TINS 121 English Grammar A comprehensive discussion of the

TINS 121 English Grammar
A comprehensive discussion of the basic grammar structures of English ranging from tense
usage to adverbial, adjective, noun, and conditional clauses, gerunds, infinitives, activepassive voice etc.
TINS 122 Oral Communication in English II
Production of a variety of texts with the purpose of debating, providing information, making
comparisons, persuading and defining; improving the ability to address different audience
TINS 123 English Composition
Development of writing skills; summary writing, critical thinking, analyzing arguments.
Emphasis on grammatical and stylistic issues at the sentence, paragraph, and essay levels.
Emphasis on coherent organization, logical thought development, and effective use of
language. Production of expository and argumentative compositions that introduce a complex
central idea and develop it with appropriate, specific evidence, cogent explanations, and clear
TINS 124 Linguistics and Translation
Teaching the relationship between translation and linguistics. Discussing the basic concepts of
macro and micro-linguistics and the way they are used in comparative analyses of source and
target languages.
TINS 125 Oral Communication in English I
Improvement of conversational English in speech situations using different sentence patterns
and expressions. Development of practical skills for effective communication. Emphasis on
oral skills and speech techniques. Fundamental stages of speech preparation and delivery
including adopting and developing visual aids. Basic elements of public speaking. Message
preparation, overcoming stage fright, audience analysis, choice of topics, planning and
preparation of speeches.
TINS 126 Comparative Cultural Studies
Introducing students to various cultures from around the world, with a particular focus on
anglophone societies. Helping students understand
different cultures and become better language learners and translators/interpreters. The
emphasis is on history, economy, demographics, sociopolitical structures, with a linguistic
overview of various English speaking countries as well as European Union countries.
TINS 127 Turkish for Translators I
Improvement of reading skills in Turkish through selected texts. Focus on new vocabulary
and context. Active reading to think critically with the purpose of evaluating information,
solving problems, making inferences and decisions related to the translation processes.
TINS 128 Turkish for Translators II
Introduction of basic rules of writing in Turkish; analysis of Turkish literary works;
examining examples from contemporary literature in terms of expression techniques;
developing skills in writing essays with different styles.
TINS 161 History of Civilizations
Discussion of the historical backgrounds of western civilization which emerged with the
collapse of the Roman Empire. Emphasis on the formation of the modern world as a result of
the world’s interaction with the western civilization.
TINS 163 Foreign Language (German I)
Designed for students who have beginner-level knowledge of the language. Topics to be
included: Introduction to verb inflections, subject-verb agreement; declarative, interrogative
sentences and negation. Emphasis on nouns, pronominals, modality, transitive verbs, definiteindefinite articles along with basic communicative skills.
TINS 164 Foreign Language (German II)
Designed for students who have beginner-level knowledge of the language. Topics to be
addressed include: verb groups, prepositions and cases, tense and time, numerals and sounds.
Emphasis on the development of expressive skills.
TINS 166 Social Institutions in Turkey
Information concerning the social institutions in Turkey and abroad. Discussion of the
institutional body with special emphasis on the use of language and terminology (both
Turkish and English) by the very institution. Study of the cultural and political agenda of
translation in accordance with the establishment and function of the institution.
TINS 221 Introduction to Translation Studies
Introduction of basic concepts in translation and interpreting. Learning history of translation
and interpreting. Emphasis on types of translation and interpreting. Learning text types and
translation strategies. Emphasis on dictionary using. Developing awareness about the relation
between culture and translation and interpreting.
TINS 222 Discourse Analysis
Basic elements of discourse analysis in order to understand the source text well and create the
highest degree of equivalence in target language text production. Pragmatic concepts such as
coherence, cohesion, textuality, speech acts and context are studied through detailed analyses
of various texts.
TINS 223 Active Listening I
Successful listening skills are acquired over time and with lots of practice. Hence, the course
is comprised of examples from various speakers of the English language, and of exercises in
Listening, Speaking, and Oral English Comprehension. The course encourages students to
listen and actively think in English, developing English language fluency.
TINS 224 Active Listening II
Understanding intonation, voice emphasis etc. Enhancement of note taking skills:
Understanding relations within the sentence/complex sentences; importance markers,
signposts. Deducing the meaning of unfamiliar words and word groups - guessing.
Recognizing implications: information not explicitly stated; recognizing the speaker's attitude.
Evaluating the importance of information - selecting information.
TINS 225 Formal Correspondence
The course covers teaching how to write formal letters both in Turkish and English. In this
respect, syntactic, stylistic, pragmatic and sociolinguistic aspects of letters used in formal
communication are analyzed and equivalent samples are created both in Turkish and English.
The course also involves teaching translation of formal letters according to the theoretical
knowledge discussed throughout the course.
TINS 226 Introduction to Written Translation
The course content involves an introductory analysis of this concept as a phenomenon,
process and product as well as a discussion of the fundamental theories and rules of
translation studies, history of translation, common problems in translation, the phenomenon of
equivalence, basic techniques for raising consciousness about translation, coupled with an
emphasis on language acquisition and translation acquisition. Students are presented with
various types of texts and strategies and made to do a lot of practice on two-way translation at
introductory level.
TINS 227 Comparative English-Turkish Grammar
This course identifies separate grammar topics, including tense usage, adverbial clauses,
adjectival clauses, etc. The comparative method gives students a stronger abstract grasp of
grammatical categories. The main focus of the course is on the areas in which Turkish and
English differ considerably.
TINS 228 Contemporary British and American Literature
A course designed to develop and intensify the student's aesthetic, intellectual, and emotional
response to imaginative literature. An introductory course in literature for students who are
not majoring or minoring in the field. Reading (or otherwise experiencing) a focused
selection of British and American literary texts that explore the connections and innovations
of the literature that continues to shape the world.
TINS 256 English Lexis
Concentrates on a different aspect of vocabulary and its use. Focuses on Dictionary Practice,
Related Word Groups, Word Formation, Problem Words, Description Exercises, Exercises in
Style, Colloquial English, Spoken English, Geo-political Names, Names, Titles and
Abbreviations, Proverbs, and Euphemisms.
TINS 263 Foreign Language (German III)
Designed for students of the intermediate-level in German. Topics to be addressed include:
development of linguistic awareness regarding differences between Turkish and German.
Emphasis on adjectives, personal pronouns, clausal structures, conjunctions, imperatives, and
conditional sentences.
TINS 264 Foreign Language (German IV)
Designed for intermediate-level students Topics include: linguistic differences between
Turkish and German/English. Emphasis on conjunctions, comparatives and their usages,
present perfect tense, compound words and modals.
TINS 321 Special Topics in Translation: Discourse of Science and Technology
The aim of the course is to enable students to master certain characteristics of scientific and
technical discourse through two-way translations of texts in respective fields. The students are
expected to translate a variety of different authentic texts in the related fields into the target
language. Through translation activities carried out, students will be able to develop
awareness of the structural and terminological features of scientific and technical discourse.
TINS 322 Special Topics in Translation: Discourse of Media
Examining the language of the texts in media in terms of headlines and context; developing
awareness about the misuse of language in media; practice of sample translations from written
and verbal media texts.
TINS 323 Special Topics in Translation: Discourse of Social Sciences
Study of two-way translation of social science texts in the leading domains of social science
as philosophy, sociology, psychology and political science. An amalgamation of the
theoretical and practical approaches to the translation of numerous social science texts.
TINS 324 Special Topics in Translation: Discourse of Medicine
Incorporation of the acquired medical knowledge and terminology into translation skills,
providing insight into different medical disciplines and setting the stage for simultaneous
interpreting in Medical Science, which is remarkably prevalent in the simultaneous
interpreting market.
TINS 325 Interpreting (I)
An overview about the theoretical aspects of interpreting and its strategies; discussion of the
history of interpreting, types of interpreting and strategies used in interpreting.
TINS 326 Interpreting (II)
Improvement of the skills and strategies for interpreting, providing exercises for different
types of interpreting, application of interpreting strategies for complex texts and learning
note-taking skills.
TINS 327 Onsight Translation
Directing students to read and understand texts fast so that they can paraphrase and
summarize texts, focusing on the main ideas. Development of the skill of sight reading.
Training students to use such a learned skill both in textual translation and during conferences
when the interpreter is obliged to interpret a text rather than just listening to it. A study for a
wide range of vocabulary.
TINS 328 Special Topics in Translation: Discourse of Economics and Administrative
This course is mainly based on the two-way translation of texts related to economy and
administrative sciences. The basic economy terms and principles at the theoretical level are
combined with practical translation strategies and techniques; and actual discussions on
translation problems and faults are handled within the context of this course.
TINS 329 Translation Theory
Learning theories of translation. Analysis of different periods in the development of theories
of translation. Understanding translation as a product, process, and a social phenomenon.
Discussing on the applications of translation theories. Examining translation problems in
Turkey and the world.
TINS 330 Research Methods in Translation Studies
The course focuses on how to do research in translation studies, including the rules for
scientific research, and writing reports and papers in.
TINS 333 Summer Practice I
Enables students to work as a trainee for a government institution or private translation
agency for a matter of three months during the summer period.
TINS 355 Philosophy of Language
Focuses on the works of language theorists regarding the nature and process of translation.
Analysis of the original texts from important thinkers, prompting students to develop their
thoughts on language and translation. Emphasizes issues such as:
 What are the reasons for translating?
 What are the criteria for translatability?
 What is language itself? Can thought take place without language?
 Do cultural values influence our language?
 What factors make translating from one language to another so difficult?
TINS 356 Special Topics in Translation : Discourse of Contemporary Literature
Focuses on the special techniques used in translating popular works of contemporary
literature from English into Turkish, putting emphasis on developing awareness about the
popular works of contemporary literature with particular emphasis on syntax as well as
commonly used words and phrases.
TINS 363 Foreign Language (German V)
Designed for intermediate students. Topics to be addressed include: introduction to relative
pronouns, relative clauses, conjunctives, auxiliary verbs, conditional sentences. Emphasis on
the development of listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.
TINS 364 Foreign Language (German VI)
Designed for intermediate level students. Topics to be addressed include: verb groups,
prepositions and cases, perfect tense and time, numerals. Emphasis on the development of
expressive skills.
TINS 421 Special Topics in Translation: Discourse of Literature
Presentation of rhetorical patterns regarding various literary genres, distinctive features of
figurative language and formative elements; translations of literary texts.
TINS 422 Translation Project
Application of basic translation and interpreting theories to real life situations. Focusing on
translation of different kinds of texts (e.g. informative, expressive, operative or audio-medial)
according to the respective theories along with justifications for them. Investigation of the
macro-aspect of the acts of translation and interpreting (relation between real life atmospheres
through on-sight inquiries).
TINS 423 Conference Interpreting I
A simulation of a conference environment wherein simultaneous interpretation is performed
in different fields by the students, creating an awareness related to international institutions
and conferences.
TINS 424 Conference Interpreting II
Focuses on advanced strategies of simultaneous interpreting of real life speeches in
TINS 425 Special Topics in Translation: Discourse of Law
Understanding the language of law and basic types of legal texts in English and Turkish.
Analyzing the stylistic and communicative features of legal texts. Emphasizing the cultural
differences between the English and the Turkish legal systems. Dwelling on the function
oriented approaches in legal translation. Learning important terms concerning the English and
the Turkish legal systems.
TINS 426 Translation Criticism
Review of translation models and introduction of the translation criticism theories;
comparative criticism of the texts translated into Turkish and vice versa; determination of
adequacy, appropriateness or the quality of a translation using learned models and theories.
TINS 427 Special Topics in Translation: Discourse of the European Union
Analyzing textual conventions of various EU texts. Learning terms in the EU Context.
Emphasis on the history Turkey-EU relations. Developing awareness about the EU, its
institutions and their functioning.
TINS 428 Translation Technologies
The course provides information and practice on translation memory programs and
localization techniques. The course also focuses on terminology and project management in
TINS 429 Consecutive Interpreting I
The course focuses on the development of the skill of listening comprehension, emphasizing,
meanwhile, strategies for active listening through elaborating on mind maps, mini summaries,
written speech analysis, hierarchy of ideas. The course emphasizes the various strategies used
in consecutive interpreting such as paraphrasing, splitting sentences, omitting, and
TINS 430 Consecutive Interpreting II
Focuses on advanced consecutive interpreting skills. Elaborates on oral speech analysis,
analysis of main and subordinate ideas. Emphasis on practice activities that center around
recognition of the core ideas and messages, note-taking, multi-tasking, and automatization.
Emphasis on various strategies such as paraphrasing, generalization , categorization,
shadowing, comparison, note-taking skill will be enhanced.
TINS 432 Publishing and Editing
Teaching the steps involved in publishing and editing. Applying editing strategies to
manuscripts of various texts.
TINS 433 Summer Practice II
Provides practice in the field, working as a trainee for a government institution or private
translation agency for a matter of three months during the summer period.
TINS 455 Special Topics in Interpreting: Discourse of EU Texts
Interpreting speeches concerning the EU. Acquiring the particular style of the EU discourse in
interpreting. Development of terminology skills in the EU discourse. Emphasis on the
strategies of interpreting in the EU discourse.
TINS 456 Special Topics in Interpreting: Discourse of Medicine
Focuses on the interpretation of various kinds of medical texts with different styles of medical
discourse in interpreting. Emphasis on vocabulary skills in medical discourse, emphasis on
various strategies used in interpreting medical discourse.
TINS 458 Special Topics in Interpreting: The Language of Business
A comprehensive discussion of the applicable methods and techniques, and of the problems
faced in interpreting at business-related meetings. An in-depth analysis of texts, materials and
terminology in various fields such as foreign trade, customs, global commerce, export and
import proceedings etc., which will subsequently become incorporated into interpreting
practices conducted in these particular fields.
TINS 463 Foreign Language (German VII)
Focus on reported speech as well as translation of simple texts from fields such as tourism,
economics, literature etc. by using the language skills acquired so far.
TINS 464 Foreign Language (German VIII)
Improvement of oral and written communicative skills for specific purposes (tourism,
business, etc.). Simultaneous and consecutive interpreting exercises amongst Turkish,
English, and German.