Worksheet for yrs 7-11.

Ruakuri Walk Worksheet
Location 1 – Entrance Information Boards
1. How did Ruakuri get its name?
1. What is the major threat to the cave system?
Location 2 – Crumbling Caves Information Boards
1. How is rainwater turned into carbonic acid? (show chemical equations)
1. Describe how caves form?
1. Field Sketch – Limestone layers: Draw a section of limestone showing the layers, joints and
bedding plains then explain why this would speed up the weathering process of carbonation.
Location 3 – Limestone Arch
1. Field Sketch – Limestone Arch: Draw a sketch of the limestone arch then explain how this
feature may have formed.
(Go to the bottom of the stairs and look back for best view of arch)
Location 4 – The Power of Water Information Boards
1. Copy the sketch map of the ‘Natural Tunnel’.
1. What is a ‘Healthy Cave’?
a. What happens to a cave system when vegetation above and around it is removed?
Location 5 – Weta Cave
Using a small light look for native cave wetas on the roof of this cave. Do not touch them!!!
1. Additional field sketch: During your time in the caves you will see a large number of
limestone speleothem (stalactite & stalagmite) formations. Sketch a speleothem formation
and briefly explain how it forms.