July 2015 BUILDING & LOCAL LAWS SERVICES WORKS OCCUPATION ZONES & TRADESPERSONS VEHICLE OCCUPATION PERMIT Fact Sheet A works zone occupation permit allows sign posted parking restrictions to be varied so that vehicles associated with a construction site can park outside the work site without incurring parking penalties. A designated works zone may extend up to the width of the property it serves. It should be noted that a works zone occupation permit does not authorise any other matter controlled under the Local Law (i.e. permission to place site sheds or cranes/lifting devices on the street). Separate permits are required for these. Builders in commercial streets who do not require a works zone, but are restricted by sign posted parking time limits, can also apply for a tradespersons vehicle occupation permit. Please note: Works Occupations Zones are for the parking of construction vehicles only. Application Fees: Type of Development Commercial/Multi-residential Apartments Occupancy Residential Units/Townhouses Residential Occupancy Fees $3,650 max three parking bays for six months $1,570 max three parking bays for six months $315 max three parking bays for six months Signage $350 X two signs $350 X two signs $350 X two signs Lodgement Completed and signed application forms with full details of the requested parking spaces are to be lodged with Council’s Building & Local Law Services at the Prahran Town Hall offices, Cnr Chapel & Greville Streets Prahran, by post to PO Box 21 Prahran 3181, fax to 8290 3516 or email to building@stonnington.vic.gov.au. Enforcement Under the Road Rules – Victoria ‘a driver must not stop in a works zone unless the driver is driving a vehicle engaged in construction work in or near the zone’. As traffic officers cannot identify trade vehicles from those illegally parked their policy is to patrol works zones only following complaint. To prevent unauthorised cars from parking in a works zone it is recommended that site managers provide dashboard identification cards for authorised vehicles. Unless a permit is in force, or short term parking permits for tradespersons are issued, ordinary parking restrictions will apply and will be enforceable by traffic officers. Building Local Law Permits & Compliance PTO Stonnington City Council Municipal Offices Corner Chapel and Greville Streets, Prahran All Correspondence to: PO Box 21, Prahran Vic 3181 Telephone: 8290 3251 Facsimile: 8290 3516 Ausdoc: DX 30108 Email: building@stonnington.vic.gov.au Web: www.stonnington.vic.gov.au/building 2 Standard Permit Conditions WORKS ZONE OCCUPATION PERMIT CONDITIONS 1. A driver must not stop in a work zone unless in a vehicle engaged in construction work in or near the work-zone. TRADESPERSONS VEHICLE OCCUPATION PERMIT CONDITIONS 1. The tradespersons vehicle occupation area is only permitted to operate Monday to Friday 7.00am to 3.00pm (each day). Outside of these times the area is not to be barricaded off and normal parking restrictions will apply. 2. During tradespersons vehicle occupation times the occupied area is to be sufficiently barricaded so as to be visible to vehicular and pedestrian traffic. The attached traffic management plan, No. 15, is to be adopted. 3. Tradespersons vehicle occupation area permit details must be hung from the rear vision mirror of the vehicle/s occupying the permitted space in the plastic pocket provided. Permit details must be clearly visible from outside the vehicle in order to be valid. 4. Tradespersons Vehicle Occupation Permits do not apply in off street car parks, ticket parking areas, parking zones of 30 minutes or less, clearways, loading zones, street sweeping permit zones, or where prohibitive (red) signs are in force – no stopping/no standing areas. 5. No rubbish or building materials shall be left in or on a road or other portion of Council land. 6. Every stormwater channel adjacent to the site to which this Permit relates shall be kept clear of obstruction at all times 7. The permit holder must ensure that any concrete spilt onto the roadway or the footpath of any street or road shall be removed immediately by the person delivering the materials. Equipment used for transporting or handling concrete shall not be washed in or on any street, road, or public place. Concrete shall not be washed into any underground drain. 8. The permit holder must ensure that in relation to the delivery of material within the tradespersons zone area, all pedestrian and/or vehicular traffic is to be directed to a safe route of passage with appropriate flagmen and warning detour signage. Every road occupation is to comply with Australia Standards AS1742.3 - 2002 “Traffic Control Devices for Works on Roads”, AS1158.1 – 1986 Public Lighting Code “Performance and Installation Design Requirements”, Vic Roads “Standards for Road Occupation”, and, the Stonnington City Council General Local Law 2008 (No. 1). 2. The Permit holder shall advise Council when signage requires removal or maintenance. 3. The construction/work zone area is only related to allocated/marked areas as indicated by the construction/work zone signage installed by Council. 4. No rubbish or building materials shall be left in or on a road or other portion of Council land. 5. Every storm water channel adjacent to the site to which this Permit relates shall be kept clear of obstruction at all times. 6. The Permit holder must ensure that any concrete spilt onto the roadway or the footpath of any street or road shall be removed immediately. Equipment used for transporting or handling concrete shall not be washed in or on any street, road, or public place. Concrete shall not be washed into any underground drain. 7. The Permit holder shall ensure that In relation to the delivery of material within the construction/work zone, all pedestrian and/or vehicular traffic is to be directed to a safe route of passage with appropriate flagmen and warning detour signage. Every road occupation is to comply with Australia Standards AS1742.3 - 2002 “Traffic Control Devices for Works on Roads”, AS1158.1 – 1986 Public Lighting Code “Performance and Installation Design Requirements”, Vic Roads “Standards for Road Occupation”, and, the Stonnington City Council General Local Law 2008 (No. 1). 8. The permit holder must ensure that the hoisting of building materials such as heavy structural steel, timber, concrete, concrete blocks, bricks and similar materials, shall be in accordance with the following requirements: a) b) c) d) The vehicle carrying the material shall be drawn up close to the kerb. All hoisting shall be carried out vertically from the hoisting zone. The materials being hoisted shall not be swung out over the street or road. The materials shall be raised without delay to the requisite height and then swung directly on to the building site. At all times while hoisting is in progress the boom gates at the ends of the hoisting zone shall be at right angles to the kerb. No hoisting of heavy materials over a footpath shall be carried out while pedestrians are present under any overhead protective awning. Small building materials such as concrete blocks, bricks, sand, screenings and the like shall be hoisted in containers of sound and strong construction properly suspended, and, such containers shall not be filled beyond the level of their sides. 9. The Permit holder is to inform Council 7 days prior to the expiration of a Works Zone Occupation Permit. If council is not contacted, steps will be taken by council to have the works zone signs removed. NOTES: Council is not responsible for the clearance of space prior to the set up of tradespersons vehicle occupation area. It is the responsibility of the applicant to designate the permitted area with applicable barricading and signage. Refer to the attached plan for the permitted area. Further permits may also be required in relation to the site. Such permits are subject to an application being made to Council at the same time as the application for the Local Law Commercial Tradespersons Zone Permit. A failure to obtain the appropriate Permits may result in enforcement proceedings. The following is a list of Local Law Permits that are not covered by this Commercial Tradespersons Zone Permit for which a separate Local Law Permit application may be required. the use of cranes/lifting devices from the construction/work zone, the delivery of materials outside the regulated working hours being 0700 – 1900 hours, Monday to Saturday, or, the occupation of a road for the storage of building materials on a nature strip or roadway outside a work site, the placement of a site shed or amenities on a nature strip or roadway outside a work site, or closure or part closure of a roadway or laneway to allow a person to perform work. Building Local Law Permits & Compliance Stonnington City Council Municipal Offices Corner Chapel and Greville Streets, Prahran All Correspondence to: PO Box 21, Prahran Vic 3181 Telephone: 8290 3251 Fax: 8290 3516 Ausdoc: DX 30108 Email: building@stonnington.vic.gov.au Web: www.stonnington.vic.gov.au/building