University of Iowa Eight Annual Sonia Kovalevsky April 6, 2013 Mathematics and Art WS talk topics Examples of mathematics explorations/projects High School Students and their teachers/parents might work on. These are examples connecting mathematics with the arts in some ways. 1. Create Lego sculptures of ‘interesting’ surfaces 2. The fourth dimension in visual, literary and media: examples and explorations of mathematical representations of four dimensional objects in three dimensional space via projections. 1. Mathematics with Legos Lego sculptures of mathematical objects such as surfaces, minimal surfaces: click on Lipson's Lego Sculptures 1 We will focus on questions related to construction of Lego models of minimal surfaces such as the Scherk, and Enneper surfaces shown in Lipson’s graphics. There are many other interesting minimal surfaces not constructed by Lipson and we will talk about those too. There are parameterizations of these surfaces arising in many ways such as the socalled Weierstrass representations which may be used as a set of ‘instructions’ for how to take cube-shaped Lego blocks, thought of as the ‘points’ or ‘pixels’ and actually place them in space to construct what are something like piecewise-linear or polyhedral approximations to the actual surfaces. The mathematics involved in creating those instructions includes interesting and non trivial mathematics which will be applicable in study of higher math and STEM courses (e.g. engineering in understanding CAD design, computer science in understanding how computers display 3D objects on a 2D computer screen). What are the mathematical questions arising in trying to construct such Lego representations? What is our starting ‘background’ 3D? What model, what axes, what scales on axes, etc. How can we ‘best’ put coordinates on this model (e.g. rectangular but how about cylindrical, spherical or other?). 2 What kind of surfaces should we look at and why? Examples could be minimal surfaces b/c they have so many interesting application and mathematical ideas surrounding them: soap film/area minimization properties, as interfaces of chemicals, as parts of cells, and mathematically as ‘extremal’ surfaces. Plenty of other examples are possible too. How is the surface described? Geometrically (e.g. take a curve in the x-y plane and rotate it in space around a line, like the catenoid), with explicit or implicit single equation in x-y-z (e.g. gyroid), parametrically (e.g. pretty much all surfaces)? How can we take the given description of the surface and use it to place the Legos in space to build the surface out of Lego ‘bricks’? Are some parameterizations better than others for such constructions? Lipson told us he would create a set of instructions for placement of the Lego bricks in space (email 4-113: “I actually computer-generate lego plans for the mathematical sculptures, which specify exactly which 'pixels' in space need to contain Lego. The catch is that these plans express everything in terms of 1x1x1 bricks, so a model built this way would not hold together. The process of building the shape out of the bricks I actually have available in such a way that it holds together structurally I do by hand as I go along. Sometimes it can be quite difficult! 3 I sometimes play around with the parametrisation quite a lot before I find one I'm happy with. I recall spending quite some time in Mathematica before I was satisfied with the Klein bottle, for example.” DPGraph examples: DPGraph is a 2 and 3D computer program that shows curves and surfaces in space defined by equations. It allows you to interactive rotate the objects in all directions with keyboard keys, to zoom in and zoom out the perspective, and to slice the objects into sections in many different ways. UI has a site license for DPGraph which makes it a free download for any UI student, faculty, staff member and their families. Shows a catenoid, Enneper, Sherk, gyroid Params Catenoid, by Carlos Cesar de Araujo graph3d(x^2+y^2=a^2*(cosh(z/a))^2) 4 Enneper's Surface by Brian Tenneson graph3d(729* x^6 - 2187* x^4* y^2 + 2187* x^2* y^4 - 729* y^6 - 729* x^4* z + 1458* x^2* y^2* z - 729* y^4* z + 4374* x^4* z^2 - 4374* y^4* z^2 - 3888* x^2* z^3 + 1215* x^4* z^3 - 3888* y^2* z^3 + 6318* x^2* y^2* z^3 + 1215* y^4* z^3 + 6480* x^2* z^4 - 6480* y^2* z^4 - 5184* z^5 + 3888* x^2* z^5 + 3888* y^2* z^5 + 432* x^2* z^6 - 432* y^2* z^6 + 1152* z^7 - 64* z^9=0 ) Parametric Repn of Enneper via Weierstrass repn: enneper[u_, v_] := {u - u^3/3 + u*v^2, -v + v^3/3 - v*u^2, u^2 - v^2} =Real part of {z - z^3/3, 1/3 I z (3 + z^2), z^2} = Weierstrass repn using From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search In mathematics, the Weierstrass–Enneper parameterization of minimal surfaces is a classical piece of differential geometry. 5 Alfred Enneper and Karl Weierstrass studied minimal surfaces as far back as 1863. Let ƒ and g be functions on either the entire complex plane or the unit disk, where g is meromorphic and ƒ is analytic, such that wherever g has a pole of order m, f has a zero of order 2m (or equivalently, such that the product ƒg2 is holomorphic), and let c1, c2, c3 be constants. Then the surface with coordinates (x1,x2,x3) is minimal, where the xk are defined using the real part of a complex integral, as follows: The converse is also true: every nonplanar minimal surface defined over a simply connected domain can be given a parametrization of this type.[1] For example, Enneper's surface has ƒ(z) = 1, g(z) = z. NB IN THE WS PARAM WE USED ƒ(z) = 2, g(z) = z. This still gives the Enneper surface. Gyroid graph3d(cos(x) * sin(y)+ cos(y) * sin(z)+ cos(z) * sin(x) = 0) 6 “Applications In nature, self assembled gyroid structures are found in certain surfactant or lipid mesophases[5] and block copolymers. In the polymer phase diagram, the gyroid phase is between the lamellar and cylindrical phases. Such self-assembled polymer structures have found applications in experimental supercapacitors,[6] solar cells[7] and nanoporous membranes.[8] Gyroid membrane structures are occasionally found inside cells.[9] Gyroid structures have photonic band gaps that make them potential photonic crystals.[10] Gyroid structures have been observed in biological structural coloration such as butterfly wing scales, inspiring work on biomimetic materials.[11][12] The gyroid mitochondrial membranes in tree shrew cones might have an optical function.[13]” Helicoid Scherk ; Scherk's Surface, by Carlos Cesar de Araujo 7 graph3d(e^z*cos(x)-cos(y)=0) graph3d(e^z*cos(x)-cos(y)=0) Helicoid wiki 0. Mathematics of the Fourth Dimension in Literature and Art and Manipulatives The fourth dimension and geometric realizations of it have motivated artists and writers for more than a century. Examples in painting: One can find examples of artwork depicting four-dimensional objects in the “Cruxifixion” painting by Dali notorious example is Salvador Dali’s “Crucifixion” or “Corpus Hypercubus” (1954), a painting where Jesus Christ is depicted crucified upon the cross – like three dimensional net of a hypercube, the four dimensional analog of a cube. Below is the url for a really nice view of the hypercube/tesseract also being ‘unwrapped’ into the 3D net, cross-like figure appearing in Dali’s Cruxificxion painting. 8 Paintings by Picasso also showing multiple ‘sides’ or views of a person, considered as the 3D person changing in time give more examples (e.g. Nude Descending Staircase #2,,_No._2 and Left: Pablo Picasso, "Demoiselles D' Avignon" (1907). Right: Jean Metzinger, "Tea Time" (1911) Examples in literature: Flatland Edware Abbott Abbott 1884 (movies too) Wrinkle In Time Madeline L’Engle 1962 Sphereland: A Fantasy About Curved Spaces and an Expanding Universe Dionys Burger 1965 [a sequel to Flatland, a novel by "A Square" (a pen name of Edwin Abbott Abbott).] Boy Who Reversed Himself William Sleator 1986 9 The Planiverse A. K. Dewdney, 1984 Flatterland Ian Stewart 2001 [non-Euclidean geometry, also a sequel to Flatland] Examples in media Little Girl Lost (The Twilight Zone 1962) The Borderland (The Outer Limits 1963) gn=tvcomaff&cmp=913 Behold Eck (The Outer Limits1964) Flatland (multiple movies have been made, most recently New: Sphereland the movie. 10 Lego/Zometool constructions of Hypercubes, tesseracts, etc. How EXACTLY do you represent 4D objects in 3D and 2D? Mathematics of projects from 4D to 3D and 2D such as stereographic projections, their analytic/algebraic representations, make for excellent mathematics work for students and teachers. Construction of the result objects with Legos, Zometools, Tinker Toys, etc. and computer animations, make for good mathematics projects . As in the case of the previous Lego constructions the mathematics involved in creating those instructions includes interesting and non trivial mathematics which will be applicable in study of higher math and STEM courses (e.g. engineering in understanding CAD design, computer science in understanding how computers display 3D objects on a 2D computer screen). Examples of visual images of 4D objects on the web: Hypercubes: 11 Examples of methods of creating visual images of 4D objects: We can use the idea of stereographic projection to map 4D objects to 3D objects. By analogy, here is what stereographic projection mapping 3D objects to 2D objects looks like. 12 2D to 1D 13 3D to 2D YouTube animation of stereographic project of images on the sphere to the plane 14 (From our HyperCube rotation Mathematica file) The image of the cube under stereographic projection from ( 0 , 0 , 0 , l ) onto the 3 - space w = - b is shown. StProj[l_, b_][{x_, y_, z_, w_}] := {(b + l)/(l - w) x, (b + l)/(l - w) y, (b + l)/(l - w) z} Stereographic projection from ( 0 , 0 , l ) in 3 - space onto the 2 - space z = - b is shown. StProj[l_, b_][{x_, y_, z_}] := {(b + l)/(l - z) x, (b + l)/(l - z) y} Stereographic projection from ( 0 , l ) in 2 - space onto the 1 - space y = - b is shown. StProj[l_, b_][{x_,}] := 15 {(b + l)/(l - y) x} Projects: derive these equations. Use them to program a computer program to create the computer displays. How do you modify the equations to show rotating hypercubes or surfaces etc.? Lots of work with analytic geometry, matrices for rotations and maybe some other linear algebra. 16