Planning Committee - 10 July 2015

PRESENT: Councillors Jim Roberts, Bobby McDill, Elaine Cowan, Tom Cook, Neil
McGhee, David Shaw and Billy Crawford.
ATTENDING: Michael Keane, Head of Planning and Economic Development; Fiona
Finlay, Development Management Team Leader; Melanie Barbour, Solicitor; John
Trakalo, Team Leader, Ayrshire Roads Alliance; David Law, Senior Arboricultural
Officer; Bill Gilchrist, Team Leader, Pollution Control/CEU; and Gillian Hamilton,
Democratic Services Officer.
APOLOGIES: Councillors Helen Coffey, George Mair, Stephanie Primrose and
Moira Pirie.
CHAIR: Councillor Jim Roberts, Chair.
The Democratic Services Officer confirmed that the Hearing Procedure (circulated)
was understood by all participants.
2.1 Preliminary Matter
The Solicitor referred to a letter circulated by the applicant to Committee members
prior to the meeting. Members were required to determine whether to admit the letter
into the proceedings.
It was agreed not to admit the letter and to proceed to consider the application.
2.2 Consideration of Item
There was submitted an executive summary sheet and report dated 1 July 2015 (both
circulated) by the Head of Planning and Economic Development which presented for
determination an application for planning permission in principle for a proposed
residential development of 12 detached dwellings, 11 single storey and one two storey
with double garage at Craig House, Gatehead by Marchstone (Craighouse) Ltd.
The Development Management Team Leader reported that 43 parties had submitted
letters of objection in respect of the application, details of which were contained within
the report; reported on an amendment to paragraph 8 of the report, that "the pod of 5
houses" should read "7 houses", and to paragraph 10 of the report to amend
“reviewed” to read “received” in the context of "Of the 244 trees RECEIVED, 94 were
identified as Category A being of high quality with estimated life expectancy remaining
of at least 40 years"; summarised the planning considerations in respect of the
application; and gave the recommendation of the Head of Planning and Economic
Development: Refusal, for the reasons detailed in the report.
2.3 Planning Hearing
The Committee heard Mr Robert G A Sanderson, Mr Matt Dunlop and Mr Stephen
Mallon, objectors in respect of their objections, and Mr John Shaw, objector in respect
of his objections and those of Mr Sandy Cochrane, objector.
Members asked questions of the objectors.
The applicant was not present or represented.
The Chair closed the Hearing.
2.4 Determination of Application
The Senior Arboricultural Officer, the Team Leader, Ayrshire Roads Alliance, the
Solicitor, the Team Leader, Pollution Control/CEU and the Development Management
Team Leader provided clarification on the matters raised during the Hearing.
It was agreed to refuse the application for the reasons detailed in the report.
There was submitted an executive summary sheet and report dated 1 July 2015 (both
circulated) by the Head of Planning and Economic Development which presented for
determination an application for permission to implement the terms of Planning
Permission Ref 01/0859/OL without complying with the terms of Conditions 7 (in part)
and 13 at land east of Draffen House, Draffen Mount, Stewarton by Mrs D Fraser.
3.1 Consideration of Application
The Development Management Team Leader reported that 13 parties had submitted
letters of objection, details of which were contained within the report, summarised the
planning considerations in respect of the application; and gave the recommendations
of the Head of Planning and Economic Development: Approval for the reasons
detailed in the report.
3.2 Planning Hearing
The Committee heard Mr D Fulton, representing Stewarton Community Council, in
respect of their objections.
The Committee then heard Mr Andrew Bennie, the applicant’s representative, in
support of the application.
Members asked questions of the applicant’s representative.
The Chair closed the Hearing.
3.3 Determination of Application
The Development Management Team Leader; and the Team Leader, Ayrshire Roads
Alliance provided clarification on matters raised during the Hearing.
It was agreed to approve the application for the reasons detailed in the report.
There was submitted an executive summary sheet and report dated 2 July 2015
(both circulated) by the Head of Planning and Economic Development which
presented for determination an application for approval of matters specified in
Conditions 1 (site layout and masterplan), 2 (design), 3 (drainage), 4 (suds), 5 (access
and layout), 7 (landscaping), 8 (phasing), and 9 (contamination) of planning consent
No 01/8559/OL (erection of residential development with associated roads, access,
parking and landscaping etc) at land east of Draffen House, Draffen Mount, Stewarton
by Mrs D Fraser.
4.1 Consideration of Application
The Development Management Team Leader reported that 17 parties had submitted
letters of objection, details of which were contained within the report, summarised the
planning considerations in respect of the application; and gave the recommendation
of the Head of Planning and Economic Development: Approval, subject to the
conditions and for the reasons detailed in the report.
4.2 Planning Hearing
The Committee heard Mr D Fulton representing Stewarton Community Council, in
respect of their objections, and Mr Martin Hannah and Mr Hugh Morton, objectors, in
respect of their own objections.
Members asked questions of Mr D Fulton and Mr Martin Hannah.
The Committee then heard Mr Andrew Bennie, the applicant’s representative, in
support of the application.
Members asked questions of the applicant’s representative.
The Chair closed the Hearing.
4.3 Determination of Application
The Team Leader, Ayrshire Roads Alliance, the Development Management Team
Leader and the Solicitor provided clarification on matters raised during the Hearing.
4.4 Adjournment/Reconvention
The meeting adjourned at 1227 hours and reconvened at 1232 hours with the same
Members and Officers present and in attendance, under exception of the Senior
Arboricultural Officer.
It was agreed to approve the application subject to (i) the Conditions and for the
reasons detailed in the report (except those Conditions as hereinafter amended in (ii)
and (iii) below); (ii) the deletion of condition 1 (ii); the application being remitted back
to the Head of Planning and Economic Development to agree, in conjunction with the
Roads Authority, prior to issuing the Decision Notice suitable wording for a condition
to ensure that prior to the occupation of the first house within the development the
applicant must provide evidence to the satisfaction of the Planning Authority, in
consultation with the Roads Authority, that the following road safety improvements
have been carried out, namely that the 30 mph speed limit on Loudoun Street has
been extended eastwards and includes a new access roundabout to the development;
and that a new gateway has been installed on the approach to the re-located 30 mph
limit, both of which road safety improvements are shown on the approved drawing
number C125/SK/10; and the renumbering of Condition 1 subsections (iii)-(vi) to
recognise the deletion of Condition 1 (ii); (iii) an amendment to Condition 16 that prior
to the construction of the proposed equipped play area, full details, which shall include
a layout drawing of the play area and bound footpath connecting the play area to the
road and footpath network within the estate, manufacturers’ brochures for the
proposed play equipment, and proposed surfacing material(s) for the play areas and
footpath, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Planning Authority.
REASON: in order that the Planning Authority can maintain proper control over the
development, such details not having been submitted”; (iv) the following additional
Conditions:- (21) Notwithstanding Condition 14 and the approved landscaping plans,
the design and details of the proposed lime kilns memorial cairn is not approved. Prior
to any work commencing on site, details of a revised design which shall take the form
of a proposal which incorporates an arch feature which takes its influence in designterms from the former lime kilns, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the
Planning Authority. REASON: in the interest of the amenity of the area; (22) a
condition the wording of which shall be agreed by the Head of Planning & Economic
Development, in conjunction with the Roads Authority, as set out in detail in (ii), above,
prior to issuing the Decision Notice; (23) Notwithstanding the approved plans and prior
to any work commencing on site, details of the finished ground levels and stability of
the infilling material of the site, in particular in the location of the former quarry, shall
be submitted to and approved in writing by the Planning Authority. REASON: in the
interest of the stability of the site; and (24) Further to the terms of Condition 23 above,
the development shall be undertaken in accordance with the details approved under
the terms of that Condition, in the interest of the stability of the site; and (v) the
following additional Advisory Notes:- (a) for the avoidance of doubt the Planning
Committee request that the proposed lime kilns memorial cairn shall incorporate the
date stone from the lime kilns if at all possible; and (b) the applicant is advised that the
Planning Committee would appreciate their early consultation and engagement in
formulating the revised design of the proposed cairn with Stewarton and District
Community Council and also Stewarton Historical Society.
The meeting terminated at 1237 hours