Tennis Roadshow - Darrick Wood Infant and Nursery School

Friday 23rd October 2015
Dear Parents
Re: Tennis Roadshow
On WEDNESDAY 4TH NOVEMBER we will be hosting the Tennis Roadshow at Darrick Wood Infants.
Phil Leighton, a world leading expert in running KS1 tennis in schools and leader of the Play Tennis
Zone each year at the Wimbledon Championships, will be visiting the school to offer tennis coaching
to the children in Year 1 and 2 during the school day as part of the curriculum.
He is also offering an after school tennis coaching session for up to 35 children on Wednesday 4th
November until 4.30 pm. If your child would like to attend the after school session then please return
your slip on Monday 2nd November. Names will be drawn from a hat if we have over 35 requests.
You will be notified on Tuesday 3rd November if your child is able to attend the after school session.
As part of this after school session the staff from Bromley Tennis Centre will be taking photographs
and video for promotional use. Therefore, before your child can attend the after school session you
will need to consent to the photographing and videoing of your child as part of the tennis session.
The photos and videos will be shared with the school and also used on the school website. Your
child’s name and details will not be used.
Please return the form below to the school office if you would like your child to attend.
Many thanks
Miss C Cowan
Child’s name: _______________________________
Class: ____________________
I would like my child to attend the after-school tennis coaching session and consent to them being
photographed and videoed for the purpose of promotional materials for Bromley Tennis Centre and
Darrick Wood Infant School, and for those materials to be used online.
Signed: __________________________
Date: ___________________________
Darrick Wood Infant and Nursery School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all
children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.
Directors: Miss S Barnaby, Mrs C Christie, Mr S Hills, Miss R Hipkins, Mrs C Jasper,
Mrs M Laid, Mr D McGuire, Mrs S Muscatt, Mrs A Rampton and Mr J Williams