D. Bean Foundations of Mathematics Lesson Plan Name: Daneika Bean Course: Foundations of Mathematics Department: Mathematics Year Level: S1 Week: 7 Timeline: Two 50 minute lessons Materials: Mathematics Application and Key Terms: Area Three-Dimensional Faces Net Prisms (Rectangular/ Cuboid, Concepts textbook Ruler 3-Dimensional Models Examples of Nets Triangular, Cube,and Cylinder) D. Bean Foundations of Mathematics Lesson Plan INITIAL TEACHING Lesson Objectives: All Students Will Be Able To (A.S.W.B.A.T): visualize the net of a rectangular prism in order to calculate the area of each face; hence use the sum to determine the surface area of the prism. Do Now Activity: Enrichment Worksheets 9-3 “Nets and 3-D Figures Enrichment Worksheet 9-5 “Surface Area of Pyramids and Prisms” Motivate and Activate: Discuss the various types of 3-D figures on the Enrichment Worksheets and encourage students to build their own models to verify their answers. Instructional strategies: Brainstorming, Hands-On Applications, Illustrations and Cooperative Learning. PRACTICE Guided Practice Activities: SURFACE AREA – The sum of the areas of all the surfaces/faces on a three-dimensional figure. Surface Area Calculations SURFACE AREA OF RECTANGULAR PRISMS Top: A = l x w = 5cm x 4cm = 20cm2 2 20cm x 2 = 40cm2 (top & bottom) 3cm BACK BOTTOM 4cm 3cm FRONT 3cm TOP 4cm 4cm 5cm 5cm Surface Area Calculations using Formula S.A. = 2(lw) + 2(lh) + 2(wh) = 2(5x4) + 2(5x3) + 2(4x3) = 2(20) + 2(15) + 2 (12) = 40 + 30 + 24 2 = 94cm Front: A = l x w = 5cm x 3cm = 15cm2 2 15cm x 2 = 30cm2 (front & back) 1 Side: A = l x w = 4cm x 3cm = 12cm2 2 12cm x 2 = 24cm2 (both sides) Surface Area (S.A.) = 40cm2 + 30cm2 + 24cm2 = 94cm2 Independent Practice Activities: A few questions will be written on the board for students to try using either the formula or complete steps. Homework: Mathematics Applications and Concepts textbook pgs 533 & 534 #’s 4- 14 FORMATIVE ASSESSMENTS Students will be assessed on their ability to: Accurately determine the length, width and height of rectangular prism, and the length and width of each face in order to calculate the Surface Area of the Rectangular Prism Enrichments: Correctives: Students will make their own Rectangular Prism Problem Solving Questions from a net and use it to calculate the Surface Area. Calculations involving Cubes Closure: Review Nets, Area of Rectangles, Dimensions (length, width, and height of a Rectangular Prism, Calculating Surface Area of Rectangular Prisms, and introduce Surface Area of Triangular Prisms.