ITALIAN RENAISSANCE Which of the following is most accurate

Which of the following is most accurate
a. Medieval Europe was a feudal society with an agricultural economy and domination by
the church whereas Renaissance Europe was characterized by a growing national
consciousness and political centralization
b. The church played little or no role in Renaissance Europe
c. Renaissance Europe was a feudal society with an agricultural economy and domination
by the church whereas Medieval Europe was characterized by an urban economy based
on organized commerce and capitalism
d. Renaissance Europe was a feudal society with an agricultural economy and domination
by the church whereas Medieval Europe was characterized by a growing national
consciousness and political centralization
e. Medieval land Renaissance Europe were both feudal societies that focused on an
urband economy and organized commerce
Which of the following cities played a key role in the trade between Europe and the Near East?
a. Bolongna
b. Siena
c. Venice
d. Milan
e. Florence
Endemic warfare between the pope and the Holy Roman Emperor
a. Depopulated Italy’s cities
b. Had little effect on Italy
c. Had all but ended by 1000
d. Assisted the growth of Italian city states
e. Was a boon for the landed nobility
*Which of the following cities had uninterrupted trade with the Near East throughout the
Middle Ages, maintaining a vibrant urban society?
a. Avignon
b. Pisa
c. Lyon
d. Paris
e. Naples
Social strife and competition for political power became so intense within the cities that most
evolved into
a. Feudal states
b. Despotisms
c. Oligrachies
d. Mini-monarchies
Which of the following is the correct list of the four major social groups that existed within
a. Nobles and merchants, new merchant class, clergy, lower economic classes
b. Nobles and merchants, clergy, middle burgher, and lower classes
c. Kings and queens, new merchant class, clergy, and lower economic classes
d. Clergy, nobility, merchants and serfs
e. Nobles and merchants, new merchant class, middle burgher, and lower middle classes
This occurred in 1378 as a result of the unbearable conditions for those at the bottom of society
and the disruption caused by the Black Death
a. French Revolution
b. Boxer Uprising
c. Jacquerie
d. Ciompi Revolt
e. Signing of the Treaty of Lodi
In the early modern Italian city-states, the term condotierri referred to
a. The wealthy merchant class
b. Hired mercenary soldiers
c. Powerful and unscrupulous popes
d. Cloth guilds
e. Ruling oligarchies of some city-states
Which of the following cities became the center of the High Renaissance(1490-1520) culture?4
a. Rome
b. Venice
c. Florence
d. Naples
The government of Venice during the Renaissance may closely be labeled a
a. Constitutional monarchy
b. Dictatorship
c. Republic
d. Autocracy
e. Democracy
The term “civic humanists” refers to those individuals who
a. Taught civics to other humanists scholars
b. Emphasized the role of cities in classical civilization
c. Wanted to remove themselves from public life
d. Wanted to use their humanist learning in the service of their city-states
e. Feared the encroachment of politics on their learning
The Sack of Rome in 1527 played a significant role in the
a. Elimination of the papacy as a political force in Italian affairs
b. End of the High Renaissance
c. Protestant Reformation
d. Counter-Reformation
e. Economic collapse of southern Italy
All of the following help to explain why the Renaissance originated on the Italian peninsular
a. Geography
b. Political organization
c. Religion
d. Social structure
e. Economic structure
“ Geography is destiny” proved true for the Italians of the 14th and 15th centuries for all of the
following reasons EXCEPT
a. Their proximity to the Mediterranean
b. Their establishment of overland trade with Asia
c. Their role as “middlemen” of Europe
d. Their ability to adapt to victimization by more united peoples
e. Their seagoing trade with the eastern Mediterranean
Which of these city-states is said to have been the cultural center of the Renaissance and has
been compared to ancient Athens for its burst of creatively over a relatively short time span?
a. Venice
b. Milan
c. Rome
d. Genoa
e. Florence
The powerful middle class that developed in the independent city-states of Renaissance Italy
was involved in all of the following EXCEPT
a. Making profitable loans to popes and monarchs
b. Financing commercial ventures
c. Patronizing the arts
d. Encouraging manorialism
e. Controlling the governments of the city-states
Which dynasty of merchants, bankers, and depots of Florence used its wealth to patronize the
great creative artist of the day?
a. Petrarch
b. Bellini
c. Medici
d. Sforza
e. Condottieri
Reasons that the Renaissance originated on the Italian peninsula included all of the following
EXCEPT the peninsula’s
a. Geographic location
b. Political organization
c. Religion
d. Social structure
e. Economic structure
The political strength of the Medici family in Florence was initially based on
a close alliance with the papacy
the influence and wealth of their bank
the support of the lower classes
the support of a powerful citizen militia
their tenure in various municipal offices
Cosimo de Medici brought stability to this city after his rise to power in 1434
a. Rome
b. Milan
c. Florence
d. Naples
e. Venice
Italian balance-of-power diplomacy
a. Was designed to prevent a single Italian state form dominating the peninsula
b. Successfully prevented foreign domination of Italy
c. Was primarily concerned with controlling the papacy
d. Was critical to the economic success of Italy
Secularism during the Renaissance can best be described as
a. repudiation fo the Roman Catholic faith
b. a concern with the nature of individuality
c. an emphasis on money and pleasure
d. a belief kin individual genius
e. a literary movement centered primarily in the Northern states of Europe
Which of the following cities became the center of the High Renaissance(1490-1520) culture?4
a. Rome
b. Venice
c. Florence
d. Naples
e. Milan
One factor that enabled the Renaissance to flourish in Northern Italy was that the region had
a. a wealthy class that invested in the arts
b. a socialist for of government
c. limited contact with the Byzantine Empire
d. a shrinking middle class
Which societal condition was basic to the development of Greek philosophy and Renaissance
rigid social classes
emphasis on individualism
religious uniformity
mass education
The government of Venice during the Reniassance may most closely be labeled a
a. constitutional monarchy
b. dictatorship
c. republic
d. autocracy
e. democracy
Which characteristic was common to the Golden Age of Greece and the Italian Renaissance?
a strong military led to national unity
written constitutions led to the establishment of democratic governments
prosperity led to the creation of many works of art
political instability led directly to the formation of unified nation-states
In the early modern Italian city-states, the term condotierri referred to
a. The wealthy merchant class
b. Hired mercenary soldiers
c. Powerful and unscrupulous popes
d. Cloth guilds
e. Ruling oligarchies of some city-states
During the early 16th century the need for reform within the Roman Catholic Church was
indicated by all of the following EXCEPT
a. Clerical immorality
b. The lack of education of the ordinary clergy
c. The growth of The Brethren of the Common Life
d. The extravagant lifestyle of prelates and popes
e. Clerical pluralism
Renaissance culture
a. Was enjoyed by most Europeans
b. Was rejected by the Church for its secularism
c. Was that of a small business elite
d. Mirrored the attitudes of the urban population
e. Stressed Greco-Roman ideals of gender equality
“Oh highest and most marvelous felicity of man! To him it is granted to have whatever he
chooses, to be whatever he wills”
The above quote represents most closely the view of
a. Northern humanist scholar
b. Someone from the middle ages
c. A Protestant preacher
d. A Catholic priest
e. An Italian Renaissance scholar
All of the following were highly valued in the Renaissance EXCEPT
a. Scholarly achievement
b. Patronage of the arts
c. Proficiency in the military arts
d. Civic duty
e. Study of ancient languages
Which of the following is NOT a way in which 15th century armies differed from their
a. They were commanded by officers of noble birth
b. They were composed of mercenary soldiers
c. They fought for pay and spoils rather than honor and feudal obligation
d. They relied on artillery and infantry more that calvary
e. They created a greater need for taxes
Which of the following best describes the political and economic environment of much of
fifteenth century Italy?
(A) A few large states dominated by a wealthy landed nobility
(B) A strong unified Italian monarchy that patronized the arts
(C) Many independent city-states with prosperous merchant oligarchies
(D) Control of most of Italy by the pope, who encouraged mercantile development
(E) Support of the arts in Italy by the kings of France and the Holy Roman emperors, who were
competing for influence
Through which of the following did Renaissance values spread through Europe?
a. Teachers and students migrating in and out of Italy
b. The printing press
c. Trade
d. Lay-groups seeking to spread their message of piety
e. All of the above
Which of the following are true of humanism as it manifested itself in northern Europe?
a. It was less secular that Italian Renaissance humanism
b. It pursued scholarship and learning in a tradition of religious piety
c. It was critical of the notion that priests were required to understand and interpret
d. It formed part of the foundation for the Refromation
e. All of the above
The diet of the average European in 1600 was primarily made up of
a. Vegetables
b. Meat
c. Dairy
d. Grains
e. Legumes
Carnival was an important social outlet in early modern Europe because
a. It liberated people, if only for a short time, from hierarchical society
b. It was critical to economic growth
c. It brought religious fervor to a frenzy
d. It lessened tensions between Catholics and Protestants
e. It was the only time during the year that townspeople didn’t have to work
Of the following, which setting provided unmarried women in preindustrial Europe with the
greatest opportunity to exercise their literary, artistic, and administrative talents?
Government councils
Banking houses
All of the following were factors in the spread of literacy during the fifteenth and
sixteenth centuries EXCEPT
the invention of printing
the Protestant Reformation
the rise of state bureaucracies
an increase in compulsory state education
a decline in the use of Latin
4. Which of the following statements about Michel de Montaigne (1533-1592) is true?
He was a staunch advocate of violent revolution.
He was the greatest scientist of his age.
He was the leading atheist of his century.
He was the best known skeptic of his time.
He was the leading military strategist of his era.
“All I can do is beg our virtuous ladies to raise their minds somewhat above their distaff
and spindles and try to prove to the world that if we were not made to command, still
should not be disdained as companions in domestic and public matters by those who
govern and command obedience.”
In the excerpt above from a letter written in 1555 by the French poet Louise Labê, the author
does which of the following?
Rejects domestic roles for women.
Champions women’s intellectual abilities.
Condemns the French school system.
Encourages women to seek public office.
Asserts the social superiority of women.
Vesalius and other sixteenth-century physicians, who made important contributions to medical
knowledge, had which of the following in common?
A realization that microscopic infection caused disease
A heavy reliance on hospitals to treat serious injuries
Knowledge of a primitive system of vaccination
Anatomical knowledge based on dissection of apes
A willingness to challenge Greco-Roman medical authority
The political strength of the Medici family in Florence was initially based on
a close alliance with the papacy
the influence and wealth of their bank
the support of the lower classes
the support of a powerful citizen militia
their tenure in various municipal offices
“He desired glory and excellence beyond that of anyone else. He showed favor to vernacular
poetry and all the fine arts. Under him the city was not free, but it would have been impossible
for it to have had a better or more pleasing tyrant.”
The passage above most accurately describes:
(A) Lorenzo de' Medici
(B) John Calvin
(C) William of Orange
(D) Frederick William I
(E) Philip II
30. Italian society differed from the rest of Europe during the Renaissance in which of the
following ways?
(A) Strong traditions of kingship
(B) Political unity centered on the papacy
(C) Number of urban commercial centers
(D) Rapid pace of agricultural innovation
(E) Matriarchal political leadership