May - Resort Village of South Lake

Resort Village of South Lake, May 21, 2014 Meeting Minutes
Moose Jaw, Sask.
May 21, 2014
Minutes of a regular meeting of the council of the Resort Village of South Lake held in
the municipal office in Moose Jaw, Sask. on Wednesday, May 21, 2014.
Present at the meeting: Mayor Terry Rollie, Councillor Art Schick & Councillor Brenda
Winter: that the agenda for the May 21, 2014 meeting be accepted as presented.
Schick: that the minutes of the April 23, 2014 meeting be accepted as circulated.
Financial Report
Schick: that the Income & Expense report of the administrator to April 23, 2014 be
accepted as presented.
Sewage Lagoon Study
Terry called Digging Enterprises and Olson & Sons Septic Truck & Sewer to get the total
sewage hauled from all the municipalities for 2013.
Sand Point Amalgamation
Brenda will talk to Vern about the question she had regarding the ward system.
Bylaw #1 – 2014- Trailer Licencing Bylaw
Bylaw #1-2014, being a Bylaw providing for and clarifying the use of Recreational
Vehicles, Holiday Trailers, Motor Homes, Campers and Tent Trailers on Residential
Parcels, was read for the third time.
Brenda was appointed representative.
Moose Jaw Fire Department Update
Administration will email Kathy from the Resort Village of Sun Valley concerning their
assessment value.
Building Permits Update
Administration will contact both Southwest Inspection Services and Curran & Fielding
regarding the next step to handle Don Buzinsky and Terry Millers’ non-compliant files.
Will registering a caveat alleviate the possible liability against the Village?
Loney’s Update
The Ministry of the Environment approved the transfer of maintenance for Loney’s
Point to the Resort Village of South Lake for another year.
Resort Village of South Lake, May 21, 2014 Meeting Minutes
Barry Gunther, Mayor of Resort Village of Sun Valley, has agreed to purchase some
launch passes and will then distribute to residents as needed.
Terry will order a 2 x 8 sign for Loney’s Point from Murray’s Signs.
Robert Donley Request
Winter: that Council approve his request to level his lot as per email
Rod Boys Request
Schick: that council accept his request to build an oversized shop on his lot.
Lease Agreement at Regional Municipal Plaza
Winter: that council accept and sign the 5 year lease agreement with Regional
Municipal Plaza. Check with the board to see if it’s an option to buy into the building.
Annual Meeting
Set for Saturday, July 19, 2014 at 9 am at the Quonset.
Administration is to call Sask Lotteries to see if purchasing a portable tent for this event
will qualify for grant money.
Summer BBQ
Tentatively set for Monday, August 4, 2014 at 1 pm.
Roads to Gravel
Council discussed whether it would be cheaper to gravel Jan Ave or to get it paved and
the residents cover maybe 2/3 of the cost to do so. Art will get an estimate from
Canadian Paving.
Report from Maintenance Staff
Nothing to report for this month.
New fee for Appeals
Schick: that council accept the rate change from $50 to $200 for each appeal as this
hasn’t been changed for over 16 years. This fee is refundable if the appeal is won.
Crime Stoppers
Winter: that council accept the donation amount of $200 to Saskatchewan Crime
Resort Village of South Lake, May 21, 2014 Meeting Minutes
Bills & Accounts
Schick: that the accounts as listed on the “List of Accounts for Approval” as attached
hereto and forming a part of these minutes be now approved for Council for payment:
encompassing cheque numbers 3062 to 3083 and totalling $11460.47.
Next Meeting
Winter: that the next regular meeting of council be scheduled for Wednesday, June
25th, 2014 commencing at 1:00 PM in the municipal office in Moose Jaw.
Dry hydrant
Terry will look into price of getting a dry hydrant installed possibly by Loney’s Point.
Schick: that the meeting do now adjourn.
Time: 2:55 PM