SAINT CHARLES BORROMEO SEMINARY 100 EAST WYNNEWOOD ROAD, WYNNEWOOD, PENNSYLVANIA, 19096 Medical History and Physician’s Report LAST NAME FIRST NAME SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER SPONSORING DIOCESE MIDDLE INITIAL DATE OF BIRTH Contact Information STREET ADDRESS P.O. BOX APARTMENT NUMBER CITY STATE ZIP CODE HOME PHONE CELL PHONE EMAIL ADDRESS WORK PHONE WEBSITE Emergency Contact NAME (FIRST, MIDDLE INITIAL, LAST) RELATIONSHIP TO APPLICANT: STREET ADDRESS P.O. BOX APARTMENT NUMBER CITY STATE ZIP CODE HOME PHONE CELL PHONE WORK PHONE EMAIL ADDRESS: In case of serious emergency/illness students are sent to local hospitals. The student, or if a minor, the parent/guardian, will be accountable for all hospital fees and follow up treatment. I give permission to the person/persons in charge to secure for me or my minor child appropriate medical treatment. STUDENT SIGNATURE PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE (if minor) _______________________________ Date: _________________ _____________________________________ Date: ___________________ Revised December 2014 Student Name: _________________________________________________________________________ CONSENT FOR TREATMENT (Required for students under 18) I hereby give consent for my minor child, _________________________________ to receive routine care at the student health infirmary and in the event of an EMERGENCY, give permission to SCS personnel and the hospital to secure appropriate treatment for this minor. ________________________________________________ (Parent/Guardian signature) (Required for students 18 and older) In the event of an EMERGENCY, I hereby give permission to SCS personnel and the hospital to secure for me appropriate treatment. ________________________________________________(Student signature) Allergies – Please list all drug, food, environmental, or other allergies. Medications – are you currently taking any medications? (Include any over the counter medications) CONDITION MEDICATION CONDITION MEDICAL HISTORY AND PHYSICIAN’S REPORT MEDICATION 2 Student Name: _________________________________________________________________ Family History STATE OF AGE HEALTH OCCUPATION AGE AT DEATH CAUSE OF DEATH FATHER MOTHER BROTHERS: SISTERS: Have any of your relatives ever had any of the following? ILLNESS YES NO RELATIONSHIP TUBERCULOSIS DIABETES KIDNEY DISEASE HEART DISEASE ARTHRITIS STOMACH DISEASE ASTHMA/HAY FEVER CANCER HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE HIGH CHOLESTEROL STROKE NEUROLOGICAL DISORDERS (E.G. ADD/ADHD/DYSLEXIA) MENTAL ILLNESS SEIZURES/EPILEPSY MEDICAL HISTORY AND PHYSICIAN’S REPORT 3 Student Name: ________________________________________________________________ Personal History Please answer all questions. Comment on all positive answers in the space below or on a supplemental sheet. HAVE YOU HAD: SCARLET FEVER MEASLES YES NO HAVE YOU HAD: RHEUMATIC FEVER ALBUMIN/SUGAR IN URINE GERMAN MEASLES SKIN RASHES/SORES MUMPS MARFAN’S SYNDROME CHICKEN POX TUBERCULOSIS INFECTIOUS MONONUCLEOSIS HIGH OR LOW BLOOD PRESSURE ELEVATED CHOLESTEROL LEVEL HIGH OR LOW BLOOD SUGAR/DIABETES HEART MURMUR PAIN/PRESSURE IN CHEST PALPITATIONS/IRREG. HEART BEAT SHORTNESS OF BREATH PNEUMONIA CHRONIC COUGH RECURRENT COLDS RECURRENT SINUS INFECTIONS DEVIATED SEPTUM ASTHMA YES NO HAVE YOU HAD: FREQUENT ANXIETY DEPRESSION OBSESSIVE COMPULSIVE DISORDER FREQUENT NAUSEA/VOMITING STOMACH OR INTESTINAL PROBLEM HERNIA RECTAL PROBLEM/HEMORRHOID GALLBLADDER DISEASE/GALLSTONE JAUNDICE RECURRENT URINARY TRACT INFECTION PROSTATITIS/ EPIDIDYMITIS KIDNEY STONES EYE/VISION PROBLEM PHLEBITIS HEARING PROBLEM NEURITIS/ NEURALGIA MIGRAINE HEADACHES SEIZURE DISORDER VARICOSE VEINS RECURRENT HEADACHES HEAD INJURIES WITH UNCONSCIOUSNESS DYSLEXIA FREQUENT URINATION “TRICK” KNEE, SHOULDER CANCER FREQUENT EAR INFECTIONS HOARSENESS TUMOR, CYST OTHER LEARNING DIFFERENCES INSOMNIA BACK PROBLEMS FEVERS/SWEATS TICS WEIGHT LOSS/GAIN EATING DISORDERS ANOREXIA/BULIMIA WEAKNESS, PARALYSIS DIZZINESS/FAINTING YES NO SEXUALLYTRANSMITTED DISEASE ARTHRITIS/ARTHRALGIA BURSITIS ADD/ADHD IMMUNE DEFICIENCY OTHER BLOOD DISORDER DO YOU BLEED OR BRUISE EASILY? (IF SO, IS THIS NEW?) ANEMIA Comments: MEDICAL HISTORY AND PHYSICIAN’S REPORT 4 Student Name: ____________________________________________________________________________ Surgery and/or Hospitalizations: SURGERY TYPE OF SURGERY YEAR HOSPITALIZATIONS REASON YEAR TRANSFUSIONS OR BLOOD PRODUCTS EVER RECEIVED? KIND? YES NO LAST EKG LAST CHEST X-RAY OTHER X-RAYS IN THE LAST FIVE YEARS LAST GENERAL PHYSICAL EXAMINATION LAST GENERAL BLOOD STUDIES WHEN WAS YOUR LAST RECTAL EXAM? Do you wear eyeglasses or contacts? _____________ When was your last vision test? _________________ Do you use a hearing aid? ___________________ When was your last hearing test? __________________ How would you describe your appetite? Good:__________ Fair: ____________ Poor: ______________ Approximately how many urinary trips do you make during the: Day? ___________ Night? __________ Have you ever had alcohol or drug addiction? _____________ Treatment? _________________________ Do you drink alcoholic beverages? _________ If yes, indicate the frequency _________________________ Do you now, or have you in the past, used illegal drugs? ____________. If yes, indicate the kind and frequency of use: __________________________________________________________________________ MEDICAL HISTORY AND PHYSICIAN’S REPORT 5 Student Name: ___________________________________________________________________________ Symptoms: Do you have or have you had any of the following symptoms within the past year? Comment on all positive answers in the space below or on a supplemental sheet. SYMPTOM YES NO SYMPTOM HEADACHES SORE THROAT FAINTING SPELLS SORE, EASILYBLEEDING GUMS UNCONSCIOUSNESS BLOOD IN BOWEL MOVEMENTS VISION TROUBLE RINGING IN EARS DECREASED HEARING NOSE BLEEDS YES NO CHANGE IN DIAMETER OF BOWEL MOVEMENTS PAIN WITH BOWEL MOVEMENTS CHANGE IN COLOR OF BOWEL MOVEMENTS ACCIDENTAL LOSS OF URINE FREQUENT COLDS EASY TIRING SINUS TROUBLE CHEST PAIN ALTERED TASTE OR SMELL COUGHING BLOOD HOARSENESS RECURRING COUGH DIFFICULTY SWALLOWING ENLARGED GLANDS; LUMPS SHORTNESS OF BREATH PURPLE LIPS AND/OR FINGERS SYMPTOM YES HEART FLUTTER HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE ANKLE AND/OR FOOT SWELLING LEG CRAMPS ENLARGED LEG VEINS ABDOMINAL PAINS BELCHING; HEARTBURN NAUSEA; VOMITING VOMITED BLOOD AVERSION TO ANY FOODS NUMBNESS OR TINGLING RASHES URINARY SYMPTOMS Comments: MEDICAL HISTORY AND PHYSICIAN’S REPORT 6 NO Student Name: ___________________________________________________________________________ Physical Examination EXAMINING PHYSICIAN: PLEASE REVIEW THE APPLICANT’S HISTORY AND COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING PAGES. PLEASE COMMENT ON ALL ABNORMAL RESULTS. N=NORMAL ABNORMAL=PLEASE COMMENT X=NOT EXAMINED HEIGHT-INCHES WEIGHT-POUNDS OVERWEIGHT UNDERWEIGHT BLOOD HEART HEART RATE PRESSURE RHYTHM EYES FUNDI UNCORRECTED VISION NEAR: DISTANT: CORRECTED VISION NEAR: DISTANT: OTHER COMMENTS REGARDING VISION: EARS NOSE THROAT FACE MOUTH CHEST (EXCURSIONS) NECK HEART SKIN ABDOMEN, INGUINAL, FEMORAL HERNIA BACK AND SPINE ARMS LEGS NEUROMUSCULAR GENITOURINARY RECTAL PROSTATE GENITALIA MUSCULOSKELETAL METABOLIC/ENDOCRINE NEURO-PSYCHIATRIC GASTROINTESTINAL HEARING MEDICAL HISTORY AND PHYSICIAN’S REPORT 7 Student Name: ___________________________________________________________________________ PHYSICIAN – GENERAL COMMENTS: IS THE PATIENT PRESENTLY UNDER TREATMENT FOR ANY MEDICAL OR EMOTIONAL CONDITIONS? YES NO PLEASE EXPLAIN: IS THERE LOSS OR SERIOUSLY IMPAIRED FUNCTION OF ANY LIMB OR ORGAN? PLEASE EXPLAIN: RECOMMENDATIONS FOR PHYSICAL ACTIVITY (PE, INTRAMURALS, SPORTS): PLEASE EXPLAIN: UNLIMITED DO YOU HAVE ANY RECOMMENDATIONS REGARDING THE CARE OF THIS STUDENT? PLEASE EXPLAIN: MEDICAL HISTORY AND PHYSICIAN’S REPORT YES YES NO LIMITED NO 8 Student Name: ________________________________________________________________ Immunizations (Vaccines) THE FOLLOWING ARE THE IMMUNIZATION REQUIREMENTS FOR REGISTRATION AT SAINT CHARLES BORROMEO SEMINARY, AS RECOMMENDED BY THE PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. VACCINE DATE DTP/DTaP (DIPHTHERIA,TETANUS, PERTUSSIS) BASIC SERIES OF THREE TD or Tdap BOOSTER WITHIN 10 YRS. POLIO: THREE DOSES IF UNDER AGE 18 YRS. VARICELLA: EITHER A HISTORY OF CHICKEN POX, A POSITIVE VARICELLA TITER, OR TWO DOSES OF VACCINE GIVEN AT LEAST ONE MONTH APART IF IMMUNIZED AFTER AGE 13. DATES PLEASE DATE OF POSITIVE DOSE #1 DOSE #2 DATE OF DISEASE TITER (ATTACH LAB) DATE: DATE: DATE: DATE: M.M.R. (MEASLES/MUMPS/RUBELLA): TWO DOSES REQUIRED OR DOCUMENTED HISTORY OF DISEASE, OR POSITIVE TITER FOR ANY OF THESE DISEASES. DATE OF DOSE #1: __________________ MEASLES: DATE OF DOSE #2: _________________ RUBELLA (GERMAN MEASLES): MUMPS: DATE OF DISEASE: DATE OF POSITIVE TITER: (PLEASE ATTACH LABS) HEPATITIS B: ALL ENTERING STUDENTS SHOULD HAVE BEGUN OR COMPLETED THE HEPATITIS B VACCINE SERIES OF THREE DOSES. POSITIVE HEPATITIS B SURFACE ANTIBODY MEETS THE REQUIREMENT. PLEASE INDICATE THE DATES OF VACCINATION DOSE 1: DOSE 2: DOSE 3: HEPATITIS B SURFACE ANTIBODY DATE: RESULT MENINGOCOCCAL QUADRIVALENT: Pennsylvania State Law requires all student of 21 yrs. and younger living on campus to have documentation of a dose of conjugated vaccine at 16 years or older. Obtain the vaccine or sign a waiver that you decline it. Also for any student who wishes to protect themselves, or persons with complement deficiency/splenic. VACCINE TYPE: DATE GIVEN: MEDICAL HISTORY AND PHYSICIAN’S REPORT 9 Student Name: ____________________________________________________________________________ Required Tests: TUBERCULOSIS SKIN TEST (PPD) within last twelve months Placement Date: _______________ Date and Results: ___________________________ A Chest X-Ray if skin test was positive. Date of chest X-Ray: ___________ Results: ____________ LABORATORY TESTS CBC CMP HIV TSH, T3, T4 LIPID PANEL URINALYSIS Additional Remarks or Comments by examining Physician: Physician’s Information NAME (PLEASE PRINT) TELEPHONE: FAX: CITY STATE ZIP CODE Signed: __________________________________________________________________________________ Title: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Date: ____________ MEDICAL HISTORY AND PHYSICIAN’S REPORT 10 Student Name: ___________________________________________________________________________ INFORMATION ON MENINGOCOCCAL MENINGITIS Under the terms of the College and University Student Vaccination Act signed in June 2002, requires all students living on campus 21 years or younger, to have documentation that they received a Meningococcal Vaccine at 16 years or older or sign a waiver. Meningococcal disease is a rare but potentially fatal bacterial infection of the membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord, or meningococcemia (bacteria in the blood). About 9-12% of people with this disease die even with treatment, and those who recover may have serious after-effects like permanent hearing loss, limb loss, or brain damage. Outbreaks are mostly due to Neisseria Meningitis which has risen on college campuses in recent years. Research has shown that students residing in dormitories appear to be at higher risk than college students overall, and freshmen living in dormitories have a six fold risk. Safe, effective vaccines are available to protect against this serious disease. The vaccines provides protection against serogroups A,C,Y and W-135. The duration of protection is about 3-5 years. Persons at risk should get the vaccine every 3-5 years. For further information on this type of Meningococcal Meningitis please see;; MENINGITIS WAIVER DECLINE: I have reviewed information about Meningococcal Meningitis A, C, Y, and W-135, however I decline the vaccine and voluntarily agree to release, discharge, indemnify, and hold harmless Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary, its officers/employees from any costs, liabilities, expenses, claims, demands, or causes of action on account of any loss, personal injury that might result from my not being vaccinated against this disease. I am aware of the risks associated with Meningitis disease and the availability and effectiveness of vaccines. I decline to be vaccinated for religious or other reasons. If student is under the age of 18, parental signature is necessary ________________________________________ Student Signature ___________________________________________ Parent Signature Date: ______________________ Date: ______________________ Insurance Information: Plan: _______________________________________ Member Name ____________________________ ID# ________________________________________ Grp#: ____________________________________ Member Services Number _________________________________________________________________ MEDICAL HISTORY AND PHYSICIAN’S REPORT 11