Faculty of Arts English Language Studies Module Catalogue Semester 2 - 2015/2016 Module code: Module Title: EN1003 Understanding Language II: Phonetics and Phonology Module Credits: Number of Periods: Module Tutor: 15.00 1 NICOLA PUCKEY Description: This module will discuss how language sounds are produced (phonetics) and how we use them in order to make sense of them as English Language units (phonology). The module will introduce basic linguistic principles and terminology as well as methods for the transcription and analysis of phonetic/phonological features. In addition to the practical skills of transcription, this module will explore the effects the use and of phonological features has on the function and perception of spoken or written textliterally and non-literally. Specific to: English Language Studies Single Honours English Language Studies Joint English Availability: A 15/16 Assessments: 60% 40% Written Exam: Six fortnightly electronic quizzes Coursework: Critical reading (linguistic) S2 Winchester Module code: Module Title: EN1004 Understanding Language III: Semantics and Pragmatics Module Credits: Number of Periods: Module Tutor: Description: 15.00 1 Carolin Esser-Miles What is meaning? What are we trying to say, what do we think when we say ‘X means Y’? This module will introduce you to what meaning is and how we create and shape it in and through our language. We will find out whether meaning is attached to a word, or what our mind has to do with it. Or is it a social construct? How does figurative meaning work, and how does that helps us to make sense of texts? Are meanings related? And where is the logic in all of that? We will also look at some aspects in which semantics and the neighbouring field of pragmatics overlap. This will include some work on speech acts, and will show us how much of what we say and understand is a question of perspective. Specific to: English Language Studies Single Honours English Language Studies Joint English Availability: A 15/16 Assessments: 60% 40% WRITTEN EXAM: Six fortnightly electronic quizzes COURSEWORK: Critical reading (linguistic) S2 Winchester Module code: Module Title: EN1011 History of the English Language Module Credits: Number of Periods: Module Tutor: 15.00 1 Mohammed Eric Lacey Description: English ‘then’ and English ‘now’ is not the same. Anyone who has ever encountered Old English (Beowulf) or Middle English (Chaucer), will have noticed this. But why is it so different? This module will explore the social and linguistic history of the English speaking world in search of answers. On the way it will discover why there is no ‘proper English’. With the help of a (brief) introduction to the mechanics of language change, the module will pose (and answer) two questions: How did English change? And of equal importance: Why? Specific to: English Language Studies Single Honours English Language Studies Joint English Availability: A 15/16 Assessments: 50% 0% 50% Essay (2000 words) Student-led session Presentation S2 Winchester Module code: Module Title: EN2001 Research Methods Module Credits: Number of Periods: Module Tutor: 15.00 1 Barbara Loester Description: The module is designed around a larger-scale research project. Building on existing experiences from earlier modules, students will become more familiar with the most relevant methodologies employed in English Language research. The content is student-focused, as the students will support each other from the first moment of choosing a topic, through the development of an appropriate methodology to its application in data gathering and analysis. The module will acquaint the students with a variety of research methods and develop their understanding as to which method would be appropriate in any given context. Specific to: English Language Studies Single Honours English Language Studies Joint Availability: A 15/16 Assessments: 30% 70% PRACTICAL: Presentation COURSEWORK: Research project S2 Winchester Module code: Module Title: EN2012 Old English I Module Credits: Number of Periods: Module Tutor: 15.00 1 Mohammed Eric Lacey Description: The module will introduce Old English at a fundamental level. This includes a basic awareness of the grammatical features of this early variant of English and aims to provide the students with competence in their interpretation in reading, analysis and translation. We will study sample texts in their cultural, social and historical context. Prominent will be the exploration of words: How are they constructed? What do they mean? How are they used? What other words are close to them, either in meaning, or in their position in texts? What do they tell us about their original users? With the help of works such as the Dictionary of Old English and the Thesaurus of Old English we will use the Dictionary of Old English Corpus as a basis for word studies, leading up to an independent word study project. Specific to: English Language Studies Single Honours English Language Studies Joint Creative Writing English English Joint History History and the Medieval World Availability: A 15/16 Assessments: 50% 50% COURSEWORK: Project: word study Oral exam S2 Winchester Module code: Module Title: EN2031 Language and the Mind Module Credits: Number of Periods: Module Tutor: 15.00 1 Carolin Esser-Miles Description: How does the mind work when we listen? What happens in the brain when we write? This module is a first introduction to the field of psycholinguistics, the study of the mental processes involved in our use of language. Psycholinguistics touches upon aspects of fields such as psychology, linguistics, and neuroscience in order to study a wide range of questions. We will explore the location of language centres in the brain and find out how language is stored in the mind - and also why things sometimes go slightly wrong when we hear or speak. Specific to: English Language Studies Single Honours English Language Studies Joint English English Joint Availability: A 15/16 Assessments: 50% 50% Essay Poster presentation S2 Winchester Module code: Module Title: EN2042 Language and Identity Module Credits: Number of Periods: Module Tutor: 15.00 1 Barbara Loester Description: This module focuses on the connection between language and identity for both individuals and groups/societies. An introduction to identity theories from sociology and psychology will help students to gain an understanding of what makes us who we are and how we connect to others. Following on from this, we will explore the connections of these frameworks with regard to linguistic issues. By looking at concepts, such as social, regional, and ethnic identities we will investigate how they manifest themselves in linguistic behaviour and how they can shape it. At the end, the course will also explore how language and power are connected, looking at how nations can shape their identity/identities by introducing standard language(s). Specific to: English Language Studies Single Honours English Language Studies Joint English English Joint Availability: A 15/16 Assessments: 50% 50% COURSEWORK: Essay WRITTEN: Exam S2 Winchester You must have some previous sociolinguistic experience from your home university or you must talk to Barbara Loester to see if this module is appropriate and you have the right knowledge. Module code: Module Title: EN2999 Volunteering for BA English Language Studies Module Credits: Number of Periods: Module Tutor: 15.00 1 NICOLA PUCKEY Description: This module allows students to take up a placement in a voluntary sector either in the UK or overseas. The aim is that you will make a positive and personally rewarding contribution to the community whilst also reflecting critically upon your experience and developing skills which will enhance your employability and personal development. Specific to: English Language Studies Single Honours English Language Studies Joint Availability: B 15/16 Assessments: 25% 75% Prospectus Portfolio S2 Winchester Module code: Module Title: EN3011 Old English II: From Manuscript to Annotated Edition Module Credits: Number of Periods: Module Tutor: 15.00 1 Carolin Esser-Miles Description: This module continues on from the Old English I in your second year. You will have a chance to practice your Old English translation skills. This time, however, our main aim lies in reading and exploring Old English texts in detail and within a wider context: we will look art manuscript production and at linguistic features of poetry and of prose. The literary and historical contexts in which the text was possibly produced and in which the existing copy was made are also of importance. Specific to: English Language Studies Single Honours English Language Studies Joint English English Joint Availability: A 15/16 Assessments: 40% 60% Essay Project: annotated edition S2 Winchester You must have Old English experience for this module Module code: Module Title: EN3021 Crafted Text Module Credits: Number of Periods: Module Tutor: 15.00 1 NICOLA PUCKEY Description: How does a text work? Based on the principle of texts as interaction between writer and reader, this module will explore a variety of interdisciplinary factors that add to (or subtract from) the effectiveness of a text. Text is here understood as structured language, and can therefore include written and spoken language (such as speeches). Print, handwriting, and electronic text will be considered, including the different conditions these forms bring to the production of a text. Student will choose a text type for their own research early on. They will then build up their critical companion, incorporating material from the classroom as well as individual research, and create a checklist of criteria for the evaluation of an example of their chosen text type. A revised version of this checklist will then form the basis for an analysis. Specific to: English Language Studies Single Honours English Language Studies Joint English English Joint Availability: A 15/16 Assessments: 50% 50% Critical companion: Wiki Textual analysis S2 Winchester Module code: Module Title: EN3031 Cognitive Stylistics Module Credits: Number of Periods: Module Tutor: 15.00 1 Carolin Esser-Miles Description: Cognitive stylistics or cognitive poetics, combines the disciplines of stylistics and cognitive linguistics to an insightful medium for the exploration of literary language . It focuses on the cognitive processes which are stimulated by and interact with a text. The theories and methodologies draw from a range of disciplines, including linguistics, literary theory, psychology, philosophy, sociology, and even computer science. This module will explore the theories through textual examples from a variety of literary genres and periods. Its focus on practical experience will acquaint the students with new ways of reading texts while the theoretical discussions reflect upon the strength and boundaries of this approach to stylistics. Specific to: English Language Studies Single Honours English Language Studies Joint English English Joint Availability: A 15/16 Assessments: 40% 60% Critical reading Portfolio S2 Winchester Module code: Module Title: EN3042 English on the Periphery? Module Credits: Number of Periods: Module Tutor: 15.00 1 Barbara Loester Description: The module will explore varieties of English in their regional and social context. Starting with the emergence of dialectology as a serious linguistic discipline, you will gain and understanding of traditional and modern methods of dialectology and how sociolinguistics aids and complements this research. We will explore varieties of English in the British Isles found outside the variety of Standard English, for example Scots and Hibero-English. By looking at their particular features, development, prestige, and struggle with and against Standard English, phenomena such as levelling and convergence will become clear. In addition, we will explore varieties of English spoken by groups outside mainstream society, such as variety of slangs and jargons. Specific to: English Language Studies Single Honours English Language Studies Joint English English Joint Availability: A 15/16 Assessments: 60% 40% Essay Oral exam S2 Winchester You must have some previous sociolinguistic experience from your home university or you must talk to Barbara Loester to see if this module is appropriate and you have the right knowledge. Module code: Module Title: EN3043 English and the World Module Credits: Number of Periods: Module Tutor: 15.00 1 NICOLA PUCKEY Description: The module will trace the international expansion of English through Kachru•s inner, outer, and expanding circles. Historical events and cultural politics need to be considered alongside economic considerations, social factors and demographics, if we aim to understand the dynamics between international varieties and standards. Examples of these will be studies in respect to their linguistic make-up and their communities of speakers. The concept of •expansion•, however, reflects a perspective which has become contested in itself. With a growing confidence in the community of speakers of International English, we need to reconsider the position of native speakers who find themselves increasingly as participants in communities of English as a Lingua Franca. Specific to: English Language Studies Single Honours English Language Studies Joint English English Joint Availability: A 15/16 Assessments: 50% 50% Essay Case study: presentation S2 Winchester