Descriptions II

II- Descriptions
Course Title
901 Gog
Cancer is one of misty disease because it arise from different
mechanisms even in the same type of cancer. The course aimed to focus
on the role of Oncogenes, c-oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes in
cancer initiation.
902 GAgr
This course aims to demonstrate the mechanisms that control the
expression of the genes at different stages and how affected by
environmental conditions in addition to the control mechanisms for
gene expression.
Identify the structural composition of the protein through units of basic
amino acids, and then geometrical forms of structural units and how
they are configured in vivo as well as changes in these forms when
involved in the interactions in general.
904 GMve
Building a database about the immunogenic which serves the practical
application and laboratory needed by the student in the specialization of
genetic engineering and Biotechnology and that explains a lot of cases
and phenomena of natural artificial immunity , so this course is one of
the most important requirements of study of all students in this
Study the important of application biochemical engineering.
906 GAge
The aim of this course is to provide the students with the genetic
engineering technology and the assays which are used in this field and
their applications.
907 BAe
Giving highlights on life molecules, their structure, affecting factors and
its activity. Moreover, developing the scientific research pathways for
postgraduate students.
Molecular Endocrinology, summarizes the area and provides an indepth discussion of the molecular aspects of hormone action, including
hormone-receptor interactions, second messenger generation, gene
induction, and post-transcriptional control. Thoroughly revised and
updated, the Third Edition includes new information on growth factors
hematopoietic-immune factors, nonclassical hormones, receptors,
transduction, transcriptional regulation, as well as other relevant topics.
Incorporating an abundance of new information.
The biochemical reactions that together enable bacteria to live, grow,
and reproduce. Strictly speaking, metabolism describes the total
chemical reactions that take place in a cell, whill physiology describes
the role of metabolic reactions in the life processes of a bacterium. The
study of bacteria has significance beyond the understanding of bacteria
the mselves.
It has the function of bringing together small groups for recurring
meetings, focusing each time on some particular subject, in which
everyone present is requested to actively participate. This is often
accomplished through an ongoing Socratic dialogue[1] with a seminar
leader or instructor, or through a more formal presentation of research
The course is focus on downstream unit operations, their fundamental
principles, and considerations for process development.
Owing to the assimilation of words from many other languages
throughout history, modern English contains a very large vocabulary,
with complex and irregular spelling, particularly of vowels. Modern
English has not only assimilated words from other European languages,
but from all over the world. The Oxford English Dictionary lists more
than 250,000 distinct words, not including many technical, scientific,
and slang terms
Building a database about the immunogenic which serves the practical
application and laboratory needed by the student in the specialization of
genetic engineering and Biotechnology and that explains a lot of cases
and phenomena of natural artificial immunity, so this course is one of
the most basic requirements of study of all students in this specialty.
Important Biotechniques and used in Environmental issues.
Illness caused by one or more abnormalities in the genome, especially a
condition that is present from birth (congenital). Most genetic disorders
are quite rare and affect one person in every several thousands or
816 GMb
Giving highlights on biological molecules that effected on the genetic
charaetoristiscs in organisms.
Defined the types of plasmids, their replication and their transitions
between different kinds of bacteria.
Biostatistics is an innovative field that involves the design, analysis,
interpretation of data for studies in public health and medicine.
Biostatistics experts arrive at conclusions about disease and health risks
by evaluating and applying mathematical and statistical formulas to the
factors that impact health and. health risks by evaluating and applying
mathematical and statistical formulas to the factors that impact health.
The course aims to introduce students to the most basic components of
the cell in terms of chemical composition and the most important
interactions that fall within a living cell, as well as identify the overlap
between these components and examine the impact on the state level
and pathological nature.
820 GMsr
Acquaint students with ways and ethics of scientific research through to
identify the characteristics of science and ethics and the qualities that
scientists must possess the research and the role of chance and intuition
in scientific discovery. And introduce students to the sources of
information and how to write researches, Higher Diploma reports
,Master and Doctoral thesis.
Owing to the assimilation of words from many other languages
throughout history, modern English contains a very large vocabulary,
with complex and irregular spelling, particularly of vowels. Modern
English has not only assimilated words from other European languages,
but from all over the world. The Oxford English Dictionary lists more
than 250,000 distinct words, not including many technical, scientific,
and slang terms
It has the function of bringing together small groups for recurring
meetings, focusing each time on some particular subject, in which
everyone present is requested to actively participate. This is often
accomplished through an ongoing Socratic dialogue[1] with a seminar
leader or instructor, or through a more formal presentation of research.
This course aims to demonstrate the mechanisms that control the
expression of the genes at different stages and how affected by
environmental conditions in addition to the control mechanisms for
gene expression.
Important biotechniques that used as a biological processes in life and
825 BEbt
Giving highlights on most important environmental pollutants and their
dynamics in nature.
Is the direct manipulation of anorganism's genome using biotechnology.
New DNA may be inserted in the host genome by first isolating and
copying the genetic material of interest using molecular cloningmethods
to generate a DNA sequence, or by synthesizing the DNA, and then
inserting this construct into the host organism
Making the students understand plant molecular biology and its relents
with other sciences, including nucleotides, nuclear acids (DNA,RNA)
with their chemical and physical aspects.
Acquaint students with the basics of molecular biology of the plant and
its relationship to other sciences, and the constituents bases of the
biosynthesis and catabolism, structure nucleotides and methods of their
of nucleic acids DNA and RNA, and their physical and chemical
properties. Acquaint students with the chromosomes, ribosomes and
structure of chromatin. Replication, transcription and translation process
and genetic code, genetic manipulation operations (genetic engineering
of plants) and the genetic transformation in plants.
829 Gig
Building a database about the immunogenic which serves the practical
application and laboratory needed by the student in the specialization of
genetic engineering and Biotechnology and that explains a lot of cases
and phenomena of natural artificial immunity, so this course is one of
the most important requirements of study of all students in this
830 GCg
The aim of this course is to distribute the knowledge about
chromosomes and their role in cell and divisions. Also to show the role
of chromosomes in human diseases and syndromes.
831 GPme
Summarizes the area and provides an in-depth discussion of the
molecular aspects of hormone action, including hormone-receptor
interactions, second messenger generation, gene induction, and posttranscriptional control.
732 GMm
Building a database about the microbial genetic& gen bank form
different microorganism, which serves the practical application and
laboratory need by the student in the specialization of Genetic
Engineering and Biotechnology and that require in solution of different
problems in our country in different fields and learning how to deal with
different M.O.
733 GMg
Giving shadow on the genetic material, its contents, transcription,
translation, gene regulation in cellular level and its effectiveness on the
734 BEp
Giving highlights on most important environmental pollutants and their
dynamics in nature.
735 BBc
Giving highlights on life molecules, their structure, affecting factors and
its activity. Moreover, developing the scientific research pathways for
postgraduate students.
Principal of plant genetic and its specify with the other living organisms
and Mendel laws and plant cell organelles. using of mutation to produce
new plant cultures and using and using the new techniques to improve
quantitative and qualitative character of the plant.
737 BBce
Study the important of application biochemical engineering.
Owing to the assimilation of words from many other languages
throughout history, modern English contains a very large vocabulary,
with complex and irregular spelling, particularly of vowels. Modern
English has not only assimilated words from other European languages,
but from all over the world. The Oxford English Dictionary lists more
than 250,000 distinct words, not including many technical, scientific,
and slang terms
It has the function of bringing together small groups for recurring
meetings, focusing each time on some particular subject, in which
everyone present is requested to actively participate. This is often
accomplished through an ongoing Socratic dialogue with a seminar
leader or instructor, or through a more formal presentation of research.
Making the students to understand the principles of genetic engineering
and their scientific applications.
Give Idea of Plant tissue culture technique and applications in plant
744 GCb
Illness caused by one or more abnormalities in the genome, especially a
condition that is present from birth (congenital). Most genetic disorders
are quite rare and affect one person in every several thousands or
Initiation a database about the viruses and molecular biology of viruses
which necessary for postgraduate students through the enlargement of
theoretical background and improving the practical side of the
postgraduate students about this important scientific field of science.
Lying dormant in our genomes are millions of jumping genes.
Originally discovered by Barbara McClintock, transposons are DNA
sequences that can move from one location to another in our DNA.
Transposons cause mutations when they jump to new locations, so
keeping them from jumping is important. However, although
transposons are largely silent, every person probably…
The use of herbs to treat disease is almost universal among nonindustrialized societies, and is often more affordable than purchasing
expensive modern pharmaceuticals. The World Health
Organization (WHO) estimates that 80 percent of the population of
some Asian and African countries presently use herbal medicine for
some aspect of primary health care.
For thousands of years, humankind has used biotechnology
in agriculture, food production, and medicine. The term itself is largely
believed to have been coined in 1919 by Hungarian engineer Károly
Ereky. In the late 20th and early 21st century, biotechnology has
expanded to include new and diverse sciences such
as genomics, recombinant gene technologies, applied immunology, and
development of pharmaceutical therapies and diagnostic tests
Study the important applications in biochemical engineering.