CCGPS Math 6 Unit 5 – Lesson 2 Unit Outline Title: Area and Volume Name of Lesson: Nets and Surface Area Standards: Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving area, surface area, and volume. MCC6.G.4 Represent three-dimensional figures using nets made up of rectangles and triangles, and use the nets to find the surface area of these figures. Apply these techniques in the context of solving. Essential Question(s): Unit: What is the relationship among area, volume, and surface area? Lesson: How can I use manipulatives and nets to help compute the surface areas of rectangular and triangular prisms? How can I use surface areas of plane figures to derive formulas for the surface areas of solid figures? How can I use formulas to compute the surface area of rectangular and triangular prisms? What kinds of problems can be solved using surface areas of rectangular and triangular prisms? How can I interpret and sketch views of rectangular and triangular prisms? How can I construct nets for rectangular and triangular prisms? How can you model finding surface area of rectangular and triangular prisms? Assessment Description/Performance Task: Constructed response: Surface Area Quiz, Nets and Surface Area Menu, Painting A Barn Informal assessment: Comparing Solids Venn Diagram Performance Tasks: (These Tasks come from the GA DOE) Boxing Bracelets Finding Surface Area Painting Barns The File Cabinet Selected response: Nets and Surface Area Multiple Choice Quizzes: Form A, Form B, Form C Instructional Methods It is expected that students will have prior knowledge/experience related to using parentheses, brackets, or braces in numerical expressions and evaluate expressions with these symbols, generating two numerical patterns using two given rules, interpreting a fraction as division, and operations with whole numbers, fractions, and decimals. It may be necessary to pre-assess in order to determine if time needs to be spent on conceptual activities that help students develop a deeper understanding of these concepts. The Conceptual Framework may be used to build teacher understanding of representing inequalities in context and on a number line. By the conclusion of this lesson, students should be able to demonstrate the following competencies: Recognize and construct rectangular and triangular prisms from a variety of perspectives Apply formulas to find surface area of mathematical and real-world rectangular and triangular prism problems Understand Manipulatives and the construction of nets may be used in computing the surface area of rectangular and triangular prisms, and volume of right rectangular prism. Views of rectangular and triangular prisms may be interpreted and sketched to provide a 2dimensional representation of a three dimensional figure. CCSD Version Date: 2/9/2016 Please Note: Students are expected to use any net that is made up of rectangles and triangles. This does not limit the types of 3D figures that might be used. This could also include composite figures such as something similar to a house that is a rectangular prism and a rectangular pyramid on the top as the roof. This net would then break down into nothing but triangles and rectangles. Opening Show the Solid Figures Slide Show on Study Jams to the class to discuss three-dimensional figures in the real world. The “Test Yourself” box will allow students to take a seven question quiz about 3D figures. Students could share their responses using interactive white boards. Comparing Solids Venn Diagram (Rectangular and Triangular Prisms) Word Splash – Students will write a sentence or two using all of the vocabulary words. Study Jams "Surface Area" – Click on “Step by Step,” then “Watch Out” or “Try It” Work Session Students will construct models and nets of three dimensional figures, describing them by the number of edges, vertices, and faces. You may show Study Jams "Edges, Faces, Vertices" to introduce this concept. Students are expected to use the net to calculate the surface area. Students may use the interactive Dynamic Paper Tool on NCTM’s Illuminations to create nets of 3D figures with specified dimensions. Students may download the nets as a JPEG or PDF file to cut out or post to a blog, PowerPoint Presentation, etc. Students should describe the types of faces needed to create a three-dimensional figure. Students can make and test conjectures by determining the shapes needed to create a specific three-dimensional figure. o Activity: Describe the shapes of the faces needed to construct a rectangular and/or triangular prism by cutting out the shapes and creating a model. o Discussion Questions: Did the faces you chose work? If not, what strategies did you implement to figure out the correct shapes? Holt Mathematics Course 1, 10-9 Hands-on Lab “Model Three-Dimensional Figures” Holt Mathematics Course 1, 10-6, 10-6A, and 10-6B Hands-on Labs will allow students to explore surface area. Nets and Surface Area Foldable: Student Copy and Teacher Copy *Students may draw the nets or use the cut outs for the foldable. Nets and Surface Area Menu Activity Performance Tasks: o Boxing Bracelets o Finding Surface Area o Painting Barns o The File Cabinet Closing RAFT Activity: Students will compare and contrast rectangular and triangular Prisms by writing a personal ad describing their attributes to another solid figure. Nets and Surface Area Multiple Choice Quizzes: Form A, Form B, Form C Surface Area Constructed Response Quiz Resources Arizona Department of Education Granite School District, Salt Lake City, Utah Georgia Department of Education CCSD Version Date: 2/9/2016 Differentiation: (to be created) Tiered Assignments Leveled Questions Multiple Intelligences Using Realia/CRA Choices Board Open-Ended Tasks Problem-Based Learning Learning Contracts Tiered Graphic Organizers Textbook/Online Resources: McGraw-Hill Georgia Math Grade 6: Chapter 9, Lessons 3-5 Mathematics Course 1 Textbook Connection: Chapter 10, Lesson 9 Hands-on Standards: Grades 5-6: (Geometry section) Solid Figures, Prisms, Pyramids, and Cylinders (EXCLUDING cylinders); Prims and Pyramids: Volume Hands-on Standards: Grades 7-8: (Geometry section) Exploring Solids: Surface Area Dynamic Paper Tool Vocabulary: net surface area CCSD Version Date: 2/9/2016