Grade 3 - Bullitt County Public Schools

Science Performance
Grade Topic – Interdependent Relationships in Ecosystems
NGSS Performance Expectation(s) and Learning Target(s):
3-LS4-3 Construct an argument with evidence that in a particular habitat some organisms can survive well, some
survive less well, and some cannot survive at all. (Clarification statement: Examples of evidence could include:
needs and characteristics of organisms and habitats involved. The organisms and their habitats make up a system
where the parts depend on each other.)
I can gather information about organisms that can survive well, some that survive less well, and some that cannot
survive at all.
I can construct an argument about organisms that can survive well, some that survive less well, and some that cannot
survive at all.
Lesson Performance Expectations including Standards: (LESSON)
LS4.C: Adaptation
 For any particular environment, some kinds of organisms survive well, some less well, and some cannot survive
at all.
Construct an argument with evidence to support your understanding of why some kinds of organisms survive
well, some less well, and some cannot survive at all with evidence, data, and/or a model (engineering practice)
Student Science Performance
A. Gathering:
Students will rotate through classrooms/stations to gain information about various environments and the organisms
that survive well, some that survive less well, and some that cannot survive at all.
Hint: May want to focus on cold/warm, wet/dry, and light/dark
Hint: Students will need to take notes in science journal, organizer, etc.
Hint: Could use video clips to engage students into each environment
Hint: 4-5 days of lessons
B. Reasoning:
Students will use the organizer below to determine if organisms survive well, some less well, and some cannot
survive at all in each of the environments. Students will need the organizer below for each environment.
Hint: Choose organisms – be sure to include plants/animals
Hint: Students will analyze the same animals in each rotation
Organism / Environment
What it needs
Well / Less Well / Not at All
C. Communicating:
Students will choose an organism from a teacher created list (not one of the organisms previously discussed) and
construct an argument to justify if the organism will survive well, survive less well, or not survive at all.
Hint: Create a rubric to score the assessment above
Hint: One day assessment
Assessment of Student Learning (Formative and Summative):
Formative – Use organizers to determine understanding from day to day rotations/stations
Summative - Students will choose an organism from a teacher created list (not one of the organisms previously discussed) and
construct an argument to justify if the organism will survive well, survive less well, or not survive at all providing
Hint: Create a rubric to score the assessment above
Hint: One day assessment
Critical Vocabulary:
Warm blooded
Cold blooded
Science Essentials (Student Performance Expectations From Appendix C, D, E)
Science Practices
Gathering Information
- Gather information from rotations about organisms that survive well, survive less
well, or not survive at all
Construct an Argument with
- Construct an argument to justify if the organism will survive well, survive less well,
or not survive at all providing evidence
Crosscutting Concepts
Cause and Effect
Effects of environments/habitats on organisms
For any particular environments, some kinds of organisms will survive well,
survive less well, or not survive at all
Disciplinary Core Ideas
Modifications and
Accommodations for
As needed
Follow Up
To be determined based on student’s formative assessments
(B. Moulding, 2011) Modified/Adapted for Bullitt County Schools by Terry L. Price (2015)