Office: (914) 967-0142 Bulletin Notices: Mrs. Julie Casino - (914) 967-0142 Music Director: Mr. Joseph Viserta- (914) 925-3520 Parish Council: Two-Year Old Program: Mrs. Ellen Schiavone, Director – (914) 921-2801 Pastoral Ministry: Sr. Danielle Baran, C.R. - (914) 512-4463 ****************************** Please Pray for Our Sick Yokio Ishizuka Nat Shanks Maureen Brophy **************************** NEW EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS We extend a warm welcome to the following 15 parishioners who recently completed the requirements to serve as Eucharistic Ministers in our parish at weekend Masses and or to visit the homebound. We are most grateful for their service to our parish. Our New Eucharistic Ministers are: * Antonio Aversa * Melissa Aversa * Maria Barton * Ann Bello * Isabelle Birdsall * Pilar Buenahora * Kira Giardullo * Kate Hernandez * Dana Hetzel * Gretchen Crowley * Alyssa Mancini * Diane Richards * Renee Kelly * Sr. Anne Massell * Marian McLoughlin Blood Drive We will be hosting a Blood Drive on October 4th from 8:30 am to 1:30 pm. Certified Volunteers from White Plains Hospital will be on hand to assist. Blood donations are gifts that keep on giving! Saturday, September 12 5:00 Rose Candreva Sunday, September 13 7:30 Helena DePalma 8:45 Jim Schiro & Douglas Birdsall 10:00 Robert & Mary Hutchinson 11:15 Bob & Helen Colon 12:30 Marona & Montana Family Monday, September 14 8:00 Ginger Maione 9:00 William H. Ball Tuesday, September 15 8:00 Patricia Denison 9:00 James & Arline Reilly Wednesday, September 16 8:00 For all to have greater Devotion to the Precious blood of Christ. 9:00 Howard A. & Mary C. Seitz Thursday, September 17 8:00 Helen & Jack Curran 9:00 Martin Steinthal Friday, September 18 8:00 Jack Joyce 9:00 Mary McInerney Saturday, September 19 8:00 Doris & Joseph Morgan 9:00 Harold Smith 5:00 Mary McCready Sunday, September 20 7:30 Mary Doty 8:45 Ann Healy Whelan 10:00 Daniel Lynch 11:15 Clara & Gordon Bishop 12:30 Thomas O’Toole CHILDREN’S ROSARY Come and observe and learn how to pray the rosary. We have changed the date and time to this Tuesday, September 15th at 5 pm in Our Lady’s Chapel. Enjoy snacks in the playground after we pray. For more information, email Christy Schultze at or call Jeanne DiProperzio at 914-967-1244 ******************************* BOOK CLUB Resurrection Book Club Selections for 2015-2016 Meetings in the Rectory 7:30- 8:30 P.M. Meeting Title On Reserve Rye Library: October 5 Falling Upward by Richard Rohr (L: Sept. 7) by Richard Rohr November 2 - Being Mortal (L: Oct. 5) by Atul Gawande. December 7 - Kateri Tekawitha TBD by Bunson, Matthew. Book Summaries are on the web site: Contact: Wendy Seaver or 914-967-3523. All are Welcome!!! ******************************* BIBLE STUDY FOR WOMEN Are you interested in getting together with a group of women to explore your faith? Would you like to see how the scriptures apply to your everyday life? If so, we invite you to consider joining Walking With Purpose, a scripture based study that aims to bring women to a deeper personal relationship with Christ. Meetings will be held beginning in the fall on Tuesday mornings or Thursday evenings in the former Methodist Church. Please contact Sheila Bugniazet for additional info at or 914967-5549. CYO BASKETBALL REGISTRATION IS OPEN Resurrection CYO Basketball registration for Grades 3-8 opens August 1st. For program details, eligibility information, and to register, please log on to Pre-season clinic begins next week. We look forward to working with parents and coaches to make this coming Fall/Winter season another great experience for our sons and daughters. ******************************* TEEN MASS, SUPPER AND OPEN GYM Please save the date for a Teen Mass, for 9th – 12th graders from our parish and community on Saturday evening, September 19th at 6:30 p.m. in Resurrection Chapel, 964 Boston Post Rd. Mass will be followed by a Pizza Party, Chipotle at which teens will plan future teen events, including an October Halloween Party and a spring event. We would love to hear from teens who are interested in participating in the celebration eg. altar servers, music, readings, etc. Email Mercedes Riley, if you are interested in getting involved. RELIGION IN RYE WALKING TOUR On Sunday, October 4th, The Rye Historical Society will present a fall history walking tour. This year’s tour focuses on the role of religion in Rye from its founding days by Presbyterians and other dissenters and the early days of the Anglican Church. You will learn about the impact of the Revolutionary War on Rye and its churches. The tour will also cover the rise and decline of Methodism in Rye and the impact of immigration on the founding of the Catholic Church in Rye. Finally, you will learn about the rich Jewish heritage of Rye and the founding of the community Synagogue. Check in will be at the Square House, but we recommend parking in the High School parking lot on Parsons Street where a shuttle bus will bring you to the Square House. The tour starts at Christ’s Church and winds past the old Methodist Church, on to Resurrection Church and finally, at the end of Church Row, to Presbyterian Church. From there, tour participates will return to their cars and drive 5 minutes to the Community Synagogue on Forest Avenue where out tour will end. Tours will take approximately 2 hours, departing every 30 minutes with the first tour departing at 11:30 a.m. and the last tour starting at 3:30 p.m. To register: RYE HISTORICAL SOCIETY, 1 Purchase St., Rye, NY 10580 (Call 914-967-7588 for information.) Cost per person: Members $25, NonMembers $30 and Students $15. PREP RELIGIOUS ED NEWS In preparation for the PREP school year, please visit our website for the student supply list, the PREP family handbook and the online calendar of events/meetings for 2015/16. God Bless our 121 volunteer teachers who have responded to the call of the Holy Spirit! We look forward to meeting with you on Thursday, September 10 at 7pm in Resurrection Middle School Cafeteria or on Thursday, September 17 at 11am in the Lower Church Hall. More catechists are needed to support our enrollment of students. PREP offers a tuition rebate to our teaching volunteers. Non-teaching volunteer are also eligible for a tuition rebate if they commit to weekly service to PREP. Please complete our online volunteer form or phone Marian McLoughlin, DRE at 914-925-2754. Please consider joining our vibrant group of volunteers and share your love of the faith with the children of Resurrection Parish. If you cannot teach each week, we would be happy to team you u p with another person to share the responsibility of the class. Tuesday 3:45 pm to 5:00 pm Catechists needed for Grade 1, 3, 4 & 5 Wednesday 3:45 pm to 5 pm Catechists needed Grade 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 PREP needs laptops with D VD capability! If you have an old laptop that is not being used, we would be very grateful to receive it to support our 8th Grade curriculum. Please contact the PREP office at 914-925-2754. Last Sunday, September 6th, four children were baptized in our parish. Congratulations to children, parents and God parents. DINNER AT NOON CARVER CENTER MUSIC MINISTRY The Church of the Resurrection will once again be joining with other religious communities in the area to provide a meal for our neighbors. Throughout the year on seven Saturdays members of our parish will prepare and serve "dinner at noon" at the Carver Center in Port Chester. The dates for this year are: September 19, November 7, January 2, February 27, April 16, and June 4. Volunteers are needed to serve and make food donations including: casseroles, fruit, juices, salad and dessert. The hours begin at 10:45 with donation drop-off and ends at approximately 1pm. To see how you can help please contact either Allyson Martin at or 646-254-2264 or Sheila Bugniazet at or 914-967-5549 1 Peter 4:8-10 “As generous distributors of God’s manifold grace, put your gifts at the service of one another, each in the measure he has received.” Has God given you love for music? Consider joining our parish music program. Our adult choir will begin rehearsals September 24th at 7:00 p.m. in the choir Room located on the First Floor of the Educational Building. No prior music experience is required, just a pleasant singing voice and a willingness to serve the parish community in this important ministry. Or more information see our music Director, Joe Visterta, after mass or call the music office at 914-925-3520.