to read her latest edition.

Vancouver Chapter 2014 Fall Newsletter
Provincial Conference April 18, 2015
If you have never been to a Provincial Conference you owe
it to yourself to partake of an always informative and congenial experience – meet our provincial executive, have a
voice in discussions, vote on various items, enjoy the cultural exchange as we focus on Japan, our newest country to
join DKG.
Book Sales: We continue to sell books at our meetings.
Please feel free to contribute books and buy books.
Our Bursary to SFU: The recipient for our $600 Bursary
to Simon Fraser teacher education is Catherine Trotzuk.
She wrote a lovely letter telling us how much this meant to
her. She is in the second semester of her education program.
Our Bursary to UBC: We don’t know the name of our recipient.
Canadian Project: The new Canadian Project voted
on in Indianapolis at the July Convention was “The Nepal Mentoring Project”.
The Tlamacazapa project in Mexico came to
an end in June with a total of $___ given to support this village
and the women and children’s education.
All members will continue to contribute $5 to support older girls
education and pass it on to the younger children in the village.
Even the parents want to be included in the learning and are
supporting the children. The older girls are given honorariums
to support their education. Each Provincial President has the
powerpoint of the project to better inform us of all the wonderful work that is being done in this small village.
September 22nd Chapter Meeting
We had a good turnout for our first meeting of the year. Socializing and finalizing meetings for the year were addressed. Reports
were given by our Membership and Program committee. Norma
and Donna-Faye presented pictures and slide show of the fabulous
convention in Indianapolis in July. They were delighted with the
workshops, keynote speakers, banquets, marketplace, and superb
organization of this Convention in one of the largest Marriott
hotels in the world. (service was exquisite!)
Donna-Faye was surprised by the appearance of our BC President,
Orrie Babiuk and longstanding member Loretta Greenough to present her with two dozen roses for becoming the Area Rep for
It was nice to see everyone again and forge on to a new year!
Members on the Move:
Ann Warrender – was off to Chile and Equador,
visiting Quito and the Galapagos Islands.
Una Fester was sunning in Puerto Vallarta.
Donna-Faye was to meetings in Austin Texas in
Sept. and Nov. as well as to Puerto Vallarta in Nov.
Linda-Mae was in Shanghai and Los Angeles.
Patricia was on a River Cruise in Europe.
Del is spending 6 months in Arizona.
Donna McCormick was in Turkey.
Leslie Chang is going to Hawaii in Dec.
Jean Stanton vacationed in San Diego.
We are a travelling bunch – we get around!
(Let me know your travels so I can include you.)
Indianapolis International Convention
July 28 to August 1 – Norma and Donna-Faye
thoroughly enjoyed their stay in Indy. The city is
ranked #2 in the United States for its cleanliness
and walkability and friendliness and #56 in the
world. The keynote speakers were exceptional! We
have Sarah Sladek’s book “Knowing- Engage the
The TlamaNow” can be borrowed for one
Next Generation
month. Sarah was one of three keynote speakers .
October 29th Meeting at Kitchener
This meeting was handled very capably by Leslie
Chan, Una Fester and Patricia Marchant. Our guest
Speaker was the award winning video journalist
Allison MacLean. Her topic, “Burkas to Bullets”, informed us of the situation in Afghanistan, which
she is passionate about, and collects items to give
to the children. A donation was given to help in her
cause. Our thanks to Catherine Feniak for her
support and use of the school library.
November 18th Meeting at Gaye’s
We were treated to a lovely supper by Sue McKechnie, Gaye Ballantyne and Donna McCormick.
This was followed by Trish Hopkins, a physio from
UBC Sport’s Clinic, talking on questions we had
posed to her beforehand. It seems we all have
aches and pains and everyone took part in the
conversations. We learned a lot and laughed at our
problems and the therapies we needed to address.
A short meeting followed.
“Most people are about as happy as they make up
their minds to be.” Abraham Lincoln
December 13th Christmas Charity Brunch at Van Lawn
We support Covenant House for the third year in a row as we like their educational component. Marc Savard
represented CH and told us of the new things being put into place. One is the separation of men and women into two
different buildings. It was necessary to do this as some of the women had been abused, in the sex trade, etc. and had
problems coming to CH as a place of refuge because of men on the premises. They are keeping up with the needs of 16
to 22 year olds on the street. We supported them with gifts of mitts, hats, scarves, etc. to put in backpacks for their
Christmas day celebration. Next year we hope to have a tour of CH and a talk by Sister Brown who is an expert on sex
trade trafficking. This could be followed by lunch in the downtown core (place to be decided). Our Program Committee
is really on the ball and already has a slate of items for next year! New program ideas are always welcome.
Caregiver, Ann Thompson and Ollie at Brunch
Christmas Charity Brunch at Van Lawn Tennis Club
Marc, Jean, Pat, Donna and Donna-Faye with gifts
Trish Hopkins from
UBC Sports Clinic
Fields questions
from the floor.
Marc Savard, from Covenant House, enjoying brunch
with Pat McKenzie, our facilitator for this event.
Bonnie’s Grade 1’s with their Thanksgiving turkeys.
Bonnie's Grade 1's with Thanksgiving turkeys
Dr. Lyn
Schmid International
President &
after the
banquet in
Reminder: January 21st our guest speaker is Vancouver Sun writer Gillian Shaw, speaking on
“Digital Life”. Guests are always welcome. HAVE A WONDERFUL HOLIDAY SEASON!
Editor: DF Madhosingh (Communications Chair)