Phase I (Week 4) • Faculty members submit alerts. Phase II (Week 5) • Early alert email notifictions are sent to students. Phase III (Week 6) Phase IV Phase V • Campus Tutoring Center sends a follow-up email informing early alert students of the free tutoring services available to them. • Student support programs (EOPS, DSP, CalWORKS, Foster & Kinship Care Education/Y.E.S.S., AFFIRM, ASPIRE) contact early alert students in their respective programs and schedule a meeting with Early Alert students. (Week 6 onward) Closing the loop: • Faculty members are notified via email when their early alert students access turoting and /or other campus support services. (End of the semester) • After grades are submitted, faculty members receive an email with names of all their early alert students, the services their accessed, and the final grade they received for the course. Five Phases of the Early Alert Program at EVC Phase I (Week 4): Faculty Reporting Faculty members enter early alert information (i.e., Missing Assignments/HW, Low Test Scores, Unprepared, etc.) Phase II (Week 5): Early Alert Notifications to Students Early alert letters are sent to students individually via email, stating the alerts they have received, the name of the course(s) and instructor(s) who reported the alerts. Phase III (Week 5 &6): Follow-up and Intervention Campus programs (EOPS, DSP, CalWORKS, Foster & Kinship Care Education/Y.E.S.S., AFFIRM, ASPIRE) contact students who are in their respective programs and who are also early alert students. Campus Tutoring Center follows-up with a second email letter informing them of tutoring support services available and inviting them to seek tutoring and other support services. Phase IV (Week 6 onward): Feedback to Faculty Early alert faculty members are notified when early alert students access tutoring services and other campus support services. Phase V (End of the semester): Closing the Loop After grades are submitted, early alert faculty members receive email notifications regarding their early alert students, along with the grades the students earned for the course and the interventions they received, (i.e. tutoring and/or support services from special programs).