
Biology 122
Review for Final Exam
1. Darwinism and Evolution:
Be able to explain:
 Who Darwin was and how he developed the Theory of Evolution
 Theories of Hutton, Lyell, LaMarck, Malthus
 The following concepts: evolution, inherited variation, artificial selection,
evolution by natural selection, struggle for existence, survival of the fittest,
natural selection, descent with modification, common descent.
 Gene pool, genetic variation, relative frequency
 Sources of genetic variation (2)
 Single-gene traits and polygenic traits and phenotypes
Natural selection on single-gene traits:
-directional selection
-stabilizing selection
-disruptive selection
 Genetic drift
 Hardy-Weinberg Principle and the five conditions
 Speciation and the 4 “isolations”
2. Genetic Engineering:
Be able to:
 explain selective breeding, hybridization, inbreeding, increasing variation,
recombinant DNA, transgenic organisms
 tell who Luther Burbank was and describe what he did.
 explain the steps of DNA extraction, cutting and separating DNA; how the
DNA sequence is read.
 briefly describe ways in which bacteria, plant cells and animal cells can be
 describe how Dolly was cloned
 discuss practical and ethical issues associated with genetic engineering
3. Genetics (chapters 10 and 14):
 Gregor Mendel (who, what, how)
 Dominant, recessive, incomplete dominance, co-dominance, polygenetic,
multiple alleles
 Traits, hybrids, alleles, gametes, homozygous, heterozygous, phenotype,
 Principal of dominance, Principle of Probability, Principle of Independent
 Segregation (What is it? What happens during segregation?)
 Punnett Squares (What are they used for? How to use them for both mono
and dihybrid crosses)
 Summary of Mendel’s principles (page 272)
 karyotype, sex chromosomes, autosomes, X and Y chromosomes, pedigree
 Be able to read a pedigree chart to determine the pattern of inheritance:
autosomal recessive, autosomal dominant, x-linked recessive, x-linked
dominant, y-linked.
 Be able to create a pedigree chart based on information given to you.
 Chromosomal Disorders. What causes them? What is nondisjuction? Down
Syndrome? Trisomy 13?
 Sex chromosome disorders. What causes them? What is Klinefelter’s
 What is the human genome project? p. 357
 What is DNA finger printing?
 What is gene therapy? – p. 359
 Identify and discuss at least 3 ethical issues related to human genetics.
4. Transcription and Translation:
Using your notes and the text book, ensure that:
 you can explain both processes including where they take place, how, and
what is produced. Be able to use the correct terminology and to define the
vocabulary terms listed on page 300 of your text.
 you are able to show the sequence for a DNA information strand, template
strand, mRNA, anticodons when given only one of these.
 you can determine which amino acids are created using the information from
above and a “genetic code”.
 you know what the different kinds of genetic mutations are and you are able
to define the vocabulary terms on page 307.
5. Meiosis:
 Gamete, haploid, diploid, reduction division, crossing over, chiasma, triad,
Principle of Independent Assortment
 Definition of and purpose of meiosis
 Phases of Meiosis I and II and what happens in each phase, including the end
 Be able to explain the process of meiosis, step-by-step
6. The cell cycle and mitosis:
Prokaryotic cells
Eukaryotic cells
Why do cells divide?
Ratio to surface area
Cell division
Events in the cell cycle
Regulating the cell cycle
 Cyclins
 Cancer
 Internal and external regulators
Miescher, Griffith, Avery, Franklin, Watson and Crick,
Prime, base pairs, double helix, enzymes, genes
Explanation of how DNA fits into each cell’s nucleus, using correct terminolgy
Replication (the process, including correct terminology)