Application Form: Part B Metered Baseline Method Clause 8.5 – Method 1: Baseline per unit of output Clause 8.6 – Method 2: Baseline unaffected by output Clause 8.7 – Method 3: Normalised baseline Energy Savings Scheme January 2015 © Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal of New South Wales 2015 This work is copyright. The Copyright Act 1968 permits fair dealing for study, research, news reporting, criticism and review. Selected passages, tables or diagrams may be reproduced for such purposes provided acknowledgement of the source is included. Enquiries regarding this document should be directed to: ESS Enquiries (02) 9290 8452 or Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal of New South Wales PO Box K35, Haymarket Post Shop NSW 1240 Level 15, 2-24 Rawson Place, Sydney NSW 2000 T (02) 9290 8400 F (02) 9290 2061 ii IPART Application Form: Part B Metered Baseline Method V1.0 Version number Change Description Date published V1.0 Initial release – following gazettal of ESS Rule amendment No. 2 19 January 2015 Application Form: Part B Metered Baseline Method V1.0 IPART iii Contents iv 1 About this form 2 Method 1 - MBM: Baseline per Unit of Output 2.1 Method eligibility 2.2 RESA boundaries and metering equipment 2.3 Customer engagement 2.4 Calculation of energy savings 2.5 Implementation Details 2.6 Evidence Checklist 6 6 7 9 10 14 15 3 Method 2 - MBM: Baseline Unaffected by Output 3.1 Method eligibility 3.2 RESA boundaries and metering equipment 3.3 Customer engagement 3.4 Calculation of energy savings 3.5 Implementation Details 3.6 Evidence Checklist 16 16 17 19 20 22 23 4 Method 3 - MBM: Normalised Baseline 4.1 Method eligibility 4.2 RESA boundaries and metering equipment 4.3 Customer engagement 4.4 Calculation of energy savings 4.5 Implementation Details 4.6 Evidence Checklist 24 24 25 27 27 30 31 IPART Application Form: Part B Metered Baseline Method V1.0 5 1 About this form A completed application tailored to this energy savings method is required for a person or organisation to become an Accredited Certificate Provider (ACP) and generate Energy Savings Certificates (ESCs). An application has multiple parts, which are explained in the Application Guide for ESS Accreditation (Application Guide).1 As a minimum, you will have to provide: Application Form: Part A - General Details,2 available on the ESS website, and Application Form: Part B - Method Details, 3 this form. This form captures the method details for Metered Baseline Method (the method). This form can be completed by applicants using the information provided in the Method Guide Metered Baseline Methods (Method Guide).4 Please complete the relevant section of this form, i.e. either: Section 2 - for Method 1 - MBM – Baseline per unit of output Section 3 - for Method 2 - MBM – Baseline unaffected by output, or Section 4 - for Method 3 - MBM – Normalised Baseline. Refer to section 4 of the Method Guide for assistance in deciding whether to use Method 1, 2 or 3. You must also provide any required supporting documentation as part of your application for accreditation. We will assess whether your choice of Method 1, 2 or 3 is appropriate. If necessary, we may ask you to provide additional information to support your choice. 1 2 3 4 The Application Guide can be found on the ESS website at: hods/Apply_for_Metered_Baseline_Methods The Application Form: Part A - General Details can be found on the ESS website at: hods/Apply_for_Metered_Baseline_Methods The Application Form: Part B - Method Details can be found on the ESS website at: hods/Apply_for_Metered_Baseline_Methods The Method Guide is available on the ESS website at: hods/Apply_for_Metered_Baseline_Methods Application Form: Part B Metered Baseline Method V1.0 IPART 5 2 Method 1 - MBM: Baseline per Unit of Output Please complete this form, and provide it with your Application Form: Part A General Details and any other required supporting information. Please indicate if this RESA will be implemented at: a single site, or ☐ multiple sites ☐ For multiple sites, please describe and provide the documented procedure that describes how you will verify that all sites meet or will meet the requirements of the method you have chosen. [Click and type here] 2.1 Method eligibility 2.1.1 Energy Saver The energy saver is the person liable (contractually or otherwise) to pay for the electricity consumption at the site at the implementation date. Will you be the energy saver as: the person who is liable (contractually or otherwise) to pay for the electricity consumption at the site(s) at the implementation date, or ☐ the person nominated by the person mentioned above. ☐ If you are nominated as the energy saver: For a single site RESA: Have you provided a copy of the signed nomination form? ☐ ☐ Yes No For a multiple site RESA, please describe: how you will obtain the nomination for each site, who will be obtaining the nomination, and the documented procedure for obtaining the nominations. [Click and type here] 6 IPART Application Form: Part B Metered Baseline Method V1.0 2.1.2 Implementation date Single site: Please provide the estimated implementation date (i.e. the earlier of the start date of the first measurement period and the date on which the reduction of electricity consumption is expected to commence due to the implementation): Site Name/Identification Estimated Implementation Date [Click and type here] [Click and type here] Multiple sites: Please provide the estimated implementation date for each site: Site Name/Identification Estimated Implementation Date [Click and type here] [Click and type here] 2.2 RESA boundaries and metering equipment Single site RESA: Please provide a detailed description of the site and the RESA measurement boundary, as specified in Section 3.3 of this guide: [Click and type here] Please describe the existing metering equipment on site: [Click and type here] If it is a non-utility meter, please describe the current processes and persons responsible for, testing and calibrating the metering equipment: [Click and type here] Please describe how these arrangements are clear and adequate enough to measure reductions in electricity consumption and confirm the RESA boundary (especially if other sources of energy are used on site, such as a gas fired cogeneration system or boiler): [Click and type here] Please explain the process to follow if the metering equipment is changed after the implementation date: [Click and type here] Application Form: Part B Metered Baseline Method V1.0 IPART 7 Multiple sites: Please describe how you will make sure the RESA boundaries and metering equipment meet the requirements specified in Section Error! Reference source not found. of this guide for each site: [Click and type here] How will you make sure there is a process in place for, and the responsible persons will follow the process of, testing and calibrating the metering equipment at each site? [Click and type here] Please describe how you will ensure the metering arrangements at each site are clear and adequate enough to measure reductions in electricity consumption as a result of the RESA, and confirm the site boundary (especially if other sources of energy are used on site, such as a gas fired cogeneration system or boiler): [Click and type here] Please explain the process to follow if the metering equipment is changed after the implementation date: [Click and type here] 2.2.1 Electricity consumption Please confirm that your RESA meets the criteria below: The electricity consumption for the site is a linear function of output. ☐ Note: You will need to provide evidence as specified in the evidence checklist provided below. Single site: Have you provided a statistical analysis and graph to demonstrate that the relationship between electricity consumption and output is reasonable? Yes No ☐ ☐ Note: You will need to provide evidence as specified in the evidence checklist provided below. Multiple sites: Explain the process to verify whether electricity consumption is a linear function of output at each site. [Click and type here] 8 IPART Application Form: Part B Metered Baseline Method V1.0 2.2.2 Fixed electricity consumption Please confirm that your RESA meets the criteria below: The fixed electricity consumption, which is the electricity consumption that does not vary with variations in output, can be measured or estimated. ☐ Note: You will need to provide evidence as specified in the evidence checklist provided below. 2.2.3 Output Please confirm that your RESA meets the criteria below: For every measurement period Ta, the output at the site is not likely to change by more than 50% from the average output during the period in which the variable electricity baseline was measured, and you have a process in place to verify this. ☐ Note: You will need to provide further details in the evidence checklist provided below. Single site: Please describe the process to verify that the eligibility requirement relating to output will be met. [Click and type here] Multiple sites: Please describe the process to verify that each site meets the output eligibility requirements. [Click and type here] 2.3 Customer engagement If you are applying to implement projects at different sites as the nominated energy saver, please provide a list of the new end-user equipment, upgrades or solutions you will be offering to the energy savers. [Click and type here] Please explain how you will identify potential customers and engage them. [Click and type here] Application Form: Part B Metered Baseline Method V1.0 IPART 9 2.4 Calculation of energy savings 2.4.1 Measurement periods Single site: Please specify in the table provided below: the length of the baseline period, the number and length of the measurement periods Tb that will be used as the basis for the baseline calculations, and estimates for the measurement periods Ta. Baseline period [Click and type here (e.g. six months, one year, etc.)] length: The measurement periods must be of the same duration and must consist of a minimum of 1 day and a maximum of 1 year. measurement periods length of measurement periods Tb [Insert here] Ta [Insert here] dates of measurement periods period start date period end date [Insert here] [Insert here] [Insert here] [Insert here] [Insert here] [Insert here] [Insert here] [Insert here] [Insert here] [Insert here] [Insert here] [Insert here] Note: Please add lines to the table as required. Please justify the selection of the above measurement periods: [Click and type here] Note: Please ensure that you provide documents supporting the rationale for the selected measurement periods Tb and Ta and number of measurement periods Tb as specified in the evidence checklist provided below. Multiple sites: How will you select the measurement periods at each site? Your selection methodology needs to be applicable to all sites. [Click and type here] Please explain how you will determine the baseline period and the number of measurement periods Tb you will use in your calculations before implementation: [Click and type here] 10 IPART Application Form: Part B Metered Baseline Method V1.0 2.4.2 Total electricity consumption Single site: How did you measure/calculate the total electricity consumption for this RESA for the measurement periods Tb? [Click and type here] Please provide the total metered amount of electricity consumed before the implementation. Implementation “Before” Measurement Periods Tb Electricity Consumption (MWh) [Insert here] [Insert here] [Insert here] [Insert here] [Insert here] [Insert here] Note: Please add lines to the table as required or provide a spreadsheet as an attachment How will you obtain the total electricity consumption after implementation of this RESA? [Click and type here] Please provide projections of future total electricity consumption for the next three years. Implementation “After” Measurement Periods Ta Electricity Consumption (MWh) [Insert Year] [Insert here] [Insert Year] [Insert here] [Insert Year] [Insert here] Note: Please add lines to the table as required or provide a spreadsheet as attachment Multiple sites: How will you measure/calculate the total electricity consumption for each site for the measurement periods Tb and Ta? [Click and type here] Application Form: Part B Metered Baseline Method V1.0 IPART 11 2.4.3 Fixed electricity consumption Single site: Please provide the proportion of electricity comprising the fixed electricity consumption at the site before the implementation of your RESA. Fixed Electricity Consumption (MWh) Period of Measurement [Insert here] [Insert here] How did you measure or estimate the fixed electricity consumption? [Click and type here] Multiple sites: How will you measure or estimate the fixed electricity consumption at each site? [Click and type here] 2.4.4 Output Single site: What is the production output of the site that is the subject of the RESA? [Click and type here] How did you measure/calculate the production output for this RESA before implementation? [Click and type here] Please provide the production output before the implementation of your RESA. Implementation “Before” Measurement Periods Tb Output (unit of production) [Insert here] [Insert here] [Insert here] [Insert here] [Insert here] [Insert here] Note: Please add lines to the table as required or provide a spreadsheet as attachment. How will you measure/calculate the production output for this RESA after implementation? [Click and type here] 12 IPART Application Form: Part B Metered Baseline Method V1.0 Please provide projections of future output for the next three years. Implementation “After” Measurement Periods Ta Output (unit of production) [Insert Year] [Insert here] [Insert Year] [Insert here] [Insert Year] [Insert here] Note: Please add lines to the table as required or provide a spreadsheet as attachment. Please clearly identify and explain how you measured and/or calculated these values. [Click and type here] Multiple sites: How will you measure/calculate the production output before and after the implementation at each site? [Click and type here] 2.4.5 Variable electricity consumption Single site: Please provide the resulting variable electricity consumption for the site using the values of the total and fixed electricity consumption and output determined above: Implementation Measurement Periods Tb Variable Electricity Consumption (MWh) [Insert here] [Insert here] [Insert here] [Insert here] [Insert here] [Insert here] “Before” Multiple sites: How will you measure or estimate the variable electricity consumption at each site? [Click and type here] 2.4.6 Calculation Spreadsheet You must attach an electronic copy of the calculation spreadsheet you have developed for calculating the energy savings for this RESA. This calculation spreadsheet must follow the steps and formulae specified in method 1 and the Application Form: Part B Metered Baseline Method V1.0 IPART 13 requirements specified in Section Error! Reference source not found. of this guide. 2.5 Implementation Details Do you have a full set of evidence for a completed project or implementation? Yes No ☐ ☐ Note: If the project is implemented already, you will not be able to register ESCs for this implementation. If Yes, please submit it with your application. Be sure to include all supporting evidence. If No, once accredited, you will be required to provide all supporting evidence prior to the registration of ESCs. Are you submitting your application to become accredited to implement a project(s)? Yes No ☐ ☐ - If no please go to next question Are you submitting evidence to become accredited using a project that is already implemented? Yes ☐ - As the project is implemented already, you will not be able to register ESCs for this implementation. No ☐ If Yes, please submit all the required evidence (as per the evidence checklist below) and submit it with your application. If No, once accredited, you will be required to provide a completed set of supporting evidence prior to the registration of ESCs. 14 IPART Application Form: Part B Metered Baseline Method V1.0 2.6 Evidence Checklist This form must be completed by the applicant/ACP for each implementation under the RESA. A copy of this form and any supporting documentation must be retained for audit purposes and must be provided to IPART on request. Evidence required for the baseline per unit of output method Guide Section Description Evidence Error! Reference source not found. Energy saver [Click and type here] ☐ Error! Reference source not found. Implementation and Implementation date [Click and type here] ☐ Error! Reference source not found. RESA boundaries [Click and type here] ☐ Error! Reference source not found. Metering equipment [Click and type here] ☐ Error! Reference source not found. Method criteria: – Electricity consumption correlation with output – Fixed Electricity consumption – Output [Click and type here] ☐ Error! Reference source not found. Calculations: – Measurement Periods – Baseline Period – Electricity consumption – Output [Click and type here] ☐ Calculation Spreadsheet Check ☐ Application Form: Part B Metered Baseline Method V1.0 IPART 15 3 Method 2 - MBM: Baseline Unaffected by Output Please complete this form, and provide it with your Application Form: Part A General Details and any other required supporting information. Please indicate if this RESA will be implemented at: ☐ ☐ a single site, or multiple sites For multiple sites, please describe and provide the documented procedure which describes how you will verify that all sites meet or will meet the requirements of the method you have chosen. [Click and type here] 3.1 Method eligibility 3.1.1 Energy Saver The energy saver is the person liable (contractually or otherwise) to pay for the electricity consumption at the site at the implementation date. Will you be the energy saver as: the person who is liable (contractually or otherwise) to pay for the electricity consumption at the site(s) at the implementation date, or ☐ the person nominated by the person as mentioned above. ☐ If you are nominated as the energy saver: For a single site RESA: Have you provided a copy of the signed nomination form? ☐ ☐ Yes No For a multiple site RESA, please describe: how will you obtain the nomination for each site, who will be obtaining the nomination, and the documented procedure for obtaining the nominations. [Click and type here] 16 IPART Application Form: Part B Metered Baseline Method V1.0 3.1.2 Implementation date Single site: Please provide the estimated implementation date (i.e. the earlier of the start date of the first measurement period and the date on which the reduction of electricity consumption is expected to commence due to the implementation): Site Name/Identification Estimated Implementation Date [Click and type here] [Click and type here] Multiple sites: Please provide the estimated implementation date for each site: Site Name/Identification Estimated Implementation Date [Click and type here] [Click and type here] [Click and type here] [Click and type here] [Click and type here] [Click and type here] … … 3.2 RESA boundaries and metering equipment Single site RESA: Please provide a detailed description of the site and the RESA measurement boundary, as specified in Section Error! Reference source not found. of this guide: [Click and type here] Please describe the existing metering equipment on site: [Click and type here] If a non-utility meter, please describe the current processes for, and persons responsible for, testing and calibrating the metering equipment: [Click and type here] Please describe how these arrangements are clear and adequate enough to measure reductions in electricity consumption and confirm the RESA boundary (especially if other sources of energy are used on site, such as a gas fired cogeneration system or boiler): [Click and type here] Application Form: Part B Metered Baseline Method V1.0 IPART 17 Please explain the process to follow if the metering equipment is changed after the implementation date: [Click and type here] Multiple sites: Please describe how you will make sure the RESA boundaries and metering equipment meet the requirements specified in Section Error! Reference source not found. of this guide for each site: [Click and type here] How will you make sure there is a process in place for and the responsible persons will follow the process of, testing and calibrating the metering equipment at each site? [Click and type here] Please describe how you will ensure the metering arrangements at each site are clear and adequate enough to measure reductions in electricity consumption as a result of the RESA, and confirm site boundary (especially if other sources of energy are used on site, such as a gas fired cogeneration system or boiler): [Click and type here] Please explain the process to follow if the metering equipment is changed after the implementation date: [Click and type here] 3.2.1 Site Characteristics Please indicate if this RESA will be implemented at: a production site (i.e. goods are produced), or a site in which a service is provided to the public (e.g. retail stores, hospitals, etc.) ☐ ☐ Note: In both cases you are required to provide evidence that no external variables affect the electricity consumption at the site, as specified in Section Error! Reference source not found. of this guide and the evidence checklist below. 3.2.2 Electricity consumption Please confirm that your RESA meets the criteria below: Production site: The electricity consumption for the site is independent of output (i.e. electricity consumption remains constant regardless of whether 1 or 1,000 units are produced). 18 IPART Application Form: Part B Metered Baseline Method V1.0 ☐ Service Site: The electricity consumption for the site remains constant regardless of the number of people serviced. ☐ 3.2.3 Production site Single site: What is the production output of the site that is the subject of the RESA? [Click and type here] Please justify that all electricity for the site is not linked to output. [Click and type here] Note: You are required to provide evidence that electricity consumption is not linked to output as specified in Section Error! Reference source not found. of this guide and the evidence checklist provided below. Multiple sites: How will you demonstrate that all electricity consumption at each site is not linked to output? [Click and type here] 3.2.4 Service site What is the type of site(s) and the service provided to the public (eg. hospital, retail stores, etc)? [Click and type here] Please justify that all electricity consumption at each site is independent of the amount of people serviced. [Click and type here] Application Form: Part B Metered Baseline Method V1.0 IPART 19 Note: You are required to provide evidence that electricity consumption remains reasonably constant regardless of the amount of people serviced, as specified in Section Error! Reference source not found. of this guide and the evidence checklist provided below. 3.3 Customer engagement If you are applying to implement projects at different sites as the nominated energy saver, please provide a list of the new end-user equipment, upgrades or solutions you will be offering to the energy savers. [Click and type here] Please explain how you will identify potential customers and engage them. [Click and type here] 3.4 Calculation of energy savings 3.4.1 Measurement periods Single site: Please specify in the table provided: the length of the baseline period, the number and length of the measurement periods Tb that will be used as the basis for the baseline calculations, and estimates for the measurement periods Ta. Baseline period [Click and type here (e.g. six months, one year, etc.)] length: The measurement periods Tb must be the same duration and must consist of a minimum of 1 day and a maximum of 1 year. measurement periods length of measurement periods Tb [Insert here] Ta [Insert here] dates of measurement periods period start date period end date [Insert here] [Insert here] [Insert here] [Insert here] [Insert here] [Insert here] [Insert here] [Insert here] [Insert here] [Insert here] [Insert here] [Insert here] Note: Please add lines to the table as required. 20 IPART Application Form: Part B Metered Baseline Method V1.0 Please justify the selection of the above measurement periods: [Click and type here] Note: Please ensure that you provide documents supporting the rationale for the selected measurement periods Tb and Ta and number of measurement periods as specified in the evidence checklist provided below. Multiple sites: How will you select the measurement periods at each site? Your selection methodology needs to be applicable to all sites. [Click and type here] Please explain how you will determine the baseline period and the number of measurement periods Tb you will use in your calculations before implementation: [Click and type here] 3.4.2 Total electricity consumption Single site: How did you measure/calculate the total electricity consumption for this RESA for the measurements periods Tb? [Click and type here] Please provide total metered amount of electricity consumed before the implementation. Implementation “Before” Measurement Periods Tb Electricity Consumption (MWh) [Insert here] [Insert here] [Insert here] [Insert here] [Insert here] [Insert here] Note: Please add lines to the table as required or provide a spreadsheet as an attachment How will you obtain the total electricity consumption after implementation of this RESA? [Click and type here] Please provide projections of future total electricity consumption for the next three years. Implementation Measurement Periods Ta Electricity Consumption (MWh) Application Form: Part B Metered Baseline Method V1.0 IPART 21 “After” [Insert Year] [Insert here] [Insert Year] [Insert here] [Insert Year] [Insert here] Note: Please add lines to the table as required or provide a spreadsheet as attachment Multiple sites: How will you measure/calculate the total electricity consumption for each site for the measurement periods Tb and Ta? [Click and type here] 3.4.3 Calculation Spreadsheet You must attach an electronic copy of the calculation spreadsheet you have developed for calculating the energy savings for this RESA. This calculation spreadsheet must follow the steps and formulae specified in method 2 and the requirements specified in Section Error! Reference source not found. of this guide. 3.5 Implementation Details Do you have a full set of evidence for a completed project or implementation? Yes No ☐ ☐ Note: If the project is implemented already, you will not be able to register ESCs for this implementation. If Yes, please submit it with your application. Be sure to include all supporting evidence. If No, once accredited, you will be required to provide all supporting evidence prior to the registration of ESCs. Are you submitting your application to become accredited to implement a project(s)? Yes No ☐ ☐ - If no please go to next question Are you submitting evidence to become accredited using a project that is already implemented? 22 IPART Application Form: Part B Metered Baseline Method V1.0 Yes ☐ - As the project is implemented already, you will not be able to register ESCs for this implementation. No ☐ If Yes, please submit all the required evidence (as per the evidence checklist below) and submit it with your application. If No, once accredited, you will be required to provide a completed set of supporting evidence prior to the registration of ESCs. Application Form: Part B Metered Baseline Method V1.0 IPART 23 3.6 Evidence Checklist This form must be completed by the applicant/ACP for each implementation under the RESA. A copy of this form and any supporting documentation must be retained for audit purposes and must be provided to IPART on request. Evidence required for the baseline per unit of output method Guide Section Description Evidence Error! Reference source not found. Energy saver [Click and type here] ☐ Error! Reference source not found. Implementation and Implementation date [Click and type here] ☐ Error! Reference source not found. RESA boundaries [Click and type here] ☐ Error! Reference source not found. Metering equipment [Click and type here] ☐ Error! Reference source not found. Method criteria: [Click and type here] – Electricity consumption no correlation with output, or – Electricity consumption no correlation with people serviced, and – Analysis which verifies no external variables affect the electricity consumption. ☐ Error! Reference source not found. Calculations: – Measurement Periods – Baseline Period – Electricity consumption ☐ [Click and type here] Calculation Spreadsheet 24 IPART Application Form: Part B Metered Baseline Method V1.0 Check ☐ 4 Method 3 - MBM: Normalised Baseline Please complete this form, and provide it with your Application Form: Part A General Details and any other required supporting information. Please indicate if this RESA will be implemented at: ☐ ☐ a single site, or multiple sites For multiple sites, please describe and provide the documented procedure that describes how you will verify that all sites meet or will meet the requirements of the method you have chosen. [Click and type here] 4.1 Method eligibility 4.1.1 Energy Saver The energy saver is the person liable (contractually or otherwise) to pay for the electricity consumption at the site at the implementation date. Will you be the energy saver as: the person who is liable (contractually or otherwise) to pay for the electricity consumption at the site(s) at the implementation date, or ☐ the person nominated by the person as mentioned above. ☐ If you are nominated as the energy saver: For a single site RESA: Have you provided a copy of the signed nomination form? ☐ ☐ Yes No For a multiple site RESA, please describe: how you will obtain the nomination for each site, who will be obtaining the nomination, and the documented procedure for obtaining the nominations. [Click and type here] Application Form: Part B Metered Baseline Method V1.0 IPART 25 4.1.2 Implementation date Single site: Please provide the estimated implementation date (i.e. the earlier of the start date of the first measurement period and the date on which the reduction of electricity consumption is expected to commence due to the implementation): Site Name/Identification Estimated Implementation Date [Click and type here] [Click and type here] [Click and type here] [Click and type here] [Click and type here] [Click and type here] [Click and type here] [Click and type here] … … 4.2 RESA boundaries and metering equipment Single site RESA: Please provide a detailed description of the site and the RESA measurement boundary, as specified in Section Error! Reference source not found. of this guide: [Click and type here] Please describe the existing metering equipment on site: [Click and type here] If a non-utility meter, please describe the current processes for, and persons responsible for, testing and calibrating the metering equipment: [Click and type here] Please describe how these arrangements are clear and adequate enough to measure reductions in electricity consumption, and confirm the RESA boundary (especially if other sources of energy are used on site, such as a gas fired cogeneration system or boiler): [Click and type here] Please explain the process to follow if the metering equipment is changed after the implementation date: [Click and type here] 26 IPART Application Form: Part B Metered Baseline Method V1.0 Multiple sites: Please describe how you will make sure the RESA boundaries and metering equipment meet the requirements specified in Section Error! Reference source not found. of this guide for each site: [Click and type here] How will you make sure there is a process in place for, and the responsible persons will follow the process of, testing and calibrating the metering equipment at each site? [Click and type here] Please describe how you will ensure the metering arrangements at each site are clear and adequate enough to measure reductions in electricity consumption as a result of the RESA, and confirm site boundary (especially if other sources of energy are used on site, such as a gas fired cogeneration system or boiler): [Click and type here] Please explain the process to follow if the metering equipment is changed after the implementation date: [Click and type here] 4.2.1 Normalisation Please confirm that your RESA meets the criteria below: The normalisation variables in respect of which the total consumption is normalised are variables corresponding to the specific activities that are a reason for change in the total consumption. ☐ Note: You are required to provide further details later in the application form, as well as the evidence specified in Section Error! Reference source not found. of this guide and the evidence checklist provided below. Single site: Please explain how the normalisation variables chosen are the cause of the variation in the electricity consumption of the site. [Click and type here] Application Form: Part B Metered Baseline Method V1.0 IPART 27 Multiple sites: How will you make sure that the normalisation variables chosen for each site are the cause of the variation in the electricity consumption of the site? [Click and type here] 4.3 Customer engagement If you are applying to implement projects at different sites as the nominated energy saver, please provide a list of the new end-user equipment, upgrades or solutions you will be offering to the energy savers. [Click and type here] Please explain how you will identify potential customers and engage them. [Click and type here] 4.4 Calculation of energy savings 4.4.1 Measurement periods Single site: Please specify in the table provided: the length of the baseline period the number and length of the measurement periods Tb that will be used as the basis for the baseline calculations, and estimates for the measurement periods Ta. Baseline period [Click and type here (e.g. six months, one year, etc.)] length: The measurement periods Tb must be of the same duration and must consist of a minimum of 1 day and a maximum of 1 year. measurement periods length of measurement periods period start date period end date Tb [Insert here] [Insert here] [Insert here] [Insert here] [Insert here] [Insert here] [Insert here] [Insert here] [Insert here] [Insert here] [Insert here] [Insert here] [Insert here] Ta [Insert here] dates of measurement periods Note: Please add lines to the table as required. 28 IPART Application Form: Part B Metered Baseline Method V1.0 Please justify the selection of the above measurement periods: [Click and type here] Note: Please ensure that you provide documents supporting the rationale for the selected measurement periods Tb and Ta and number of measurement periods Tb as specified in the evidence checklist provided below. Multiple sites: How will you select the measurement periods for this RESA? Your selection methodology needs to be applicable to all sites. [Click and type here] Please explain how you will determine the baseline period and the number of measurement periods Tb you will use in your calculations before implementation: [Click and type here] 4.4.2 Normalisation of Total Consumption Single site: In order to normalise the total consumption, please: explain reasons for variation in the total electricity consumption before implementation of your RESA, calculate an appropriate normalisation co-efficient(s) to account for the variation of total electricity consumption for each of the reasons, and develop a set of values to correlate the normalisation variables between the periods before and after implementation of the RESA. [Click and type here] Note: You are required to provide further details later in the application form, as well as the evidence specified in Section Error! Reference source not found. of this guide and the evidence checklist provided below. Application Form: Part B Metered Baseline Method V1.0 IPART 29 Multiple sites: In order to normalise the total consumption at each site, please provide a methodology or process for: identifying reasons for variation in total electricity consumption before implementation of your RESA, calculating normalisation co-efficient(s) to account for the variation of total consumption for each of the reasons, and developing a set of values to correlate normalisation variables between the periods before and after implementation of the RESA. [Click and type here and provide a spreadsheet as appropriate] 4.4.3 Total electricity consumption Single site: How did you measure/calculate the total electricity consumption for this RESA for the measurements periods Tb? [Click and type here] Please provide total metered amount of electricity consumed before the implementation. Implementation “Before” Measurement Periods Tb Electricity Consumption (MWh) [Insert here] [Insert here] [Insert here] [Insert here] [Insert here] [Insert here] Note: Please add lines to the table as required or provide a spreadsheet as an attachment How will you obtain the total electricity consumption after implementation of this RESA? [Click and type here] Please provide projections of future total electricity consumption for the next three years. Implementation “After” Measurement Periods Ta Electricity Consumption (MWh) [Insert Year] [Insert here] [Insert Year] [Insert here] [Insert Year] [Insert here] Note: Please add lines to the table as required or provide a spreadsheet as attachment 30 IPART Application Form: Part B Metered Baseline Method V1.0 Multiple sites: How will you measure/calculate the total electricity consumption for each site for the measurement periods Tb and Ta? [Click and type here] 4.4.4 Calculation Spreadsheet You must attach an electronic copy of the calculation spreadsheet you have developed for calculating the energy savings for this RESA. This calculation spreadsheet must follow the steps and formulae specified in method 3 and the requirements specified in Section Error! Reference source not found. of this guide. 4.5 Implementation Details Do you have a full set of evidence for a completed project or implementation? Yes No ☐ ☐ Note: If the project is implemented already, you will not be able to register ESCs for this implementation. If Yes, please submit it with your application. Be sure to include all supporting evidence. If No, once accredited, you will be required to provide all supporting evidence prior to the registration of ESCs. Are you submitting your application to become accredited to implement a project(s)? Yes No ☐ ☐ - If no please go to next question Are you submitting evidence to become accredited using a project that is already implemented? Yes ☐ - As the project is implemented already, you will not be able to register ESCs for this implementation. No ☐ If Yes, please submit all the required evidence (as per the evidence checklist below) and submit it with your application. Application Form: Part B Metered Baseline Method V1.0 IPART 31 If No, once accredited, you will be required to provide a completed set of supporting evidence prior to the registration of ESCs. 4.6 Evidence Checklist This form must be completed by the applicant/ACP for each implementation under the RESA. A copy of this form and any supporting documentation must be retained for audit purposes and must be provided to IPART on request. Evidence required for the baseline per unit of output method Guide Section Description Evidence Error! Reference source not found. Energy saver [Click and type here] ☐ Error! Reference source not found. Implementation and Implementation date [Click and type here] ☐ Error! Reference source not found. RESA boundaries [Click and type here] ☐ Error! Reference source not found. Metering equipment [Click and type here] ☐ Error! Reference source not found. Method criteria: – Electricity consumption correlation with the chosen normalisation variable(s). [Click and type here] ☐ Error! Reference source not found. Calculations: – Measurement Periods – Baseline Period – Electricity consumption – Normalised consumption [Click and type here] ☐ Calculation spreadsheet 32 IPART Application Form: Part B Metered Baseline Method V1.0 Check ☐ Application Form: Part B Metered Baseline Method V1.0 IPART 33