WRAP UPDATE - NERF Sept 2012 1. New reports New bulky waste reports WRAP has produced new bulky waste case studies on collecting bulky items. http://www.wrap.org.uk/content/bulky-waste-case-studies These describe authorities’ experiences and how to deliver higher re-use and recycling performance as well as community and business gains. A new report looking at the composition of bulky waste across the UK, and its potential for reuse, http://www.wrap.org.uk/content/study-re-use-potential-household-bulky-waste 1.59M tonnes of bulky waste are collected either at kerbside or taken to HWRCs. The report indicates that more than half of bulky waste items taken to HWRCs could be re-used. There are also summary documents that look at composition and re-use potential of furniture, textiles and WEEE. Report on food waste collections for SMEs out now We have completed some further work on the business case for food collections from businesses in the hospitality sector – Food Waste Collections to SMEs: Developing the Business Case. http://www.wrap.org.uk/content/food-waste-collections-smes-developingbusiness-case This follows previous guidance around collecting food waste from businesses and schools. http://www.wrap.org.uk/content/collecting-food-waste-small-businesses-and-schools-1 Report on impacts of clothing ‘Valuing our clothes’ was published in July at the Sustainable Clothing Action Plan Conference. http://www.wrap.org.uk/content/valuing-our-clothes It provides the first big-picture look at the financial and environmental impacts of clothing. It sets out the opportunities to reduce the resource impacts of clothing – across its whole lifecycle – and gain business benefits from doing so. It also includes evidence from a new consumer survey. Key findings include: around 30% of clothing in wardrobes has not been worn for at least a year; the cost of this unused clothing is around £30 billion; extending the average life of clothes by just three months of active use would lead to a 5-10% reduction in each of the carbon, water and waste footprints; an estimated £140 million worth (around 350,000 tonnes) of used clothing goes to landfill in the UK every year WRAP Update Sept 2012 - Page 1 2012 Gate Fees Report This annual overview report provides a summary of gate fees for a range of waste treatment, recovery and disposal options. It covers MRFs, open-air windrow, in-vessel composting, anaerobic digestion (AD), EfW, MBT, landfill and this year - wood waste. http://www.wrap.org.uk/content/wrap-gate-fees-report-2012 2. Communications How do people feel about the food they waste when eating out? Love Food Hate Waste is developing ideas for how we can help people waste less food when eating out. This is part of the new hospitality agreement to cut food and associated packaging waste for pubs, clubs, restaurants and quick service restaurants. http://www.wrap.org.uk/content/hospitality-and-food-service-wraps-work-0 We have a short a short video on what people have to say about the food they waste when eating out? Running Love Food Hate Waste events? We have a new feature where we can highlight your events to the public. Simply go to LFHWartwork@wrap.org.uk with details of what, when, where and we’ll do the rest. Don’t forget to check out the rest of the website as there are new features every week including our new portioning animation. http://england.lovefoodhatewaste.com/content/perfectportions Recycle Now Guidelines A new set of Recycle Now brand guidelines has been developed explaining how best to use the Recycle Now logos, icons, colours and artwork templates. The guidelines are an amalgamation of the previous versions, updated as an easy-to-use, interactive document for all of WRAP’s partners. They are available on the Recycle Now Partners site. http://www.recyclenowpartners.org.uk/local_authorities/brand_benefits.html 3. Other initiatives WRAP exhibited at this year’s RWM 2012, 11-13 September). We will be offered information on recycling, reprocessing and re-use, as well as information and guidance on what we offer to local authorities. We also had several speakers in the RWM 2012 conference schedule including Rachel Gray spoke in the LA Theatre on the Wednesday, 12th on re-use and our new textiles (clothing) collection guide. Commercial and household waste protocol WRAP Update Sept 2012 - Page 2 Phase 1 of the work to develop a protocol to help authorities (and others) more accurately apportion household and commercial wastes where these are co-collected (at kerbside and HWRCs) has been completed. Phase 2 will involve testing/validating the protocol and determining if any additional data collection is necessary to improve the robustness of the tools. New reports In addition to the Textiles Collection Guide, we will be publishing updated guides and good practice information covering HWRCs, Bring sites and Recycling-on-the-Go during the autumn. 4. Autumn Training Courses & Support Our programme of training courses and workshops for the autumn is now available. For further details and to book a place go to - www.wrap.org.uk/la/training. There are over 15 sessions to choose from. We have also added two new courses on: Developing a service contract – 27 Nov, Birmingham Re-using & recycling bulky waste - 25 Sept, Birmingham; 10 Oct, London WRAP Local authority support - http://www.wrap.org.uk/content/local-authority-11advisory-support or email lgs@wrap.org.uk WRAP Update Sept 2012 - Page 3