Temora Shire Council has a number of statutory responsibilities for the approval of liquid
trade waste discharged to the sewerage system. A person wishing to discharge liquid trade
waste must first obtain Council’s approval, as stated in Section 68 of the Local Government
Act 1993. Under the Act, Council is responsible for the acceptance of these discharges. It is
an offence under Section 626 of the Act for a person to discharge liquid trade waste to the
sewerage system without obtaining an approval.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is liquid trade waste?
Liquid trade waste means all liquid waste other that sewage of a domestic nature.
Liquid trade waste discharges to the sewage system include liquid wastes discharged from:
Business/commercial premises eg hairdresser, florist, hotel, café, butcher, service
station, dentist
Community/public premises including craft club, school, college, university, hospital,
nursing home
Industrial premises
Trade activities eg mobile carpet cleaning
Any commercial activities carried out at a residential premises
Saleyards, racecourses, and from stables and kennels not associated with domestic
How does this program benefit Temora?
By controlling liquid trade waste discharges, Temora Shire Council, together with the
operators and owners of businesses, are helping to protect the environment and public
health as well as reduce costs. The benefits of controlling liquid trade waste include:
Protecting waterways by reducing the amount of problem substances reaching
treatment plants
Improving wastewater quality reaching the sewerage treatment plants, allowing our
treatment processes to work more effectively and efficiently and not be harmed by
sudden shocks of toxic substances
Preventing harmful substances from damaging the sewer, disrupting the sewerage
treatment plant process or contaminating land and water
Reducing sewer overflows and blockages by controlling the amount of grease
discharged into the sewer
Creating a safer workplace for people who work in and around the sewer
For further information, please contact Temora Shire Council's Environmental Services
Department on 6980 1100.
Why do I need to worry about liquid trade waste?
Section 68 of the Local Government Act 1993 requires approval to be sought from a Local
Government Authority for the discharge of liquid waste to the sewer. The New South Wales
Office of Water (NOW) is the state government body responsible for overseeing trade waste
approvals under the ACT. The approval documentation sets out the conditions under which
Temora Shire Council accepts discharge of liquid trade waste to sewer.
What is Temora Shire Council’s role?
Council is currently developing a Liquid Trade Waste Policy. This policy concentrates on
source control to ensure that all businesses adequately pre-treat their wastewater onsite,
before discharge to the sewerage system.
Council is required to comply with the Department of Water & Energy’s Best Practice
Management Guidelines including adopting an implementation of a Liquid trade Waste
Is there a cost associated with this program?
The discharge of liquid trade waste places additional load on the sewerage system. Temora
Shire Council is establishing a user pays charging policy for this discharge. Trade Waste
volumes are expressed as a percentage of fresh water consumption. This percentage (trade
waste discharge factor) will be determined following an onsite assessment. The fees will be
determined in Council’s Annual Management Plan.
What will I have to do to make sure my business complies?
Businesses need to ensure that the appropriate information is provided with their application
Why can’t liquid trade waste just go down the drain?
Temora’s sewerage system, like most town and city systems, was designed to handle
domestic wastewater. The unpredictable nature of liquid trade waste has a significant impact
on Temora’s sewerage system and its associated costs. The ‘source control’ approach
adopted by Council ensures the quality of discharge remains within the capabilities of the
sewerage system and sewerage treatment plant to transport and treat liquid trade. Temora
Shire Council encourages people to think before they put things down the sink. In other
words, the sewerage system should not be treated as a rubbish bin. Instead it should be
considered as a part of a total system which goes beyond the drain.