Biomes Notes Biomes

QOD: What defines a Biome?
Each Biome is defined by a unique set of abiotic factors- particularly
climate- and a diverse group of plants and animals.
Biome- large group of ecosystems that shares the same type of climax
community. Biomes located on land are called terrestrial biomes.
Biomes located in bodies of water are known as aquatic biomes.
Aquatic Biomes
Water makes up the largest part of the biosphere, covering
approximately 75% of the Earth’s surface.
The aquatic biome can be broken down into two basic regions:
freshwater and marine.
Freshwater- has low salt concentration- usually less than 1%
Ex. Ponds, lakes, rivers, wetlands, streams
Marine- cover about ¾ of the Earth’s surface
Ex. Oceans, coral reefs, and estuaries
Terrestrial Biomes
Terrestrial biomes vary greatly. Climate is a group of abiotic factors
that influence the type of climax community that develops in the area.
There are many different terrestrial biomes that result from climate
Ex. Tundras, taigas, deserts, savannahs, temperate forests, and
tropical rain forests