Vision: Empowering Dreams for the Future Mission: Creating and Supporting Pathways for Success School Strategic Plan - Elementary Powers Ferry Elementary Principal Rattana Inthirathvongsy Area 3 Date 2014-2015 Vision: Growing character and knowledge to achieve dreams for the future Mission: Engaging and empowering our students, families and community for success Core Values/Beliefs Long Range Goals Values 1. Vary learning experiences to increase success in college and career paths. Achievement Integrity Creativity/Innovation Accountability Beliefs 1. We believe successful schools are a foundation of community stability, growth, and prosperity. 2. We believe family and community engagement is critical to student and district success. 3. We believe in a constant and purposeful focus on what is best for students. 4. We believe creativity and innovation are encouraged and embraced by all stakeholders. 5. We believe in cultivating a positive environment where students are provided pathways for success. 2. Differentiate resources for students based on needs. 3. Develop stakeholder involvement to promote student success. Targets Key Strategies (3-5 yrs) Targets for 2014-2015 (Where will we be?) Lexile Levels (E) Gap closure (E) College Ready (E) Career Ready (E) Stakeholder Satisfaction CCSD School 76.30% 60% 102.00 90 43.80% 95% 55.00% 100% NA NA 4. Recruit, hire, support, and retain employees for the highest levels of excellence. District Priorities for 2014 -2015 1. Implement CCGPS with fidelity 2. Create flexibility and support structures for schools 3. Develop systems to prepare students for college and career readiness 4. Engage community in dialogue about the future of Cobb schools 5. Provide opportunities for innovative learning experiences for students Theme for 2014-2015 One Team One Goal Student Success Create flexible and innovative learning opportunities for students Develop, implement, and support new plans and/or programs that focus on student-centered learning, higher-order thinking, and problem solving in the classroom Enhance existing programs to further develop college and career paths from kindergarten to twelfth grade Increase strategic partnerships with businesses, post-secondary institutions, and community leaders to fully integrate college and career paths in CCSD Increase the school’s ability to meet student and school needs Provide flexibility for teachers to use resources Advance innovative ways to engage the community and parents in the educational process Expand community service learning opportunities for students and increase communication efforts with community agencies. Create a supportive environment that empowers staff Key Actions (1-3 years) Aligned to District Goals and Key Strategies Action to be taken Goal Alignment Timeline Person(s) Responsible Classroom teachers, support staff, administration Classroom teachers, support staff Administration, academic coaches Academic coaches, classroom teachers, support staff Implement CCGPS with fidelity. 1 2014-2016 Increase family engagement to support academic achievement 3 2014-2016 Ensure the workshop model is being implemented consistently in math, reading and writing Provide individualized instructional support for students and teachers 3 2014-2016 Strengths 1) Reading performance on CRCT 2) Workshop-based instructional framework 3) Improved writing performance 4) Decreased achievement gap between SWD and all other student groups Weaknesses 1) Mathematics performance in all student groups 2) Achievement gap between SWD and all other student groups 3) Stakeholder feedback on professional development 2, 5 2014-2016 Opportunities 1) Collaborative team meetings focused on student achievement 2) Title I support 3) Relevant, needs-based and data-driven professional development that is systematic and ongoing 4) Innovative model school Threats 1) Population in flux 2) Parental involvement 3) New statewide assessments Vision: Empowering Dreams for the Future Mission: Creating and Supporting Pathways for Success School Strategic Plan - Elementary Tactical (Action) Plan for Powers Ferry What are the desired results?* (Begin with the end in mind. What is your SMART goal?) 2014-2015 How will the school/team(s) accomplish the desired results, including professional learning? (Clearly define the action steps that you will employ.) What is the Cost and Funding Source? Cost of subs through Title (Approx. $3,600) Who is Responsible? Academic coaches, teachers, administration Timeline Teachers will have a full understanding of CCGPS in all content areas. They will be able to design learning experiences that will engage students and promote thinking across the depth of knowledge framework. (District priority 1) On-site academic coaches, as well as district math and literacy coaches will provide differentiated support based on a needs assessment solicited by administration. Teachers will receive support individually or as a grade level. Quarterly previews will be given four times a year so teachers know what they are expected to teach each nine weeks. Weekly collaborative meetings will ensure that student achievement is the central focus of collegial dialogue. Guided math will be used within math workshop to provide individualized instruction based on student’s strengths and weaknesses. (District priorities 1, 3, 5) A gradual phase-in process of professional development and one-on-one coaching. District math coach support has been instrumental in aiding teachers implement guided math. Local school academic coach will be providing modeled lessons and individualized support for classroom teachers. Cost of subs through Title (Approx. $2,500) Academic coaches, teachers, administration Increased student performance on writing. Writers workshop model observed daily in classroom instruction. (District priorities 1, 3) The academic coaches will model, coach and provide ongoing feedback and support for students and teachers. Title I salary (Approx. $80, 000) Academic coach, teachers, administration Aug-May; walkthrough data to be disaggregated quarterly Decreased achievement gap between SWD student group and all others in all content areas. (District priority 3, 5) Staff development on effective co-teaching will be delivered by county educational program specialist. Follow up trainings will occur to ensure implementation of strategies. Additional training for new staff will be conducted through the remainder of the school year. $750/ Title for subs EPS, teachers Aug-May Formative Indicators Tied to Desired Results Indicators Target Results Collaborative Scoring of Writings Grade Level Math Data Teams Time On Task Math Walkthrough data Reading Levels- Fountas & Pinnell for K,1,2, and SRI lexiles for 3,4,5 All students will score a minimum of 28 points on Caulkins rubric 80% of all students mastering standards of data team common assessments 75% time on task in workshop model 90% of our students will be on grade level in Reading Collaborative Scoring of Writings Grade Level Math Data Teams Time On Task Math Walkthrough data Reading LevelsFountas & Pinnell for K,1,2, and SRI lexiles for 3,4,5 Aug-May; walkthrough data to be disaggregated quarterly, Data Team Assessments Common Scoring of Writing, Aug-May; walkthrough data to be disaggregated quarterly Professional Learning Tied to Desired Results Topic Target Audience Delivery Method Cost and Source Timeline Quarterly previews of ELA and Math standards Grade Level Collaboration Co-teaching Training Teachers $4,400/Title I October-May $1,800/SFSD $750/Title I September Aug-May Modeled lessons; coaching; one-to-one support from academic coaches Technology Integration Training Teachers Small Group Workshop Small group Coaching Model Title I/coach’s salary Aug-May Coaching Model TTIS/Technology Specialist Aug-May Teachers Co-teachers Teachers