Plymouth University Teaching Development Framework leading to HEA accreditation Principal Fellowship Application Name Document1 1/16 Application for Principal Fellowship (UKPSF D4) Principal Fellowship is awarded to highly experienced senior academics and others in related senior roles who are typically able to evidence a sustained and successful track record of impact as strategic leaders and managers with a particular focus on teaching, learning, assessment and related areas within their own institution and/or within national and/or international settings. Section One: Information about the applicant Title: Name: Role(s) (e.g. Professor, Dean, Deputy Vice Chancellor): Faculty/ School/ Directorate: Payroll No: Length of employment at Plymouth University: Are you already a Fellow of the HE Academy? Full-time Part-time Total number of years in Higher Education (full-time equivalent): Yes HEA No: No This is an application for Principal Fellowship (D4). Please list any other qualifications or awards you already hold (related to teaching and learning). Document1 2/16 Section Two: Demonstrating a sustained track record Please provide a minimum of 10 and no more than 20 contrasting activities which demonstrate the depth and breadth of your contribution to teaching and learning. You must reference the relevant dimension of practice A, K, V. (Max 40 words per item) A1-5 Activity A1 E.g. Presented the research findings from our evaluation of the new assessment processes for PLYM600 Blue Planet at SOTL, London 2011. Document1 x A2 A3 K1-6 A4 A5 x x K1 K2 K3 x x K4 V1-4 K5 K6 x x V1 V2 V3 V4 x x 3/16 Section Three: Evidence of success and effectiveness SCTION THREE Evidence of success and effectiveness Examples of typical activities at Principal Fellowship/D4 which could be used for this section are listed in the Quick Guide. For each of the four examples that you give, include a reflection on your practice, evidence of impact and refer to relevant pedagogic research. Please add the word count at the end of each activity (maximum of 1000 words, 5 mins per activity for MP3 or podcast applications). Note: the word count does not include the reference list. Please note that the evidence in your four case studies must focus clearly on descriptors D4.II to D4.V. To do this, you need to demonstrate a sustained and effective track record (over a number of years) of impact at strategic level in relation to teaching and learning. We recommend that you provide a case study for each of these four descriptors, i.e. one on strategic leadership, one on policies and strategies, one on integrated academic practice and one on CPD. Example 1: Strategic Leadership ( words) Example 2: Policies and Strategies ( words) Example 3: Integrated Academic Practice Document1 ( words) Example 4: Continuous Professional Development ( words) Remaining in Good Standing For you future CPD, please indicate which of the following activities you are interested in: sharing of good practice and of the examples/case studies in this application becoming a critical friend for a colleague applying for fellowship through the TDF process mentoring colleagues on PGCAP (Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice) or PDAP (Professional Development in Academic Practice) reviewing TDF applications contributing to workshops run by ED and PedRIO undertaking pedagogic research contributing to in-house conferences other (please specify): ______________________________________________________________ Based on your selection, use this space to consider and explore how you will develop your practice in light of the UKPSF and to remain in good standing: Which particular aspects of your practice will you develop, why, and how? (200 words, or 1 min for MP3 or podcast applications) ( words) Document1 Section Four: Reviewer and Referees/Advocates Complete Part 1 of the peer review template (choose either Appendix 1 or Appendix 2) and send it with the relevant Part 2 to your reviewer at least 3 days before your review due to take place. Provide your chosen advocates with the advocate statement template (Appendix 3), the Guidance for Advocates and the UKPSF criteria. Note: If you wish to, your peer reviewer may also act as one of your referees. For Principal Fellowship at least one of the advocates must be external to Plymouth. Reviewer Name Job title Faculty / directorate Email address In what capacity can this person comment on your professional practice? First advocate Name Job title Faculty / directorate Email address In what capacity can this person comment on your professional practice? Second advocate Name Job title Faculty / directorate Email address In what capacity can this person comment on your professional practice? Third advocate Name Job title Faculty / directorate Email address In what capacity can this person comment on your professional practice? Document1 Appendix 1: Peer review template for Associate Fellow, Fellow, Senior Fellow and Principal Fellow Part 1: Information about the review Complete Part 1 and send it to your reviewer 3 days prior to the date of the review. A sample session plan is included. Feel free to use this or include your own, alternative session plan as appropriate. These pages will form the basis of the discussion with your reviewer before the event. Reviewee’s name: Reviewer’s name: Date: Start time: End time: Location: Nature of activity/event being reviewed: Description of stage/level of study: Expected number of learners: Aims (two or three sentences which broadly outline what you aim to do in this session) This session aims to: Intended learning outcomes. (Remember to make these Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Timely and ensure that these outcomes are aligned to the wider module learning outcomes.) By the end of this session students should be able to: What particular factors/problems have been taken into account? What aspects would you particularly like feedback on? Document1 Part 1 (cont’d): Sample session plan This template may be appropriate when reviewing your teaching/educational practice. You may prefer to use an alternative of your own. Timing Activity What I do What learners/participants do What I need to have prepared: Other notes: Document1 8/16 Part 2: Your reviewer’s feedback (After the review and the following discussion, the reviewer will complete this section and send it to you) These are the kinds of things you can expect to get feedback on. The list below is not rigid, the focus will of course depend on the type of review and subject. The reviewer will refer to the UKPSF descriptors. You should plan to get together with your reviewer as soon as possible to discuss the review whilst it is still fresh in your minds. Your reviewer will then summarise the discussion in the space below and send it to you. (Expand each section as required. This will usually not exceed 500 words.) Guidance for reviewers: To make best use of this feedback dialogue exchange: Consider the potential areas of focus listed below as you observe the session. Make notes during the observation. Identify the strengths you have seen in the session to be shared in the feedback dialogue. Outline one or two areas for development and write down key questions that may help your reviewee to explore the approach that they took. Exchange ideas that may enhance practice and remember to discuss the rationale behind them Potential areas of focus and feedback: 1) Aims, objectives and outcomes Relevance and appropriateness. Communication of these to learners/participants. Coherent orientation of the teaching/learning/development activities and/or learning/development materials. Clarity of communication of aims and intended learning outcomes. Continuity with other learning/development activities and awareness/response to learners/participants prior knowledge. 2) Structure Organisation of content. Signposting and emphasis of key points. Instructions or guidance to learners/participants. Pace of learner/development activity required. Summary of learning, (end and/or interim). Links to prior, ongoing and follow up work or assessment tasks. 3) Learner activity and participation Choice/variety of teaching/learning methods. Awareness of individual needs. Assessment and evaluative procedures. If appropriate: Level of participation and interaction between learners/participants. Level of attention and interest. Level of inclusivity and equality. 4) Professionalism and scholarship Document1 9/16 References and links to research. Awareness of current practice. Use of relevant examples and analogies. Emphasis of key points. Attitude to subject matter and to learners/participants. 5) Materials and resources Where applicable: Appropriate use of technology, such as computer, OHP, white/blackboard and/or other hardware. Use of web based materials, presentation software, paper handouts, real examples, or other learning resources (e.g. manikins). 6) Overall impression Were the intended outcomes achieved? Any issues or problems? Appropriateness of selected teaching/learning/development methods. Clarity of communication. Awareness of needs of learners/participants. 7) Areas of particular focus to build upon 8) Areas of strengths 9) Comments on wider practice as observed in day to day working relationship and gathered from student feedback Document1 10/16 Appendix 2: Peer review template for Senior and Principal Fellow Part 1: Information about the review Complete Part 1 and send it to your reviewer 3 days prior to the date of the review. These pages will form the basis of the discussion with your reviewer before the event. The reviewer will refer to the PSF descriptors. Reviewee’s name: Reviewer’s name: Date: Start time: End time: Location: Nature of activity/event being reviewed and wider context: Those attending/stakeholders: Aims (two or three sentences which broadly outline what you aim to do in this consultation/meeting/discussion/ forum) Intended outcomes (of this consultation/meeting/discussion/forum). (Remember to make these Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Targeted and ensure that these outcomes are aligned to the wider teaching and learning agendas.) What particular factors/problems have been taken into account? What aspects would you particularly like feedback on? Document1 11/16 Part 2: Your reviewer’s feedback (After the review and the following discussion, the reviewer will complete this section and send it to you) These are the kinds of things you can expect to get feedback on. The list below is not rigid, the focus will of course depend on the type of review and setting. Expand the spaces to fit the feedback as appropriate. This will usually not exceed 500 words. Explicit reference should be made to the relevant PSF descriptors. Guidance for reviewers: To make best use of this feedback dialogue exchange: Consider the potential areas of focus listed below as you observe the session. Make notes during the observation. Identify the strengths you have seen in the session to be shared in the feedback dialogue. Outline one or two areas for development and write down key questions that may help your reviewee to explore the approach that they took. Exchange ideas that may enhance practice and remember to discuss the rationale behind them Potential areas of focus and feedback: 1. Aims and agenda setting Is this agenda relevant to current teaching and learning issues in Higher Education? What factors informed this agenda? Have relevant parties been able to contribute or raise the agenda? Are the aims for this event realistic and relevant? 2. Approach Was the setting appropriate to the context? Invitations to lead and participate; managing delivery and contributions; style of leadership; collegiate approach; professionalism; approachability; to what extent will this approach help to move things forward? 3. Facilitation Chairing; facilitation of discussion; encouraging creativity; response to ideas; genuine engagement 4. Outcomes Were the intended outcomes met? Were there additional useful outcomes? Have stakeholders been given a clear steer on direction? Do the relevant parties have ownership of the outcomes? Document1 12/16 5. Consultation Do other stakeholders need to be consulted? Has advice been sought from those with expertise in / responsibility for this area? Has a reasonable time-frame and process been mapped out? 6. Taking it forward Have action points been minuted and assigned to relevant people? Are new ideas and suggestions being given serious consideration? Is the leadership approach appropriate for this agenda? Document1 13/16 Appendix 3: Advocate statement template in support of application for HEA recognition with Plymouth University Advocate’s name Job title Faculty / directorate Email address Applicant’s name In what capacity are you able to comment on the applicant’s professional practice? Have you undertaken a peer review with the applicant and completed a peer review form? In your own words please outline your reasons for supporting and recommending this application and explain how you think the applicant has contributed to the teaching and learning agenda. (Max 300 words) (Please consider their application in light of the Descriptor 4 / Principal Fellowship Criteria listed below and write your statement accordingly.) Any additional comments in support of this applicant’s application. (Max 50 words) Signature: Document1 Date: 14/16 Guidance Notes for Advocates Principal Fellowship Applications Thank you for agreeing to provide an advocate statement in support of your colleague’s eligibility for recognition under Plymouth University’s Teaching Development Framework. A successful outcome will result in a Principal Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy. The applicant must provide you with a copy of their application or, if following the oral application route, an overview of their oral presentation. Your role is to support and recommend your colleague for Principal Fellow. To do this, please provide an advocate statement in connection with the applicant’s practice, and to support and supplement the information in the application. Your reference should primarily refer to the applicant’s experience and achievements in learning, teaching, assessment and student support. It should refer to his/her research record only insofar as this directly informs teaching and/or the support of learning. Where possible, please provide reasons for recommending your colleague by commenting on how the applicant has directly influenced your practice or the practice of others. Please provide practical examples to support your comments where possible and include reference to innovative practices, contributions at School or institutional level and any national initiatives in which the applicant is involved. Explicit reference to the UKPSF, using the code below as shorthand, is appropriate. . This is an open advocate statement so please make sure it is electronically signed and e-mailed to the applicant so it can be included with their application. The panel may wish to contact you about your advocate statement. Principal Fellowship Criteria Principal Fellowship aligns to the dimensions of The UK Professional Standards Framework and focuses on Descriptor 4: An individual working in this category demonstrates a sustained record of effective strategic leadership in academic practice and academic development as a key contribution to high quality student learning. Individuals should be able to provide evidence of: I. II. III. IV. V. Active commitment to and championing of all Dimensions of the Framework, through work with students and staff, and in institutional developments Successful, strategic leadership to enhance student learning, with a particular, but not necessarily exclusive, focus on enhancing teaching quality in institutional, and/or (inter)national settings Establishing effective organisational policies and/or strategies for supporting and promoting others (e.g. through mentoring, coaching) in delivering high quality teaching and support for learning Championing, within institutional and/or wider settings, an integrated approach to academic practice (incorporating, for example, teaching, learning, research, scholarship, administration etc.) A sustained and successful commitment to, and engagement in, continuing professional development related to academic, institutional and/or other professional practices Document1 15/16 UK Professional Standards Framework Areas of Activity A1 - Design and plan learning activities and/or programmes of study A2 - Teach and/or support learning A3 - Assess and give feedback to learners A4 - Develop effective learning environments and approaches to student support and guidance A5 - Engage in continuing professional development in subjects/disciplines and their pedagogy, incorporating research, scholarship and the evaluation of professional practices Core Knowledge K1 - The subject material K2 - Appropriate methods for teaching, learning and assessing in the subject area and at the level of the academic programme K3 - How students learn, both generally and within their subject/disciplinary area(s) K4 - The use and value of appropriate learning technologies K5 - Methods for evaluating the effectiveness of teaching K6 - The implications of quality assurance and quality enhancement for academic and professional practice with a particular focus on teaching Professional Values V1 - Respect individual learners and diverse learning communities V2 - Promote participation in higher education and equality of opportunity for learners V3 - Use evidence-informed approaches and the outcomes from research, scholarship and continuing professional development V4 - Acknowledge the wider context in which higher education operates recognising the implications for professional practice Should you have any questions in relation to the provision of a reference, please contact the TDF team at Document1 16/16