INNOVATE Reconciliation Action Plan Template [Organisation Name] Reconciliation Action Plan for the Years [20__] Our vision for reconciliation [State your organisation’s vision for reconciliation and how it relates to your business.] Our business [Briefly describe your organisation: What is your core business? How many people does your organisation employ? How many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff does your organisation currently employ? What is your organisation’s geographic reach (is your organisation state-focused or national)?] Our RAP [Describe how you developed your RAP: Why you developed a RAP? Who champions your RAP internally? Who was involved in your RAP Working Group?] 1 Relationships [Tell us why building strong relationships between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and other Australians are important to your organisation and its core business activities.] Focus area: (Optional) Action Responsibility Timeline Deliverable Refer to the RAP Hub for more ideas on Innovate deliverables. e.g. RWG oversees the development, endorsement and launch of the RAP. Meet at least twice per year to monitor and report on RAP implementation. 27th May- 3rd June, 20__ e.g. Organise at least one internal event each year. 1. RAP Working Group e.g. RAP Working Group actively monitors RAP development, including implementation of actions, tracking progress and reporting. 2. Celebrate National Reconciliation Week e.g. Provide opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees and other employees to build relationships. 3. [Include other unique actions related to your core business, ‘sphere of influence’, and ‘vision for reconciliation’.] Visit the RAP Hub for ideas for other Innovate RAP actions. 2 Respect [Tell us why respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, culture, land, history is important to your organisation and its core business activities.] Focus area: (Optional) Action Responsibility Timeline 1. Cultural awareness training and development for staff e.g. Engage employees in cultural learning to increase understanding and appreciation of different cultural backgrounds in order to lay the foundation for other RAP actions to be achieved. 2. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural protocols e.g. Engage employees in understanding the protocols around acknowledgement of country and welcome to country ceremonies to ensure there is shared meaning behind the ceremonies. 3. Celebrate NAIDOC Week e.g. Provide opportunities for your Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees to engage with their culture and community through NAIDOC Week events. Deliverables Refer to the RAP Hub for more ideas on Innovate deliverables. e.g. Develop, implement and communicate a protocol document for your organisation. Identify at least one significant event for which a welcome to country from a Traditional Owner will be included. e.g. Develop and pilot a cultural awareness training strategy for your organisation. In particular, provide opportunities for RWG members, RAP Champions, HR managers and other key leadership to participate in training. July, 20__ 4. [Include other unique actions related to your core business, ‘sphere of influence’, and ‘vision for reconciliation’.] Visit the RAP Hub for ideas for other Innovate RAP actions. 3 e.g. Review HR policies and procedures to ensure there are no barriers to staff participating in NAIDOC. Provide opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees to participate in local NAIDOC Week events. Opportunities [Tell us why opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, organisations and communities are important to your organisation and its core business activities.] Focus area: (Optional) Action Responsibility Timeline 1. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employment e.g. Investigate opportunities within your organisation to increase Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employment opportunities. 2. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander supplier diversity e.g. Investigate opportunities to increase supplier diversity within your organisation. Deliverables Refer to the RAP Hub for more ideas on Innovate deliverables. e.g. Review HR procedures and policies to ensure barriers to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees are able to be addressed. Engage with existing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff to consult on employment strategies, including professional development. Advertise all vacancies in Indigenous media. 3. [Include other unique actions related to your core business, ‘sphere of influence’, and ‘vision for reconciliation’.] Visit the RAP Hub for ideas for other Innovate RAP actions. 4 E.g. Review procurement policies barriers to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses are able to be addressed. Develop a plan for your organisation to publically promote business opportunities available. Review and reform procurement strategy, policy and processes so that supplier diversity principles can be incorporate into your procurement strategy. Tracking progress and reporting Action Responsibility Timeline Target 1. Report achievements, challenges and learnings to Reconciliation Australia for inclusion in the Annual Impact Measurement Report. 2. [Include other actions related to tracking progress and reporting as required by your organisation.] Contact details Include contact details (job title, phone and email) for public enquires about your RAP. 5 Complete and submit the RAP Impact Measurement Questionnaire to Reconciliation Australia annually.