascular system.
3rd Meeting World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology. Brighton
Swelling of the lower limbs caused by arterial disease.
Royal Society of Medicine (section of surgery). London 1982.
Ultrasonic assessment of percutaneous transluminal angioplasty.
14th Annual Meeting British Medical Ultrasound Society.
Sheffield 1982.
Outcome of transluminal angioplasty in the lower limbs.
Surgical Research Society. Cambridge 1983.
Transluminal angioplasty: an alternative to bypass grafting. Association of Surgeons.
London 1983.
Detection of early arterial disease by Doppler waveform analysis.
The Physiological Society. Manchester 1983.
Doppler waveform analysis by the Laplace transform method.
Department of Surgery, University of Washington, Seattle, USA. 1983.
Estimating the haemodynamic effect of aortoiliac stenosis.
Surgical Research Society, Aberdeen 1983.
The variability of arterial Doppler waveforms.
15th Annual Meeting of the British Medical Ultrasound Society.
Manchester 1983.
The clinician and the vascular laboratory in the diagnosis of aortoiliac stenosis.
Vascular Surgical Society of Great Britain and Ireland, London 1983.
Doppler waveform analysis in the management of lower limb arterial disease.
Hunterian Lecture. Royal College of Surgeons of England, 1984.
Nifedipine in the treatment of Raynaud's syndrome.
Surgical Research Society, Birmingham, July 1984.
Ultrasound in the visualisation of the arterial system.
NETHRA (Radiographers) Meeting. Royal Free Hospital. London. May 1983
Auditing the Vascular Surgical Audit.
Vascular Surgical Society of Great Britain and Ireland, Birmingham 1984.
Evaluation of the distal lower limb arteries by Doppler ultrasound.
16th Meeting of the British Medical Ultrasound Society, Harrogate 1984.
A comparison of Doppler and arteriography in the assessment of distal lower limb
Surgical Research Society, London, January 1985.
Angioplasty in the treatment of peripheral vascular disease. Regional Meeting of the
Royal College of Surgeons of England.
Oxford 1985.
Can non-invasive follow up predict graft failure?
Meeting on: Femorodistal bypass - can we do better?
Torquay 1986
Surgical and Chemical Sympathectomy.
International Symposium: Indications in Vascular Surgery.
London 1987.
A comparative study of balloon embolectomy catheters.
Vascular Surgical Society of Great Britain and Ireland.
Newcastle. 1987.
Presentations on surgical audit.
Symposium: Which Medical Audit System?
Exeter. 1987.
Angioplasty - a surgical view of the results.
Symposium: Angioplasty and thrombolysis in arterial surgery
Nottingham. 1988.
What should we do when the knee joint cannot be saved?
10th Charing Cross International Vascular Symposium. 1988.
"Most vascular surgery should be performed in designated hospital"
Opposed this motion. London Vascular Debating Group. 1988.
Arteriography - is it still the gold standard?
Symposium: Femoropopliteal bypass: Can better assessment lead to improved
Leicester, 1989.
Events and interventions within 48 hours of aortic surgery
South West Vascular Surgeons, 1989.
The Role of Surgery
Symposium: Treatment of Claudication - where are the goal posts?
Bath, 1989.
Postoperative care in abdominal aortic surgery: The first 48 hours.
Vascular Surgical Society of Great Britain and Ireland.
Dundee. 1989.
The causes and incidence of death after elective aortic surgery.
Symposium: Assessment and care for patients undergoing abdominal aortic
surgery. Exeter. 1990.
How do we measure quality? The potential benefits of Medical Audit.
National Conference of the Association of Health Care Information and Medical
Records Officers. Dawlish. May 1990.
Current status of sympathectomy for chronic arterial ischaemia.
International Symposium - Surgery in Europe 1990.
Rome. May 1990.
How to present results. Invited presentation to the Rouleaux Club. Rutland. June
Interpreting Mortality figures following aortic surgery.
St Mary's Hospital Vascular Unit. London. June 1990
Embolus vs. Thrombosis - early diagnosis and surgical treatment.
Eurochirugie 90: 92 Congres Francais de Chirugie. Paris. Oct 1990.
Complications of vascular surgery.
South West Anaesthetists. Exeter. November 1990.
How to produce over optimistic results. Symposium: Struggle to revascularise or
amputate? St. Mary's Hospital, London. January 1991.
Waiting Lists - a surgical view. National Conference on Waiting Times. Nottingham.
April 1991.
Reporting on audit. Audit Conference for Consultants. Royal College of Surgeons of
England. London. May 1991.
How can we prevent complications from elective aortic surgery? Symposium:
Vascular Surgery: Current Questions. Belfast. May 1991.
Graft infection in perspective.
Symposium on Graft Sepsis. St. Mary's Hospital, London. January 1992.
Removal of prosthetic material is unneccessary in the treatment of infected grafts.
Opposed this motion.
London Vascular Debating Group. St. Mary's Hospital.
January 1992.
How to cheat in vascular surgery.
Vascular Symposium. Musgrove Park Hospital. Taunton.
January 1992.
Lower limb amputation and rehabilitation 1987-91.South West Vascular Surgeons.
Portsmouth. February 1992.
Audit in vascular surgery.
Conference on "Risk management in Vascular Surgery".
Torbay. May 1992.
Post-operative management: a surgeon's view.
Symposium: Abdominal aortic aneurysms - assessment and management.
Ayr. May 1992.
Presentation: The place of above knee amputation.
Also Co-chairman:
Joint Symposium on Amputation between the International Society for Prosthetics
and Orthotics and the Vascular Surgical Society of Great Britain and Ireland.
London. November 1992.
Acute limb ischaemia.
Invited presentation to the Northern Surgical Society.
Newcastle. February 1993.
Carotid endarterectomy - an overview.
Symposium: Carotid endarterectomy in a DGH: is it feasible?
Taunton. March 1993.
Can reported carotid surgical results be misleading?
15th. Charing Cross International Symposium: Surgery for Stroke.
London. April 1993.
Selecting patients for varicose vein surgery and managing ulcers.
Surgical symposium for General Practitioners, North Devon April 1993.
Can published results be misleading? Pendle Vascular Meeting. Burnley.
September 1993.
Can we predict the mobility of amputees? Surgical Club of South West England.
Bristol. October 1993.
Assessment of varicose veins, ulcers and venous insufficiency.
Vascular Surgery Revision Course. Gloucester. December 1993.
Chairman: Practical aspects of trauma management.
Exeter. December 1993.
The future of vascular surgery: large centralised units or district general hospitals?
Association of Surgeons. Harrogate. April 1994.
1. Providing an acute vascular service.
2. Co-chairman: Difficult symptoms.
Symposium: Difficult issues in vascular surgery. Torquay. May 1994.
Abdominal aortic aneurysm emergency treatment - is dying the only difference?
Symposium: Abdominal aortic aneurysms: the case for national screening.
Chichester. June 1994.
Surgical aspects of carotid artery disease.
Contemporary Issues in Stroke. Regional Seminar. Exeter. September 1994.
Varicose veins and deep vein thrombosis. Symposium: Practical modern
management of varicose veins. Exeter. October 1994.
Special investigations for venous disease: how often are they needed? Venous
Forum of the Royal Society of Medicine. London. October 1994.
Carotid endarterectomy: cui bono?
Symposium of the Royal College of Physicians of Edniburgh.
Inverness. November 1994.
Providing an acute vascular service within a department of general surgery.
Vascular Surgical Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Edinburgh. November 1994.
Clinical audit in Exeter.
Also Chairman.
Annual Meeting of Specialist Audit Meeting Chairmen. Sheffield. March 1995.
Venous ulceration: a surgical view.
Symposium on Venous Ulceration. South West of England and Wales Dermatology
Society. Exeter. April 1996.
What are the benefits of adjuvant drug therapy? Association with femoropopliteal
and femorotibial bypass or angioplasty.
18th. Charing Cross International Symposium. London. April 1996.
From carotids to varicose veins: a vascular surgical medley.
Medical Postgraduate Lecture. Princess Margaret Hospital, Swindon. May 1996.
Management of claudication.
Postgraduate vasular course for Senior Registrars.
St. Thomas' Hospital, London. May 1996.
Outpatient clinic rapid evaluation of varicose veins by different Doppler techniques:
accuracy compared with duplex scanning.
Association of Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland.
Glasgow. May 1996.
Prospective audit of vascular surgery in a DGH.
Symposium: Difficult and controversial issues in vascular surgery. Plymouth. June
Why did we decide to amputate their leg?
Peripheral Vascular Club. Derby. June 1996.
Cheating in medicine.
"Fresh Looks" Course. Taunton. November 1996.
Repeated in May 1997.
Management of acute lower limb ischaemia in the U.K. and Ireland.
Vascular Surgical Society of Great Britain and Ireland.
Bournemouth. November 1996.
The Diabetic Foot Clinic: a surgical perspective.
Symposium on The Diabetic Foot.
Harrogate. February 1997.
Are patients with varicose veins at special risk of thromboembolism?
19th. Charing Cross International Vascular Symposium.
London. April 1997.
How to present a paper at a vascular meeting.
Postgraduate Vascular Course. St. Thomas Hospital.
London. May 1997.
How I do: varicose veins.
Vascular Anastomotic workshop.
East Glamorgan General Hospital. October 1997.
In a different vein.
Surgical Club of South West England: Golden Anniversary Meeting.
Exeter. October 1997.
Varicose veins and venous disease.
“Fresh Looks” course. Taunton. November 1997.
The Vascular Surgical Society Audit of acute limb ischaemia: outcomes of treatment
and results of a validation exercise.
Vascular Surgical Society of Great Britain and Ireland. London. November 1997.
Invited presentations to the New Zealand Society of Vascular Surgery. Taupo, New
Zealand. February, 1998:
1. A rational approach to varicose veins.
2. Management of acute limb iscahemia in the U.K..
3. Cheating in aortic surgery.
4. “Many patients with ruptured aortic aneurysms should properly be denied
surgery” - proposed this motion.
Gentamicin beads in vascular surgery: indications, and results of long term
implantation. South West Vascular Surgeons. Taunton Meeting. March 1998.
Ruptured aortic aneurysms: when should we operate and when should we not.
20th. Charing Cross International Vascular Symposium. London. April 1998.
Invited Summing Up. Venous Disease: Epidemiology, Management & Delivery of
Care (Symposium organised by the Venous Forum of the Royal Society of
Medicine). Edinburgh. October 1998.
Anaesthesia and analgesia for major lower limb amputation. South West Vascular
Surgeons. Exeter. March 1999.
Antiplatelet therapy in cardiovascular disease: the evidence and current practice.
Chaired this meeting. Exeter. March 1999.
Is the durability of the management of the diabetic foot affected by patient
21st. Charing Cross International Symposium. London. April 1999.
Current thoughts on Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) training.
Combined meeting of the History of Anaesthesia Society, Anaesthesia History
Association, and the Society of Anaesthetists of the South Western Region. Bristol.
May 1999.
Putting audit into practice.
Improving clinical effectiveness in surgery using clinical audit. Royal College of
Surgeons of England. May 1999.
Debate on “Reaccreditation is neccessary” - spoke aginst the motion.
Surgical Club of South West England. Plymouth. May 1999.
Medicolegal implications associated with evidence based medicine.
The evidence for vascular surgery. Gloucester. June 1999.
From data enhancement to a brush with the law. Cossham Medical Society. Bristol.
March 2000.
Amputation for acute ischaemia – a high risk procedure.
South West Vascular Surgeons. Reading. March 2000.
Complications of thrombolytic therapy and their avoidance.
22nd. Charing Cross International Symposium. London. April 2000.
The surgeon’s viewpoint. South West Regional Conference on Footcare for
Diabetics. Exeter. September 2000.
Patient information, consent, and clinical governance: the role of the vascular nurse.
7th. Annual Conference of the Society of Vascular Nurses. London. November
Medicolegal claims for vascular problems. Vascular Surgical Society of Great Britain
and Ireland. London. November 2000.
Operating within the law. The David Booth Lecture and Keynote Address. Scottish
and Northern Vascular Society. Edinburgh. April 2001.
The changing profile of emergency surgical admissions: a study of the years 19741998. Association of Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland. Birmingham. April
Setting up a vascular service. St. Thomas’ Hospital Vascular Surgical Course for
Vascular Specialist Registrars. April 2001.
NICE Vascular Surgeons. London Vascular Debating Group Meeting on Managing
Vascular Surgeons. London. May 2001.
Surgeons must be the advocate of the individual patient – Second proposer of this
motion. London Vascular Debating Group Meeting on Managing Vascular Surgeons.
London. May 2001.
Clinical Governance and medico-legal aspects.
Venous Management Masterclass. Royal College of Surgeons. London. June
Guidelines, consent and complications.
Varicose vein management in the 21st. century.
Joint symposium of the Venous Forum and the Vascular Surgical Society. Brighton.
November 2001.
What skills should students demonstrate when examining lower limb arteries and
South West Vascular Surgeons. Llantrisant. March 2002.
Below knee thrombus merits treatment. Opposed this motion.
24th. Charing Cross International Symposium. London. April 2002.
Medicolegal matters, and NICE. British Society of Medical Secretaries. Exeter.
October 2002.
This House believes that within two years surgeons will be in chambers. Opposed
this motion. Open Section and Section of Surgery. Royal Society of Medicine.
London. November 2002.
Operating within the law. Derby Medical Society. Derby. February 2003.
Saphenofemoral ligation and stripping is the method of choice for treating long
saphenous varicose veins. Proposed this motion. 25th Charing Cross International
Vascular Symposium. London. April 2003.
From Research to safe and cost effective NHS practice. Association of Surgeons of
Great Britain and Ireland. Manchester. May 2003.
Medley of NICE, medicolegal and vascular topics.
British Association of Health Services in Higher Education Annual Conference.
Exeter. July 2003.
Medicolegal implications associated with evidence based medicine in vascular
European Society for Cardiovascular Surgery.
Istanbul. November 2003.
Medicolegal aspects of vascular surgery.
Vascular Surgeons of West Denmark.
Meeting at Aarhus University Hospital. December 2003.
Placement of central venous access devices: a study of patient experiences.
South West Vascular Surgeons. Truro. March 2004.
Information, risk and consent for varicose vein surgery.
Venous Forum. Manchester. March 2004.
When is duplex imaging essential or even desirable?
Venous Forum. Manchester. March 2004.
Governance of the National Vascular Database: how should we manage the underperforming vascular surgeon?
Association of Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland. Harrogate. April 2004.
What services are available to patients with venous ulcers around the UK and how are
they managed?
South West Vascular Surgeons. Oxford. March 2005.
A comprehensive survey of venous ulcer services in the United Kingdom.
Venous Forum of the Royal Society of Medicine. Brighton. March 2005.
Best practice in informed consent.
27th Charing Cross International Symposium: Nursing Course. London. April 2005.
Most patients with varicose veins have fears or concerns about the future, in addition
to their presenting symptoms.
Association of Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland. Glasgow. April 2005.
This House regrets the introduction of rationing of varicose vein surgery in the NHS.
Proposed this motion. Venous Forum session: Vascular Society of Great Britain and
Bournemouth. November 2005.
1. The evidence used for guidance on safety and efficacy of new interventional
procedures (submitted paper).
2. The “theatre” of HTA (invited panel member).
3. HTA in the trenches (invited panel member).
3rd Annual meeting of Health Technology Assessment International. Adelaide. July
Standard surgery for varicose veins still wins.
29th Charing Cross International Symposium. London. April 2007.
Who should be treating varicose veins and how?
Venous Forum. Royal Society of Medicine. London. April 2008.
Sclerotherapy: past, present and future.
Venous Forum. Royal Society of Medicine. London. April 2009.
Debate: Long and short saphenous should remain the terms used to describe the
main superficial veins in the UK practice. Proposed this motion.
Society of Venous Technologists. Royal Society of Medicine. London. April 2009.
Is there still a role for surgical bypass in patients with claudication?
Vascular Society of Great Britain and Irelend. Liverpool. November 2009.
The Evolution of evidence.
Kinmonth Lecture. Vascular Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Edinburgh. November
The decline in varicose vein referrals.
South West Vascular Surgeons. Worcester. March 2012.
What will a newly appointed vascular surgeon be doing in 30 years’ time?
Vascular Society of Great Britain and Ireland (invited lecture). Glasgow. November
Introducing new venous techniques: the role of NICE.
Vascular Society of Great Britain and Ireland (invited presentation). Bournemouth.
November 2015.
Invited presentations for the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE).
Safety and efficacy of new interventional procedures in response to Kennedy and
Surgery 2002. Clinical Risk Management in Surgery.
London. May 2002.
NICE consultation on new interventional procedures.
Association of Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland.
Dublin. May 2002.
New interventional procedures and NICE: protecting patients, supporting clinicians.
British Association of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgeons. Guildford.
June 2002.
Safety and efficacy of new interventional procedures and NICE. British Association
of Urological Surgeons. Glasgow. June 2002.
CE Update.
British Society of Interventional Radiology. Glasgow. November 2002.
Establishing the New Interventional Procedures Programme at NICE.
Clinical Excellence 2002. Birmingham. November 2002.
The NICE Interventional Procedures Programme.
Medical Devices Agency Seminar. February 2003.
New interventional Procedures and NICE.
British Society of Cariothoracic Surgeons. Edinburgh. March 2003.
Co-chairman and presenter.
Joint meeting of NICE and Association of British Healthcare Industries. London.
November 2003.
NICE guidance on new procedures.
The Association for Cancer Surgery. London. November 2003.
The Interventional Procedures Programme.
Clinical Excellence 2003. Birmingham. December 2003.
NICE/IPAC and guideline implementation.
Symposium: How Payment By Results affects clinical and patient choice.
London. May 2005.
The NICE intervention programme – is this the way forward?
Bringing HTA into practice – 2nd Annual Meeting.
Rome. June 2005.
National data collection and registries.
Speaker and Chair.
NICE 2005: Health and Clinical Excellence. Birmingham. December 2005.
Implementation of interventional procedures – what medical directors and clinicians
Speaker and Chair.
NICE 2005: Health and Clinical Excellence. Birmingham. December 2005.
The NICE Interventional Procedures Programme.
Symposium on the Controlled Uptake of New Technologies.
STAKES, Helsinki, Finland. December 2005.
What it is like to be at NICE.
Meeting of Oxford Region Surgeons for Registrars’ Prize.
Milton Keynes. May 2006.
Disease registries – collaborative initiatives.
Chair and speaker.
NICE 2006 – Tackling helath prioities. Birmingham 2006.
Developing NICE Interventional Procedures.
Chair and speaker.
NICE 2006 – Tackling health priorities. Birmingham 2006.
What it is like at NICE
South West Regional Update for senior anaesthetic trainees.
Buckfast Abbey. April 2007.
Issues for NICE
Evaluating Surgery.
Oxford. September 2007.
A view from NICE.
Evaluating Surgery.
Oxford. April 2008.
Panel debate: What role does regulation play in ensuring the safety of patients?
Naional Patient Safety Congress.
London. May 2008.
How is NICE guidance produced and what effect should it have?
British Association for Day Case Surgery.
Scarborough. June 2008.
Considerations used by the NICE/NPSA Patient Safety Advisory Committee (PSAC)
NICE Conference.
Manchester. December 2008.
How will we know whether this technology is appropriate?
Advanced Cardiovascular Intervention.
British Cardiovascular Intervention Society. London. January, 2009.
NICE guidance on reducing the risk of venous thromboembolism.
Venous Forum. Royal Society of Medicine. London. April 2009.
NICE and innovation in procedures and devices.
International Medtech Symposium. University of Hertfordshire. June 2009.
Guidance from NICE. Introducing new procedures.
Association of Upper Gasrtointestinal Surgeons. Nottingham. September 2009.
The New NICE Evaluation Pathway for Medical Technologies.
NICE Conference. Manchester. December 2007.
Medical Device Registers.
MHRA. December 2009. Chaired and presented at this Technical Forum.
Recent advances in anaesthesia, critical care and pain management. Royal College of
Aanethetists meeting. Birmingham. December 2009.
NICE is here to help: exploding myths and accelerating innovation. Thoracic Surgery
Forum. Cambridge. February 2010.
The appraisal of interventional procedures in the UK.
Panel session: Health Technology Assessment of new interventional procedures in
different countries: maximising the potential for mutual learning and international
Health Technology Assessment International meeting. Dublin. June 2010.
Chair and presenter.
Panel session: [Data collection- registers – in HTA]
Health Technology Assessment International meeting. Dublin. June 2010.
Patient involvement in producing NICE guidance
Eucomed MedTech Forum. Brussels. October 2010.
Can guidelines change practice?
Vascular Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Brighton. November 2010.
Developing national guidance on new procedures and medical technologies – the
range of evidence and the place of observational data.
CBI’s 7th Late Phase Research Conference. London. February 2011.
Chair and speaker.
The “New” NHS: challenges and opportunities. Market access in the NHS: impact of
changes derving from new legislation.
UK Trade and Investment Corporate Round Table. London. March 2011.
NICE guidance on new technologies and procedures.
Post-Approval Summit. Boston. May 2011.
NICE and patient safety.
Association of Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland. Bournemouth. May 2011.
The NICE Interventional Procedures Programme and Neurosurgery.
Society of British Neurological Surgeons. Brighton. September 2011.
Introducing new medical technologies and techniques into patient care.
New Techniques and new technologies: ethics and patient safety.
Royal College of Surgeons of England. London. October 2011.
NICE Guidance for care and value in the UK Health Service.
Health and Aging (ogansied by UK T&I).
Boston, USA. October 2011.
Stakeholder input: NICE experience with stakeholders and medical device
CIMIT Innovation meeting: International perspectives in transforming primary care
through open innovation.
Boston, USA. October 2011.
The views of NICE. NICE’s experience in undertaking assessments of the clinical
and cost-effectiveness of devices.
Association of British Healthcare Industries. Meeting the Evidence Challenge for
Medical Devices Symposium. London. December 2011.
Conditional approval: NICE experience.
Advancing the innovative methodologies for device evaluation thoughout TPLC: the
FDA and IDEAL frameworks.
Meeting orgainsed by the FDA. Washington DC. December 2011.
Surgical innovation and evaluation – “only in research”.
Surgical Research Colloquim.
Balliol College, Oxford. April 2012.
How NICE evaluates new technologies and produces guidance on their use.
Enteric meeting. Royal College of Surgeons of England. London. April 2012.
Challenges to assuring device afatey post market: the role of registries.
European National Clinical Registries and Audit Summit. London. April 2012.
How does NICE make decisions?
NICE conference. Birmingham. May 2012.
Delivering equity of access: what needs to change?
All Party Parliamentary Group on improving patient access to medical technology.
House of Commons. London. June 2012.
International Registers and prospective observational data collection to support
health care technology assessment (HTA) where the existing evidence base is
inadequate. (Chairman of Panel and presenter).
Health Technology Assessment International meeting. Bilbao. June 2012.
NICE Medical Technologies guidance: aims for clinical practice.
11th EBPOM: Congress in Evidence Based Perioperative Medicine. London. July
Registers: an overview from NICE.
British Orthopaedic Association. Manchester. September 2012.
Evaluation strategies for the next generation of cardiovascular devices.
International Society of Applied Cardiovascular Biology. London. September 2012.
A number missing here……………..
Innovation in surgery - incorporating a realist approach to technology evaluation.
British Association of Urological Surgeons. Liverpool. June 2014.
Navigating the maze: design, development and adoption of medical innovation
Presentation and Panel member; and contributor to MEI Strategy Workshop.
Royal Academy of Engineering. MEIBioEng 15. Leeds. September 2015.
NHS England’s Commissioning Through Evaluation programme.
Presented at this Panel session.
Nice Conference. Liverpool. October 2015.
Presentations for the HTA.
HTA 2005: setting priorities for the future.
Chairman’s presentation on behalf of the Therapeutic Procedures Panel.
London. September 2005.
(excludes letters to journals, book reviews, etc.)
1. Thesis
Laplace transform analysis of Doppler waveforms in lower limb arterial disease.
University of London, 1984.
2. Books (including online “books”)
Surgical signs.
Campbell B, Cooper M
Edinburgh. Churchill Livingstone. 1994. Second edition 2000.
Complications in arterial surgery: a practical approach to management.
Ed: Campbell B.
Oxford. Butterworth Heinemann. 1996.
Understanding varicose veins.
Campbell B.
Banbury. Family Doctor Publications. 2000. Updated 2002, 2003, 2006, 2011.
Operating within the law.
Campbell B, Callum K, Peacock NA.
Shropshire. tfm Publishing Limited. 2001.
Understanding aortic aneurysms.
Campbell B.
Banbury. Family Doctor Publications. 2009.
Ten Years of Technical Tips
McCarthy M, Campbell B.
Royal College of Surgeons of England. 2012.
3. Monographs.
Michaels JA, Campbell WB, Brazier JE, MacIntyre JA, Palfreyman SJ, Ratcliffe J,
Rigby K.
Assessment of cost-effectiveness of the treatment of varicose veins (REACTIV trial).
HTA Project 95/05/06.
Health Technology Assessment Programme. 2006.
Michaels JA, Campbell B, King BM, MacIntyre J, Palfreyman SJ, Shackley P,
Stevenson MD.
A prospective randomised controlled trial and economic modelling of antimicrobial
silver dressings versus non-adherent control dressings for venous leg ulcers: the
VULCAN trial.
Health Technology Assessment Programme. November 2009. DOI : 10.3310/hta
13560. ISSN 1366-5278
Brittenden J, Cotton SC, Elders A, Tassie E, Scotland G, Ramsay CR, Norrie J, Burr
J, Francis J, Wileman S, Campbell B, et al.
Clinical-effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of foam sclerotherapy, endovenous
laser ablation and surgery for varicose veins: results from the Comparison of LAser,
Surgery and foam Sclerotherapy (CLASS) randomised controlled trial.
Health Technol Assess 2015; 19 (27).
4. Articles and Reviews in Journals
Campbell WB
Kinky hair disease (Menke's syndrome)
St Bartholomew's Hospital Journal 1973; 77: 299-300
Campbell WB
Annual Review: Surgery
Hospital Update 1980; 6: 607-616
Campbell WB
Prophylaxis of infection after appendicectomy: a review of current surgical practice.
British Medical Journal 1980; 281: 1597-1600
Celestin LR, Campbell WB
A new and safe system for oesophageal dilatation
Lancet 1981; i: 74-5
Campbell WB, Mackenzie-Crooks DJ
The importance of radiological monitoring after oesophageal intubation
British Journal of Radiology 198l; 54: 996-1000
Campbell WB
The ischaemic lower limb
Hospital Update 1982; Part l-8: 473-83. Part II-8: 549-61
Campbell WB, Cooper MJ, Sponsel WE, Baird RN, Peacock JH
Transaxillary sympathectomy - is one-stage bilateral procedure safe?
British Journal of Surgery 1982; 60 (Suppl): 259-31
Campbell WB, Mortensen NJMcC, Ramus NI, Peacock JH
Lower limb swelling due to femoral aneurysms
Bristol Medico-Chirurgical Journal 1983; 98: 65-7
Campbell WB, Cooper MJ
Transaxillary sympathectomy
Hospital Update 1983; 9: 533-40
Campbell WB, Cole SEA, Evans JM, Skidmore R, Woodcock JP, Baird RN.
Physiological interpretation of Doppler shift waveforms: the femorodistal segment in
combined disease.
Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology 1983; 9: 265-69
Campbell WB, Slack RWT, Clifford PC, Smith PJB, Baird RN
Vasectomy and atherosclerosis: an association in man?
British Journal of Urology 1983; 55: 430-3
Campbell WB
Delayed rupture of the spleen can masquerade as appendicitis
Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, 1983; 65: 396
Campbell WB, Cole SEA, Jeans WD, Baird RN
Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty for lower limb ischaemia
British Journal of Surgery 1983; 70: 736-9
Campbell WB, Jeans WD
Transluminal angioplasty
Update 1983; 27: 1625-35
Campbell WB, Cole SEA, Skidmore R, Baird RN
The clinician and the vascular laboratory in the diagnosis of aorto-iliac stenosis.
British Journal of Surgery 1984; 71: 302-6
Campbell WB. In discussion of: Welch E, Geary J. Current status of thoracic dorsal
sympathectomy. Journal of Vascular Surgery 1984; 1: 506-8
Telles G, Campbell WB, Wood RFM, Collin J, Baird RN, Morris PJ A double-blind
controlled trial of Prostaglandin El against placebo in severe lower limb ischaemia.
British Journal of Surgery 1984; 71: 506-8
Campbell WB, Skidmore R, Baird RN
Variability and reproducibility of arterial Doppler waveforms
Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology 1984; 10: 601-6.
Campbell WB
Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty in the elderly patient with lower limb
Geriatric Medicine Today, 1984; 3: 66-74.
Campbell WB, Skidmore R, Woodcock JP, Baird RN
Detection of early arterial disease: a study using Doppler
waveform analysis.
Cardiovascular Research 1985; 19: 206-11.
Campbell WB, Millar AW
Cystic adventitial disease of the common femoral artery communicating with the hip
British Journal of Surgery 1985; 72: 537.
Campbell WB, van Beek D, Wood RFM
Internal iliac aneurysm and arteriovenous fistula presenting with pulmonary
British Journal of Surgery 1985; 72: 754-5.
Campbell WB, Rhodes M, Kettlewell MGW
Colonoscopy following intraoperative lavage in the management of major colonic
Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. 1985; 67: 290-2.
Campbell WB, Fletcher EWL, Hands LJ
Assessment of the distal lower limb arteries: a comparison of Doppler ultrasound
and arteriography.
Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England 1986; 68: 37-9.
Campbell WB
Abdominal aortic aneurysms
Oxford Medical School Gazette 1985; 36: 4-6.
Campbell WB
Doppler waveform analysis in the management of lower limb arterial disease.
Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England 1986; 68:
Aldoori M, Campbell WB, Dieppe PA
Oral Nifedipine in Raynaud's syndrome: a double-blind controlled trial.
Cardiovascular Research 1986; 20: 466-70.
Campbell WB, Collin J, Morris PJ
The mortality of abdominal aortic aneurysm
Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England 1986; 68:275-8.
Campbell WB, Morris PJ
A prospective randomised comparison of healing after Gritti-Stokes and throughknee amputation.
Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England 1986; 69: 1-4.
Campbell WB
Angioplasty for intermittent claudication
British Medical Journal 1986; 293: 1047-8 (Leading Article).
Campbell WB, Souter RG, Collin J, Wood RFM, Kidson I, Morris PJ.
Auditing the Vascular Surgical Audit. British Journal of Surgery 1987; 74: 98-100.
Campbell WB
Transanal resection in the palliation of rectal cancer
Annals of the Academy of Medicine of Singapore 1987; 16: 466-8.
Campbell WB, Wolfe JHN
The role of non-invasive tests in arterial disease
British Journal of Surgery 1987; 74: 1075-6. (Leading Article).
Campbell WB
Surgical morbidity and mortality meetings
Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England 1988; 70: 363-5.
Campbell WB, Higgins JRA, Barker CS, von Eichstorff P, Fletcher EW
Grading for angioplasty
Clinical Radiology 1988; 39: 516-8.
Campbell WB
Vasectomy and arterial disease
Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 1988; 81: 683-5.
Campbell WB
Sympathectomy for chronic arterial ischaemia
European Journal of Vascular Surgery 1988; 2: 357-64.
Berry AR, Campbell WB, Kettlewell MGW
Management of major colonic haemorrhage
British Journal of Surgery 1988; 75: 637-40.
Campbell WB, Collin J, Morris PJ
Mycotic aneurysm: uncommon but are we about to see more?
British Journal of Clinical Practice 1988; 42: 39-41.
Campbell WB
Managing acute limb ischaemia
British Medical Journal 1989; 299: 526 (Leading Article).
Berry AR, Souter RG, Campbell WB, Mortensen NJMcC, Kettlewell MGW
Endoscopic transanal resection of rectal tumours - a preliminary report of its use.
British Journal of Surgery 1990; 77: 134-7.
Campbell WB
Varicose Veins
British Medical Journal 1990; 300: 763-4 (Leading Article)
Campbell WB
Acute limb ischaemia
Surgery 1990; 1937-41
Niblett P, Fleischl JM, Campbell WB
Which balloon embolectomy catheter?
British Journal of Surgery 1990; 77 : 930-3
Magee TR, Leopold PW, Campbell WB
Vein marking through ultrasound coupling gel
European Journal of Vascular Surgery 1990; 4: 491-2
Stanley PRW, Bickerton DR, Campbell WB
Injection sclerotherapy for varicose veins - a comparison of materials for applying
local compression
Phlebology 1990; 6: 37-9
Campbell WB
Mortality statistics for elective aortic aneurysms.
European Journal of Vascular Surgery 1991; 5: 111-3 (Leading Article)
Campbell WB
Reporting on audit.
Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England (Suppl) 1991; 73: 95-6
Varty K, van Dorpe J, St. Johnston JA, Campbell WB
What happens to patients with non-vascular leg pain?
British Medical Journal 1991; 303: 1516.
Campbell WB, Ballard PK, Goodman DA
Intensive care after abdominal aortic surgery.
European Journal of Vascular Surgery 1991; 5: 665-8
Magee TR, Niblett P, Campbell WB
Reinforced vascular grafts: a comparative study.
European Journal of Vascular Surgery 1992; 6: 21-5.
Varty K, St. Johnston JA, Beets G, Campbell WB
Arterial embolectomy: a long term perspective.
Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 1992; 33: 79-84.
Magee TR, Stanley PRW, Al Mufti R, Simpson L, Campbell WB Should we palpate
foot pulses?
Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England 1992; 74: 166-8.
Varty K, Campbell WB
Peritonitis causing acute limb ischaemia
European Journal of Vascular Surgery 1992; 6: 572-3.
Magee TR, Scott DJ, Dunkley A, St. Johnston J, Campbell WB, Baird RN, Horrocks
Quality of life following surgery for abdominal aortic aneurysm
British Journal of Surgery 1992; 79: 1014-6.
Campbell WB, Tambeur LJMT, Geens VR
Local complications after arterial bypass grafting.
Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England 1994; 26: 127-31.
Campbell WB, Kernick VFM, St. Johnston JA, Rutter EA
Lower limb amputation: striking the balance.
Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England 1994; 76: 205-9.
Campbell WB
Vascular Medicine Review 1994; 5: 61-71.
Dunn JM, Elliott TB, Lavy JA, Bell A, Kernick VFM, Campbell WB
Outpatient clinic review after arterial reconstruction: is it necessary?
Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England 1994; 76: 304-306.
Bennett DH, Tambeur LJMT, Campbell WB
Use of coughing test to diagnose peritonitis.
British Medical Journal 1994; 308: 1336.
Campbell B, Collier P.
Ten questions answered: leg ulcers.
Pulse 1994; 12: 85-91.
Gladstone J, Cosford E, Gilbert D, Campbell WB.
Standards of drug prescribing: simple to audit but difficult to improve practice.
Medical Audit News 1994; 4: 147-9.
Verhoeven ELG, Lucarotti ME, Campbell WB
Vanishing popliteal entrapment.
European Journal of Vascular Surgery 1995; 9: 244-6.
Wyatt MG, Kernick VFM, Clark H, Campbell WB.
Femorotibial bypass: the learning curve.
Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England 1995; 77: 413-6.
Dunn JM, Cosford E, Kernick VFM, Campbell WB.
Surgical treatment for venous ulcers: is it worthwhile?
Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England 1995; 77: 421-4.
Campbell WB, Ridler BMF
Varicose veins and deep vein thrombosis.
British Journal of Surgery 1995; 82: 1494-7.
Davies BW, Campbell WB.
Inguinal hernia repair: see one, do one, teach one?
Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England (Suppl) 1995; 77: 299-301.
Campbell WB, Ballard PK.
Intra-arterial lignocaine in embolectomy.
British Journal of Surgery 1996; 83: 244.
Campbell B.
Thrombosis, phlebitis, and varicose veins.
British Medical Journal 1996; 312: 198-9.
Campbell WB.
Short saphenous varicose veins.
Current Practice in Surgery 1996; 7: 195-9.
Campbell WB, Ridler BMF, Thompson JF,
Providing an acute vascular service: two years experience in a district general
Ann R Coll Surg Engl (Suppl) 1996; 78: 185-9.
Thompson JF, Mullee MA, Bell PRF, Campbell WB, Chant ADB, Darke SG, et al.
Intra-operative heparinization, blood loss and myocardial infarction during aortic
aneurysm surgery: A Joint Vascular Research Group Study.
European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery 1996; 12: 86-90.
Campbell WB, Halim AS, Aertssen A, Ridler BMF, Thompson JF, Niblett PG.
The place of duplex scanning for varicose veins and common venous disorders.
Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England 1996; 78: 490-3.
Campbell WB, Ridler BMF.
Predicting the use of prostheses by vascular amputees.
European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery 1996; 12: 342-5.
Burns-Cox N, Campbell WB, van Nimmen BAJ, Vercaeren PMK, Lucarotti M.
Surgical care and outcomes for patients in their nineties.
British Journal of Surgery 1997; 84: 496-8.
Amirhamzeh MMR, Chant HJ, Rees JL, Hands LJ, Powell RJ, Campbell WB.
A comparative study of treadmill tests and heel raising exercise for peripheral arterial
European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery 1997; 13: 301-5.
Campbell WB, Niblett PG, Ridler BMF, Peters AS, Thompson JF.
Hand held Doppler as a screening test in primary varicose veins.
British Journal of Surgery 1997; 84: 1541-3.
Campbell WB, Ridler BMF, McGrath C.
Female sex function after aortic surgery.
Cardiovascular Surgery 1998; 6: 198-200.
Campbell WB, Dimson S, Bickerton D.
Which treatment would patients prefer for their varicose veins?
Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England 1998; 80: 212-4.
Hewin DF, Campbell WB.
Ruptured aortic aneurysm: the decision not to operate.
Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England 1998; 80: 221-5.
Oliver DW, Booth BWC, Kernick VFM, Irvin TT, Campbell WB
Patient satisfaction and symptom relief after anal dilatation.
International Journal of Colorectal Disease 1998 ; 13: 228-231.
Campbell WB, Ridler BMF, Szymanska TH, on behalf of the Audit Committee of the
Vascular Surgical Society of Great Britain and Ireland.
Current management of acute lower limb ischaemia: results of an audit by the
Vascular Surgical Society of Great Britain and Ireland.
British Journal of Surgery 1998; 85: 1498-1503.
Campbell B.
Assessing arterial inflow before infrainguinal bypass grafting (Editorial).
Cardiovascular Surgery 1999; 7: 3-4.
Campbell B.
Have you a problem with clinical audit? Campbell B.
Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England (Suppl) 1999; 82: 83-84.
Benaerts P, Ridler BMF, Thompson JF, Campbell WB.
Gentamicin beads in vascular surgery; long term results of implantation.
Cardiovascular Surgery 1999; 7: 447-450.
Campbell WB, Ridler BMF, Szymanska TH.
Two year followup after acute lower limb ischaemia: the importance of
European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery 2000; 19: 169-173.
Gladstone J, Campbell B.
A model for auditing informed consent.
Journal of Clinical Excellence 2000; 1: 247-250.
Campbell WB, Ponette D, Sugiono M.
Long term results following operation for diabetic foot problems: arterial disease
confers a poor prognosis.
European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery 2000; 19: 174-177.
Campbell B, Heal J, Evans S, Marriott S.
What do trainees think about Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS)?
Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England 2000; 82: 263-267.
Campbell WB, Verfaillie P, Ridler BMF, Thompson JF.
Non-operative treatment of advanced limb ischaemia: the decision for palliative
European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery 2000; 19: 246-249.
Chave TA, Collier PM, Campbell WB.
Postoperative minocycline pigmentation.
Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England 2000; 82: 348-349.
Campbell WB, Marriott S, Eve R, Mapson E, Sexton S, Thompson JF.
Anaesthesia and analgesia for major lower limb amputation.
Cardiovascular Surgery 2000; 8: 572-575.
Campbell B.
Non-intervention and palliative care for patients with aortic aneurysms and lower limb
British Journal of Surgery 2000: 87; 1601-1602 (Leading Article).
Campbell B, Earnshaw J.
Getting governance to work in surgery.
Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England (Suppl) 2001; 83: 56-57.
Campbell B
Technical tutorials, notes, and tips.
Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England 2001; 83: 224. (Editorial).
Campbell B.
Clinical and hand-held Doppler examination of primary varicose veins.
Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England 2001; 83: 287-8.
Campbell W. B.
Complications of thrombolytic therapy for peripheral arterial occlusions.
Acta Chirugica Belgica 2001; 101: 116-122.
Campbell WB, Marriott S, Eve R, Mapson E, Sexton S, Thompson JF. Campbell WB,
Marriott S, Eve R, Mapson E, Sexton S, Thompson JF.
Factors influencing the early outcome of major lower limb amputation for vascular
Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England 2001; 83: 309-314.
Michaels JA, Campbell WB, Rigby KA, on behalf of participants in the REACTIV trial.
A new pragmatic system for classification of varicose veins.
Phlebology 2001; 16: 29-33.
Campbell B, van de Wawuer C, Nguyen D.
What patients think about surgeons’ working hours.
Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England 2001; 83 (Suppl): 296-297.
Campbell B.
Anticoagulation for patients with arterial disease.
Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 2001; 21: 1-2. (Editorial).
Campbell B, Schuijvlot M, Allington K. Fitness to drive: a survey of the knowledge
and practice of vascular surgeons regarding patients with carotid disease and aortic
aneurysms. Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England 2002; 84: 116117.
Campbell B.
New treatments for varicose veins. (Editorial).
British Medical Journal 2002; 324: 689-690.
Campbell WB, France F, Goodwin HM, on behalf of the Research and Audit
Committee of the Vascular Surgical Society of Great Britain and Ireland.
Medico-legal claims in vascular surgery.
Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England 2002; 84: 181-184.
Campbell WB, Aitken M, Tooke JE.
Expectations for the skills of final year medical students in examining lower limb
arteries and veins.
European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery 2002; 23: 270-271.
Campbell B, Chester J.
Emergency vascular surgery: patients must travel for specialist treatment. (Editorial).
British Medical Journal 2002; 324: 1167-1168.
Campbell WB, Lee EKJ, Van De Sijpe K, Gooding J, Cooper MJ.
A twenty five year study of emergency surgical admissions.
Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England 2002; 84: 273-277.
Campbell WB, Kumar AV, Collin TW, Allington KL, Michaels JA, as part of the
REACTIV (Randomised and Economic Analysis of Conservative and Therapeutic
Interventions for Varicose Veins) Study.
The outcome of varicose vein surgery at 10 years: clinical findings, symptoms and
patient satisfaction.
Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England 2003; 85: 52-57.
Campbell B, Maddern G.
Safety and efficacy of interventional procedures. (Editorial).
British Medical Journal 2003; 326: 347-348.
Campbell WB.
Interventional procedures and NICE.
Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England 2003; 85: 210-211.
Campbell WB, Marriott S, Eve R, Mapson E, Sexton S, Thompson JF.
Amputation for acute ischaemia is associated with increased comorbidity and higher
amputation level.
Cardiovascular Surgery 2003; 11: 121-123.
Noble H, Gallagher P, Campbell WB.
Who is doing laparoscopic appendicectomies and who taught them?
Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England 2003; 85: 331-333.
Campbell B, Vanslembroek K, Whitehaed E, van de Wauver C, Eifell R, Wyatt M,
Campbell J.
Views of doctors on clinical correspondence: questionnaire survey and audit of
content of their letters.
British Medical Journal 2004; 328: 1060-1061.
Campbell WB, Horwood J, Maguire MF, Ridler BM, Cowan AR, Thompson JF.
The European Working Time Directive and vascular surgery: planning to deal with
urgent referrals.
European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery 2004; 28: 221-222.
Winterborn RJ, Campbell WB, Heather BP, Earnshaw JJ.
The management of short saphenous varicose veins: a survey of the members of the
Vascular Surgical Society of Great Britain and Ireland.
European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery 2004; 28: 400-403.
Dent T, Wortley S, Campbell B.
The benefits and harms of new interventional procedures. (Editorial)
British Medical Journal 2004; 329: 3-4.
Campbell WB, Barnett DB.
The governance of innovation. (Leading Article).
Bristish Journal of Surgery 2004; 91: 1536-1537..
Campbell WB, Elworthy S, Peerlinck I, Vanslembroek K, Bangur R, Stableforth D,
Sheldon CD.
Sites of implantation for central venous access devices (ports): a study of the
experiences and preferences of patients.
European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery 2004; 28: 642-644.
Campbell B.
Informed consent. (Editorial).
Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England 2004; 86: 457-458.
Littlejohns P, Tamber S, Ranson P, Campbell B.
Treatment for liver metastases from colorectal cancer.
Lancet Oncology 2005; 6: 73.
Campbell WB, Thomson HJ, MacIntyre JB, Coward C, Michaels JA.
Venous ulcer services in the United Kingdom.
European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery 2005; 30: 437-440..
Abrams P, Campbell B.
NICE urology: coming to a country near you.
British Journal of Urology International 2005; 96: 741-748.
Campbell WB, Niblett PG, Peters AS, MacIntyre JB, Sherriff S, Palfreyman S,
Michaels J.
The clinical effectiveness of hand held Doppler examination for diagnosis of reflux in
patients with varicose veins.
European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery 2005; 30: 664-669.
Campbell WB, Decaluwe H, MacIntyre J, Thompson JF, Cowan AR.
Most patents with varicose veins have fears or concerns about the future, in addition
to their presenting symptoms.
European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery 2006; 31: 332-334.
Plumb AAO, Bayliss CR, Campbell WB.
Occlusion of the popliteal artery in hereditary multiple exostosis syndrome.
European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery 2006; 31: 228.
Michaels JA, Brazier JE, Campbell W B, MacIntyre JB, Palfreyman SJ, Ratcliffe J.
Randomised controlled trial comparing surgery with conservative treatment for
uncomplicated varicose veins.
British Journal of Surgery 2006; 93: 175-181.
Ratcliffe J, Brazier JE, Campbell W B, Palfreyman S, MacIntyre JB, , Michaels JA.
Cost effectiveness analysis of surgery versus conservative treatment for
uncomplicated varicose veins in a randomised controlled.
British Journal of Surgery 2006; 93: 182-186.
Use of a pneumatic tourniquet improves outcome following trans-tibial amputation.
Wolthuis AM, Whitehead E, Ridler BM, Cowan AR, Campbell WB, Thompson JF
European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery 2006; 31: 642-645.
Rationing of treatment for varicose veins and use of new treatment methods: a
survey of practice in the United Kingdom.
Lindsey B, Campbell WB.
European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery 2006; 32: 272.
Varicose veins and their management.
Campbell B.
British Medical Journal 2006: 333: 287-292.
Association of study type, sample size and follow-up length with type of
recommendation produced by the NICE Interventional Procedures Programme.
Campbell WB, Barnes SJ, Kirby R, Willett SL, Wortley SR, Lyratzopoulos G.
International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care 2007; 23: 101-107.
Giving doctors permission to extract information from hospital notes: a study of
patients’ views.
B. Campbell, H. Thomson, C. Coward, J. Slater, K. Wyatt, K. Sweeney.
Quality and Safety in Health Care 2007; 16: 404-408.
The symptoms of varicose veins: difficult to determine and difficult to study.
Campbell WB, Decaluwe H, Boecxstaens V, MacIntyre JA, Walker N, Thompson
JF, Cowan A. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 2007; 34: 741-744.
Lyratzopoulos G, Hoy A, Veeramootoo D, Shanmuganathan N, Campbell B.
Individual characteristics of expert clinical advisers and opinion about the clinical
utility of interventional procedures.
International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care 2008; 24; 1-4.
O’Hare JL, Vandenbroeck CP, Whitman B, Campbell B, Heather BP, Earnshaw JJ,
on behalf of the Joint Vascular Research Group.
A prospective evaluation of the outcome after small saphenous varicose vein surgery
with one year follow-up.
Journal of Vascular Surgery 2008; 48: 669-674.
Campbell B.
Home-made, adapted and modified devices in surgical practice. (Editorial).
Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England 2008; 90: 251-252.
Lyratzopoulos G, Patrick H, Campbell B.
Registers needed for interventional procedures. Editorial (“Commentary”)
Lancet 2008; 371: 1734-1736.
Plumb J, Campbell B, Lyratzopoulos G.
How guidance on the use of interventional procedures is produced in different
countries: an international survey.
International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care 2009; 25: 124-133.
R J Winterborn RJ, Amin I, Lyratzopoulos G, Walker N, Varty K, Campbell WB.
Preferences for endovascular (EVAR) or open surgical repair among patients with
abdominal aortic aneurysms under surveillance.
Journal of Vascular Surgery 2009; 49: 576-581.
Campbell B, Patrick H, Barnes S, Marlow M.
How should accredited specialists be trained to do new procedures?
Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England 2009; 91: 91-94.
Darwood RJ, Walker, Bracey NM, Cowan AR, Thompson JF, Campbell WB.
Return to work, driving and other activities after varicose vein surgery is very variable
and is influenced little by advice from specialists.
European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery 2009; 38: 213-219.
Campbell B, Darwood R.
Varicose veins: and update on management.
British Medical Journal – BMJ Learning.“varicose%20veins”&page=0
Michaels JA, Campbell B, King B, Palfreyman SJ, Shackley P, Stevenson M.
Randomised controlled trial and cost-effectiveness analysis of silver-donating
antimicrobial dressings for venous leg ulcers (VULCAN trial).
British Journal of Surgery 2009; 96: 1147-1156.
McCulloch P, Altman D, Campbell B, Feldman L, Flum D, Glasziou P, Marshall JC,
Nicholl J, and the Balliol Collaboration.
No surgical innovation without assessment: the IDEAL recommendations.
Lancet 2009; 374: 1105-12.
Plumb J, Lyratzopoulos G, Gallo H, Campbell B.
Comparison of the assessment of five new interventional procedures in different
International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care 2010; 26: 102-109.
Patrick H, Gallaugher S, Czoski-Murray C, Wheeler R, Chattle M, Marlow M,
Lyratzopoulos G, Campbell B .
Utility of a short term register for health technology assessment where the evidence
base is poor.
International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care 2010; 26: 95-101.
Campbell WB, Birchley DW.
What is the place of surgery for intermittent claudication? (Editorial)
European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery 2010; 39: 745-746.
Hoy AR, Patrick H, Campbell B, Lyratzopoulos G.
Measuring the influence of colleagues on a consultant team’s use of breast
conserving surgery.
International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care 2010; 26: 156-162.
Campbell B, Chambers E, Kelson M, Bennett E, Lyratzopoulos G.
The nature and usefulness of patient experience information in producing guidance
about interventional procedures.
Quality and Safety in Health Care 2010; 19: 1-6.
Campbell B.
The NICE Medical Technologies Advisory Committee and Medical Technologies
Heart 2011; 97: 674-675.
Veeramootoo D, Harrower L, Saunders R, Robinson D, Campbell B.
Prophylaxis of venous thromboembolism in general surgery: guidelines differ and we
still need local policies.
Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England 2011; 93: 370-374.
Campbell B, McGrath J.
Differences in technique between different disciplines: a lesson in sharing evidence.
Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England 2011; 93: 414.
Campbell B
Safety first: latest guidance on the treatment of liver metastases.
Public Sevice Review: Health and Social Care. 2011; 28: 28-30.
Lyratzopoulos G, Barnes S, Stengenga H, Peden S, Campbell B
Updating clinical practice recommendations: is it worthwhile and when?
International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care 2012; 28: 1-7.
Campbell B.
How to judge the value of innovation. (Editorial)
British Medical Journal 2012; 344: e1457 and 26th May p7.
Campbell B.
Innovation, NICE and CardioQ. (Editorial)
British Journal of Anaesthesia 2012: 108: 726-729.
Campbell B, Patrick H on behalf of the Register Group.
International collaboration in the use of registries for new devices and procedures.
(Leading Article)
British Journal of Surgery 2012; 99: 744-745.
Campbell B, Campbell M.
NICE Medical Technologies Guidance: a novel and rigorous methodology to address
a new health technology assessment challenge.
Applied Economics and Health Policy 2012; 10: 295-297. (Editorial).
Campbell B
Ten top tips on varicose veins.
Pulse 2012 (10th October).
Patrick H, Sims A, Burn J, Bousfield D, Colechin E, Reay C, Alderson N, Goode S,
Cunningham D, Campbell B.
Monitoring the use and outcomes of new devices and procedures – how does coding
affect what Hospital Episodes Statistics contribute? Lessons from 12 emerging
procedures 2006-2010.
Journal of Public Health 2013; 35:132-8.
Campbell B.
NICE guidance on interventional procedures: the first ten years.
Journal of Perioperative Practice 2013; 23: 66-67.
Carlson GL, Patrick H, Amin AI, McPherson G, MacLennan G, Afolabi E, Mowatt G,
Campbell B.
Management of The Open Abdomen. A National Study of Clinical Outcome and
Safety of Negative Pressure Wound Therapy.
Annals of Surgery 2013; 257: 1154-9.
Campbell B.
NICE Medical Technologies Guidance: Aims for Clinical Practice.
Perioperative Medicine 2013; 2: 15 doi:10.1186/2047-0525-2-15
Lennard N, Coutinho M, Campbell B.
The surgeon and medical devices: adverse incident reporting and off-label use.
Ann R Coll Surg Engl 2013; 95: 309-10.
Campbell B, Stainthorpe A, Longson C.
How can we get high quality routine data to monitor the safety of devices and
BMJ 2013; 346: f2782
Goode SD, Keltie K, Burn J, Patrick H, Cleveland TJ, Campbell B, Gaines P, Sims
The effect of procedure volume on outcomes after iliac artery angioplasty and
Br J Surg 2013; 100: 1189-1196.
Birkmeyer JD, Reames BN, McCulloch P, Carr AJ, Campbell WB, Wennberg JE.
Understanding regional variation in the use of surgery.
Lancet 2013; 382: 1121-9.
McCulloch P, Nagendran M, Campbell B, Price A, Jani A, Birkmeyer J, Gray M.
Strategies for reducing variation in the use of surgery.
Lancet 2013; 382: 1130-9.
Campbell B
Regulation and safe adoption of new devices and procedures.
British Medical Bulletin 2013; 1-14.
Campbell B.
Surgical aphorisms. (Leading Article)
British Journal of Surgery 2013; 100: 1673-4.
Williams S, Campbell B, Earnshaw JJ. Management of common iliac artery
aneurysms: survey of Members of the Vascular Society of Great Britain and Ireland.
Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England 2014; 96: 116-120.
Campbell B.
New evidence on treatments for varicose veins.
British Journal of Surgery 2014; 101: 1037-1039.
Tassie E, Scotland G, Brittenden J, Cotton SC, Elders A, Campbell MK, Campbell B,
Gough M, JM Burr, Ramsay CR on behalf of the CLASS Study team.
Cost-effectiveness of ultrasound guided foam sclerotherapy, endovenous laser
ablation, or surgery as treatments for primary varicose veins: from the randomised
CLASS trial.
British Journal of Surgery 2014; 101: 1532-1540.
Taylor J, Patrick H, Lyratzopoulos G, Campbell B.
Methodological challenges in evaluating the value of registers.
International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care 2014; 30: 28-33.
Brittenden J, Cotton SC, Elders A, Ramsay CR, Norrie J, Burr J, Campbell B,
Bachoo P, Chetter I, Gough M, Earnshaw J, Lees T, Scott J, Baker SA, Francis J,
Tassie A, Scotland G, Wileman S, Campbell MK.
A randomised controlled trial of surgery, ultrasound guided foam sclerotherapy and
endovenous laser ablation in the treatment of varicose veins.
New England Journal of Medicine 2014; 371:1218-1227.
Mills N, Blazeby JM, Hamdy FC, Neal DE, Campbell B, Wilson C, Paramasivan S,
Donovan JL.
Training recruiters to randomised trials to facilitate recruitment and informed consent
by exploring patients' treatment preferences.
Trials 2014; 15: 323.
Subroto S, Campbell B, Meltzer EC, Sedrakyan A. ECMO as an Emergency Medical
Countermeasure: Public Health Aspects of a Scarce Resource.
Lancet Respiratory Medicine 2014; 2: 685-687.
Campbell B, Morris R, Mandava L, Murthy L, Gallo H, Jun Ong, Patrick H.
Identifying and selecting new procedures for Health Technology Assessment: a
decade of NICE experience in the United Kingdom.
International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care 2014; 30 (4): 1-7.
Keltie K, Cole H, Arber M, Patrick H, Powell J, Campbell B, Sims A. Identifying
complications of interventional procedures from routine UK healthcare databases: a
systematic search for methods using clinical codes.
BMC Medical Research Methodology 2014; 14: 126-34.
El-Sheika J, Nandhra S, Carradice D, Acey C, Smith G, Campbell WB, Chetter I.
Compression regimes after endovenous ablation for superficial venous insufficiency
– a survey of members of the Vascular Society of Great Britain and Ireland.
Phlebology 2015 pii: 0268355514567732
Latif A, Western C, Travers H, Thomas V, Patrick H, Campbell B.
Informing patients about the uncertainties and risks of new surgical procedures.
Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England 2015; 97 (Suppl): 117-9.
El-Sheikha J, Carradice D, Nandhra S, Leung C, Smith GE, Campbell B, Chetter IC.
A systematic review of compression following treatment for superficial venous
British Journal of Surgery 2015; 102: 719-725.
Oyebode O, Patrick H, Walker A, Campbell B, Powell J. The Ghost in the Machine?
The value of expert advice in the production of evidence-based guidance: a mixed
methods study of the NICE Interventional Procedures Programme.
International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care 2015 (in press).
Paramasivan S, Strong S, Wilson C, Campbell B, Blazeby MJ, Donovan LJ.
A simple technique to identify key recruitment issues in randomized controlled trials:
Q-QAT - Quanti-Qualitative Appointment Timing.
Trials 2015, 16:88. DOI: 10.1186/s13063-015-0617-1.
Lowson K, Jenks M, Filby A, Carr L, Campbell B, Powell J.
Examining the implementation of NICE Guidance: cross-sectional survey of the use
of NICE interventional procedures guidance by NHS Trusts.
Implementation Science 2015; 10: 93 doi: 10.1186/s13012-015-0283-4
Glynn D, Campbell B, Marlow M, Patrick H.
Implementing “active surveillance” to improve the quality of data gathered in
Coverage with Evidence Development.
Journal of Health Services Research and Policy 2015
Pennell C, Hirst A, Campbell B, Sood A, Agha R, Barkun J, McCulloch P.
The Idea, Development, and Exploration stages of the IDEAL framework and
recommendations: a practical guide for users.
British Journal of Surgery 2016 (in press).
Submitted: Keltie K, Cole H, Arber M, Patrick H, Powell J, Campbell B, Sims A.
Are length of stay, readmissions, mortality and adverse events reliable indicators of
complications from interventional procedures? A literature review of published UK
J El-Sheikha, D Carradice, S Nandhra, GE Smith, B Campbell, IC Chetter.
A systematic review of the compression regimes used in randomised clinical trials
following endovenous ablation.
Campbell B, Dobson L, Higgins J, Dillon B, Marlow M, Pomfrett CJD.
Five years of experience with a new system for health technology assessment of
medical devices and diagnostics.
Campbell B, Tabiri-Essuman J, Gallo H, Verdiel V, Mandava L, Azhar A, Powell J.
Public consultation changes guidance on the use of health care interventions.
Observational study.
5. Regular articles in the Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England
on NICE and its guidance.
Introductory Editorial:
Campbell B.
NICE news in the Annals.
Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England 2004; 86 (Suppl): 152-153.
Specific topics (written by BC + some abbreviated guidance with co-authors):
Specialist Advisors. Ann R Coll Surg Engl 2004; 86: 221-222.
What is a new procedure? Ann R Coll Surg Engl 2004; 86: 296-297.
What evidence is used to appraise new procedures? Ann R Coll Surg Engl 2004;
86: 375-376.
Decision making for interventional procedures. Ann R Coll Surg Engl 2004; 86: 468469.
Public consultation about interventional procedures guidance. Ann R Coll Surg Engl
2005; 87: 55-56.
Crafting interventional procedures guidance. Ann R Coll Surg Engl 2005; 87: 136-8.
NICE guidance on managing the risk of CJD tranbsmission via interventional
procedures. Chaldikou K, Lyratzolpoulos G, Campbell B. Ann R Coll Surg Engl
2007; 89: 82-5.
NICE News in the Annals. Chaldikou K, Lyratzolpoulos G, Campbell B. Ann R Coll
Surg Engl 2007; 89: 318-9.
NICE News in the Annals. Barnes S, Leng G, Bent N, Campbell B. Ann R Coll Surg
Engl 2007; 89: 540-3.
NICE News in the Annals. Hamilton S, Campbell B, Tucker H, George E, Barnett D,
Longson C. Ann R Coll Surg Engl 2008; 90: 81-84.
NICE News in the Annals. Barnes S, Campbell B. Ann R Coll Surg Engl 2008;
NICE News. Gallaugher S. Campbell B; and NICE and NICE/NPSA patient safety
pilot. Garner S, Campbell B Ann R Coll Surg Engl 2008; 90: 437-440.
NICE News in the Annals, including: The Darzi Review – What it means for NICE
Barnes S, Campbell B, Gordon F. Ann R Coll Surg Engl 2008; 90:619-622.
An update on NICE and how to get more involved.
Campbell B.
Ann R Coll Surg Engl (Suppl) 2009; 91: 18-19.
NICE News in the Annals.
Barnes S, Campbell B.
Ann R Coll Surg Engl 2010; 92: 14-16.
Data collection on new procedures and devices.
Campbell B.
Ann R Coll Surg Engl 2010; 92: 17-18.
NICE News in the Annals - including UK audit of all patients managed by
laparostomy (open abdomen).
Stengenga H, Patrick H, Campbell B.
Ann R Coll Surg Engl 2010; 92: 254-6.
Gallo G, Sloan N, Campbell B.
Ann R Coll Surg Engl 2010; 92: 433-4
The new NICE Evalution Pathway for Medical Technlogies.
Campbell B.
Ann R Coll Surg Engl 2010; 92: 435-6.
Recent NICE guidance. Barnes S, Campbell B.
Ann R Coll Surg Engl 2011; 93: 84-85
Requests by NICE for advice from specialists.
Campbell B.
Ann R Coll Surg Engl 2011; 93: 86-87.
NICE News.
Sloan N, Campbell B.
Ann R Coll Surg Engl 2011; 93: 410-411.
NICE News.
Campbell B.
Ann R Coll Surg Engl 2011; 93: 642-645.
NICE News.
Campbell B.
Ann R Coll Surg Engl 2012;.
NICE News.
Campbell B.
Ann R Coll Surg Engl 2012; 94: 525-526.
Campbell B
Ann R Coll Surg Engl 2013; 95: 303-304.
Campbell B, Marlow M
NICE News. Advice to NICE from specialists: outcomes from a symposium with
specialist societies.
Ann R Coll Surg Engl 2013; 95: 535-537.
Campbell B. NICE News.
Ann R Coll Surg Engl 2014; 96: 159-160.
Campbell B.
An opportunity to shape future NICE guidance + NICE News.
Ann R Coll Surg Engl 2015; 97: 84-87.
Campbell B. NICE News.
Ann R Coll Surg Engl 2015; 97: 326-327.
Campbell B.
NICE News in the Annals.
Ann R Coll Surg Engl 2015; 97: 537-540.
6. Chapters in Books.
Prostaglandin El infusion for Raynaud's phenomenon.
Clifford PC, Martin MFR, Campbell WB, Sheddon J, Dieppe PA, Baird RN
In: Haemodynamics of the Limbs
Eds: Puel P, Enjalbert A, Boccalon H
Toulouse: Fournie 1981, pp 587-93
Ultrasound imaging of arterial grafts
Campbell WB, Baird RN
In: Extra-anatomic Bypass and Secondary Arterial Reconstruction.
Ed: Ed: Greenhalgh RM
Bath: Pitman 1982, pp 192-200.
Differential diagnosis of arterial disease of the lower limbs using Doppler ultrasound.
Campbell WB, Skidmore R, Cole SEA, Baird RN, Woodcock JP
In: Ultrasound '82'.
Eds: Lerski RA, Marley P.
Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1983, pp 257-62
Arterial surgery contributions
In: Questions and answers in General Surgery
Eds: Henderson HP, Kelly MJ, London, John Wright 1987.
Sympathectomy for chronic arterial ischaemia
Campbell WB
In: Indications in Vascular Surgery
Ed: Greenhalgh RM
London WB Saunders 1987; pp401-18.
Historical aspects of amputation and the development of lower limb prosthesis
Campbell WB, Thornberry D
In: Limb Salvage and Amputation for Vascular Disease
Ed: Greenhalgh RM, Jamieson CW, Nicolaides AN
London WB Saunders 1988 pp 321-30.
What should we do when the knee joint cannot be saved?
Campbell WB, Thornberry D
In: Limb Salvage and Amputation for Vascular Disease
Ed: Greenhalgh RM, Jamieson CW, Nicolaides AN
London WB Saunders 1988 pp 351-60.
Current status of sympathectomy for chronic arterial ischaemia.
Campbell WB
In: Surgery in Europe - Volume II
Eds: Stipa S, Cavallaro A
Rome Ares-Serono Symposia 1991 pp 131-44
How can we prevent complications from elective aortic surgery?
Campbell WB
In: Vascular Surgery: current questions.
Eds: Barros d'Sa AAB, Bell PRF, Darke SG, Harris PL
Oxford Butterworth Heinemann 1991 pp 70-84.
Can reported carotid surgical results be misleading?
Campbell WB
In: Surgery for Stroke
Eds: Greenhalgh RM, Hollier LH
London WB Saunders 1993 pp.331-7.
Femorodistal grafts
Campbell WB
In: Clinical Problems in Vascular Surgery
Eds: Galland RB, Clyne CAC.
London. Edward Arnold. 1994. pp 55-61.
Arterial Emboli.
Campbell WB
In: The Oxford Textbook of Surgery.
Eds: Malt RA, Morris PJ
Oxford Oxford University Press 1994 pp 445-51
- second edition 1999 (in press)
Complications of aortic surgery.
Campbell WB
In: Arterial Aneurysms: Diagnosis and Treatment
Ed: Horrocks M
Oxford Butterworth Heinemann 1995 pp.124-39.
The following chapters in:
Complications in arterial surgery: a practical approach to management.
Ed. Campbell WB.
Oxford. Butterworth Heinemann. 1996.
1. Risk management and medicolegal aspects of arterial
2. Haemorrhagic problems.
3. Infrarenal aortic surgery.
4. Graft sepsis.
5. Interpreting the literature.
What are the benefits of adjuvant drug therapy? Association with femoropopliteal
and distal bypass or angioplasty.
Campbell B.
In: The trials and tribulations of vascular surgery.
Eds: Greenhalgh RM, Fowkes FGR.
London. W.B. Saunders. 1996. pp. 53-61.
Haemorrhagic problems.
Campbell WB
In: Emergency Vascular Practice
Eds: Chant ADB, Barros d'Sa AAB
London. Edward Arnold 1997. pp. 18-23.
Are patients with varicose veins at special risk of thromboembolism?
Campbell B.
In: Inflammatory and thrombotic problems in vascular surgery.
Eds: Greenhalgh RM, Powell JT.
London. W.B. Saunders. 1997. pp.289-96.
Campbell, Hewin DF.
When should we operate and when should we not?
In: Indications in vascular and endovascular surgery.Ed: Greenhalgh RM.
London. W.B.Saunders. 1998. pp. 143-151.
Vasospastic and sympathetic disorders.
Campbell B.
In: Essential Vascular Surgery.
Eds: Davies AH, Beard J, Wyatt MJ.
London. W.B.Saunders. 1999. pp. 292-303.
Is there a place for lumbar sympathectomy?
Campbell WB
In: Lower limb ischaemia.
Ed: Myers KA, Nicolaides AN, Sumner DS.
London. Med-Orion Publishing. 1998. pp. 403-412.
Is the durability of the management of the diabetic foot affected by patient
Campbell B
In: The durability of vascular and endovascular surgery.
Ed: Greenhalgh RM
London. W.B.Saunders. 1999. pp. 303-316.
Medicolegal implications of evidence based medicine.
Campbell B.
In: The evidence for vascular surgery.
Ed: Earnshaw JJ.
TFM Publishing Ltd. 1999. pp. 203-206.
The following chapters in:
Perioperative Medicine: managing surgical patients with medical problems.
Eds. Nicholls A, Wilson I.
Oxford. Oxford University Press. 2000.
1. Risk management. pp. 11-14.
2. The National Confidential Enquiry into Perioperative Deaths. pp. 15-19.
3. Prophylaxis of venous thromboembolism. pp. 48-53 (this updated for Second
Edition 2006).
Complications of thrombolysis and their avoidance.
Campbell B, Kinsella DC.
In: Vascular and Endovascular Opportunities.
Eds: Greenhalgh RM, Powell JT, Mitchell AW.
London. W. B. Saunders. 2000. Pp. 505-516.
Arterial emboli.
Campbell B.
In: Oxford Textbook of Surgery (second edition).
Eds:Morris PJ, Wood WC.
Oxford. Oxford University Press. 2000. pp. 909-915.
Prophylaxis of venous thromboembolism.
Campbell B.
In: Oxford Handbook of Anaesthesia.
Eds: Wilson I, Allman K.
Oxford. Oxford University Press. 2001. Pp 11-14.
Revised for second edition 2004.
Medicolegal aspects of emergency vascular care.
In: Emergency vascular and endovascular surgery.
Eds: Barros D’Sa AAB, Andros G, Chant ADB.
London. Arnold. 2000.
Commentary on: Advice on writing style. Farndon JR.
In Eds. Schein M, Farndon JR, Fingerhut A.
A surgeon’s guide to writing and publishing. Kemberton, Shropshire. Tfm
Publishing. 2001. pp 85-86.
Below knee thrombus merits treatment.
In Eds. Greenhalgh RM, et al.
Evidence for vascular or endovascular reconstruction. London. WB Saunders.
2002. pp. 434-438.
Saphenofemoral ligation and stripping is the method of choice for treating long
saphenous varicose veins.
In Eds. Greenhalgh RM, et al.
Vascular and endovascular controversies. London. BIBA Publishing. 2003.
Alternative endovascular methods for treating varicose veins.
In Eds. Wyatt MG, Watkinson AF. Endovascular intervention: current controversies.
Shrewsbury. tfm publications. 2004. pp. 277-284.
Campbell B, Dent T.
Establishing the New Interventional Procedures Programme at NICE.
In Eds.Rawlins M, Littlejohns P. Delivering quality care in the NHS 2004. London.
National Institute for Clinical Excellence. 2004. pp 168-170.
Lee R, Campbell B.
Audit and clinical governance.
In Eds. Thomas D, Thompson J, Ridler B. A manual for blood conservation.
Shrewsbury. tfm publications. 2005. pp 241-250.
Watkinson AF, Campbell WB.
Unusual types of deep vein thrombosis.
In Ed. Earnshaw JJ. Rare vascular disorders. tfm publications. 2005. pp
Campbell WB.
Vascular surgery.
In Eds. Payne-James J, Byard RW, Corey TS, Henderson C.
Encyclopaedia of forensic and legal medicine. Oxford. Elsevier. 2005. pp 315-318.
Lynch CB, Keith LG, Campbell B.
Internal iliac (hypogastric) artery ligation for postpartum haemorrhage.
In Eds. Lynch CB, Keith L, Lalonde A, Karoshi M. Kirkmahoe. Sapiens. 2006. pp
Campbell B.
Medicolegal aspects.
In Eds. Labropoulos N, Sannsby G.
Venous and lymphatic diseases. New York. Taylor and Francis. 2006. pp. 347354.
Standard surgery for varicose veins still wins.
In Eds. Greenhalgh RM.
Mor vascular and endovascular challenges. London. BIBA Publishing. 2007.
Complications related to diabetes in vascular patients.
In Eds. Wyatt MG, Earnshaw JJ.
Complications of Vascular & Endovascular Surgery: How to get out of trouble! TFM
Publishing. 2011. pp. 43-51.
In the series "Perspectives in vascular disease" produced by Update (1985):1. Peripheral vascular disease (author).
2. Acute arterial occlusion (joint author with Collin J. and Cobbe S.).
Information booklets for patients for the Royal Devon and Exeter Healthcare Trust,
including varicose veins and varicose vein operations, aortic aneurysms (initially
traditional surgery and later stent grafting), carotid endarterectomy, bypass grafts to
the legs, intermittent claudication, balloon angioplasty and stenting, venous
thrombosis and air travel, sclerotherapy, and foam sclerotherapy for varicose veins.
Regularly update all these, including the views of all relevant colleagues. Had
previously written general surgical booklets - appendicectomy, hernias, hernias and
hydroceles in children, orchidopexy.
Established the patient information website of the Vascular Surgical Society (2000)
in association with the Centre for Health Information Quality. Wrote the patient
information material on varicose veins (2000).
British Medical Association book for patients “Understanding Varicose Veins”(see
Books – 2000: updated 2002, 2003, 2006, 2011).
NHS Choices - web presentations on varicose veins and aortic aneurysms 2007:
British Medical Association web based patient information on Aortic Aneurysms: first
in new series 2009 (see “Books”).
Vasectomy: a risk factor in atherogenesis?
Slack RWT, Clifford PC, Campbell WB, Smith PJB, Baird RN
British Journal of Surgery 1981; 68: 821.
Long term effects of vasectomy on the distensibility of the arteries of the lower limbs.
Campbell WB, Slack RWT, Clifford PC, Smith PJB, Baird RN
In: European Surgical Research (Eds: Dionigi R, Dominioni L, Campari M) Basel:
Karger 1982; p 141.
Differential diagnosis of arterial disease of the lower limb using Doppler ultrasound.
Skidmore R, Cole S, Baird RN, Campbell WB, Woodcock J
Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology 1982; 8 (suppl 1): 180.
Prostaglandin El in the treatment of lower limb ischaemia
Telles G, Campbell WB, Wood RFM, Morris PJ, Baird RN, Collin J
British Journal of Surgery 1983; 70: 387-8.
Ultrasonic assessment of percutaneous transluminal angioplasty
Campbell WB, Cole SEA, Jeans WD, Baird RN
Proceedings of the 14th Annual meeting of the British Medical Ultrasound Society
1982; p 25.
Gruntzig dilatation of the iliac and femoral arteries
Campbell WB
Bristol Medico-Chirurgical Journal 1982; 97: 31.
Transluminal angioplasty - an alternative to bypass grafting
Campbell WB, Cole SEA, Jeans WD, Baird RN
Proceedings of the Association of Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland 1983; p 24.
Outcome of transluminal angioplasty in the lower limbs
Campbell WB, Jeans WD, Cole SEA, Baird RN
British Journal of Surgery 1983; 70: 305.
Detection of early arterial disease by Doppler waveform analysis.
Campbell WB, Skidmore R.
Journal of Physiology 1983; 342: 310.
Doppler waveform analysis in the diagnosis of aortoiliac disease
Campbell WB, Cole SEA, Skidmore R, Evans DH, Baird RN
Proceedings of the British Medical Ultrasound Society June 1983 (London)
Estimating the haemodynamic effect of aortoiliac stenosis
Campbell WB, Cole SEA, Skidmore R, Baird RN
British Journal of Surgery 1983; 70: 689.
The clinician and the vascular laboratory in the assessment of aortoiliac stenosis.
Campbell WB, Cole SEA, Skidmore R, Baird RN
British Journal of Surgery 1984; 71: 307.
The variability of arterial Doppler waveforms
Campbell WB, Skidmore R
British Journal of Radiology 1985; 58: 278.
Evaluation of the distal lower limb arteries by Doppler ultrasound
Campbell WB, Hands LJ, Fletcher EWL
British Journal of Radiology 1985; 58: 688
Auditing the vascular surgical audit.
Campbell WB, Souter RG, Collin J, Morris PJ, Kidson IG,
Wood RFM
British Journal of Surgery 1985; 72: 321
A comparison of Doppler and arteriography in the assessment of distal lower limb
Campbell WB, Hands LJ, Fletcher EWL
British Journal of Surgery 1985; 72: 402
Which balloon embolectomy catheter?
Fleischl JM, Niblett P, Campbell WB
Proceedings of the Surgical Club of South West England
(awarded Registrar's Prize).
Comparative study of balloon embolectomy catheters.
Fleischl JM, Niblett PG, Campbell WB
British Journal of Surgery 1988; 75: 393
A comparative study of balloon embolectomy catheters
Fleischl JM, Niblett P, Campbell WB
Proceedings of the surgical Club of South West England
Postoperative care in abdominal aortic surgery: the first 48 hours.
Campbell WB, Goodman DA, Ballard PK
British Journal of Surgery 1990; 77: A350.
Pulses, pressures and people.
Magee TR, Al Mufti R, Stanley PRW, Simpson L, Campbell WB
West of England Medical Journal 1990; 105: 131.
Arterial embolectomy - a long term perspective
Varty K, St Johnston J, Beets G, Campbell WB
West of England Medical Journal 1990; 105: 130
Embolus vs. Thrombosis - early diagnosis and surgical treatment
Campbell WB
Proceedings of the 92 Congres Francais de Chirugie 11-22
What is the prognosis for 'non vascular leg pain'?
Varty K, Van Dorpe J, St. Johnston JA, Campbell WB
West of England Medical Journal 1991; 106: 86-7.
Reinforced vascular grafts: a comparative study.
Magee TR, Niblett PG, Campbell WB
West of England Medical Journal 1991; 106:87.
Automatic digital sphygmomanometers: a simple method for measuring ankle
systolic pressure
Bennett D, Hendricks M, St. Johnston J, Campbell WB
British Journal of Surgery 1992; 78: 360.
Quality of life after surgery for abdominal aortic aneurysm
Magee TR, Scott DJ, Dunkley A, St. Johnston J, Campbell WB, Baird RN, Horrocks
West of England Medical Journal 1992;7:58.
Complications of arterial grafting 1987-91.
Tambeur L, Geens V, Campbell WB
West of England Medical Journal 1992; 7: 58.
Lower limb amputation and rehabilitation 1987-91.
Campbell WB, Rutter EA, St. Johnston JA, Kernick VFM
West of England Medical Journal 1992; 7: 59.
Duplex scanning from scratch.
Wyatt MG, Niblett PG, Bennett DH, Phillips SL, James ED, Campbell WB
West of England Medical Journal 1992; 7: 59.
Automated sphygmomanometers for measuring ankle pressure.
Bennett D.H., Hendrickx M., St. Johnston J.A., Campbell W.B.
West of England Medical Journal 1992; 7: 6
Outpatient clinic followup after arterial reconstruction: is it neccessary?
Dunn J., Elliott T., Lavy J., Bell A, Kernick V.F.M.,
Campbell W.B.
British Journal of Surgery 1993; 80: 527.
Starting femorotibial bypass in a District Hospital.
Wyatt MG, Tambeur LJMT, Kernick VFM, Clark H, Campbell WB
West of England Medical Journal 1993; 7: 85.
Is regular outpatient followup neccessary after arterial reconstruction?
Elliott T, Dunn JM, Lavy J, Bell A, Kernick VFM, Campbell WB
West of England Medical Journal 1993; 7: 85-6.
Intraoperative heparinization reduces the risk of myocardial infarction during elective
aortic surgery. Thompson J, Clyne CAC for the Joint Vascular Research Group.
British Journal of Surgery 1994; 81: 614.
A selective approach to varicose veins.
Aertssen A, Halim AS, Ridler BMF, Thompson JF, Campbell WB
Proceedings of the South West Vascular Surgeons 1994.
Special investigations for venous disease: how often are they needed?
Campbell WB, Aertssen, Halim AS, Ridler BMF, Thompson JF.
Proceedings of the Venous Forum of the Royal Society of Medicine. October 1994.
Outcome of amputation in diabetic feet.
Usman SA, Taheri S, Sugiono M, Campbell WB.
Proceedings of the South West Vascular Surgeons 1995.
Providing an acute vascular service within a department of general surgery.
Campbell WB, Ridler BMF, Thompson JF.
British Journal of Surgery 1995; 82: 553-4..
Simplifying exercise tests for peripheral arterial disease.
Amirhamzeh MR, Chant HJ, Rees JL, Hands, Campbell WB.
Proceedings of the South West Vascular Surgeons 1996.
The decision to amputate.
Amirhamzeh M, Rees JL, Chant HJ, Campbell WB, Thompson JF.
Proceedings of the South West Vascular Surgeons 1996.
Mass removal of contaminants during intraoperative autotransfusion.
Ridler B, Marshall J, Telford RJ, Ballard P, Boaden W, Campbell WB, Thompson JF.
Eds. Smallwood JA, Karran SJ, Johnson C, Shearman C.
European Surgical Research. Basel. Karger. 1996.
A comparative study of heel raising against treadmill exercise for peripheral arterial
Amirhamzeh MMR, Chant HJ, Rees JL, Hands LJ, Campbell WB.
Eds. Smallwood JA, Karran SJ, Johnson C, Shearman C.
European Surgical Research. Basel. Karger. 1996. p. 79.
Outpatient clinic rapid evaluation of varicose veins by different Doppler techniques:
accuracy compared with duplex scanning.
Campbell WB, Niblett PG, Ridler BMF, Peters AS, Thompson JF.
British Journal of Surgery 1996; 83 (Suppl. 1): 17.
Management of acute lower limb ischaemia in the United Kingdom and Ireland.
Campbell WB, Ridler BMF, Szymanska TH, on behalf of the Audit Committee,
Vascular Surgical Society of G. B. and Ireland.
British Journal of Surgery 1997; 84: 573..
What were you doing when your graft blocked?
Smith FCT, Penny L, Millen K, Ridler BMF, Campbell WB, Thompson JF.
Proceedings of the South West Vascular Surgeons 1997.
Would patients prefer sclerotherapy or surgery for their varicose veins?
Dimson SR, Campbell WB, Bickerton D.
Proceedings of the South West Vascular Surgeons 1997.
Vascular Surgical Society audit of acute lower limb ischaemia: outcomes of
treatment and results of a validation exercise.
Campbell WB, on behalf of the Audit Committee of the Vascular Surgical Society of
Great Britain and Ireland.
British Journal of Surgery 1998; 85: 566.
Gentamicin beads in vascular surgery: indications, and results of long term
Campbell WB, Benaerts PJ, Thompson JF, Ridler BMF.
Proceedings of the South West Vascular Surgeons 1998.
What were you doing when your graft blocked?
Smith FCT, Penny L, Ridler BMF, Campbell WB, Thompson JF
British Journal of Surgery 1998; 85 (Suppl.1): 94.
Hewin DF, Campbell WB.
Ruptured aortic aneurysm: the decision not to operate.
British Journal of Surgery 1998; 85 (Suppl 1.): 95.
Anaesthesia and analgesia for major lower limb amputation.
Campbell WB, Eve R, Marriott S, Sexton S, Mapson E, Thompson JF.
Proceedings of the South West Vascular Surgeons 1999.
Current thoughts on Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) training.
Campbell WB, Heal JS, Evans SJ, Marriott S.
Proceedings of the History of Anaesthesia Society 1999 (in press).
Long-term results following operation for diabetic foot problems: arterial disease
confers a poor prognosis.
Campbell WB, Ponette D, Sugiono M.
British Journal of Surgery 1999; 86 (Suppl. 1): 111-112.
Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS): what do trainees think?
Heal JS, Campbell WB, Evans SJ, Marriott S.
Proceedings of the Surgical Club of South West England. May 1999.
Long term results folllowing operation for diabetic foot problems: arterial disease
confers a poor prognosis.
Campbell WB, Ponette D, Sugiono M. British Journal of Surgery 1999; 86 (Suppl.
1): 111-2.
Amputation for acute ischaemia – a high risk procedure.
Campbell WB, Marriott S, Eve R, Mapson E, Sexton S, Thompson JF. Proceedings
of the South West Vascular Surgeons. March 2000.
Medicolegal claims for vascular problems. Campbell WB on behalf of the Audit and
Research Committee of the Vascular Surgical Society of Great Britain and Ireland.
British Journal of Surgery 2001; 88: 608.
Ten year results of varicose vein surgery using different outcome measures.
Allington KL, Kumar AV, Collin TW, Campbell WB. Proceedings of the South West
Vascular Surgeons. March 2001. (Presentation won First Prize for the meeting).
Campbell WB, Lee EJK, Van de Sijpe K, Gooding J, Cooper MJ. The changing
profile of emergency surgical admissions: a study of the years 1974-1998. British
Journal of Surgery 2001; 88 (Suppl. 1): 23.
Laparoscopic appendicectomy: still a minority procedure.
Noble H, Fallagher P, Campbell B. Proceedings of the Surgical Club of South West
England. November 2001.
What skills should students demonstrate when examining lower limb arteries and
Campbell WB, Aitken M, Tooke JE.
Proceedings of the South West Vascular Surgeons. March 2002.
Case mix in recruitment to a randomised controlled trial of varicose vein treatment.
Michaels JA, Campbell WB, Palfreyman SJ, Rigby K, Allington K for the Randomized
and Economic Assessment of Conservative and Therapeutic Interventions for
Varicose Veins Trial Participants.
British Journal of Surgery 2002; 89: 507.
Carotid artery stenoses: who needs urgent investigation and how are their stenoses
Bulbulia RA, Shore S, Thompson JF,
De Cossart L, Campbell WB.
Proceedings of the South West Vascular Surgeons. March 2003.
Vascular surgical emergencies – the tip of an iceberg among urgent referrals.
Horwood J, Maguire M, Ridler BMF, Cowan AR, Thompson JF, Campbell WB.
Proceedings of the South West Vascular Surgeons. March 2003.
True emergencies nform a minority of emergency vascular referrals.
Maguire M, Horwood J, Ridler BMF, Cowan AR, Thompson JF, Campbell WB.
British Journal of Surgery 2003; 90 (Suppl. 1): 62.
Patients’ concerns and problems with central venous access devices related to their
site of insertion.
Sheldon C, Elworthy S, Campbell WB, Peerlinck I, Vanslembroek K, Bangur R,
Stableforth D.
Journal of Cystic Fibrosis 2003; 2 (Suppl 1): S109.
Assessing the safety and efficacy of interventional procedures: a new programme at
the National Institute for Clinical Excellence.
Dent THS, Campbell B and Littlejohns P.
Improving Outcomes through Health Technology Assessment: the annual
conference of the International Society for Technology Assessment in Health Care,
Canmore, Canada, 2003
The assessment of interventional procedures' safety and efficacy.
Dent THS, Campbell B and Littlejohns P.
Global Evidence for Local Decisions: the Fifth International Conference on the
Scientific Basis of Health Services. Washington DC, 2003.
Placement of central venous access devices: a study of patient experiences.
W. B. Campbell, S. Elworthy, I. Peerlinck, K. Vanslembroek, R. Bangur, D.
Stableforth, C. D. Sheldon.
Proceedings of the South West Vascular Surgeons. 2004.
Vascular Surgeons in Great Britain and Ireland are divided in their management of
short saphenous varicose veins and could be placing themselves at medicolegal
Winterborn RJ, Campbell WB, Heather BP, Earnshaw JJ.
Proceedings of the South West Vascular Surgeons. 2004.
The safety and efficacy of new interventional procedures: published evidence and
clinical guidance. (Poster presentation).
Dent T, Wortley S, Campbell B.
One HTA – yesterday, today & tomorrow. HTA International conference. Krakow,
Poland. 2004.
A prospective clinical trial of the management and outcome of uncomplicated
varicose veins.
Palfreyman SJ, Michaels JA, CampbellWB, Brazier JE, MacIntyre JB, Ratcliffe J,
Rigby K.
British Journal of Surgery 2005; 92: 506.
Randomised trial of treatment for uncomplicated varicose veins: surgery is clinically
and cost effective.
Michaels JA, CampbellWB, Brazier JE, MacIntyre JB, Palfreyman SJ, Ratcliffe J,
Rigby K.
British Journal of Surgery 2005; 92: 506-7.
What services are available to patients with venous ulcers around the UK and how
are they managed?
Thomson HJ, MacIntyre JB, Coward C, Michaels JA, Campbell WB.
Proceedings of the South West Vascular Surgeons. March 2005.
Use of a pneumatic tourniquet improves outcome following trans-tibial amputation.
Wolthius AM, Whithead E, Ridler BMF, Cowan AR, Campbell WB, Thompson JF.
Proceedings of the South West Vascular Surgeons. March 2005.
A comprehensive survey of venous ulcer services in the United Kingdom.
Thomson HJ, MacIntyre JB, Coward C, Michaels JA, Campbell WB.
Phlebology 2005 (in press).
Does stripping the short saphenous vein cause nerve damage?
Vandenbroek CP, Heather BP, Whitman B, Earnshaw JJ, on behalf of the Joint
Vascular Research Group (my name omitted in error from title)
Phlebology 2005
Most patents with varicose veins have fears or concerns about the future, in addition
to their presenting symptoms.
H. Decaluwe, J. MacIntyre, J. F. Thompson, A. R. Cowan, W. B. Campbell.
British Journal of Surgery 2005; 92 (Suppl): 76.
The NICE intervention programme – is the way forward?
Campbell B.
Italian Journal of Public Health 2005; 2 (Suppl 1): 82.
Use of a pneumatic tourniquet improves outcome following trans-tibial amputation.
Wolthuis AM , Whitehead E, Ridler BM, Cowan AR, Campbell WB, Thompson JF.
Transfusion Medicine 2005; 15 (Suppl 1): 5.
Prospective study of short saphenous varicose vein surgery: 6 week results.
Vandenbroek CP, Winterborn RJ, Hoult S, Campbell WB, Heather BP, Earnshaw JJ,
on behalf of the Joint Vascular Research Group.
British Journal of Surgery 2006
Diagnosis of ovarian vein varicosities as an underlying cause of lower limb varicose
Horwood J, Campbell WB, Kinsella DC, Watkinson AF, Thompson JF, Cowan AR.
Proceedings of the South West Vascular Surgeons. March 2006.
Rationing of treatment for varicose veins and the use of new treatment modalities: a
survey of practice in the United Kingdom and Ireland.
Lindsey B, Campbell WB.
Proceedings of the South West Vascular Surgeons. March 2006.
The evidence used for guidance on safety and efficacy of new interventional procedures.
Campbell B, Barnes S, Wortley S, Willett S, Kirby R.
Proceedings of the IV Annual Meeting Health Technology Assessment International.
Stripping improves the results of short saphenous surgery at one year.
O’Hare L, Vandenbroek C, Whitman B, Hoult S, CampbellWB, Earnshaw JJ on
behalf of the Joint Vascular Research Group.
Vascular Society of GB and I. November 2006.
Br J Surg 2007
Influence of research, operator and conflict of interest status of expert advisers on
their opinions about the efficacy and safety of interventional procedures.
Hoy A, Lyratzopoulos G (presenter), Veeramootoo D, Shanmuganathan N, Campbell
IV Annual Meeting Health Technology Assessment International. Barcelona. June
Health technology assessment methods used in producing guidance on safety and
efficacy of interventional procedures. (Poster).
Marlow M, Lyratzopoulos G, Campbell B.
IV Annual Meeting Health Technology Assessment International. Barcelona. June
Citizen participation in the production of guidance on safety and efficacy of
interventional procedures. (Poster).
Pearl J, Lyratzopoulos G, Marlow M, Campbell B.
IV Annual Meeting Health Technology Assessment International. Barcelona. June
Final programme abstract No M-035.
Future patient preference for either open abdominal aortic aneurysm surgery or
EndoVascular Aneurysm Repair and factors that influence it.
Winteborn RJ, Amin I, Lyratzopoulos G, Walker, Varty K, Campbell WB.
Proceedings of the South West Vascular Surgeons. Southampton, March 2008.
Mixed effects of short saphenous vein surgery on the deep venous circulation.
O’Hare JL, Campbell WB, Earnshaw JJ (on behalf of the JVRG).
Proceedings of the Venous Forum. London. April 2008.
Short saphenous vein surgery – preoperative duplex useful, SPJ marking not.
O’Hare JL, Campbell WB, Earnshaw JJ (on behalf of the JVRG).
Proceedings of the Venous Forum. London. April 2008.
Clinical criteria in the diagnosis of ovarian vein reflux in patients with varicose veins.
Ahmad Z, CampbellWB, Horwood J, Watkinson A, Kinsella D, Cowan A, Thompson
Proceedings of the Venous Forum. London. April 2008.
Future patient preference for either open abdominal aortic aneurysm surgery or
EndoVascular Aneurysm Repair and factors that influence it.
Winteborn RJ, Amin I, Lyratzopoulos G, Walker, Varty K, Campbell WB.
Association of Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland (Poster presentation).
May 2008.
The use of NICE's Health Technology Assessment methodology to produce clinical
and cost-effective patient safety solutions.
Garner S, Marlow M, Campbell B, Barnes S, Venter B, Littejohns P.
2nd International Patient Safety Congress. 2008.
Randomised Controlled Trial of Anti-Microbial Agents for the Treatment of Venous
Leg Ulcers.
Michaels JA, King B, MacIntyre JB, Palfreyman SJ, Shackley PM, Stevenson MD,
Campbell WB.
VSGBI 2008 (BJS online)
Promoting early activity after varicose vein surgery – a challenge for vascular
Darwood RJ, Walker N, Bracey M, Cowan AR, Thompson JF, Campbell WB.
South West Vascular Surgeons. Cheltenham. March 2009.
The CLASS trial (Comparison of LAser, Surgery and foam Sclerotherapy): the
challenge of recruitment.
Park L, Thompson JF, Cowan AR, Campbell WB.
South West Vascular Surgeons. Cheltenham. March 2009.
Return to work, driving and other activities after varicose vein surgery is vey variable
and is influenced little by advice from specialists.
Darwood RJ, Walker N, Bracey M, Cowan AR, Thompson JF, Campbell WB.
Venous Forum of the Royal Society of Medicine. April 2009.
What should we use as the “gold standard” for auditing venous thromboembolism
prophylaxis and how should we stratify risk?
Harrower L, Robinson D, Veeramootoo D, Gee A, Wajed S, Campbell WB.
British Journal of Surgery 2009; 96 (Suppl 4): 157.
Utility of short term register data in health technology assessment where the
evidence base is poor.
Gallaugher S, Patrick H, Wheeler R, Wilson R, Chattle M, Czoski-Murray C,
Campbell B.
Healthcare Technology Assessment International. Singapore June 2009.
Investigating the belief that contact between consultant teams could influence the
clustering of relatively novel surgical procedures: A cross-sectional survey using
hospital statistics data.
Hoy A, Lyratzopoulos G, Campbell B, Marlow M, Patrick H.
Healthcare Technology Assessment International. Singapore June 2009.
Intraoperative Cell Salvage (ICS) Improves Survival Following Emergency Repair of
Ruptured Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm.
Sharma A, Bani-Hani MG, Ridler BMF, Telford R, Cowan AR, Campbell WB,
Thompson JF.
Transfusion Medicine 2009; 19 (Suppl 1): 41.
Using a model of communication to evaluate and enhance printed information for
patients about treatments for varicose veins. Forrest A, Francis J, Cotton S, Garner
M, Campbell B, Brittenden J. UK Society for Behavioural Medicine 5th Scientific
Meeting/NPRI Annual Scientific Meeting. Southampton. 2009. (Poster
Intraoperative cell salvage (ICS) is associated with lower mortality than homologous
blood transfusion (HBT) in ruptured aortic aneurysm (RAAA).
Sharma A, Bani-Hani M, Roder BMF, Campbell WB, Thompson JF.
Transfusion Alternatives in Medicine 2010; 11(suppl 2): 26.
Making endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) cost effective.
Fysh T, Thompson J, Chana P, Boddy A, Epstein D, Campbell B, Cowan A, Kinsella
D, Watkinson A, Guinness R.
British Journal of Surgery 2010; 94(S): 58.
Keeping healthcare technology assessment of new interventional procedures ‘up-todate’: A case study. Barnes S, Stegenga H, Peden S, Campbell B, Lyratzopoulos
G. Health Technology Assessment International. Dublin. June 2010. (Poster
Can routine data sources be used to monitor innovation and develop the HTA
evidence base? Poster). Peden S, Patrick H, White B, Cunningham D, Campbell B.
Health Technology Assessment International. Dublin. June 2010. (Poster
Investigating high amputation rates in diabetics. Guy A, Hall C, Donohoe M, Warren
R, McCarthy R, Campbell B. South West Vascular Surgeons. Cardiff. March 2011.
Local sequelae of ultrasound guided foam sclerotherapy (UGFS) are common but
are little influenced by technique. Whelan-Johnson S, Park L, Niblett P, Thompson
JF, Campbell B.
Venous Forum. London. April 2011.
Routine health service information can be a useful source of data to validate and
improve the coverage of observational data. Patrick H, Goode S, VA, Cleveland T,
Gaines P, Campbell B. Health Technology Assessment International. Rio de
Janiero. June 2011.
The decline in varicose vein referrals. Campbell B, Park L, Thompson JF, Cowan AR,
Birchley DW.
South West Vascular Surgeons. Worcester. March 2012.
Medical technology evaluation I: an innovative approach to identifying promising
technologies. McCracken F, Campbell B, Campbell M, Marlow M.Health Technology
Assessment International 9th Annual meeting. Bilbao. June 2012.
Medical technology evaluation II: catalysing the development of primary clinical
evidence for promising technologies. Pomfrett C, Campbell B, Pugh P, Campbell M,
Marlow M. Health Technology Assessment International 9th Annual meeting. Bilbao.
June 2012.
Who notifies new procedures requiring evaluation and what guidance is then
published about their use? Ten years of NICE experience in the UK. Patrick H,
Mandava L, Murthy L, Gallo H, Ong KJ, Stainthorpe A, Campbell B. Health
Technology Assessment International 9th Annual meeting. Bilbao. June 2012.
How often is percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) and arteriography feasible
as a day case? Platt E, Stokes J, Cowan A, Thompson JF, Campbell WB, Kinsella
D, Guinness R, Watkinson A, Birchley D. South West Vascular Surgeons.
Plymouth. March 2013.
The value of registers for medical devices and procedures – how to assess it?
Patrick H, Taylor J, Campbell B. Health Technology Assessment International 10 th
Annual meeting. Seoul. June 2013.
Recruiters to randomised trials can be trained to facilitate recruitment and informed
consent by exploring patients’ treatment preferences. Mills N, Blazeby JM, Hamdy
FC, Neal D, Campbell B, Donovan JL. MRC Clinical Trials Methodology Conference.
Edinburgh. November 2013.
Mirror therapy for the management of phantom limb pain: prospective evaluation in
58 patients. Welchman SA, Pople M, Birchley D, Cowan A, Campbell WB,
Thompson JF. South West Vascular Surgeons. Taunton. March 2014.
Oyebode O, Powell J, Patrick H, Walker A, Campbell B. The characteristics of
expert advisors and their usefulness of their advice in evidence-based guidance
production. Health Technology Assessment International (HTAi). Washington DC.
June 2014.
Oyebode O, Powell J, Patrick H, Walker A, Campbell B. The ghost in the machine:
the role of the expert in the production of evidence-based guidance. Health
Technology Assessment International (HTAi). Washington DC. June 2014.
Keltie K, Cole H, Arber M, Patrick H, Powell J, Campbell B, Sims A. Identifying
complications of interventional procedures from national routine healthcare
databases: a review of methods. Health Technology Assessment International
(HTAi). Washington DC. June 2014.
Patrick H, Western C, Travers H, Latif A, Thomas V, Campbell B. Audit of
adherence to health technology assessment guidance for new procedures with an
uncertain evidence base. Health Technology Assessment International (HTAi).
Washington DC. June 2014.
Patrick H, Burn J, Campbell B, Heaney L. Coverage with evidence development:
Bronchial Thermoplasty, a case study. Health Technology Assessment International
(HTAi). Washington DC. June 2014.
Selected Publications as Member of a Group, or contributor.
Treatment of limb threatening ischaemia with intravenous iloprost: a randomised
double-blind placebo controlled study.
U.K. Severe Ischaemia Study Group.
European Journal of Vascular Surgery 1991; 5: 511-6.
[Contributor to the European Carotid Endarterectomy Study. (ECST) – various
publications from 1991.]
Prospective study of 713 below-knee amputations for ischaemia and the effect of a
prostacyclin analogue on healing. Dormandy J, Belcher G, Broos P, et al on behalf
of the Hawaii Study Group. British Journal of Surgery 1994; 81: 33-7.
A multicenter study of popliteal aneurysms.
Varga ZA, Locke-Edmunds JC, Baird RN, and the Joint Vascular Research Group.
Journal of Vascular Surgery 1994; 20: 171-177.
Randomized trial comparing infrainguinal polytetrafluoroethylene bypass grafting
with and without vein interposition cuff at the distal anastomosis.
Stonebridge PA, Prescott RJ, Ruckley CV, for the Joint Vascular Research Group.
Journal of Vascular Surgery 1997; 26: 543-50
Randomised trial comparing PTFE graft patency with and without a Miller cuff.
Stonebridge PA, Howlett J, Prescott R, Ruckley CV for the Joint Vascular Research
British Journal of Surgery 1995; 82: 555-6.
Randomized trial of rifampicin bonded Dacron grafts for extra-anatomic vascular
reconstruction: early results.
Braithwaite BD, et al on behalf of the Joint Vascular Research Group.
British Journal of Surgery 1998; 85 (suppl 1.): 40.
Mortality following elective aortic reconstruction: a Joint Vascular Research Group
Galland RB.
British Journal of Surgery 1998; 85: 653-636.
A prospective audit of complex wound infections in Great Britain and Ireland: the
emergence of MRSA.
Naylor AR, Hayes PD, Darke S on behalf of the Joint Vascular Research Group.
Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 2001; 289-294.
Postoperative acute renal impairment and pre-operative renal impairment
significantly increases mortality following arterial surgery.
Black SA, Brooks M, Naidoo M, Wolfe JHN.
VSGBI 2004.
Evaluation and stages of surgical innovations.
Barkun JS, Aronson JK, Feldman LS, Maddern GJ, Strasberg SM, for the Balliol
Lancet 2009; 374: 1089-1096.
Challenges in evaluating surgical innovation.
Ergina PL, Cook JA, Blazeby JM, Boutron I, Clavien P-A, Reeves BC, Seiler CM, for
the Balliol Collaboration.
Lancet 2009; 374: 1097-1104.
Halliday A, Harrison M, Hayter E, et al.
10-year prevention after successful carotid endarterectomy for asymptomatic
stenosis:multicentre randomised trial.
Lancet 2010; 376: 1074-84.