New Zealand International Doctoral Research Scholarships

New Zealand International Doctoral Research Scholarships (NZIDRS)
Letter to Referees
To the Referee,
You have been asked to provide a reference for an NZIDRS candidate. These scholarships are funded by the New
Zealand Government and administered by Education New Zealand. The objective of the scholarship is to attract
top international students to undertake PhD level research in New Zealand. The scholarships are highly
competitive and cover full tuition fees and a living allowance for 36 months. References are an important part of
the selection process and are carefully reviewed by the Selection Panel.
Referee Requirements
1. Please complete the NZIDRS Referee Form, and
2. Provide a one page reference letter for the candidate
Reference Letter
Please discuss areas such as the candidate’s:
research ability and background
intellectual ability
academic record (particularly in their chosen field)
communication skills
proposed research
personality / nature
strengths and weaknesses
potential to successfully complete a doctoral research degree
How to submit your NZIDRS Reference
Email your reference to
Please ensure you include the candidate’s name in the subject of the email.
References must be sent from a verifiable institutional email address.
Post your reference to Education New Zealand at the address below.
References must be enclosed in a sealed envelope with your signature on the seal.
Address: Education New Zealand, NZIDRS Applications, PO Box 12-041, Wellington 6144, New Zealand
Alternatively, you may wish to pass your sealed reference to the candidate for submission via post. In this case,
please ensure it is in a sealed envelope with your signature across the seal. This preserves the confidentiality of
your comments and allows ENZ to have confidence in the security of the process.
References must be received by 15 July 2015
Thank you for assisting Education New Zealand to identify outstanding candidates to take up scholarships under
the New Zealand International Doctoral Research Scholarship Programme. We appreciate your professional
opinion and the time taken to complete your reference.
Christine Roberts
Scholarships Manager
Disclaimer: References are confidential documents viewed only by Education New Zealand staff and the NZIDRS Selection Panel. The
contents will not be shared with NZIDRS candidates under any circumstances.
New Zealand International Doctoral Research Scholarships (NZIDRS)
Referee Form
To the referee: Please (1) read the ‘Letter to Referees’, (2) complete this form, and (3) compile a reference letter for
this candidate. The form and letter can be submitted via post or email.
Post: Education New Zealand, NZIDRS Applications, PO Box 12-041, Wellington 6144, New Zealand.
References must be submitted by 15 July 2015
Referee Details
Referee Name
Department / School
Position / Title
Email Address
Highest qualification
How many research students have you supervised to completion?
Year of completion
Candidate Details
Candidate Name
How long have you known the candidate?
In what capacity do you know the candidate?
Please evaluate the candidate against other doctoral students you have supervised / worked with
Top 5%
Top 10%
Top 20%
Unable to
Intellectual ability and academic standard
Research ability
Oral communication skills
Written communication skills
Ability to clearly express ideas
Ability to analyse / synthesise information
Adaptability to new situations / ideas
Ability to take direction / criticism
Organisational skills
Independence and initiative
Resourcefulness and creativity
Ability to work in a team environment
Leadership potential
Ability to build and maintain relationships
Personal integrity / honesty
Emotional stability / maturity
Enthusiasm / passion for the discipline
Potential for future contribution to the discipline
Please indicate the approximate size of the cohort you are comparing the applicant to in the table above?
Please provide comment on any barriers / weaknesses you are aware of that might limit the applicant’s ability to
succeed at postgraduate level.