Sunsafe Policy - Cringila Public School

(last reviewed Feb 2013; next review due Feb 2016)
Australia has the highest incidence of skin cancer in the world and the rates are only
increasing. Skin cancer is the result of cumulative exposure to the sun. Much of the
damage occurs during childhood and adolescence. Severe sunburn is a contributor
to skin cancer and other forms of skin damage, such as wrinkles, sunspots,
blemishes and premature ageing. Most skin damage and skin cancer is, therefore,
Primary Schools can help reduce the incidence of skin cancer and the number of
related deaths by encouraging all members of the school community to take effective
skin-protection measures.
The aims of the Primary School Sun Protection Policy advocated by the Cancer
Council NSW and adopted by Cringila Public School are to promote among students,
staff and parents:
Positive attitudes towards skin protection
Lifestyle practices that can help reduce the incidence of skin cancer and the
number of related deaths
Personal responsibility for and decision-making about skin protection
Awareness of the need for environmental changes in schools to reduce the
level of exposure to the sun
This policy is for implementation throughout the year with particular emphasis in
Terms 1 and 4. The purpose of the policy is to ensure that all children attending our
school are protected from skin damage caused by the harmful ultraviolet rays of the
1. As part of the school’s general skin protection strategies:
Children must wear hats whenever they are outside, e.g. during recess and
lunch times, sport (if not dangerous to fellow competitors), sports carnivals,
and other outdoor excursions and activities - the “No hat, No play” rule
Children will be encouraged to use available areas of shade for outdoor play
Outdoor activities will be held in areas of shade whenever possible
Teachers will endeavour to schedule outdoor activities before 11 am and
after 2 pm whenever possible
Staff, parents and visitors to the school are encouraged to act as role models
by wearing protective hats and appropriate clothing for all outdoor activities,
using an SPF 30+, broad spectrum, water-resistant sunscreen and seeking
shade whenever possible
All school rooms will be equipped with Cancer Council SPF 30+ sunscreen
for student use
Parents are encouraged to supply children with their own sunscreen for
personal use and to instruct them on reapplication requirements
2. Our school will:
Ensure that school hats are appropriate (i.e. satisfy Cancer Council
guidelines) and apply the “No hat, No play” rule in the playground
Ensure that adequate shade is provided at sporting carnivals and outdoor
events held by the school, erecting temporary sun shelters
Endeavour to provide more shade trees on the school grounds
Incorporate programs on skin cancer prevention in its curriculum
Regularly reinforce the Sun Protection Policy in a positive way through
newsletters, parent meetings, and student and teacher activities
3. When students are attending or participating in offsite sporting activities or
events not run by the school, teachers/supervisors will:
Advise parents beforehand (where possible) if there is an increased need for
skin protection
Endeavour to supply and erect temporary sun shelters for students to use
while not competing
Remind students to apply or reapply sunscreen (as provided by the school or
by parents) at regular intervals
Remind students to wear hats, keep hydrated and seek shade whenever