
1. Preparation - Yu bei Shi
2. Begin Tai Chi - Taijiqi shi
3. Embrace Peacocks Tail - Lan que wei
4. Single Whip - Dan bian
5. Close Hands - Ti shou
6. White Crane Spreads Its Wings - Bai he liang chi
7. Brush Left Knee And Push - Zuo lou xi niu bu
8. Play The Guitar - Shou hui pipa
9. Brush Left Knee And Push - Zuo lou xi niu bu
Brush Right Knee And Push - You lou xi niu bu
Brush Left Knee And Push - Zuo lou xi niu bu
10. Play The Guitar - Shou hui pipa
11. Brush Left Knee And Push - Zuo lou xi niu bu
12. Step ForwardAnd Punch - Jin bu ban lan chui
13. Retreat And Seal - Ru feng si bi
14. Cross Hands - Shi zi shou
15. Carry The Tiger And Return To The Mountain - Bao hu gui shan
16. Fist Under The Elbow - Zhou di kan chui
17. Step Back And Repulse The Monkey - Dao nian hou
18. Slantingly Flying - Xie fei shi
19. Close Hands - Ti shou
20. White Crane Spreads Its Wings - Bai he liang chi
21. Brush Left Knee And Push - Zuo lou xi niu bu
22. Needle At Seabottom - Hai di zhen
23. Raise Arms And Push (Fan Through The Back) - Shan tong bi
24. Fist At Waist - Pie shen chui
25. Step Forward And Punch - Shang bu ban lan chui
26. Embrace Peacocks Tail - Lan que wei
27. Single Whip - Dan bian
28. Cloud Hands - Yun shou
29. Single Whip - Dan bian
30. High Pat On Horse - Gao tan ma
31. Seperation Of Right Foot - You fen jiao
Seperation Of Left Foot - Zuo fen jiao
32. Turn And Kick - Zhuan shen deng jiao
33. Brush Left Knee And Push - Zou lou xi niu bu
Brush Right Knee And Push - You lou xi niu bu
34. Step Forward And Punch To The Knee - Jin bu zai chui
35. Fist At Waist - Pie shen chui
36. Step Forward And Punch - Shang bu ban lan chui
37. Kick With Right Heel - Xie shen you deng jiao
38. Hit The Tiger - Da hu shi
39. Retreat And Kick - Hui shen you deng jiao
40. Double Wind Through The Ears - Shuang feng guan er
41. Kick With Left Heel - Zuo deng jiao
42. Turn And Kick With Right Heel - Zhuan shen you deng jiao
43. Step Forward And Punch - Shang bu ban lan chui
44. Retreat And Seal - Ru feng si bi
45. Cross Hands - Shi zi shou
46. Carry The Tiger And Return To The Mountain - Bao hu gui shan
47. Diagonal Single Whip - Xie dan bian
48. Wild Horse Parts Its Mane - Yeh ma fen zong
49. Embrace Peacocks Tail - Lan que wei
50. Single Whip - Dan bian
51. Fair Lady At The Shuttle - Yu nü chuan suo
52. Embrace Peacocks Tail - Lan que wei
53. Single Whip - Dan bian
54. Cloud Hands - Yun shou
55. Single Whip - Dan bian
Single Whip Low Posture (Snake Creeps Down) - Dan
bian xia shi
56. Golden Cock Stands On One Leg - Jin ji du li
57. Step Back And Repulse The Monkey - Dao nian hou
58. Slantingly Flying - Xie fei shi
59. Close Hands - Ti shou
60. White Crane Spreads Its Wings - Bai he liang chi
61. Brush Left Knee And Push - Zuo lou xi niu bu
62. Needle At Seabottom - Hai di zhen
63. Raise Arm And Push (Fan Through The Back) - Shan tong bi
64. White Snake Stikes With Its Toungue - Bai she tu xin
65. Step Forward And Punch - Shang bu ban lan chui
66. Embrace Peacocks Tail - Lan que wei
67. Single Whip - Dan bian
68. Cloud Hands - Yun shou
69. Single Whip - Dan bian
70. High Pat On Horse - Gao tan ma
Show The Hand - Dai chuan zhang
71. Turn And Kick - Zhuan shen shi zi tui
72. Step Forward And Punch To The Groin - Jin bu zhi dang chui
73. Embrace Peacocks Tail, With Follow Step - Lan que wei
74. Single Whip - Dan bian
Single Whip, Low Posture (Snake Creeps Down) - Dan bian xia shi
75. Step Forward And Punch To Seven Stars - Shang bu qi xing chui
76. Step Back And Ride The Tiger - Tui bu kua hu
77. Turn Around And Make The Double Lotus Kick - Zhuan shen shuang bai lian
78. Shoot The Tiger With The Bow - Wan gong she hu
79. Step Forward And Punch - Shang bu ban lan chui
80. Retreat And Seal - Ru feng si bi
81. Cross Hands - Shi zi shou
Ending movement - He taiji
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