Minority Scholarships - LGBT Breast Health Program

Master List of College Scholarships
Don't pay for free information!
If you are looking for scholarships, grants and loans for colleges, DON'T pay for information or applications! Below is a list of
reputable, recognized FREE resources to help you find a scholarship, grant or loan for college. Just click on the name to follow
the link to their website. Whereever possible the links take you to the specific organization responsible. In some cases, the
scholarship program uses an intermediary or administrator website.
Large National General Scholarships
Accounting Scholarships
American Dream Scholarship Program
Avery Brundage Scholarship Fund
AXA Achievement Scholarship Program
Charles Hanson, M.D. Scholarship
Chicago Deptartment of Human Services
Coca-Cola Scholarship
College Scholarships
Corporation for National and Community Service
Discover Card Award Scholarship
Elks National Foundation Most Valuable Student Contest
First Data Foundation Western Union Scholarship
Future Leaders Program
Glamour's Top 10 College Women Competion
Harry S. Truman Scholarship
Holocaust Essay Contest
I Know I Can Program
International Order of the King's Daughters & Sons
John Gyles Education Awards
McDonald's Scholarships
Mensa Education and Research Foundation Scholarship
Microsoft Scholarship
National Alliance of Excellence, Inc.
Office of Special Scholarship Programs at UIC
Open Door Education Foundation
Pittsburgh Foundation
Presidential Freedom Scholarships
Ron Brown Scholar Program
Scholarship America
Thurgood Marshall Scholarship
Union Scholars Program AFSCME/UNCF
UPS Earn & Learn Education Assistance Program
USA Funds Access to Education Scholarships
Warren W. "Billy" Cherry(Evanston Township High School grad)
Xerox Scholarships
Major Scholarship Websites
American Institute of Architects Foundation
American Sociological Association www.asanet.org
American Psychological Association www.apa.org/students/funding.html
Art and Writing Scholarship www.collegescholarships.com/scholarships_45.html
Art/ Film/ Writing Scholarships www.xensei.com/users/adl/
Assoc. of Hispanic Certified Public Accnts. www.alpfa.org
Breakthrough to Nursing Scholarships for Ethnic People of Color (click to email)
Daniel Goldberg Scholarship-finance www.gfoa.org
Ethnic Minority Bachelor's of Nursing Scholarships www.ons.org
Frank Greathouse Gov. Accounting Schol. www.gfoa.org
Gilette/National Urban League Scholarship for Minority Students www.nul.org/scholarships.html
Good Shepherd Hospital Auxiliary Scholarship No website, call 847-381-9600
Illinios Retired Teachers Assoc. Foundation Scholarship www.irtaonline.org/index.cfm?go=GetPage&id=102
Illinios Special Education Teacher Tuit.Wav www.collegezone.com
Illinois Association of Aggregate Producers www.iaap-aggregates.org/
Illinois Future Teacher Corps (IFTC) Program www.collegezone.com
Illinois Real Estate Educational Foundation www.illinoisrealtor.org/iar/about/reef.htm
Illinois Society of Professional Engineers Foundation www.ilspe.com/Foundation.asp
Joseph L. & Vivian E. Steele Fund-Architecture Schol. www.cooper.edu/admin/career_services/fellowships/joseph.html
La Porte Hospital Foundation Scholarships www.laportehealth.org/foundation/scholarships.html
Martin Ozinga Jr. Nursing Tuition Award www.lcmh.org
McNair Scholars Program-Aeorspace Science www.nasa.gov
Minorities in Government Finance Scholarship www.gfoa.org
Minority Health Program www.ahcpr.gov/fund/minortrg.htm
Minority Geoscience Undergraduate Scholarships www.agiweb.org
Minority Schol.-Doctoral in Accounting www.aicpa.org/members/div/career/mini/fmds.htm
Minority Teachers of Illinois Scholarship www.collegezone.com
National Health Service Corps Scholarship Program http://nhsc.bhpr.hrsa.gov/
National Institute of Health (Have financial need) http://ugsp.info.nih.gov/InfoUGSP.htm
National Security Education Program (NSEP) Boren Scholarships http://www.iie.org/programs/nsep/default.htm
National Space Club Goddard Scholarship - Call (202) 973-8661 2000 L St. NW #710, Washington, DC 20036
Nursing Education Scholarship Program www.idph.state.il.us//about/rural_health/rural_scholarship.htm
Office of Special Scholarship Programs at UIC http://www.uic.edu/depts/oaa/ssp/
Paul Doolen Graduate Scholarship for the study of Aging www.uic.edu/depts/oaa/ssp/doolen
Phi Delta Kappa International Phi Delta Kappa International, Call (800) 766-1156
Public Employee Retirement Research & Admin. www.gfoa.org
Public Employee Retirement Research&Admin. Scholarship www.gfoa.org
S.T.Wilson Veterinarian Scholarship Siemens Westinghouse Competition www.siemens-foundation.org/
Skokie Cable TV Foundation Scholarship www.skokienet.org/cabletv/
Society of Environmental Engineers and Scientists http://stimpy.cen.uiuc.edu/soc/sees/scholar.html
Soroptimist International of the Americas www.soroptimist.org
Student Video Scholarship www.christophers.org/
Minority Scholarships
1st In My Family Scholars http://www.hispanicfund.org/
Acturial Scholarships (minority) www.beanactuary.org
All first/ HCF Scholarship http://www.hispanicfund.org/
American Association of University Women (Lombard branch) www.aauw-il.org/lombard
American Geological Institute www.agiweb.org/mpp/
Anderson Consulting Scholarship Program for Minorities, Call (507) 931-1682
Arthur Anderson Scholarship Program 33 West Monroe St., Chicago, IL, Call (312) 507-3402
Assoc. of Hispanic Certified Public Accnts. www.alpfa.org
Breakthrough to Nursing Scholarships for Ethnic People of Color www.ornsna.org or send an email to nsna@nsna.org
Council of American Muslim Professionals www.campnet.net
Denny's/ HCF Scholarship http://www.hispanicfund.org/
Education for Excellence Scholarship by SALEF www.salef.org
Ethnic Minority Bachelor's of Nursing Scholarships www.ons.org
Fieri-Chicago Scholarship for Italian Americans www.fieri.org/programs.html
Gates Millennium Scholarships www.gmsp.org
GE/ Lulac Scholarship Funds www.lulac.org/Programs/Scholar.html
Gilette/National Urban League Scholarship for Minority Students www.nul.org/scholarships.html
H.I.S. Scholar Programs and Hispanic College Fund
Hispanic Scholarships www.HispanicScholarship.com
Hispanic Scholarship Fund www.hsf.net/
Illinois Future Teacher Corps (IFTC) Program www.collegezone.com
Jackie Robinson Foundation www.jackierobinson.org
Joint Civic Committee of Italian Americans www.jccia.com
Martin Luther King, Jr. Scholarship - Contact Your School's Student Financial Aid
Microsoft Minority Scholarship www.microsoft.com/college/scholarships/
Minorities in Gov. Finance Scholarship www.gfoa.org
Minority Health Program www.ahcpr.gov/fund/minortrg.htm
Minority Geoscience Undergraduate Scholarships www.agiweb.org
Minority Scholarship-Doctoral in Accounting www.aicpa.org/members/div/career/mini/fmds.htm
Minority Teachers of Illinois Scholarship www.collegezone.com
National Federation of the Blind Scholarship www.nfb.org/services/schlprg02.htm
National Forum for Black Public Administrators www.nfbpa.org/CenterLeaderShip.cfm
NCAA (Sports) Scholarships www.ncaa.org/about/scholarships.html
Office of Special Scholarship Programs at UIC http://www.uic.edu/depts/oaa/ssp/
Polish Women's Civic Club, Inc Contact your school's student financial aid department.
Ron Brown Scholar Program www.ronbrown.org
Ruben Salazar Memorial Scholarship www.nahj.org
State Farm Insurance Awards www.statefarm.com/foundati/awards.htm
Thomas Pickering Foreign Affairs Program http://careers.state.gov/student/programs/pickering.html
UIC Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender Issues www.uic.edu/depts/quic/ccslgbi/scholarships.html
United Negro College Fund www.uncf.org/
Wenzel Morava Scholarship (Czech and Slavic descent - Contact your school's student financial aid department.
William Randolph Hearst Minority Scholarship www.apsanet.org/content