SPEAKING ASSESSMENT – R1 The R1 speaking assessment is an

The R1 speaking assessment is an opportunity for you to demonstrate your ability to answer a variety of questions in
Spanish. You will be given the questions at the beginning of the quarter, for which you have the entire quarter to prepare answers
to and practice your delivery. You will be asked two questions at the end of the quarter. Both of your responses will be graded on
the rubric below and averaged together for a final score. You will have time during each class period to practice. During the exam,
I will repeat each question ONCE at your request. If the question is still not understood, a 0 will be given:
0 points = student cannot understand question and cannot respond.
1 point = student thinks he/she understands the question but does not and thus answers incorrectly (ex. ¿Cómo estás? – Me llamo Andy). Or, student understands
question, but responds almost unintelligibly (meaning, I cannot understand you). Response is very choppy.
2 points = student understands question, responds intelligibly but with broken grammar/structure/English-heavy pronunciation, and has multiple errors. Response may
be choppy or too simple.
3 points = student understands question, responds intelligibly with complete sentence and mostly correct grammar/pronunciation. Some hesitation. Some details.
4 points = student understands question, responds intelligibly with complete sentence, correct grammar,structure,fluid pronunciation and includes detail. No hesitation.
¿Qué hiciste durante el verano?
Hice… (I made/did)
Vi… (I saw)
Fui a…(I went)
Visité…. (I visited)
Describe el lugar dónde vivías cuando eras niño/niña.
Cuando era niño/a, vivía en…
¿Cómo eras de pequeño/a?
Cuando era niño/a, era…
¿Dónde y con quién solías jugar cuando eras pequeño/a?
Cuando era pequeño/a, solía jugar con ________/solía ir a…
¿Dónde solías ir con tus padres durante el verano cuando eras pequeño/a?
Cuando era pequeño/a, solía ir a …. con mis padres…
Compara cómo eras de pequeño con como eres hoy.
Cuando era niño/a, era…. pero/y hoy, soy….
The R1 speaking assessment is an opportunity for you to demonstrate your ability to answer a variety of questions in
Spanish. You will be given the questions at the beginning of the quarter, for which you have the entire quarter to prepare answers
to and practice your delivery. You will be asked two questions at the end of the quarter. Both of your responses will be graded on
the rubric below and averaged together for a final score. You will have time during each class period to practice. During the exam,
I will repeat each question ONCE at your request. If the question is still not understood, a 0 will be given:
0 points = student cannot understand question and cannot respond.
1 point = student thinks he/she understands the question but does not and thus answers incorrectly (ex. ¿Cómo estás? – Me llamo Andy). Or, student understands
question, but responds almost unintelligibly (meaning, I cannot understand you). Response is very choppy.
2 points = student understands question, responds intelligibly but with broken grammar/structure/English-heavy pronunciation, and has multiple errors. Response may
be choppy or too simple.
3 points = student understands question, responds intelligibly with complete sentence and mostly correct grammar/pronunciation. Some hesitation. Some details.
4 points = student understands question, responds intelligibly with complete sentence, correct grammar,structure,fluid pronunciation and includes detail. No hesitation.
¿Qué hiciste durante el verano?
Hice… (I made/did)
Vi… (I saw)
Fui a…(I went)
Visité…. (I visited)
Describe el lugar dónde vivías cuando eras niño/niña.
Cuando era niño/a, vivía en…
¿Cómo eras de pequeño/a?
Cuando era niño/a, era…
¿Dónde y con quién solías jugar cuando eras pequeño/a?
Cuando era pequeño/a, solía jugar con ________/solía ir a…
¿Dónde solías ir con tus padres durante el verano cuando eras pequeño/a?
Cuando era pequeño/a, solía ir a …. con mis padres…
Compara cómo eras de pequeño con como eres hoy.
Cuando era niño/a, era…. pero/y hoy, soy….
0 points = student cannot understand question and cannot respond.
1 point = student thinks he/she understands the question but does not and thus answers incorrectly (ex. ¿Cómo estás? – Me llamo Andy). Or, student understands
question, but responds almost unintelligibly (meaning, I cannot understand you). Response is very choppy.
2 points = student understands question, responds intelligibly but with broken grammar/structure/English-heavy pronunciation, and has multiple errors. Response may
be choppy or too simple.
3 points = student understands question, responds intelligibly with complete sentence and mostly correct grammar/pronunciation. Some hesitation. Some details.
4 points = student understands question, responds intelligibly with complete sentence, correct grammar,structure,fluid pronunciation and includes detail. No hesitation.
¿Qué hiciste durante el verano?
Describe el lugar dónde vivías cuando eras niño/niña.
¿Cómo eras de pequeño/a?
¿Dónde y con quién solías jugar cuando eras pequeño/a?
¿Dónde solías ir con tus padres durante el verano cuando eras pequeño/a?
Compara cómo eras de pequeño con como eres hoy.
0 points = student cannot understand question and cannot respond.
1 point = student thinks he/she understands the question but does not and thus answers incorrectly (ex. ¿Cómo estás? – Me llamo Andy). Or, student understands
question, but responds almost unintelligibly (meaning, I cannot understand you). Response is very choppy.
2 points = student understands question, responds intelligibly but with broken grammar/structure/English-heavy pronunciation, and has multiple errors. Response may
be choppy or too simple.
3 points = student understands question, responds intelligibly with complete sentence and mostly correct grammar/pronunciation. Some hesitation. Some details.
4 points = student understands question, responds intelligibly with complete sentence, correct grammar,structure,fluid pronunciation and includes detail. No hesitation.
¿Qué hiciste durante el verano?
Describe el lugar dónde vivías cuando eras niño/niña.
¿Cómo eras de pequeño/a?
¿Dónde y con quién solías jugar cuando eras pequeño/a?
¿Dónde solías ir con tus padres durante el verano cuando eras pequeño/a?
Compara cómo eras de pequeño con como eres hoy.
0 points = student cannot understand question and cannot respond.
1 point = student thinks he/she understands the question but does not and thus answers incorrectly (ex. ¿Cómo estás? – Me llamo Andy). Or, student understands
question, but responds almost unintelligibly (meaning, I cannot understand you). Response is very choppy.
2 points = student understands question, responds intelligibly but with broken grammar/structure/English-heavy pronunciation, and has multiple errors. Response may
be choppy or too simple.
3 points = student understands question, responds intelligibly with complete sentence and mostly correct grammar/pronunciation. Some hesitation. Some details.
4 points = student understands question, responds intelligibly with complete sentence, correct grammar,structure,fluid pronunciation and includes detail. No hesitation.
¿Qué hiciste durante el verano?
Describe el lugar dónde vivías cuando eras niño/niña.
¿Cómo eras de pequeño/a?
¿Dónde y con quién solías jugar cuando eras pequeño/a?
¿Dónde solías ir con tus padres durante el verano cuando eras pequeño/a?
Compara cómo eras de pequeño con como eres hoy.